View Full Version : How do you tell a straight friend your bi?

Sep 2, 2006, 12:02 AM
I have a straight friend I would like to tell that I am bi. Not for sexual reasons just so she knows the real me. We have been friends for 4 years, met her when we moved to our new house and she lives across the street. We are good friends and she must have a least a little clue that I am, especially with my husband is always talking about lesbians and making suggestive comments how he would love to see me and her kiss and more. She is a very religious person and has said she could accept her children if either of them were gay. She's 20 years older than me but we still have fun going out or just hanging out watching my kids and her grandkids play. How should I approach this subject without alienating her? I really want her to know the real me but am very much afraid of losing one of my closest friends. Any suggestions?

Sep 2, 2006, 12:25 AM
The last time I outed myself to a friend it was a total disaster. Not because she was unaccepting...she couldn't have cared less...but because I didn't preface the news with "There's nothing wrong, I'm perfectly healthy."

There is an excellent book called "Outing Yourself". You should be ableto find it on Amazon. it's a great primer for not only comming out to others but building upyour own self image before you do it.

Good luck. Let us know how it goes.

Sep 2, 2006, 12:34 AM
Just be yourself.
Honestly, I don't tell anyone about myself unless they're "family" (slang for gay/bi) since most hets don't get it, unless they have a gay/bi relative or friends.

She may think that your husband is het and has the fantasy of seeing two women at the same time or whatever.

also if she can't handle it, it's HER problem not yours and she's not a good friend.

Sep 2, 2006, 1:17 AM
When you figure this out, please tell me!