View Full Version : LGBT on the rise?

Jan 17, 2017, 11:20 AM
The proportion of people identifying as LGBT is on the increase - in the USA at least.

It seems to be driven by younger people being more likely to identify as bi. More here (http://bicommunitynews.co.uk/5490/people-owning-label/).

Jan 17, 2017, 4:29 PM
It is on the rise in the uk also for certain

Jan 17, 2017, 5:39 PM
This is another Positive Step for the United States.

Even though I am a card carrying Conservative, I am glad that America is becoming a more Socially Progressive nation.

I think due in part to the Internet, and Social Media, the young people of America are far more accepting, and more tolerant of people who have different backgrounds , Heritages, and sexual orientations , than past generations have been.

Jan 17, 2017, 5:48 PM
I would also like to say Thank You to Bi-News for posting something of value to the Bisexual Community ! :bipride:

Jan 17, 2017, 7:27 PM
Thanks csreef. It's not all about measuring your privates :D

Jan 17, 2017, 8:35 PM
It would have been more help to bisexuals to see a breakdown separately showing bisexual number rather than racial. How much increase is due to increased numbers for bisexual people? Still it is understandable why the US showed ethnic breakdown.

Jan 19, 2017, 4:14 AM
This is another Positive Step for the United States.

Even though I am a card carrying Conservative, I am glad that America is becoming a more Socially Progressive nation.

I think due in part to the Internet, and Social Media, the young people of America are far more accepting, and more tolerant of people who have different backgrounds , Heritages, and sexual orientations , than past generations have been.

Hmmmm.. wonder just how true this is.. socially progressive? I do know the UK is increasingly becoming less socially progressive by the day since the Brexit vote about all sorts of things.. sitting where I sit it seems to me that the election of Trump has seen the US increasingly regressing also and the man isn't even in office yet. Attacks upon lgbt peeps are increasing for one thing and I suspect this will continue for some time to come. So far acceptance of our kind is still at an all time high in both countries and in Europe but there is also this increasing minority who h8 anything not str8 in most European countries and the US we have to face down and deal with. A bit complacent CS and in my opinion wrong. How wrong time will tell.

Jan 21, 2017, 5:35 PM
I think we are seeing a couple things in action here. Yes, the younger generation in the USA is more accepting, although there is a loud minority. We are also seeing this new president elected *by a minority* if the voters. We are, after all, the ONLY democracy that does not elect based on the popular vote. These new leaders of our country are old-school. The oldest president elect to be given the oath, in fact. So, while those younger than perhaps 30 are more accepting, there is little power they hold and few are in a position to demand the leaders support the true wishes of the majority. So Sad.
There is an upswing in anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, usually masked under religious rights pushed for by so called christians, although it's truly non-christian as it goes directly against the teachings of loving thy neighbor.

We are in for a lot of disgusting rhetoric and bad policies for the next 4 years. I expect to see some significant changes in two years when many of the representatives are up for election. (That is why they are trying to build in a 2+ year delay on repealing the signature health care reform.

Today I am thrilled to see the Woman's March has been not only a success here in DC (more marching today that were at the inauguration - pathetic, So Sad) but also across the globe. I heard of the London march from a podcast out of the UK last week, and wish I could have joined in locally. Evidently the transit system was backed up around here. I love the images from Trafalgar Square, even the Antarctic! The world is watching, and as we all must cringe at many things we are about to witness, I am hopeful the younger generation, having grown up with more freedom of expression than I had in my youth, will not go quietly.

Here's hoping we can do better in the future.


Jan 21, 2017, 9:24 PM
" Young people ? "

You mean the ones Hillary referred to as " basement dwellers " in secret, the ones she secretly loathed but whose votes she wanted ?

The ones who were part of " the deplorables ? "

Jan 22, 2017, 3:00 AM
I think we are seeing a couple things in action here. Yes, the younger generation in the USA is more accepting, although there is a loud minority. We are also seeing this new president elected *by a minority* if the voters. We are, after all, the ONLY democracy that does not elect based on the popular vote. These new leaders of our country are old-school. The oldest president elect to be given the oath, in fact. So, while those younger than perhaps 30 are more accepting, there is little power they hold and few are in a position to demand the leaders support the true wishes of the majority. So Sad.
There is an upswing in anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, usually masked under religious rights pushed for by so called christians, although it's truly non-christian as it goes directly against the teachings of loving thy neighbor.

We are in for a lot of disgusting rhetoric and bad policies for the next 4 years. I expect to see some significant changes in two years when many of the representatives are up for election. (That is why they are trying to build in a 2+ year delay on repealing the signature health care reform.

Today I am thrilled to see the Woman's March has been not only a success here in DC (more marching today that were at the inauguration - pathetic, So Sad) but also across the globe. I heard of the London march from a podcast out of the UK last week, and wish I could have joined in locally. Evidently the transit system was backed up around here. I love the images from Trafalgar Square, even the Antarctic! The world is watching, and as we all must cringe at many things we are about to witness, I am hopeful the younger generation, having grown up with more freedom of expression than I had in my youth, will not go quietly.

Here's hoping we can do better in the future.


1. We are not a democracy. The United States is a federal Republic and a constitutional representatives democracy with self governing states. There is something called the electoral college, it was founded so an actual dictator, fascist, (no Trump does not count he is not even close to really being any of these things) could not come in and take power or start a political dynasty the way the Clintons, Bushes, Kennedy, and Obama families would love to have happen. If we voted by popular vote states with the largest population would elect the president. Would you really want your vote in a secret ballot for Presidente not to count at all?

2.Trump won by a landslide, and the majority voted for him, as they did not want Hillary and are sick and tired of the Clintons. When votes were recounted and investigated because of concerns over those scary Russians that really did not hack or influence the United States presidental election Trump gained more votes both in the popular vote and electorally. The election was biased by the media for Hillary, and she stole the DNC nomination from Bernie which made lots of people mad, but Trump campaigned and worked harder, and completely destroyed Hillary. The majority of people are sick and tired of the Democrats, Clintons, Obamas, carreer politicians, and this includes a lot of liberals, and young people. The Democrat party stopped being the party of your average working American decades ago after FDR died.

3.Contrary to what the media says and the BS and lies you have been spoon fed Trump is not a misogynistic man, rapist/assaulter of women, a pedo, bigot, liar, or a person who hates LGBT people, blacks, Latinos, Muslims, etc. However the Clintons and Obamas are racists, bigots. Bill has raped at least one woman that came forward and sexually assaulted many more who are afraid to speak up. The Clintons and Obamas contrary to revisionist history are not for women's rights or LGBT rights. The example of how the Obamas and Clintons are racist are too numerous to write here about.

-Both the Clintons and Obama claim they are for LGBT rights but Bill and Hillary enacted DOMA-defensa if marriage act. Obama and his administratÃ*on defended it and Obama did not get rid of don't ask don't tell, and the Supreme court not Obama made same sex marriage legal.
-The Clintons get massive amounts of cash from countries that kill bisexual and gay women and men, where girls and women are thought of as sub human sex objects or literally slaves, and where rape and torture, and murder against women and girls as well as bisexual and gay women and men goes unpunished. Honor killings are also common. Oddly enough Islam is OK with trans people, and some Islamic countries pay for the surgery completely and give the person a new ID which says they are the opposite gender/sex.

4.The majority of those women are being too negative and have no clue what they are protesting. Even if hypothetically funding to planned parent hood was cut or the huge beauracratic and sketchy organization was even shut down, women and men could still very easily have access to HIV/STD testing, medications, the various types of birth control, health care, surgery, etc. and women could still find medical facilites to have an abortion at. Roe v. Wade is not going to be over turned, and abortion is not going to become illegal.

-Planned Parent hood was founded by the racist Margaret Sanget who campaigned for abortion to kill black people and lower the black population. Hillary loves Sanger, but Hillary also called a member of the KKK Robert Byrd a "friend and mentor".


5.Same sex marriage is not going to be over turned or become illegal. Trump has no problems with same sex marriage or LGBT people. The vice president Mike Pene holds no power and cannot really do anything, even Biden as useless of a fool he is admitted this.

-You have way too many un founded fears, and are fear mongering. Next thing you know you will post some false equvilancy to LGBT and women's rights, black and latino rights in the United States today in 2017, and Nazi Germany or make a Holocaust reference. :rolleyes:

Jan 22, 2017, 12:38 PM
pole_smoker's response consists of a mixture of facts, opinion and his own interpretation of events and conditions that exist in our country. There is no disputing the accuracy of his remarks about the type of government we have, which is often mistakenly described simply as a 'democracy'. While it's debatable how closely we adhere to the intent of the founders and the authors of the Federalist Papers, it simply wrong to characterize the United States as a democracy in a literal sense.

As for the parts of his response that are interpretations or opinion-based, I must say that I generally agree with what he has written, from top to bottom, and I don't see anything that I would characterize as blatantly false. As usual, he is blunt, and has pulled no punches. And this time, I think he's right on the money.

Well, done, poley. You've been paying attention to what goes on around you.

Jan 22, 2017, 4:21 PM
Agreed! Pole's assessment is dead on. And he has provided some insight that reconfirms to me, once again, the sickening, blatant hypocrisy of the Democrats.

Trump is also known for this: being blunt, direct, opposed to being ' politically correct. ' Unlike Obama who was lauded as a " great orator with his lofty rhetoric " which is nothing more than a euphemism for being a good bullshitter. :rolleyes:

Jan 22, 2017, 5:44 PM
Agreed! Pole's assessment is dead on. And he has provided some insight that reconfirms to me, once again, the sickening, blatant hypocrisy of the Democrats.

Trump is also known for this: being blunt, direct, opposed to being ' politically correct. ' Unlike Obama who was lauded as a " great orator with his lofty rhetoric " which is nothing more than a euphemism for being a good bullshitter. :rolleyes:

Obama is not the saint some make him out to be but unlike him ur m8 Trump wudnt know truth if it got up and slapped him in the face.

Jan 22, 2017, 6:04 PM
Obama is not the saint some make him out to be but unlike him ur m8 Trump wudnt know truth if it got up and slapped him in the face.

Actually, the truth is what got him elected ! :impleased

Jan 22, 2017, 7:55 PM
Actually, the truth is what got him elected ! :impleased Your belief in what he calls the truth got him elected. But, reality will eventually prevail. I hope he realizes that now.

Jan 22, 2017, 8:43 PM
Your belief in what he calls the truth got him elected. But, reality will eventually prevail. I hope he realizes that now.

Really amusing and ironic since he won your state of Michigan, the first Republican candidate to do so, since 1988. And that's reality as well as truth and I'm sure he realizes that now. :impleased :smilies15

Jan 23, 2017, 9:25 PM
Really amusing and ironic since he won your state of Michigan, the first Republican candidate to do so, since 1988. And that's reality as well as truth and I'm sure he realizes that now. :impleased :smilies15
Fortunately, I do not live in the part of Michigan that voted for him. I did work there for a few months, long enough to convince me not to live in any of those places. I like diversity, provided I am not a minority in the community. I am sure the present president will reinforce my opinion on that.

Jan 23, 2017, 9:54 PM
Fortunately, I do not live in the part of Michigan that voted for him. I did work there for a few months, long enough to convince me not to live in any of those places. I like diversity, provided I am not a minority in the community. I am sure the present president will reinforce my opinion on that.

Well, apparently those parts of your state were fed up with being among the " betrayed " & " forgotten " minority, which is why they historically turned the tide of the election.:rolleyes:

Jan 24, 2017, 4:50 AM
Actually, the truth is what got him elected ! :impleased

Methinks ur idea of what is truth and mine are 2 very different things.. what didn't win it for him was the largest share of the the popular vote. Funny ole thing the electoral college..

Jan 24, 2017, 10:30 AM
^^^ :offtopic: Hey Darkeyes , why don't you go back and read what the original start of this thread is about....

Jan 24, 2017, 9:26 PM
Well, apparently those parts of your state were fed up with being among the " betrayed " & " forgotten " minority, which is why they historically turned the tide of the election.:rolleyes: That "betrayed" & "forgotten" minority is NOT for LGBT on the rise.

Jan 25, 2017, 12:50 AM
That "betrayed" & "forgotten" minority is NOT for LGBT on the rise.

How do you KNOW that ? I think that is just a biased and presumptuous opinion.

I'm smack dab in the middle of Kansas, which is about as traditionally conservative as you can get. And yet, my community has adopted an annual LGBT celebration which seems to gain more momentum each year. As I've already pointed out, your state, which has been historically liberal for decades, did a dramatic about face in electing a conservative administration.

I responded to your comments concerning " truth," "reality" and "minority." It appears to me that your injection of those issues is based on a very skewed perspective.

Jan 25, 2017, 11:38 AM
^^^ :offtopic: Hey Darkeyes , why don't you go back and read what the original start of this thread is about....

I did and replied accordingly... someone else changed tack so I followed... chill...

Jan 25, 2017, 11:42 AM
Actually, the truth is what got him elected ! :impleased

Truth, Pep? Hardly.. more like the vagiaries of the electoral college cos it serpently wasn't the biggest share of the popular vote.. not by several million...

Jan 25, 2017, 11:16 PM
How do you KNOW that ? I think that is just a biased and presumptuous opinion.
I responded to your comments concerning " truth," "reality" and "minority." It appears to me that your injection of those issues is based on a very skewed perspective. My perspective is based on living in Michigan my entire life. Only, Detroit and some suburbs are historically liberal. Detroit has lost half of it's population from it's glory days. Republicans control the entire state government and taken control of multiple cities and school systems, often with disastrous effects on those institutions and the people they serve (who are mostly democratic voters). What am I suppose to believe when I hear people say the people in Flint are just trying to cash in at their expense for minor inconveniences due to lead contamination of their water by state administration in control of their city. Yes, that skews my view of those people that elected Trump and my state government.

Jan 25, 2017, 11:36 PM
My perspective is based on living in Michigan my entire life. Only, Detroit and some suburbs are historically liberal. Detroit has lost half of it's population from it's glory days. Republicans control the entire state government and taken control of multiple cities and school systems, often with disastrous effects on those institutions and the people they serve (who are mostly democratic voters). What am I suppose to believe when I hear people say the people in Flint are just trying to cash in at their expense for minor inconveniences due to lead contamination of their water by state administration in control of their city. Yes, that skews my view of those people that elected Trump and my state government.

This response comes across as murky as the water in Flint !

Jan 25, 2017, 11:53 PM
Truth, Pep? Hardly.. more like the vagiaries of the electoral college cos it serpently wasn't the biggest share of the popular vote.. not by several million...

When referencing " truth " I was looking at a much bigger picture than a comparison between electoral & popular votes. You can't deny the world shakeup currently going on.

Jan 26, 2017, 5:57 PM
When referencing " truth " I was looking at a much bigger picture than a comparison between electoral & popular votes. You can't deny the world shakeup currently going on.

Indeed there is... not all shake ups benefit humanity or the wider world as I suspect we will find out ere long!