View Full Version : Meetiing Someone Online

May 2, 2017, 3:34 PM
So...if you were fortunate enough to find a guy on a online app and you sucessfully hooked up...how long did you "chat" before actually meeting for sex? Did you hang out first?

May 2, 2017, 3:47 PM
First, I like to meet in a public place, chat and get to know the other person. Listen; read between the lines, and listen to your 6th sense. Your intuition will tell you if it's not a good idea. Then, if at all possible, I want to go to his or her place. I want to see the living conditions; if it's less than presenable then I'm probably not interested.

May 2, 2017, 7:21 PM
Bw299 is right when you meet this person in a public place, if your Intuition doesn't feel right, or you sense something is off, DON'T GO FORWARD WITH ANYTHING ! ! !

First, I like to meet in a public place, chat and get to know the other person. Listen; read between the lines, and listen to your 6th sense. Your intuition will tell you if it's not a good idea. Then, if at all possible, I want to go to his or her place. I want to see the living conditions; if it's less than presenable then I'm probably not interested.

May 2, 2017, 7:22 PM
chat a time or 2 then meet in a public place and go from there sometimes its works out other times it did not

May 2, 2017, 7:30 PM
I once met this person online & we agreed to meet at a diner...When I met him he had to be tripping on Meth or something....I was happy to see his car get back on to the Interstate.

May 2, 2017, 11:36 PM
I have met people whose whole purpose for meeting was to get drugs, smokes, or money. They were willing to do"whatever" to get what they wanted. I walked away.

May 3, 2017, 8:39 AM
I prefer to exchange a few private messages or emails, as I rarely visit chatrooms. (I find that many in an online chat can't keep up with my contributions to the conversation - I'm fairly nimble, mentally, and a competent typist. Don't like the slow pace of many chats...)

I'm very candid, open and honest in pre-meeting dialogs, and anyone I meet in-person will know exactly what to expect in terms of physical characteristics, body shape, etc. More than likely, I will have shared modest or explicit pictures that show all but my face.

Sadly, my efforts are rarely matched by potential play partners, who seem to think all they have to do is write 'lets fuck' and expect that I'm going to invite them into my home.

I'm so tired of guys with blank or illiterate profiles and no pictures tell me I'm 'hot' after seeing mine and what I've written to describe myself and my interests/experiences, and then refuse to provide me 1/10th of equivalent information in return. I send back a polite note asking that they tell me a little about themselves in another message and they get pissed, or simply disappear.

So tired of the 'endless emails' whiners. One coherent, well-crafted message could be all it takes for me to develop an interest, or lets me know that the other person is not what I'm looking for. Send me a decent email of introduction, maybe answer a followup question or two, and that could be all it takes.

I'm a very decent, respectful guy/gurl, and if I'm the type of person you're looking for, it's worth investing some effort into getting to know me a little bit online before that first public meeting.

One jackass on Silverdaddies got all excited about meeting me after seeing my pictures and video and reading my detailed profile. His was essentially blank, except for body 'stats' -- nothing about him or his preferences, experiences, etc., and no pictures. I wote back and asked if he had a picture to share, since his profile was so sparse. Oh, no! He doesn't post pictures on the internet -- his privacy is important, he replied. But, he reassuringly added, 'I don't think you'll be disappointed'...

Oh, ok -- good enough for me! Come on over!!! NOT!!!

May 4, 2017, 10:35 AM
Silkyhoselover, do you feel the majority of people you chat with who are very slow typists are using their smart phones? I know should I attempt to chat on mine not only do typos abound but my 30ish wpm typing would suddenly be about five.. I think I once got typing to 60 wpm but alas don't type except for fun. Even then I find people type with one hand or simply type fast.. attend to business.. then type fast. Personal business may vary from person to person. : )

May 4, 2017, 11:42 AM
Silkyhoselover, do you feel the majority of people you chat with who are very slow typists are using their smart phones? That could be a factor. Some chat clients indicate when a user you're connected with is 'mobile', some don't. The predictive text feature on phones and iPads can speed things up considerably when used properly, though. I will also aver that the average guy my age is kind-of slow on the keyboard, though. (Obviously, there are exceptions...) Especially, if he's only typing with one hand, if you know what I mean... ;)

The bottom line is, my online chat time is limited, and it's no fun waiting 5 minutes for a 3 or 4 word response with abbreviations and misspellings, no capitalization or punctuation, after I've written a complete sentence expressing a thought...

May 4, 2017, 12:32 PM
silkyhoselover & Meliss...

My favorite greeting..."'sup"....NOT! :(

If the other person can't or won't converse in complete sentences, use punctuation, and correct grammer, they lose me. Three word messages void of meaningful information also win the "delete award."

May 4, 2017, 4:46 PM
silkyhoselover & Meliss...

My favorite greeting..."'sup"....NOT! :(

If the other person can't or won't converse in complete sentences, use punctuation, and correct grammer, they lose me. Three word messages void of meaningful information also win the "delete award."

I agree--I want someone to be at least reasonably conversant and who does not make many third grader spelling and grammatical mistakes since I do appreciate someone who is mostly able to communicate via competent use of the English language.

I do wonder if so much reliance upon the internet--instead of making us smarter in a collective sense--has not actually done the opposite and made many people seemingly degrade their communicative skills?

It is amazing that so many people don't have even a rudimentary grasp of grade school level writing skills.

For me, if someone doesn't have that, then I have no use for them, I must admit.

It really is sad, amazing and even somewhat depressing that so many people seem to have only the most basic level of such skills.

May 4, 2017, 6:20 PM
i don't mind sup, just as long as they say more than that. i'm more tolerant with women cause i'm lucky if they even say that much lol!
silkyhoselover & Meliss...

My favorite greeting..."'sup"....NOT! :(

If the other person can't or won't converse in complete sentences, use punctuation, and correct grammer, they lose me. Three word messages void of meaningful information also win the "delete award."

May 4, 2017, 6:54 PM
Just to be clear, I don't want to come across as being an internet grammar and English cop. It's easy for inadvertent mistakes to creep into even the most carefully-crafted posts. If you see that one of my posts has been edited after-the-fact, it's usually because I've spotted a spelling or blatant grammatical error after submitting it.

I normally don't call attention to minor mistakes others make. Repeated use of the wrong choice of homonyms is, to me, somewhat indicative of a writer's intellect, but it's also easy for those who know the difference to occasionally let one slip by. For that reason, I place more weight on a writer's ability to communicate effectively, even with less-than-stellar language skills, and evidence that he's made an earnest effort. That's why I place very high value on capitalization, punctuation and paragraph breaks.

I don't mind long posts, but the ones that are one huge block of text are very difficult to wade through. Sometimes, I'll stop reading a 'hot' story because it has turned into a frustrating jumble of words -- too easy to lose both your place in the narrative AND your interest in it.

May 4, 2017, 10:58 PM
Years ago I went into a gay bar, and I saw a very attractive T-Gurl standing at the bar. We smiled, and I walked over and started to make some small talk and mild flirtations with her. After a few minutes, she said that she was meeting a man who she an me online. I said Ok, and left...

A few minutes later I heard this big commotion, and looked over to see the T-Gurl that I had just been talking to , yelling at this little man, telling him to leave, What jerk you are ect....

About 15 minutes later, I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. It was the T-Gurl again. she said " I need to talk with you", I said ok, and we moved over and sat on the sofa near the dance floor... She told me that the reason for the Meltdown was that "his online profile said he was 6'2" with blond hair and chiseled good looks" when in reality he was barely 5' tall. bald with a greasy comb-over.

She said to me, you are so real...I said thank you , and we chatted for a while...and after some time she calmed down & invited me out to her car...:suave: