View Full Version : craigslist respond to me after add down

Jun 12, 2017, 11:59 PM
hi i'm trying to figure something out. sometimes when i respond to a craigslist add i get a response back & when i try & find the add i responded too it says it's been deleted. some say flagged for removal those i can just assume are fake in someway. but what about the ones that are just deleted? why would someone put up an add, have someone respond then they respond back but they take down their add? any ideas?

Jun 13, 2017, 12:38 AM
some might be too scared or the time they posted the ad ran out and the person deleted it and some ads are flagged for the way someone posted an ad and its against the rules

Jun 13, 2017, 1:35 AM
i was thinking more like someone was trying to trick me. but u made sense too thanks :)

Jun 13, 2017, 10:18 AM
I believe that if the message reads "flagged for removal" that someone sent a complaint message and it automatically puts that message up.

There are lots of reasons why someone removes their ad. I think that there is a time delay from the person removing the ad and when it actually is removed. That is when the message "removed" shows.

Christopher South
Jun 13, 2017, 10:30 AM
I see a lot of ads that say "If this ad is still up I'm still looking", which implies if they found someone they take the ad down themselves.

Otherwise, ads disappear because they are flagged as inappropriate (looking for money or illegal stuff) or time runs out on them.

Jun 13, 2017, 1:24 PM
some might be too scared or the time they posted the ad ran out and the person deleted it and some ads are flagged for the way someone posted an ad and its against the rules in my area
your very welcome I have same problem on craig's list

Jun 13, 2017, 1:24 PM
It could be that the person who placed the ad got swamped with replies, got scared & took the ad down.

Also the nature of some, or all of the replies may have frightened the poster off...


Jun 13, 2017, 4:02 PM
some times after i get a reply on a ad they will delete it off i have posted a ad a time or 2 had 2 or 3 guys contract me then i will delete it off

Jun 15, 2017, 11:53 PM
I never encountered that issue with on craigslistAlthough I've had decent luck meeting men from craigslist, I prefer using the mm sites like silverdaddies.com or squirt.org or adultfriendfinder.com. On those sites, men post ads and profiles with the hope of many other men seeing and responding to the. The sites have built-in email and live chat/PM platforms, so you can find men for sex much more easily than from craigslist. I've placed 10-15 ads on craigslist over the years and almost all of them received interest from 5 to 10 men. But I found that when I replied to their craigslist emails expressing interest in me, very few responded to my reply to their reply. But a lot more often than placing ads, I browse other mens' craigslist ads and answer every one that interests me. Out of the hundreds of ads I've replied to, maybe 5 out of every 20 men had the courtesy to respond back to me and I met maybe 1 out of every 20 of them for real time sex. I highly recommend sites like this one and the other sites geared toward imm connections or swinging connections with mf or mm couples. By and large, the men who post ads and profiles on those type of sites are much more serious and real than 99% of the men who post only on craigslist.

Jul 12, 2017, 8:32 PM
lol i have answered tons of cl add's for m4m mw4m w4m mm4m etc. i have had very few replies more like 1 out of 20 but have met noone. guess i should concentrate on other websites.