View Full Version : Bisexual Friends - Happy New Year

Dec 26, 2016, 11:46 AM
It is always nice to see several friends on here when I logon. I hope we can make our site more active in the coming year!

Dec 26, 2016, 12:19 PM
Well, what we need is someone with some reasonably "deep pockets" and the requisite technical skills to successfully run a website to buy it, do necessary upgrades to the tech part of it and make it a better place to be in terms of not allowing "trolling" and such to take place. add interesting content on a regular basis....

I sure as heck wished I was in a position on both the financial and technical side to take this site over--for me--since I know diddly squat about the ins and outs of computer and internet coding, tech or whatever-I would have to hire at least one or a few people to handle those aspects of the site and money to pay for them and I would also need the $$$$$ to hire people to create content to make the site interesting, vital and a place for people who are anyway consider themselves to be Bi or BiCurious to come make this place an online home.

Being American, I would also move the real world home location from up in Canada, down here to the US---probably making Orlando it's new home place.

But all of that is just a pipe dream for me as it now stands, but I sure as heck SOMEONE would come along to do something along the lines of what I would do if it were possible.

This site was once great and could be again if someone would come along--but then again--I'd almost rather it remain as is, if the person or company that might by it would just totally commercialize it up and totally fuck it up!!

Dec 26, 2016, 2:13 PM
Well, what we need is someone with some reasonably "deep pockets" and the requisite technical skills to successfully run a website to buy it, do necessary upgrades to the tech part of it and make it a better place to be in terms of not allowing "trolling" and such to take place. add interesting content on a regular basis....

^^^I'll second that !!!. Bring Bisexual.Com back to what it once was... A COMMUNITY !!!

Dec 26, 2016, 3:40 PM
Yes I enjoy coming here a lot and will enjoy making new friends in 2017.

Dec 27, 2016, 3:41 PM
Wishing everyone here a Happy New year....May 2017 bring Love, Good Health and Prosperity to you !!!

Oh, . . . 2017 in Chinese Astrology is the Year of the Rooster. " Read into" that if you want.

Dec 27, 2016, 6:29 PM
Happy New Years to all (trolls included). My New Years wish for all is for everyone to find what they need and/or desire in 2017!

Dec 27, 2016, 7:21 PM
Right back at ya'all.

Dec 30, 2016, 10:13 AM
Have a "Safe and Prosperous 2017" to everyone :love87: