View Full Version : Anyone been in a relationship with a large age gap?

Oct 23, 2016, 3:46 PM
The company I work for did some work for this older, divorced woman about 6-7 years ago. Since then she has called me quite a few times to do some odd jobs around her house; cleaning her garage, lawn work, etc., so we've kept in touch and we've always gotten along good. I asked her out for dinner and a movie this past Friday, and we had a great time. I expressed my feelings towards her and she reacted very positively to it and we are going to go out again soon.

So, my question for people in relationships with large age gaps, has anyone ever reacted negatively when you told them about it, or when you were out in public together? Any advice? I am 32 and she is 73.

Oct 23, 2016, 4:09 PM
u won't get a negative reaction from me :) gotta admit this is unusual so some people might judge u. but if u2 got a happy healthy relationship fuck them. it is great to make a new friend probably the best thing in the world.

Oct 23, 2016, 4:58 PM
That is a pretty big gap in age, but as long as you both are honest with each other about what you need and want out of the relationship, who cares? Enjoy!

Oct 23, 2016, 6:17 PM
TT, my very first intimate relationship was with an older neighbor. It took me a year to convince him to start me on my sexual journey. He was at least 50 years older than me, but was absolutely the best mentor to help me understand who I was.

No one ever knew to what extend we were involved, though. So, we were never confronted with anyone else's opinions.

The next experience wasn't as easy.

A few years later, I rented an apartment, run by an older retired nurse. I was invited to her birthday party and afterwards we began to be intimate. She was 62, when I was 23, but again, I could not have chosen a more interesting and sensual person to be with. She was an amazing lady, remarkably virile and taught me things I never knew existed!

If you're touchy about people's snide and uncouth comments, you might not be able to handle it. People are often very opinionated and even cruel towards anyone dating older/younger folks.

Some guys from work saw me with her one Saturday night, waiting in line to see a movie and, Monday morning, I had to endure some crass comments! Things like, "Did you and GRANNY enjoy the movie?" to "Where did you find that Cradle-Robber?" to, "How dry is a 90 year-old pussy?" to, "Did them big ol' titties hit the floor, when she took her bra off?"

Really stupid, insensitive, things to say about/to anyone!

I had learned by then, if you ignore assholes like that, they will usually get tired of bugging you and lose interest. I don't care what they thought; I wouldn't trade either of those experiences for anything.

I promise you, I learned more good from them, that has helped me for the rest of my life!

Don't worry about what anyone else thinks, just do what you feel is right for you and her!

Good luck!

Oct 23, 2016, 6:47 PM
TT, my very first intimate relationship was with an older neighbor. It took me a year to convince him to start me on my sexual journey. He was at least 50 years older than me, but was absolutely the best mentor to help me understand who I was.

No one ever knew to what extend we were involved, though. So, we were never confronted with anyone else's opinions.

The next experience wasn't as easy.

A few years later, I rented an apartment, run by an older retired nurse. I was invited to her birthday party and afterwards we began to be intimate. She was 62, when I was 23, but again, I could not have chosen a more interesting and sensual person to be with. She was an amazing lady, remarkably virile and taught me things I never knew existed!

If you're touchy about people's snide and uncouth comments, you might not be able to handle it. People are often very opinionated and even cruel towards anyone dating older/younger folks.

Some guys from work saw me with her one Saturday night, waiting in line to see a movie and, Monday morning, I had to endure some crass comments! Things like, "Did you and GRANNY enjoy the movie?" to "Where did you find that Cradle-Robber?" to, "How dry is a 90 year-old pussy?" to, "Did them big ol' titties hit the floor, when she took her bra off?"

Really stupid, insensitive, things to say about/to anyone!

I had learned by then, if you ignore assholes like that, they will usually get tired of bugging you and lose interest. I don't care what they thought; I wouldn't trade either of those experiences for anything.

I promise you, I learned more good from them, that has helped me for the rest of my life!

Don't worry about what anyone else thinks, just do what you feel is right for you and her!

Good luck!

Thanks for the advice! Sounds like you had great experiences for the most part, though it sucks that your co-workers reacted the way they did. What 2 consenting adults do behind closed doors is no one's business, it's a shame people aren't more accepting of it.

Oct 23, 2016, 8:42 PM
age does not matter what mattersif you are both happy

Oct 24, 2016, 4:44 PM
I am 32 and she is 73.

Wow! And I thought there might be too much of an age gap between me and a gal I know. I'm 61 and she's ten years older, but I don't think she looks it most the time. Plus, she seems youthful to me in her personality and overall demeanor. I got the hots for her and am struggling to find a way to let her know.

Oct 24, 2016, 5:49 PM
When I was 26, I was having a love affair with a woman who was 52...It was like living a fantasy...She was deeply sensual and the sex was on the mind blowing side.

When I was 32, I became sexually involved with a man who was 52 ( Hmmm, a pattern appears ) He was the man that I became comfortable with having sex with men, and becoming fully comfortable with me being Bisexual...

Oct 27, 2016, 12:24 PM
Yes when I was in my mid twenties I dated a women that was 20 some years older than me. It was a great time. She was a great lover and one of my favorites. Will always think kindly of her.

Oct 27, 2016, 5:51 PM
The situation you described wouldn't be for me, but congrats if it works for you.

Oct 28, 2016, 10:09 AM
TT, I am very interested in your present situation and how things are going with you and your lady friend?

I doubt if most can accept, or relate, to dating someone with a vastly different age. There seems to be an American taboo regarding the subject.

But, as one who's been there, I can assure you my relationships with three older women and a few older men, were pretty damned rewarding! I tapped into a world of information and experiences gained, by years of their experimentation, trials and errors. I was gifted with more knowledge about life and sensuality than I could have ever gotten from dating those of my own age!

I hope your adventure is at least as rewarding as mine was!

Oct 28, 2016, 8:59 PM
My wife is 9 years older than me and we've had a great 30 years together. The only issue I've had with the age gap is that in recent years her health has really deteriorated. Because I love her so much it hurts to see her in pain, etc. I've even had people tell me I should leave her because of her health. I'm quick to tell them I married her for better or worse. She has stood by me thru thick and thin and I will do Every thing I can to make her life as good as possible. Tomorrow isn't promised to us so enjoy every day with her and good luck.

Oct 28, 2016, 9:59 PM
TT, I am very interested in your present situation and how things are going with you and your lady friend?

I doubt if most can accept, or relate, to dating someone with a vastly different age. There seems to be an American taboo regarding the subject.

But, as one who's been there, I can assure you my relationships with three older women and a few older men, were pretty damned rewarding! I tapped into a world of information and experiences gained, by years of their experimentation, trials and errors. I was gifted with more knowledge about life and sensuality than I could have ever gotten from dating those of my own age!

I hope your adventure is at least as rewarding as mine was!

So far so good! We've been talking every day and are getting together next week. She is real involved with dogs and this weekend she has some shows and seminars to go to, but one day next week we're gonna spend the day together. I've got a vacation coming up in about a week, and she only works 1-2 days a week, so I'm sure we'll spend some more time together and hopefully progress things to the next level!

Oct 29, 2016, 11:49 AM
Depends what is meant by a large age gap... and relationship. The last large gapped relationship was with a colleague and she was 12 years older than me.. still is... she isnt dead after all.. In my teens before I met my xhusband, I had short term flings with guys and girls up 20 years older and a few sexual encounters with both men and women even older. One never can tell who will attract us... I still occasionally find myself attracted to women much older than myself but far less than was the case even not so long ago..... now my attraction seems to be more for women and gels younger than myself, and often much younger. My present principal relationship is with a woman over 7 years younger.. not really a huge gap but my eye strays to much younger than she and being in an open, long distance relationship.. well.. u know...... and so does she :)

Oct 29, 2016, 4:22 PM
I find that mutual interests, physical attractions, and a cerebral connection, has been the most compelling reasons that I've been with with different partners. Even their gender has little to do with the reasons I am drawn to certain people. Apparently, they've felt the same because just recently, I began a relationship with someone younger.

Darkeyes, you oughta write a book! What a sensuous movie that would make!

TT, you seem to be on the right track! I hope things between you both continue to grow and bloom!

Good luck!

Oct 30, 2016, 12:41 AM
I just turned 63. When I was 55 and newly (and permanently) separated from my 2nd wife, I was out one Sunday watching my Atlanta Falcons at a sports bar. I met a gorgeous, dark haired young woman named Ashley who had taken a seat next to me at the bar. She was 27 and less than half my age and very friendly and outgoing, but I was old enough to be her father LOL. She began lightly flirting with me but I played dumb and acted like I didn't know she was flirting with me. She was just too good to be true. I was thinking maybe she's a hooker or that there was some other catch to it But we laughed and had a great time until she had to leave. A few minutes later one of the waitresses came up to me and handed me a napkin. On it was written Ashley's mobile # and a note saying "you didn't ask me for my number but you're getting it anyway !". I was quite intrigued (and flattered) and I called her that very night. As it turned out she was also separated from her spouse with no chance of reconciliation. She told me she'd always wanted to be made love to by an older man. Short story long I asked her out the next weekend for dinner and a movie. It was a sappy chick flick she wanted to see. Afterwards she invited me into her apartment when I took her home. We made out on the sofa and we ended up making wild passionate love and she asked me to stay the night. Again, I just could not believe my luck. It was quite intense every weekend when we'd go out together, but we were both upfront and realisitic and agreed to treat it as just a fling and delicious revenge against our cheating spouses for as long as it lasted. It only lasted about 2 months at which time she started seeing a guy her age. I'm 63 now and most likely will never ever meet a beautiful young woman like Ashley again , but I will remember her and those 2 months the rest of my life.

Oct 31, 2016, 9:06 PM
I was 29 and he was 18. Best sex is ever had.

Nov 5, 2016, 10:41 PM
Update: We've been talking everyday and we spent Thursday afternoon together. The roommates were gone today so I invited her over to watch some movies. We watched The Wedding Singer, Flashdance and Body of Evidence. I had my arm around her on the couch for most of the evening, and as the night progressed I grew a little more bold, by the end of the last movie I had my hand cupping her boob (which are really nice) and her arms were wrapped around mine. After the movie she told me that she was shocked that I was into her, but happy about it. She asked what I was looking for, and I told her nothing serious, I just enjoyed her company and that I thought she was sexy. She told me she hasn't had sex in 10 years. We made out for a while, but I had to bring her home so she could feed her dogs.

All in all, a very fun night, and it looks like we'll be having much more fun together!

Nov 5, 2016, 10:49 PM
Sounds like you're both having a good time, TT!

She'll probably appreciate you taking things slow, but I wouldn't be surprised that she's warming up to you. She let your touch her breast. Things like that are worth waiting for...when it happens naturally, you just might need an energy drink! 10 years is a long time for anyone to go without a sexual partner!

Nov 20, 2016, 12:06 PM
Sounds like you're both having a good time, TT!

She'll probably appreciate you taking things slow, but I wouldn't be surprised that she's warming up to you. She let your touch her breast. Things like that are worth waiting for...when it happens naturally, you just might need an energy drink! 10 years is a long time for anyone to go without a sexual partner!

You were right, she was a wild! Last night she asked if I wanted to spend the night. We watched a couple movies and not much happened, but then we went and laid down in bed and she turned into a wild woman. All over me kissing and touching, I started sucking on her tits and I moved my hand down into her panties and she was absolutely soaking wet, it was a huge turn on. Ended up going down on her for probably 45 minutes, and after she went down on me for about 20 minutes. It was amazing. After we were finished she said "I gotta ask you one question... why didn't you ask me out sooner?!" haha, I think it's fair to say she enjoyed herself as much as I did.

Nov 20, 2016, 5:05 PM
lucky sob!!!!!

Nov 20, 2016, 7:45 PM
A few years ago, I was involved with a M/F couple for over a year. I was 61 at the time, he was 40 and she was 27 (they both had a thing for older guys....lucky me!) I normally wouldn't have been involved with anyone under 40, but she was part of a "package deal." I do have to say she was the one with the most experience....sexually that is! She taught both of us guys a thing or two (or three.)

Nov 22, 2016, 9:20 AM
I am 68 and for 16 years I have had a relationship with a younger man . He is about 50 now and we see each other every so often and enjoy each other. I have never mentioned the age gap and he has never brought it up but it seems we provide something for each other that is quite compatible.

Dec 6, 2016, 12:44 AM
I spent the night again Saturday and things went wonderfully. Things progressed as they had the last time I spent the night, only tonight we took it further and had sex. We fucked and after I came inside her she stayed on top of me and we talked for a while, all the while I'm still inside her, it was hot! Woke up about 7:30 the next morning and went for round 2.

Dec 6, 2016, 6:47 AM
Interesting question ! I have had several exceptional age gap relationships. First, as a youngster with an older gentleman, probably 70 or so....then at 15, my Mrs. Robinson, 46 to my 15, then later, my 40 to a 21 year old, at 67 a mother / daughter combination , 30 years older than the mother, 45 years older than the daughter..combination of female, male, partners...It is fantastic...

Dec 6, 2016, 11:35 AM
Not quite the age gap that the OP is talking about but my Husband is 7 years older than me. I'm 46. He's 53. Our third is 59 and will be 60 in a few months.

I think once you are out of your 20's the whole "dating your age" thing sort of goes away.

Had I known in my younger years what I know now, I would have been dating much older men my entire life. The guys my age when I was in my 30's were completely worthless. They couldn't hold down jobs, be responsible and keep their dick out of strange women.

Christopher South
Dec 6, 2016, 11:48 AM
My biggest age gaps was a guy 18 years younger than me (53/35) and a guy 27 years older than me (90/63).

Dec 6, 2016, 6:30 PM
this wasn't a relationship , but when i was at a bathhouse a couple months ago , i had GREAT sex with a 19 year old . i'm 68 , so that is quite a gap. btw, i'm a bodybuilder that looks no more than 45, so it wasn't like a gross wrinkled old man crawling on some kid. we both enjoyed ourselves !

Dec 10, 2016, 2:19 PM
Reminds me of the joke about the 90 year old gentlemen who visits his doctor for a checkup. During the examination, he mentions to the doctor that he was engaged to a 24 year old woman. The doctor asked him "Do you anticipate having sex with this woman after you marry?" To which the man replies: "Hell, yes!" "Well" the doctor replies, "I should warn you that with such a large age gap, sexual intercourse could prove fatal." After thinking for a minute, the elderly gent replies: "Well, if she dies, she dies."

Dec 17, 2016, 7:59 PM
I was in one for eight years, she was 27 years my senior, and had a daughter my age. It worked for a while but she got more and more jealous and wanted less and less sex, so I ended it.
Currently, I have a male FWB who is about 15 years my senior and I have to say it works much better with an older man than it does with an older woman.

Dec 28, 2016, 3:11 AM
I am 63 now. When I was 38, I went through a divorce of a marriage that was 13 years long. One year into being single I hired a very sharp looking 20 year old college girl who had a 3 year old son. I got involved with the two of them by spending quite a bit of time with the boy. We ended up in a sexual relationship and lived together for 4 years. She finished her undergrad work in business administration at the UW and then was accepted as a law student.

The first time she stuck her finger in my mouth as she was going down on me.... made me want to suck a cock with her. We did that together.

We are still friends. She finished her degree and has a juris doctorate and is a corporate attorney and is married to a doctor. They ended up having three more children.

We are friends. I would love to lick her pussy with his cock in her, but their relationship is a closed one.

Dec 28, 2016, 6:55 PM
I enjoyed men that were 60 and over when I was in my late teens and twenties. I felt safe and I knew I turned them on. I was very close to a couple of them. One would dress me up in his wife's clothes when she was away. He wanted to make out with me so I did it for him.

Dec 29, 2016, 12:15 PM
I am 63 now. When I was 38, I went through a divorce of a marriage that was 13 years long. One year into being single I hired a very sharp looking 20 year old college girl who had a 3 year old son. I got involved with the two of them by spending quite a bit of time with the boy. We ended up in a sexual relationship and lived together for 4 years. She finished her undergrad work in business administration at the UW and then was accepted as a law student.

The first time she stuck her finger in my mouth as she was going down on me.... made me want to suck a cock with her. We did that together.

That sounds pretty hot!

Things are going great with my FWB, we get together 2-3 times a week in the afternoon and have sex a few times each occasion. She loves when I eat her pussy and I've been guiding her on improving her cock sucking skills, got a fantastic blowjob from her yesterday.

Mar 29, 2017, 3:22 AM
I am new here, so forgive me if my writing is not very good… Back years ago when my wife was 37, she got into using Cocaine and chose that over her 13yr old daughter, so I kicked her out. Her boyfriend who she was shacked up with was 19 and would buy her drugs for her. I felt at the time that the guy was too young for her and wouldn’t see the train wreck about to happen… The cops raided their place and he ended up going to jail for dealing HER Drugs!!! He was stupid enough to say they were his, and of course she then dropped him and went on her marry way. So at that time I thought an age difference mattered.
About four years ago I met a guy who was 27, gay with a very nice cock. I was about 47 at that time. We didn’t know each other’s age until after we had sucked each other and made out like crazy. Normally I don’t get into kissing a guy unless I am really excited or forced into it…anyway the cool thing was we were connected in a different way and we were cool to just talk after that. We bumped into each other a few times after a year or more and we each immediately had that same connection.
Then this past summer I attended my first Gay Pride Festival. I have never really attended anything like that and went by myself. I felt a little out of place not knowing anyone there, but I did have a huge revelation seeing people walking around the grounds. Everywhere I looked people were smiling and having fun, I mean Everywhere!!! I know this sounds…” gay”….lol…but you could feel the love from everyone being free to be themselves. It was amazing…the only comparison I can remember that was similar was the first time I went nude at a nudist resort (that will be another story sometime…)
As I was walking around, and me being kind of shy, I was thinking about leaving when out of the blue someone yelled my name from across the street…it was a buxom black lady dressed all out…at least on first impression! It was the guy I had that great connection with who recognized me and remembered my name. After only a second, as he was walking towards me, I knew who he was, just from his smile… Normally I don’t go for the flamboyant gurls, but I have to say, just knowing who he was underneath, got me so turned on! We hit it off again like long lost friends…
Ok, my point in all this is people at different ages can be compatible. We can learn a lot about how the other sees the world. We can learn a lot from each other’s differences, which I believe changes us for the better.