View Full Version : So You Don't Live Next Door To Me.

Dec 4, 2016, 8:56 PM
So I don’t live near you. So what? I am a baby boomer, in my 50’s. Done well in my career, have the means and desire to travel and do. You dismiss me cause I don’t live next door to you? Your loss…I might have shown you a good time. I have traveled to meet interesting people before and they to meet interesting me. If you’re stuck in some self-imposed boundary, then stay there…you won’t be open enough for me. Has anyone else had this experience?

Dec 4, 2016, 9:09 PM
Yup! I've been equally dismissed by the narrow minded, unable to think outside the box. In my private moments, I've been praised by those much younger who, willing to take a chance, ended up being pleasantly surprised, satisfied and grateful.

Dec 5, 2016, 8:00 AM
yes we often meet business men traveling through or on business in the area , older now so harder to find but we did enjoy a number of fresh cocks ,wanting to play with us ,from horny husbands out of town on work things to bbc's

Dec 5, 2016, 9:53 AM
So I don’t live near you. So what? I am a baby boomer, in my 50’s. Done well in my career, have the means and desire to travel and do. You dismiss me cause I don’t live next door to you? Your loss…I might have shown you a good time. I have traveled to meet interesting people before and they to meet interesting me. If you’re stuck in some self-imposed boundary, then stay there…you won’t be open enough for me. Has anyone else had this experience?

Distance is ok if ur only looking for sex only with random or just Blo n goes. But for someone who is wanting a friendship as well, having to travel for many miles all the time just don't work out.
Like in my area here, there is no one within 35 miles of me, all the ones who are close are only bull shippers gamer's. Or they have age and looks hangups. Have to b a gym rat in the 20s. Or they have to have a pic just to chat to see if we would even b compatible.

Dec 5, 2016, 2:16 PM
Distance is ok if ur only looking for sex only with random or just Blo n goes. But for someone who is wanting a friendship as well, having to travel for many miles all the time just don't work out.
Like in my area here, there is no one within 35 miles of me, all the ones who are close are only bull shippers gamer's. Or they have age and looks hangups. Have to b a gym rat in the 20s. Or they have to have a pic just to chat to see if we would even b compatible.

And this is why I don't prefer to entertain 'just visiting'. My Husband doesn't seem to mind, but to me it's a game of Russian Roulette that I'm just not into. We are looking for more of a friendship/hang out frequently kind of thing. Not a lay in every port so-to-speak.

Dec 5, 2016, 2:24 PM
And this is why I don't prefer to entertain 'just visiting'. My Husband doesn't seem to mind, but to me it's a game of Russian Roulette that I'm just not into. We are looking for more of a friendship/hang out frequently kind of thing. Not a lay in every port so-to-speak.

Someone who wants friendship is HARD to find. Some guys on these sites prefer random strangers. Too risky. I won't even bother with guys who get more ass then a toilet seat!

Dec 5, 2016, 2:27 PM
At this point FWB's sounding better all the time! And a thick cock, say 2" thick or more, 6" to 7" long would feel really good. Put those two together & I'd be in heaven!

Dec 5, 2016, 2:30 PM
More ass than a toilet seat!! HAH!!!

We are patient. I'd rather have 1 or 2 really solid good friendships with NSA sex than random roulette with ... lol ... someone that's had more ass than a toilet seat. OMG I'm cracking up. Bikurinpa you are funny. Love it!!! But you drove home my point. I dont want some over used slut with clearly questionable travel tastes.

Dec 5, 2016, 3:03 PM
Yeah, well, some men epitomize the saying that all men are dogs...I'm not. FWB's are what I, shall we say, grew up with.

Dec 5, 2016, 6:10 PM
The farthest I've driven was 80 miles to be with someone....After that I'm not going to waste my time for anyone. I reconnected with a woman via Face Bitch, and she lived on the shores of one of the Great Lakes.Then I realized, how far I'd have to drive. . . Not worth it at all...

So I don’t live near you. So what? I am a baby boomer, in my 50’s. Done well in my career, have the means and desire to travel and do. You dismiss me cause I don’t live next door to you? Your loss…I might have shown you a good time. I have traveled to meet interesting people before and they to meet interesting me. If you’re stuck in some self-imposed boundary, then stay there…you won’t be open enough for me. Has anyone else had this experience?

Dec 5, 2016, 9:42 PM
i don't think i understand what ur saying but, i'll take a crack at it. wouldn't be the 1st time i would be wrong lol! i'm not saying i would rule anyone out if they lived far away. but i'd be hesitant because it would put the pressure on me & probably the other person m or f to do things because so much effort of traveling was put in. like it wouldn't be fair to do what was intended because so much effort was put into it. even though 1 or both of us mightr feel uncomfortable about it. on top of that what if the other person turns out to be a creeper? they can say anything over the internet, but in person they could just be creepy. how do u walk away from that kinda situation without making a big deal? keep in mind i've never done anything with a guy so i could be wrong when it comes to guys who are more sure about meeting up with other guys. who know what they want.
So I don’t live near you. So what? I am a baby boomer, in my 50’s. Done well in my career, have the means and desire to travel and do. You dismiss me cause I don’t live next door to you? Your loss…I might have shown you a good time. I have traveled to meet interesting people before and they to meet interesting me. If you’re stuck in some self-imposed boundary, then stay there…you won’t be open enough for me. Has anyone else had this experience?

Dec 6, 2016, 12:17 AM
Knowing what you want & getting what you want can be mutually exclusive.

Christopher South
Dec 6, 2016, 11:42 AM
Personally I DON'T want the guy next door. I prefer someone away from my home town. I like to get to know them first then get down to business. But there needs to be a travel limit just because I'm in the closet and unusual for me to make long trips ("Honey, I'm going to Home Depot for a few things. I'll be back in 4 hours.")

Dec 6, 2016, 12:04 PM
Christopher that is it exactly! You hit the nail on the head. I don't want someone the next street over. I'd prefer it if they didn't even live in my town. But the next town over, or even the next county is fine. Unless it's one of those situations where you end up in a poly relationship, I wouldn't want to run into you when I was out with the inlaws or something. Lots of explanations and such.

However, driving an hour or two just to play? Seems unreasonable. And still, the idea of the blow and go 'visiting your city' thing is not particularly attractive for me either.

Dec 6, 2016, 4:52 PM
I totally understand what you are saying. Sometimes I wonder just how serious some people really are? Locally, things were good here, but after Hurricane Katrina the whole landscape and people scape changed. before you could find like others, both married couples, or just males who were serious, knew what they wanted and mostly knew how to act, carry themselves and experience what they wanted. Now, it is very hard to find someone, especially locally who wants to explore life's true passions. Then once you meet one afar, the conversations start, they are exciting and then they just fade off into the sunset. Never wanting to meet, maybe it is because they "perceive" what they think it would be like, but when confronted with a real opportunity, they run. Sort of like gamers (nothing against gaming now!) but where is people's perception of reality, knowing it and experiencing it?

Soi yes I understand what you mean!

Dec 6, 2016, 9:56 PM
Speaking of which, marc, I hope some that tried to hook up with me from afar haven't thought that? I'm not here merely to jerk around with folks, staying in the background. My car failed echeck, I'm retired, & need a couple grand to build a new, beefier engine for it. then I'd love to run around & gladly, finally get some dick & ass. I'm saying this because some of us have extenuating circumstances to deal with. But there are posers out there that make others of us look the same...

Dec 7, 2016, 8:16 PM
OlderBC1...hey I do understand....no problem.

But you know the certain ones I was referring to.

I honestly believe there are far more good than bad in this world, it is just finding them!

Never give up!

Dec 7, 2016, 10:17 PM
Thanks. I keep trying, hoping, but to no avail thus far. So I got into writing the stories for Christmas lately. Idk...maybe I'm getting too old for this s***? There are more than posers here. Some are looking for another man's wife, since theirs doesn't want sex anymore. So they'll suck dick & edge or something to get some pussy again. Got that the first time about 35 years ago. Some things remain constant. I just had things happen to me early in life that got me to liking dick, as, etc.

Christopher South
Dec 8, 2016, 10:33 AM
Christopher that is it exactly! You hit the nail on the head. I don't want someone the next street over. I'd prefer it if they didn't even live in my town. But the next town over, or even the next county is fine. Unless it's one of those situations where you end up in a poly relationship, I wouldn't want to run into you when I was out with the inlaws or something. Lots of explanations and such.

However, driving an hour or two just to play? Seems unreasonable. And still, the idea of the blow and go 'visiting your city' thing is not particularly attractive for me either.

I'll admit I've done the "visiting your city" thing before, but it was with guys I had been speaking to in groups like this for months. Never thought I'd meet them but they ended up coming to Boston and was able to meet them.

Dec 8, 2016, 3:26 PM
That'd be really cool, Chris. Get together with a couple of guys on here for some cum & orgasms? Yes please!...

Dec 9, 2016, 12:46 AM
I get dozens of emails and PMs from men on the various websites of which I'm a paid member. Many of them (usually unpaid members), after chatting for 5 or 10 minutes, are willing to drive for one to several hours to meet. That always raises red flags for me. Any man who will jump in his car on short notice and travel over 30 minutes to several hours for a meetup with a total stranger he just met online is not going to be my type of guy. I'll make exceptions for some travellers who contact me a week or more before their planned visit to my immediate area. If they are interesting to me and patient enough to email, chat, text and voice verify, I'll take a calculated risk and arrange a meetup. I did the same thing when I travelled frequently in my work, always cultivating interesting men to meet at my varied destinations.

Lucky for me, I live in a heavily populated affluent suburb of Atlanta. There are hundreds of bi married men (my preference) within 20 minutes of me just aching to have manfun and a semi-regular cock to suck. I live alone and I can host almost any day or time and that is quite appealing to them. They are within 10 or 15 miles of me and I'm very convenient to visit on their way home from work or when they're out "running errands" "or "going to the gym" on weekends or when their wives & kids are away for the day or night. In fact I have two semi regular FWBs who live within 3 minute drive from me. So, I'll cast my vote for preferring bi married guys who practically live next door to me !