View Full Version : Viagra

Feb 16, 2017, 3:45 PM
How many of you use it?
I have found that as I get older my boy has gotten a little shy sometimes with a new encounter. I hooked up with a young Asian guy a couple years ago and had a problem. I was hard in the beginning but lost it. He was good enough to eventually get me back up and the rest was all good. How fucking embarrassing!
Since then I bought some online and always pop one for a new encounter male or female. Funny I never need them with my girlfriends that I have been with for awhile.
Nothing is worse than being a limp dick when someone wants it!

Feb 16, 2017, 6:00 PM
you proably get nervous with new people

Feb 16, 2017, 7:46 PM
I get Cilias

Feb 16, 2017, 9:16 PM
How many of you use it?
I have found that as I get older my boy has gotten a little shy sometimes with a new encounter. I hooked up with a young Asian guy a couple years ago and had a problem. I was hard in the beginning but lost it. He was good enough to eventually get me back up and the rest was all good. How fucking embarrassing!
Since then I bought some online and always pop one for a new encounter male or female. Funny I never need them with my girlfriends that I have been with for awhile.
Nothing is worse than being a limp dick when someone wants it!

I have same problem, there got to b a better natural herb or vitimin to get from a natural health store. I afraid to trust these sites online with sexual enhancement pills, most are scams and cost a fortune but dont work

Feb 17, 2017, 6:13 AM
Back when I weighed 280 pounds I started using Viagra. Now that I am under 200 I no longer need it but still keep it around for nights when I have ti deal with the wife and one of our girlfriends at the same time.

Feb 17, 2017, 10:58 AM
Use a cock ring. Works wonders. I prefer the stainless steel ones. They look and feel great and will keep you HARD as a rock!!! Also, diet and exercise...that's most important.

Feb 17, 2017, 11:48 AM
Hi. I used Viagra in the past, especially when my insurance covered it. No more coverage. Use Cialis on occasion. Works great and less side effects than Viagra. Bottom line is it helps me get hard more easily and stay hard longer. Unlike Viagra, the Cialis lasts for a couple/few days. In other words, even though it mainly wears off in 4-6 hours, I find it much easier to get hard, and again stay hard, during the 2-3 days after using. Also, I have the highest dose of Cialis and, like I did with Viagra, cut the pill in half. Half works great. Hope this helps.

Feb 17, 2017, 1:55 PM
My experience is reflected in comments already made by Love2Jerk, Neonaught and TXLonestarTX69.

Five years ago, I weighed a little over 300lbs, and had tried Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. None was the miracle 'boner pill' that I expected, although I was impressed that it was easier to get hard again with Cialis over the course of the following 16 - 24 hours. I also tried some of the overseas generics, which worked about the same, and saved a lot of $. I would like to try them again, but am kind of afraid to, having suffered a couple of medical incidents that can be induced or exaggerated through the use of these medications.

What has worked for me is a diet/lifestyle change and weight loss. I've been holding at 180 - 185 for nearly 4 years, and am much healthier and energetic as a result. I don't have the size or stiffness I had at 19, and I don't pop spontaneous boners, but it works and if feels good! It also helps that I have realized and embraced bisexuality in recent years, as well, and these new pleasures are good for stoking the libido!

And, as TXLonestarTX69 suggested, cock rings are good for optimizing and maintaining erections.

Feb 17, 2017, 9:07 PM
it's good u have lost the weight but i'm so sorry u ever have to deal with 2 women at the same time :P
Back when I weighed 280 pounds I started using Viagra. Now that I am under 200 I no longer need it but still keep it around for nights when I have ti deal with the wife and one of our girlfriends at the same time.

Feb 18, 2017, 6:16 AM
Sometimes my cup runneth over! LOL

Feb 19, 2017, 5:20 PM
You may want to go to GNC and get a L-Arginine supplement. This will help to boost Nitric Oxide production in your blood.

Also there is an Israel company Tava that will sell generic Viagria in the US, starting in December of this year.

Christopher South
Feb 21, 2017, 2:34 PM
Just had this conversation with my doctor. Viagra now comes in a generic form which is cheaper than the original (He said it was $2 per pill). The downside is (a) the effect only lasts for a few hours and (b) I would need 3-4 pills to match what I get with Cialis (whose effects last much longer).

My last order of Cialis was from a Canadian pharmacy (won't post the name here but you can message me for more info) and it worked fine. I used it for recovery after prostate surgery.

Feb 21, 2017, 3:18 PM
Like Cialis much better than Viagra because it lasts longer and relatively no side effects. My prostate likes it, too. Get one hell of a headache after using Viagra. The downside of Cialis is that, if you don't use it at least weekly, a second dose is required for it to be effective.

Feb 21, 2017, 11:30 PM
Just got Viagra haven't tried it yet. Had Cialis for a while works great but I ended up with Terrible back pains for a side effect

Feb 26, 2017, 7:47 PM
My BCBS insurance pays for 4 100MG Viagra tablets per month and my co-pay is 20 bucks or 5 bucks each. I cut them into 25 MG quarters, so it's like getting 16 tablets. A 25 MG Viagra tab 5-15 minutes before sex is more than sufficient for me. Before Viagra I used 20 MG Levitra and it worked great too, except a few minutes after taking one, I experienced hot flashes lasting about 5 seconds and my face became flushed/blushed for a couple of minutes. When I told my cardiologist about this, he said Viagra was best for me. He was right. I've had no side effects or aftereffects whatsoever with Viagra other than the intended super-hard dick LOL. I've never used Cialis or any of the herbal ED remedies so I can't comment on them.

I've always had very intense orgasms. Although my desire to continue sex normallygoes to zero after I orgasm, I find that with Viagra I can recover and get super hard again if my partner is patient and will continue to suck, lick and fondle my cock and balls for 20-30 minutes.