View Full Version : Pheromones. Have you ever been turned off or on by them?

Oct 3, 2016, 1:34 PM
Have you ever met someone that you were visually attracted to, intellectually attracted to, but when the pants or panties came off and their "scent" emanated from their crotch, you just couldn't do it? It happened to me twice! It was with women. They got turned on and wet and juicy, but the scent just turned me off so bad, I had to scramble for an excuse to stop. I thought of telling them, but I didn't know how to approach the subject.

I should add, that I HAVE met many that totally turned my crank! Their scent was such a turn on! I chewed panties off one woman. I even saved a pair in my desk at work so I could sniff them during the day. One almost had to beat me with a stick to get my mouth off her pussy. The smell. the taste, the texture where so incredible.


Oct 3, 2016, 1:42 PM
Have you ever met someone that you were visually attracted to, intellectually attracted to, but when the pants or panties came off and their "scent" emanated from their crotch, you just couldn't do it? It happened to me twice! It was with women. They got turned on and wet and juicy, but the scent just turned me off so bad, I had to scramble for an excuse to stop. I thought of telling them, but I didn't know how to approach the subject.

I should add, that I HAVE met many that totally turned my crank! Their scent was such a turn on! I chewed panties off one woman. I even saved a pair in my desk at work so I could sniff them during the day. One almost had to beat me with a stick to get my mouth off her pussy. The smell. the taste, the texture where so incredible.


Yes, a fishy smelling pussy or cock turns me off big time. I have a touchy nose and I want that stuff to smell good.

Oct 3, 2016, 1:45 PM
Yeah, not into foul smells myself. I was in a 69 position with this older gentleman and he farted, which turned me way off. Haven't seen him since.

Oct 3, 2016, 2:28 PM
The first time I went down on my last girlfriend, I was met with a rather unpleasant aroma. That did not deter me from eating her pussy however - and either her juices "cleaned out" whatever the aroma was or I was so into it that I just didn't care.

After that. there were no unpleasant odors. Maybe she was just having an "off" day...

Oct 3, 2016, 3:15 PM
I despise body odor.....major turnoff.