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May 4, 2017, 3:38 PM
Thought I'd share an interesting PM I just received. I'm so flattered - Turkey! I never knew I would be corresponding with folks from such exotic place.


Posted by altanb
Greetings dear friend, I decided to write you as i came across your profile today at the web. My name is Mr. Altan Cansu Balik from Turkey, I have a sensitive offer to seek your cooperation to execute. Reply me through my email for more details. (provided gmail address) Thank you.

Mr. Altan Cansu Balik.


I'm so glad you wrote. I have an issue with an inheritance and have nobody to turn to.

Apparently a contact of mine is a distant family relation to the former ruling family of Nigeria. I don't know the particulars, but I am advised that if I can deposit a cash transfer from this fellow, I can keep a certain amount for my own. I really have no need for transaction costs, as I am independently wealthy. But he mentioned that he has a need for the funds to be held in Turkish Lira, which I believe trades at the rate of 1 = 0.28 U.S. Dollars.

I have no idea why he needs the funds in Turkish Lira, but it is not for me to second guess a member of the former ruling family. Also, I am concerned that I don't inadvertently violate any currency laws in the United States, of which I confess to be somewhat ignorant. So I propose that I place him in contact with you, as you clearly are sophisticated in the ways of the world. That way he can send you the check, you can deposit it and return him the appropriate amount and you get to keep the balance as your heard earned favors. I need not be involved at all, but will sleep soundly knowing that I have helped two new friends to help each other.

Isn't that what life should be about?

May 4, 2017, 6:14 PM
lmao hope it works out for them :D

May 4, 2017, 6:47 PM
thats a scam dont fall for it

May 4, 2017, 7:09 PM
Guess he was happy to have you help him after I ignored the same PM in my box early this morning. :bigrin:

The least he could have done was give me an interesting cock picture...

May 4, 2017, 9:02 PM
Obviously, he has won the Turkish, Nigerian, Bolivian, Samoan, Antarctica lottery, but the winning ticket is still in America, so he needs funds to help in acquiring an attorney that specializes in such matters to facilitate in the retrieve the winning amount, as he is not an American citizen, and of course he will gladly compensate you 25% of the winnings for just the mere trouble of you wiring him money (10% in U.S. Dollars)) of the winning tickets face amount to facilitate, acquire and the retention of the aforementioned Legal Counsel in this great nation.


May 4, 2017, 10:19 PM
I'm afraid that if he contacted me, I'd have to refuse telling him I'm still waiting for my gold bars from Iraq! But I'll take a dick pic.

May 5, 2017, 7:42 AM
These scammers never fail to amaze me.

We're currently dealing with a rash of telephone computer techie types from "Microsoft-approved" who try to get control over your computer so they can harvest your bank account and credit card data. They're a hoot on the phone because they have no discipline. All have heavy east Indian accents, so I get them going by asking them to repeat what they just said in English (no matter what they said or how articulate they were). I then explain that I'm not very smart and understand only English. It just starts taking off from there because I keep asking them to restate everything in English, even when they're speaking clear English. I had one guy start swearing a blue streak at me, and so then I gave him some tips on the proper application of creative obscenities in the English language, for maximum effect. Declensions and all that - "I buttfuck, you buttfuck, he buttfucks, they buttfuck, you (plural) buttfuck," etc.. Sometimes I can get them to repeat it. Thing is, they're too stupid and arrogant simply to hang up - you can keep them on the phone and play with them like a cat plays with a mouse.

There's a hilarious website called 419eater dot com that has a collection of stories, techniques and email threads of people who have taken on these scammers to beat them at their own game. It can get dangerous as well; the scammers are bad, bad people. But the way these guys have elevated scambacks to a high art form is remarkable. There are tales of pulling one guy in enough so his greed really takes over and he ends up flying all over Europe on his nickel, chasing that little gold plated butterfly. Worth a look.

May 5, 2017, 7:55 AM
One scam that happened to a good friend was this : My friend picked you the phone, and the man on the other end said is this John Smith, he said yes ,just out of reflex....Withing 15 minutes, my friends credit card had been hacked, thankfully, the credit card company called him to say that his account had some unusual purchases on it...

The second scam is someone calls saying that they are the police, from an out of state jurisdiction, and that your niece, nephew or grandchild has been arrested and you have to give them your credit card info to bail them out....

Sounds odd, but true...

May 5, 2017, 8:52 AM
I knew a guy that strung one along for about 3 weeks. Like 6 trips to western union and stuff. too funny Turkey 401

Send him a dick pick and ask him how he would pleasure it...

May 5, 2017, 1:26 PM
* sigh *

OK folks - I may need ideas.
This guy is impatient because I didn't jump and follow up with him. So I have to decide whether to play or simply block him. Common sense is to block, but there's something twisted in me that finds it hard to turn down a challenge.

Here's the latest:

Re: Hello
Originally Posted by altanb

Did you read my last mail to you? i am still waiting to hear from you so that we can proceed from there. Have a nice day.

My response:
I did indeed.

May 5, 2017, 4:26 PM
Why didn't you just tell him the truth : The check is in the Mail, and it should be there in a couple of days. :)

May 6, 2017, 7:14 AM
I couldn't hit the delete button on this piece of shit scam spam fast enough.

May 6, 2017, 8:28 AM
Not only has Bisexual.com become a haven for trolls, it is an incubator for scam artists...

May 6, 2017, 12:58 PM
I got the same one....scammer all the way. Report the profile to the moderators.

May 6, 2017, 3:05 PM
lol what moderators?
I got the same one....scammer all the way. Report the profile to the moderators.

May 6, 2017, 5:19 PM
If I were a moderator to this site certain people would have been banned a long time ago...

I got the same one....scammer all the way. Report the profile to the moderators.

May 7, 2017, 6:57 PM
He contacted me also. I responded in French and also answered him with a few phrases in Turkish. This is the first time since I have been on this site that a scammer has contacted me

May 8, 2017, 12:20 PM
Ditto on the first time seeing a scammer here. Happy to say this place has been pretty scam free in the time I've been here.

Christopher South
May 8, 2017, 2:51 PM
Is he a prince? If so, he must be real!:rolleyes:

But in all seriousness, I worked for a guy, left for another job and then came back after four years. When I returned I noticed we had a $10,000 receivable on our books so I asked around what it was. Apparently my boss, who is a well-educated attorney, sent $10,000 to one of these scammers. I still shake my head thinking about it.

May 8, 2017, 5:35 PM
If he is a Prince, then he must be Charming, and would not lie to you....These people are so thick skinned that they will work at this in hopes that there is someone out there who has that unique mix of being gullible, and greedy all at the same time.

Didn't Bernie Madoff do something very similar? . . . .Oh this is a great Investment, and it outperforms everything out there, consistent 10& Return on Investment, but it is very exclusive, and it just wouldn't be the investment for you. . . Well, I think I can make an exception for you.

May 8, 2017, 7:10 PM
I know you felt special having this member of Turkish royalty contact you, but he also sent me the same message.

Whether you simply delete/block him or string him along depends on how much time you have...

May 10, 2017, 2:48 AM
Ultimate free HD porn tube videos available at collection of best porn.

May 10, 2017, 7:21 AM
Ultimate free HD porn tube videos available at collection of best porn.
That's it!

We all reply with porn sales babble. Then send him an FBI link or something.

May 10, 2017, 7:48 AM
Another Troll heard from. Sad.

Ultimate free HD porn tube videos available at collection of best porn.

May 10, 2017, 7:51 AM
These trolls are very persistent. Maybe they should pursue careers in selling Life Insurance.

May 10, 2017, 10:30 AM
These trolls are very persistent. Maybe they should pursue careers in selling Life Insurance.Trump condominium timeshares. :yikes2: