View Full Version : Bisexual celebrities and famous bisexuals

The Black Knights
May 22, 2017, 4:06 AM
I just read a article on a website (http://www.hollyfame.com/top-10-bisexual-celebs-in-hollywood) that listed the top 10 (in their opinion) bisexual celebrities in Hollywood. I am not sure how recent the article is (maybe 3-5 years old?). I found it interesting that 1) only one of the ten listed was a man (Green Day frontman Billy Joe Armstrong) and 2) only one (Angelina Jolie) is a (near or actual) A-list actor/director/producer/executive 3) that there were almost no minorities nor folk who were not actors and/or musicians on the list. I realize that in most career fields (especially sports, the media and so on) that being openly bi (especially if you are a man) may likely keep you from moving up the ladder (as fast if at all) and/or get big endorsements/contracts and so on. Some do not care and are openly bi (but are not A-list folk in their field of work), but virtually all are women and/or in music or acting, not other fields.
While I am pleased to see more gay and bi female (major) characters on scripted TV shows, I feel it is disappointing that in 2017, there are still practically no openly bi male (mainstream) celebrities and/or characters. Not trying to diss bi women, but bi men is the current big "double standard" out there, since being a bi woman is getting close to being "mainstream" today. I also read about that former football player (not saying his name...you can find him on Google) who was convicted of murder in Massachusetts years ago who recently committed suicide and the "reports" that he was secretly bisexual (which we cannot confirm now). The fact that he was a thug and a murderer is what matters, but if he wasn't that, and IF he was truly bi, there is a pretty good chance that he would not have gotten big NFL money, despite his talent, if he was openly bi. If he hadn't committed crimes that ended his pro career and had continued playing AND was actually bi and had either admitted such (or he had been outed somehow), how would that have affected him, the NFL and (male) sports as a whole? You saw how folk went nuts over a the possibility of a openly gay man being drafted in the NFL a few years ago (he was drafted, but didn't have the talent to stick in the League). What do you think? If you are a (closeted) bi (single, if you were married that is a different deal, I think) man and you were a seriously high-level celebrity and/or athlete making BIG money, would you stay in the closet and make more money and power and/or celebrity or would you out yourself for the good of others, like the folk on the list have? Why or why not? Just curious and interested in a civil conversation on such...not trying to start a fight.

May 22, 2017, 5:48 AM
wow good post, alot to think about. i think alot of people don't believe in bisexuality with guys. either gay or str8 not both. so they didn't even mention andy dick, clark gable, marlon brando, michael stype? i know all actors/entertainers but just guys i know off the top of my head. though some of them not alive anymore. another thing i've seen is studies about bisexuality in women, some even saying all women are bi to some extent or either bi or lesbian. i have seen no studies about bisexuality with guys. so even scientists seem to be ignoring bi guys. unless i'm not looking in the right places.

May 22, 2017, 5:51 AM
i really don't know what i would do if i was a bi actor or other famous person. on the 1 hand my sexuality is my own business & i wouldn't care to share my personal business with strangers. but on the other hand ur right i could start to pave the way for other bi guys by showing i can be successfull & people like my acting or singing but also swing both ways. giving encouragement for other bi guys to look for success in life but not give up there bisexuality. also really mix up the minds of the homophobes lol.

May 22, 2017, 9:26 AM
There are probably plenty of bisexual athletes. However, like most of us, it's rarely to their advantage to announce their presence. As with entertainers, the vast majority of open bisexual athletes are women--Sheryl Swoopes, Billy Jean King, etc. Lots of male athletes have come out as gay or bisexual but only after their careers are finished. I guess it's a tough enough way to make a living without making it harder on yourself. Perhaps the most supportive league for male athletes with different sexualities would be soccer. At least one opening gay player is in Major league Soccer (Robbie Rogers with the LA Galaxy) and it's not at all unusual to see a rainbow flag waving in the stands.

May 22, 2017, 12:07 PM
It is interesting to observe, that when a man in Hollywood comes out as Gay, the whole world is interested, and its all over TV...

When a female celebrity comes out as Bisexual, no one really cares, its like . . . Ok

May 23, 2017, 2:52 PM
I don't care either way. :yikes2:

May 23, 2017, 5:10 PM
Cary Grant and Randolph Scott were rumored to be bisexual and lived together briefly.

May 23, 2017, 11:38 PM
Probably 99.9% of bisexual male celebrities, high or low profile, do have to remain closeted for fear of losing their jobs and endorsements or reputations as manly masculine straight men. It seems that most bisexual (and gay) celebs are revealed to be bisexual only after their deaths. They're frequently outed posthumously by straight, bi or gay friends or colleagues going on the record in interviews, autobiographies, etc. a few years after their deaths. I just read where Richard Boone and and Peter Lawford were outed by Maureen O'Hara in her autobiography written in 2004. According to her, Boone and Lawford were married bisexuals and were once arrested in a gay brothel "full of pretty young men" in Melbourne Australia while there filming a movie with O'Hara. The movie studio had to bribe all kinds of policemen, reporters and witnesses to keep it secret. Peter Lawford was married to one of JFK's sisters at the time. I've been watching old reruns of the 1950s and 1960s of the then popular western "Have Gun Will Travel" in which Boone starred as Paladin, a cultured gun-for-hire with a conscience. Before I knew he was bi, I never thought of him as sexually attractive, but now that I know he was bi, I do notice his rather full, round ass and I wonder how big his dick was LOL

May 26, 2017, 11:07 PM
Basil Rathbone who played Sherlock Holmes in the TV series of the same name from the 1950's...

Joan Baez , Linda Ronstadt, and of course Janis Joplin....Just me and Bobbie McGee !

May 27, 2017, 3:38 AM
Me dad was a massive fan of Linda Ronstadt so I spent my early years listening 2 her and yea.. I liked her as an artist even tho much of her output (mostly the country music a genre which in the main I detest) was not 2 my taste.. but most of all I fancied her summat rotten.. she was quite the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen to my child's eye and I'm not sure she didn't play a part in discovering my interest in me own gender. By the age of 8 or 9 I was fantasising about her in a way no nice girl should. Other's too but none quite like Linda. She is the only person I ever wanted to be quarter of a century older for.. such was the desperation of my pre-pubescent crush.

I did hear once a long time ago that she was a bisexual woman but I've never seen the slightest evidence of it that would hold up in court as it were and suspect that claims of her sexuality were more hope than substance. So I remain unconvinced and it doesn't really matter anyway as long as she is happy in her life which in a sense must be difficult now because of the Parkinson's which ended her career, something which I find very sad.

Me dad too, having been an' ole reprobate of a 60s hippie, was a huge fan of both Joan Baez and Janis Joplin too so I know them well as artists. Joan Baez btw is half Scottish.. more.. her mum, like me, was an Edinburgh gel and also like me, of part English parentage.... and only the very nicest gels are Edinburgh gels of part English parentage:cutelaugh:cutelaugh..

..watched a documentary on the life of Janis Joplin a while back and God, I never realised how exciting a performer she was.

May 27, 2017, 12:37 PM
For the Bisexual History Buff, you may find this interesting...

Alexander the Great

Genghis Khan

May 29, 2017, 1:58 PM
Me dad was a massive fan of Linda Ronstadt so I spent my early years listening 2 her and yea..

I once spent an interesting evening in a lesbian bar with a friend. A frequent song on the jukebox was Linda Ronstadt's cover of "Different Drum" when she was with the Stone Ponies. It certainly put a different twist on the lyrics of the song. Give a listen:

May 30, 2017, 10:06 AM
... so even scientists seem to be ignoring bi guys. ...

:) You get used to being ignored. :)

I have even gotten to a point of being used to being forgotten,
abandoned. :)

Kid you not, can recall about a half dozen times my mother left me
somewhere and seemed to run off. Now, even my wife has started in on it.
She is only up to twice, got a late start. :) Life, it is what it is. :)

May 31, 2017, 5:31 AM
:) You get used to being ignored. :)

I have even gotten to a point of being used to being forgotten,
abandoned. :)

Kid you not, can recall about a half dozen times my mother left me
somewhere and seemed to run off. Now, even my wife has started in on it.
She is only up to twice, got a late start. :) Life, it is what it is. :)
hey great to see u here again :D i will try not to ignore u but my attention span isn't what it use to be so don't take it personal lol

May 31, 2017, 7:46 AM
Nice 2 cya Voidie.. still ur ole vague dopey luffable self I c... :love87:

Jun 1, 2017, 2:12 PM
Josephine Baker

David Bowie

Jun 2, 2017, 11:11 AM
There are artists that I did not expect to see in the list.

The Black Knights
Jun 5, 2017, 2:45 AM
It is interesting to observe, that when a man in Hollywood comes out as Gay, the whole world is interested, and its all over TV...

When a female celebrity comes out as Bisexual, no one really cares, its like . . . Ok

That is because...for women...being gay OR especially bisexual...it IS OKAY! Hell, the (allegedly) straight actresses who have done movie or TV roles that require one to act like they are a lesbian or bisexual (if not actually do sex scenes like that) aren't blasted for doing such anymore. Such is barely noticed or mentioned...in public. For men, not a option...except in a comedy case (Stephen Colbert on his current late-night show kissed a male guest (on the lips) just after the guest was involved in a...interesting kissing scene during the Golden Globe awards show a few days prior to the guest's appearance. This was about 2-3 months ago, I think. I forget who the guest was, you may be able to Google it.). It is one of the few double standards that is pro-women these days.