View Full Version : Commonality of str8 guys who are open to getting BJs from a man???

Aug 21, 2016, 3:51 PM
I'm in my mid-40's and have never done anything with a guy, but all my life I've had the fantasy of having maybe 2-5 straight guys that I take care of on the regular. I'm now getting to he point where I want to do something about it, but I don't know how realistic it is. I just want a situation where, without any drama or weirdness, someone could just hit me up for a BJ and have it be no big deal. Guys love head, but most don't get anywhere near the amount they need. Women can be difficult about it, life can get hectic and it's hard to find the time, just a bunch of reasons that guys don't get what they want. What I love about guys is that a BJ can just be a BJ, without any complications. No flowers, no romantic entanglements, just a blowjob with just as much commitment and meaning attached to it as getting a haircut. That's what I'm looking for. Just a situation where someone could casually hit me up to suck a load out of them without it being anything special, maybe even laugh about it. I don't want to get naked, I don't want a BF, I don't want anything in return, I just want to be able to make a guy happy. I think that predominately str8 bi guys would be OK too, but I just want a situation where there is ZERO risk of him wanting anything other than a BJ, and certainly no romance - just someone who's looking for a bit if "me time", kind of like stopping by a bar for a beer to unwind.

I've tried to read a lot about this kind of situation, and there's lots of folks that say that this kind of situation is far more common than publicly acknowledged, but I don't know if I'm just seeing what I want to see. What I do know for a fact is that: 1) Guys are dogs and will often do some pretty unorthodox things to get off; 2) Even in the best of times, most guys have a hard time finding women who love to give head as much as they love getting it; and 3) As you get older, especially in my age range, lots of women's sex drives really start to fall off which makes an already bad situation worse. So, there does seem to be a need that's not getting filled in the lives of many/most men, but how open are most straight guys to going with what could be considered the nuclear option? I'm a first time poster here, but you all seem to be much more savvy about human sexuality in a lot of ways, so I'm interested in your opinions.

To be clear, I'm not looking for anonymous hookups. I have no interest at all in gloryholes or sucking off strangers at an ABS or in parks. I want just a handful or less of regular guys who let me take care of a need that's not getting met. I'm looking for a discrete situation that carries very little risk of both public exposure and STDs. I'm currently planning to move to another city where I'lll be on my own, so that would allow me to have guys swing by when they feel like it.

I know there's lots of ads on Craigslist and the like of guys offering their services in this regard to str8 guys, and I've been told by some people who do that that, though they have to deal with a lot of emails that go nowhere, they usually do get some legitimate contacts out of it. However, most of those guys are pretty much public service cocksuckers who at least I'd be afraid to visit because who knows what they're carrying after being so undiscriminating. I'd think that most of those guys would put most str8 guys off because of not only the STD risk, but because most of those guys also seem pretty fucking strange and are looking for some kind of daddy fetish, or dominance thing, or want to work up to anal, or just some kind of situation which is ultimately more about them than taking care of the str8 guy in a way that makes him feel comfortable. I'd think that if a guy could find someone sane, normal acting, and who has little STD risk, they might be open to getting blowies on the DL. Anyone know for sure? Thanks.

Aug 21, 2016, 5:11 PM
That makes a lot of sense and sounds awesome! Where are you moving to?

Aug 22, 2016, 9:45 AM
Count me in...I'd love to find someone that would love to exchange BJs, JO, more if agreeable on a regular, no strings attached basis. Seems that there are a bunch of us around but for some reason meeting and hooking up is a challenge. I keep hoping...

Aug 22, 2016, 12:36 PM
I have on a couple of occasions giving a guy a one sided no strings attached blowjob. Both times it was friends of mine, both were gay. In both situations the friends were having a bad day or week, the first time I called a friend asked him if he wanted to meet up and shoot some pool, he told me he was having a bad day and was going to stay home, I asked him if a blow job would make him feel better and of course he said yes, I said stop by, he did. I sucked him to completion brushed my teeth and we went and shot pool.
It seems like it is a good way to brighten a friends day on occasion

Aug 22, 2016, 2:11 PM
Dougie, you're smart to be concerned about STDs and worse! Being selective and carefully vetting any potential partner, seems like plain good sense, to me.

It may take longer to find a partner, when you're selective, but you'd be safer and able to sleep at night, after being with them.

Wondering who your partner had been with, before you, can weigh on your mind, unless you're a total retard. (My own person opinion and I'm sticking with it!)

For years, I had an arrangement, similar to the one you propose, with a fellow who came to Florida in the winters. His wife had long lost interest in being intimate with him and had her own version of "Don't ask, don't tell".

It can still get pretty cool down here, and it was nice for both of us to have someone safe to snuggle with, now and then!

Aug 22, 2016, 3:37 PM
I'm looking for a man who is ready to put his dick in my mouth and let me see what it's like to suck a dick. Any takers in Hollister Missouri

Aug 22, 2016, 4:56 PM
If a man is actually straight/hetero he's not going to have sex with men at all or go after men wanting them to suck his cock.

Stop lusting after hetero/straight men and go find bisexual or gay men who want to get oral sex from you.

Aug 22, 2016, 10:38 PM
I'm right in the same boat, but hard to find! Had one cock, and like they say can't have just one, would very much enjoy to have a bud or close friend who just needs to get off from time to time, nothing weird, just hang out, have a beer, and let me suck him and swallow him down.

Aug 23, 2016, 5:11 PM
I personally never had a desire to seduce or otherwise seek out a str8 man not really knowing how he'll react to seeing and feeling another man getting very personal with his dick. I prefer a man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to go for it. But I have sought out, chatted online with and vetted quite a few "str8" men who are admittedly bi-curious and serious about fulfilling their mm fantasies/desires...but the great majority of them are more interested in sucking cock. Getting sucked is often secondary to them or not desired at all. There are exceptions, so vet them well, be open and ask curious men what they want to get and give! You should not rule out curious or bi married/divorced men, inexperienced or not. Your safest bet is a bi or curious or relatively experienced married man whose wife can't or won't satisfy their desire for oral sex. They know what they want and they feel comfortable about getting no-strings bjs which might turn out to be regulars for you. They practice safe sex out of fear of getting an STD which their wives would find out about. Then there's curious divorced men who seek relief. There are thousands of nice (but naughty), clean, dddf married/divorced men posting/answering Craigslist ads and doing the same on other websites geared to bi and gay men. They are practically begging for sane bi or gay men to suck them off. If you have a safe private place to play, you are gold to them. They create no drama, they don't stalk you and are for the most part safe. Most men will open up to you online if you just engage them and ask them about their desires and previous experience (or lack thereof).

Bottom line is....don't restrict yourself to str8 men when there are tons of safe bi or gay men out there looking for bjs.

Aug 23, 2016, 10:48 PM
If a man is actually straight/hetero he's not going to have sex with men at all or go after men wanting them to suck his cock.

Stop lusting after hetero/straight men and go find bisexual or gay men who want to get oral sex from you.
That's right, if u have sex with another man ur not str8 ur bi.

Aug 23, 2016, 10:55 PM
If ur giving or getting a BJ and u don't have any open sore or cuts in ur mouth or throat u don't have to worry about STDs. The stomach acid with a close to 0 ph will kill any bacteria or virus that u may swallow. STDs are only a problem when u take it up ur ass.

Aug 24, 2016, 10:26 PM
I personally never had a desire to seduce or otherwise seek out a str8 man not really knowing how he'll react to seeing and feeling another man getting very personal with his dick. I prefer a man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to go for it. But I have sought out, chatted online with and vetted quite a few "str8" men who are admittedly bi-curious and serious about fulfilling their mm fantasies/desires...but the great majority of them are more interested in sucking cock. Getting sucked is often secondary to them or not desired at all. There are exceptions, so vet them well, be open and ask curious men what they want to get and give! You should not rule out curious or bi married/divorced men, inexperienced or not. Your safest bet is a bi or curious or relatively experienced married man whose wife can't or won't satisfy their desire for oral sex. They know what they want and they feel comfortable about getting no-strings bjs which might turn out to be regulars for you. They practice safe sex out of fear of getting an STD which their wives would find out about. Then there's curious divorced men who seek relief. There are thousands of nice (but naughty), clean, dddf married/divorced men posting/answering Craigslist ads and doing the same on other websites geared to bi and gay men. They are practically begging for sane bi or gay men to suck them off. If you have a safe private place to play, you are gold to them. They create no drama, they don't stalk you and are for the most part safe. Most men will open up to you online if you just engage them and ask them about their desires and previous experience (or lack thereof).

Bottom line is....don't restrict yourself to str8 men when there are tons of safe bi or gay men out there looking for bjs.

Basically, the main reason that I'm looking for str8 guys is because I want there to be ZERO chance of someone ending up looking at me with romance in their eyes. After someone blasts a load down my throat, I'd want to see relief, or happiness, or contentment, something like that. I would be horrified to see googly love eyes. I'm also not at all attracted to effeminate guys, and though I've never knowingly met any bi guys, I have met a number of gay guys at work, and most of them seem either slightly to wildly effeminate, or go the other way and try to be some kind of caricature of a lumberjack, or motorcycle gang member, or whatever. I just want to find someone pretty normal, the kind of guys that I've played hockey, with who are just pretty down to earth, "one of the boys", and like getting head more than they're otherwise getting - so much so that they're not too picky about who's doing the sucking.

Yes, yes, I know that some people think that if you're getting blown by a guy that you're not str8, but I think that's BS, and certainly not at all in accordance with the views of modern sex researchers. One's sexual orientation is who you're attracted to, not who or what might get you off. If a guy is getting blown by a guy because he wants to be blown by a guy, well, that's bi or gay, but if he's getting blown by a guy because he likes head and guys are much more easily arranged than women, and he'd prefer a woman if it was possible, well, that's str8 to me. Many guys fuck silicone, watermelons, and warned up liver to get off, and they're not attracted to any of those things. Guys, and I know because I'm a guy, love to cum and can justify some pretty fucked up shit to get that accomplished. From all that I've read elsewhere, this kind of arrangement is far more common than thought, especially at points during guys lives when they're either too pressed for time to have a mistress or even get some random hookup at the bars, or at times when they're in relationships and the sex has died off (or they're just not getting BJs but love them) but don't want to "cheat" because they either love their wives, or don't want to get caught doing something that would lead to divorce. (Getting a blowie once or more a month at some guys home has a lot less risk of getting found out or getting STDs than having a GF on the side or seeing a hooker.)

Cuttin, I'm very much hoping to eventually land one of the very guys that you're talking about. I currently can't host, but am planning a move, as I said, and when I do, I'm planning to buy a house that's fairly secluded (I love peace and quiet, as well as my privacy), so I think that having someplace to go where you probably won;t even be able to be easily observed will make things even better for a lot of guys. I'd think that the temptation to get a BJ whenever you wanted one, from someone who's certainly never going to tell anyone, at a nice home where the neighbors won't even see you pull in would be hard to resist. I'm even thinking about finding myself a cocksucker kind of like that. Blowies on my terms where all I have to worry about is cumming sounds pretty good to me. Sometimes you just want it easy, and not have to worry about returning the favor, or courting, or social graces. I'd think that a ton of men would find that kind of situation, where it's all about them with no encumbrances, pretty fucking hard to turn away from.

Aug 25, 2016, 9:28 PM
Basically, the main reason that I'm looking for str8 guys is because I want there to be ZERO chance of someone ending up looking at me with romance in their eyes. After someone blasts a load down my throat, I'd want to see relief, or happiness, or contentment, something like that. I would be horrified to see googly love eyes. I'm also not at all attracted to effeminate guys, and though I've never knowingly met any bi guys, I have met a number of gay guys at work, and most of them seem either slightly to wildly effeminate, or go the other way and try to be some kind of caricature of a lumberjack, or motorcycle gang member, or whatever. I just want to find someone pretty normal, the kind of guys that I've played hockey, with who are just pretty down to earth, "one of the boys", and like getting head more than they're otherwise getting - so much so that they're not too picky about who's doing the sucking.

Yes, yes, I know that some people think that if you're getting blown by a guy that you're not str8, but I think that's BS, and certainly not at all in accordance with the views of modern sex researchers. One's sexual orientation is who you're attracted to, not who or what might get you off. If a guy is getting blown by a guy because he wants to be blown by a guy, well, that's bi or gay, but if he's getting blown by a guy because he likes head and guys are much more easily arranged than women, and he'd prefer a woman if it was possible, well, that's str8 to me. Many guys fuck silicone, watermelons, and warned up liver to get off, and they're not attracted to any of those things. Guys, and I know because I'm a guy, love to cum and can justify some pretty fucked up shit to get that accomplished. From all that I've read elsewhere, this kind of arrangement is far more common than thought, especially at points during guys lives when they're either too pressed for time to have a mistress or even get some random hookup at the bars, or at times when they're in relationships and the sex has died off (or they're just not getting BJs but love them) but don't want to "cheat" because they either love their wives, or don't want to get caught doing something that would lead to divorce. (Getting a blowie once or more a month at some guys home has a lot less risk of getting found out or getting STDs than having a GF on the side or seeing a hooker.)

Cuttin, I'm very much hoping to eventually land one of the very guys that you're talking about. I currently can't host, but am planning a move, as I said, and when I do, I'm planning to buy a house that's fairly secluded (I love peace and quiet, as well as my privacy), so I think that having someplace to go where you probably won;t even be able to be easily observed will make things even better for a lot of guys. I'd think that the temptation to get a BJ whenever you wanted one, from someone who's certainly never going to tell anyone, at a nice home where the neighbors won't even see you pull in would be hard to resist. I'm even thinking about finding myself a cocksucker kind of like that. Blowies on my terms where all I have to worry about is cumming sounds pretty good to me. Sometimes you just want it easy, and not have to worry about returning the favor, or courting, or social graces. I'd think that a ton of men would find that kind of situation, where it's all about them with no encumbrances, pretty fucking hard to turn away from.

Try actually studying human sexuality more, and stop living in the world of your fantasy. No sexologist claims that men who are actually heterosexual/straight go out and look for, have sex with men, or find sex with men, especially since there are a lot more women available in the human population, than there are bisexual or even gay men.

If a man is actually hetero/straight, even if he's married and in a sexless marriage and into cheating on his wife he's not going to go to another man to suck his cock or have sex with other men. Instead he'll go and pay for a woman that's a hooker, or find some woman on the side who will have sex with him but who does not want a relationship or who is also married and cheating.

If you are really actually serious, seek out bisexual and gay men who are into oral sex, and stop lusting/chasing after heterosexual/straight men as that's not going to get you anywhere.

Aug 26, 2016, 10:10 PM
I've studied a fair bit about human sexuality and had a few conversations with sex researchers at work (I work at possibly the most prestigious medical school in the world) and the bottom line is that sexual orientation is what is sounds like it is, it's who you're attracted to, not who you might let service your parts. Some researches would call str8's getting BJs from guys "incidental homosexuality" or "situational homosexuality", but increasingly most don't even go that far.

You seem to be insistent upon a pretty simplistic view of human sexuality, but as society becomes more sophisticated in looking at a very, very complex subject, the old ways of looking at things as bi, gay, and str8, or even male and female, are falling away. The fact of the matter is that guys who are only attracted to women have been letting anything with a pulse, and even things without a pulse, take care of their needs for eons.

Aug 27, 2016, 6:13 PM
In my experience, there is no shortage of str8 guys who love getting blowjobs, for a variety of reasons. Many had their balls first licked as a boy, or in the "experimental years" and never got over it. Many got into it when women weren't available going through a divorce, or menopause. The internet has both stoked the desire, lowered the stigma, and made finding someone to suck your cock safer and easier. I personally like sucking guys who aren't trying to be friends, but really appreciated having their cocks worshiped. A lot of the married guys are like that. That said, it's the gay guys I've been with who really have made me an uninhibited and fulfilled cocksucker.

Aug 28, 2016, 3:09 AM
I've studied a fair bit about human sexuality and had a few conversations with sex researchers at work (I work at possibly the most prestigious medical school in the world) and the bottom line is that sexual orientation is what is sounds like it is, it's who you're attracted to, not who you might let service your parts. Some researches would call str8's getting BJs from guys "incidental homosexuality" or "situational homosexuality", but increasingly most don't even go that far.

You seem to be insistent upon a pretty simplistic view of human sexuality, but as society becomes more sophisticated in looking at a very, very complex subject, the old ways of looking at things as bi, gay, and str8, or even male and female, are falling away. The fact of the matter is that guys who are only attracted to women have been letting anything with a pulse, and even things without a pulse, take care of their needs for eons.

Riiiiight sure you work at one of the most prestigious medical schools in the world and have supposedly talked to researchers there. :rolleyes:

A simple search shows how you're a troll that goes on sites for bisexual and gay men, where you post the same rambling nonsense BS drivel about how you have the silly pipe dream fantasy about having sex with a real heterosexual or straight guy.

A man can claim or identify as heterosexual or straight all he wants but if he's having sex with men he's not heterosexual at all.

It's funny how queens like you that worship heterosexual or straight men like this believe the myth that all or most heterosexual men are somehow actually bisexual, which is not true. But you don't claim the reverse where a woman or man that's gay has sex with a person of the opposite sex since they are horny and have to bust a nut or have a wet cunt that they want eaten or filled.

LMAO just try proposition actual hetero/straight men and see what happens.

Sep 2, 2016, 10:11 PM
I think someone's been rejected a little too much....

Sep 3, 2016, 2:19 PM
I think someone's been rejected a little too much....
Nope. Nice projection about yourself though. ;) :rolleyes: :smilies15

Sep 3, 2016, 3:16 PM
Guys do hit on me because I appear to be "straight" and they want to turn or convert me. Most are happily surprised when they find out that in bed there is nothing that would suggest to them that I'm not gay.
Men who are honestly completely straight are not looking for or seeking out any sexual contact with other men. A man who is 100 percent straight would resist having any sexual contact with anouther man.
Accept it and move on, there are quite a few of us out here that you wouldn't know on meeting that are bi or even gay, some of whom will happily accept the blowjob and feed the fantasy but that's exactly whats happening.

Sep 3, 2016, 9:55 PM
I am straight. Never had my cock sucked until I was 29. I tried an escort for the first time and it added up quickly.

Anyways, I really thought women were giving blowjobs out of obligation. I really believed that for 30 years. I went on craigslist
and thought all the ads full of guys wanting to suck cock turned them on etc, I didn't believe either.
Then out of curiosity I met someone and I did it.

Now I do believe there are women who love doing that to their boyfriend/husband/lover. However, I would think I might
get tired one day of getting blowjobs. I believe it's not worth it for me to get a girlfriend for that. I've gotten so many blowjobs already
I'm losing interest in them.

I believe it has to do something when I was a child and as a teenager that girls f** with me and hit me and bothered me
very much I don't make moves. Now I know they to F'ed w/me because I heard so many comments about my looks
myriad times already from guys and women and old women.

Good looks do nothing but get their attention. Most women aren't picky about looks. I think as long as the guy has average looks
and above average personality/character and treats her right he has good chances. :D

Sep 3, 2016, 10:11 PM
I am straight. Never had my cock sucked until I was 29. I tried an escort for the first time and it added up quickly.

Anyways, I really thought women were giving blowjobs out of obligation. I really believed that for 30 years. I went on craigslist
and thought all the ads full of guys wanting to suck cock turned them on etc, I didn't believe either.
Then out of curiosity I met someone and I did it.

Now I do believe there are women who love doing that to their boyfriend/husband/lover. However, I would think I might
get tired one day of getting blowjobs. I believe it's not worth it for me to get a girlfriend for that. I've gotten so many blowjobs already
I'm losing interest in them.

I believe it has to do something when I was a child and as a teenager that girls f** with me and hit me and bothered me
very much I don't make moves. Now I know they to F'ed w/me because I heard so many comments about my looks
myriad times already from guys and women and old women.

Good looks do nothing but get their attention. Most women aren't picky about looks. I think as long as the guy has average looks
and above average personality/character and treats her right he has good chances. :D
Denial is not just a river in Egypt. You can claim you're straight but who are you kidding?

Sep 3, 2016, 10:12 PM
Guys do hit on me because I appear to be "straight" and they want to turn or convert me. Most are happily surprised when they find out that in bed there is nothing that would suggest to them that I'm not gay.
Men who are honestly completely straight are not looking for or seeking out any sexual contact with other men. A man who is 100 percent straight would resist having any sexual contact with anouther man.
Accept it and move on, there are quite a few of us out here that you wouldn't know on meeting that are bi or even gay, some of whom will happily accept the blowjob and feed the fantasy but that's exactly whats happening.

Very true. The OP has to accept some facts, or live in his fantasy world. ;)