View Full Version : Bottoms and Tops in LGBT Chatrooms?

Oct 23, 2016, 6:28 AM
Has anybody been to various LGBT chatrooms and found that bottoms are usually way more sexually expressive and experienced than tops?
Even on here. Bottoms usually tell very vivid sex stories while the tops are usually more reserved.

Oct 23, 2016, 7:24 AM
You know I haven't made that observation before but I believe you are right now that I think about it. Generally those who I know that like to receive and to please are more expressive in chat and forums. Now I'm versatile so I find the versatile guys are also, well versatile. They make very interesting conversation too. I do enjoy vivid tales or is that tails?

Oct 23, 2016, 10:09 AM
I love vivid stories. But you already knew that! ;D

Oct 23, 2016, 3:39 PM
maybe it's because tops don't top nearly as much as bottoms, bottom.

Oct 26, 2016, 3:53 PM
There's no doubt that bottoms seeking tops greatly outnumber tops seeking bottoms on mm sites, chat rooms, Craigslist etc. Tops don't need to place ads on these mm sites, because they can pick and choose from the abundant ads that bottoms place. Bottoms are definitely more expressive about their burning desire to be fucked. Tops are more low key and nonchalant.

Oct 26, 2016, 4:34 PM
Top here, and I have to agree with Cuttin. Tops seem more few and far between than bottoms, though we know a lot of them exist, but even with the vast number of bottoms and the somewhat more legitimate people on this site then on Craigslist or other sites, finding a "normal', sane, every day guy that has no drama is still a challenge, at least for me anyway, but maybe I am too picky. LOL

Nov 13, 2016, 9:45 PM
maybe it's because tops don't top nearly as much as bottoms, bottom.


Nov 13, 2016, 10:20 PM
what i'm suggesting is, bottoms look for more opportunities to have sex than tops. like bottoms need it more. not saying it's like that just a suggestion for a reason.

Nov 14, 2016, 12:05 AM
what i'm suggesting is, bottoms look for more opportunities to have sex than tops. like bottoms need it more. not saying it's like that just a suggestion for a reason.
That makes a lot of sense. As good an explanation as I've heard.

Nov 14, 2016, 12:32 AM
what i'm suggesting is, bottoms look for more opportunities to have sex than tops. like bottoms need it more. not saying it's like that just a suggestion for a reason.

Hmm....bottoms need it more eh? Then why has it been so DAMNED LONG since I had a cock to play with?...lol I know of a top who has a veritable stable of willing bottoms to amuse himself with. He's getting his chimes rung twice a week... or so he says. I'm not one of the string so I can't verify that. Did I say I'm not one of the string?....make that not YET!

Nov 14, 2016, 11:08 AM
A lot of tops are still very "normal" masculine men that you'd not think were gay/bi just seeing them. A lot of bottoms are very openly and unabashedly gay/bi -- and many are slutty to boot. So them being more expressive isn't surprising.

What surprises me is that there's such a dichotomy in the first place... people who are versatile and enjoy both seem to be kind of rare. Or maybe they're shy?

Nov 14, 2016, 5:28 PM
A lot of tops are still very "normal" masculine men that you'd not think were gay/bi just seeing them. A lot of bottoms are very openly and unabashedly gay/bi -- and many are slutty to boot. So them being more expressive isn't surprising.

What surprises me is that there's such a dichotomy in the first place... people who are versatile and enjoy both seem to be kind of rare. Or maybe they're shy?

In chatting with and getting to know guys online, I make it clear that I'm not very interested in anal sex, topping or bottoming, unless and until we've clicked together and bonded and I know and trust them to be safe. A few of them disappear and are like fuck you if you don't like to fuck. But most are nice and polite and have the guts to say that we wouldn't be a good match. Many others say it's cool and that they like doing many other mm things besides anal sex. Then we have a common ground and understanding on which to build a mutual interest to meet. In my experience, the guys who call themselves tops are mainly the ones who disappear or politely bow out. Bottoms, on the other hand, are usually still interested in doing other things. The few versatile guys I've chatted with and met have told me that they prefer to bottom, but can go either way for the sake of having a good time and great sex.

Nov 14, 2016, 7:30 PM
it's good ur clear with what ur into. i can see from both the point of view of safety & intimacy why u would wanna put it off. from what ur saying it seems bottoms & vers' tend to be more openminded & open to other things, tops wanna fuck it's important to them.

Nov 15, 2016, 11:24 AM
A lot of tops are still very "normal" masculine men that you'd not think were gay/bi just seeing them. A lot of bottoms are very openly and unabashedly gay/bi -- and many are slutty to boot. So them being more expressive isn't surprising.

What surprises me is that there's such a dichotomy in the first place... people who are versatile and enjoy both seem to be kind of rare. Or maybe they're shy?

I don't think so. I am versatile and I enjoy both sides of the equation. Now most versatile guys like me enjoy bottoming too so I think when we enter discussions like this we tend to come off more of a bottom than a top. So I can see where the bottom side of the equation can be skewed in these discussions. Also guys that like to bottom I feel are more in touch with their emotions because bottoming can be a real turn on and really pleasurable so its easy to emote that. My anal orgasms when I bottom are more powerful than my penile orgasms when I top and I'm also doing less of the work and its easier to experience and reflect on the pleasure when you are more passive and receiving. So again I think we versatile guys tend to talk about when we are receiving more than when we are topping. Least wise that tends to hold true for me. I don't want to speak for all versatile guys.

Also from my experience more of the "tops only" guys tend to be the more homophobic of us and do not like admitting they like having sex with other guys as that is perceived as gay. In my experience they tend to be more predominately Kinsey 1 types whereas myself and most of the other versatile guys and bottoms too tend to be more in the 2-5 range.