View Full Version : Jewelry for bisexuals

Sep 8, 2016, 11:46 AM
Hi! I'm a jeweler from Miami.
Special design wares are usual for me. But I’ve noticed many clients every day, which want their jewelry become a special mark of their lifestyle. Many of them are bisexual, so they need a special symbol. Bi pride triangle is well-known all over the world.

So I’ve decided to create some handsome jewelry symbol for those who want wear it every day and it will fit with different kind of clothing.

Does this brand will become popular? How do you think?


Sep 8, 2016, 5:12 PM
What a great idea! I think it would be a huge hit, and would alert those looking for some same sex fun. I know you're in business but my advice would be to not make it so expensive that that masses cant afford. Keep us posted please!

Sep 8, 2016, 6:22 PM
u know it would be nice to be able to tell if someone's bi but be subtle about it. whoever needs to know, would know, whoever doesn't, wouldn't.

Sep 8, 2016, 6:55 PM
would love to see your designs do u have a web site

Sep 9, 2016, 4:45 AM
Please visit my web site www.2bifree.com or https://www.etsy.com/shop/2BiFree/

Sep 9, 2016, 4:51 AM
What a great idea! I think it would be a huge hit, and would alert those looking for some same sex fun. I know you're in business but my advice would be to not make it so expensive that that masses cant afford. Keep us posted please!

Thank you for reply! I'm thinking about it all the time. It's very hard to make small prices at the beginning. Actually I've started this line only month ago. But now everyone can use coupon code "CELEBRATE" to get 17% off.
By the way, do you know that September 23 is Bisexuality day celebrating?

Sep 9, 2016, 7:53 AM
Honestly, I don't see a single triangle as a symbol anywhere else... perhaps I've been sheltered?
Where is the typical double triangle? It's quite familiar with 2 colors and blending to a 3rd where the triangles overlap, but a single triangle seems to be more related with gay than with bi.

Always looking for something to signify, but I just don't see wearing something like that as showing anyone I'm bi...

Sep 10, 2016, 12:15 PM

Sep 23, 2016, 3:00 PM
I and many others don't desire to be "out" or to overtly "advertise" that we are bisexual, however it would be great if there were a universal symbol like a piece of jewelry which could be worn in public and only picked up on by other bisexual people. However, it would also need to be worn in a particular but subtle way. Back in the day my swinging wife and I learned that swinging couples would wear their engagement rings and wedding rings/bands on their right hand ring fingers rather than the traditional way on their left ring finger. We had a fair amount of success reversing our ring fingers as well as approaching other couples who were doing the same.

Sep 28, 2016, 6:02 PM
Basically what I did in the past was to make my own jewelry. I made a necklace using a leather cord, and I strung Purple , Lavender, and Blue beads onto it. It was jut 9 beads, 3 of each color. :flag1: How easy was that ?


Christopher South
Sep 29, 2016, 4:45 PM
What ever happened to the "elastic band on the wrist" signal?

Sep 29, 2016, 6:20 PM
What ever happened to the "elastic band on the wrist" signal?
never heard of that 1 has anyone else? does it have to be a certain color or pattern?

Sep 29, 2016, 8:41 PM
I know this is a tangent to the original post, but, once I walked into a Library I use to frequent , and the lady who was the Library director had three strands of her hair dyed , each with Purple, Lavender and Blue. When I said to her " Oh I like those colors in your hair. I have a flag with those same colors. It took a few seconds to register on her face, but she smiled and blushed . After that, she always greeted me with a big welcome!
:flag1:'s A.

Sep 29, 2016, 10:39 PM
I know this is a tangent to the original post, but, once I walked into a Library I use to frequent , and the lady who was the Library director had three strands of her hair dyed , each with Purple, Lavender and Blue. When I said to her " Oh I like those colors in your hair. I have a flag with those same colors. It took a few seconds to register on her face, but she smiled and blushed . After that, she always greeted me with a big welcome!
:flag1:'s A.
allways nice to meet people u got things in common.....can make for good friends

Mar 8, 2020, 9:17 PM
When my 93 year old mother-in-law died I was idly looking through her jewelry box and came across a pendant in the shape of a cock and balls with wings on each side. I took it for myself, knowing full well her daughters would be embarrassed or throw it away. When I'm going to be with a man I exchange my regular pendant, worn inside a t-shirt, for this one. Just before we meet I'll take it out from below the t-shirt and let it hang in plain sight. I love the thing, and so do they.

Feb 18, 2021, 2:13 PM
Cool! Your idea is really a very good one! Also, I think that it will get successful because exist a lot of representatives of the bisexual community that would be very proud to wear this kind of jewelry. I also love jewelry and I wear them every day because for me they are a special mark on my lifestyle, how you said. Even if I am not a bisexual, I like the model of earrings you posted here. I use to buy jewelry very often. Just yesterday I ordered online some accessories and jewelry (https://www.soufeel.com/personalized-jewelry/necklaces/initial-necklaces). Sometimes I feel like I am spending too much money on them...

Feb 18, 2021, 2:42 PM
never heard of that 1 has anyone else? does it have to be a certain color or pattern?

I've never heard of that one either. There is a tactical store a few miles from me, and they sell elastic rings and wrist bands. Mainly Thin Blue line and Thin Red line. Thin blue line shows you support law enforcement, thin red line shows you support first responders. So these bands that indicate bisexuality better be something other than those. I wear the wrist bands all the time. Never had any guys hitting on me.

I also wear a large watch on my left wrist and a Leatherman Tread Bracelet on my right. I have two watches, one shiny the other black. Same for the Leatherman Treads.