View Full Version : Nipple Toys Recommendations?

Aug 15, 2016, 10:40 AM
I love having my nipples stimulated during sex. Can anyone recommend good gear? I have a hairy chest and have difficulty keeping clamps and suckers in place.

Happy Tongue
Aug 15, 2016, 12:29 PM
Well, if you can get the rubber tipped adjustables to hold, I love to use those and then take a small g-spotter vibrator and stimulate my nipple tips. The sensation goes straight to my groin!

Aug 15, 2016, 12:42 PM
I love having my nipples stimulated during sex. Can anyone recommend good gear? I have a hairy chest and have difficulty keeping clamps and suckers in place.
Skilled use of toothy-pegs.. lips.. tongues...fingies and thumbs.. tootsies.. nipples... all natural "toys". Hairy chest? It tickles... but I 'membas quite enjoying it lightly fluffing away on the Fran nips - me xhubbie was a sexpert in use of chest hair... not so face hair.. face hair as I have oft writ b4 is gross and was expected 2 b removed b4 ne hanky-panky wiv me...! Also mind soft willie and goolies was quite fun and stimulating on the nips2.... didn't tend 2 stay soft tho, but hey.. that's how it goes.. or went at least, back about a dozen years or so ago..;):impleased

Aug 15, 2016, 6:49 PM
Skilled use of toothy-pegs.. lips.. tongues...fingies and thumbs.. tootsies.. nipples... all natural "toys". Hairy chest? It tickles... but I 'membas quite enjoying it lightly fluffing away on the Fran nips - me xhubbie was a sexpert in use of chest hair... not so face hair.. face hair as I have oft writ b4 is gross and was expected 2 b removed b4 ne hanky-panky wiv me...! Also mind soft willie and goolies was quite fun and stimulating on the nips2.... didn't tend 2 stay soft tho, but hey.. that's how it goes.. or went at least, back about a dozen years or so ago..;):impleased

:smilies15 Ever the one-of-a-kind Fran that I remember and cherish ! Would love to get one of your nips between my lips for awhile, you ' saucy wench ! ' :impleased

Aug 16, 2016, 3:58 AM
:smilies15 Ever the one-of-a-kind Fran that I remember and cherish ! Would love to get one of your nips between my lips for awhile, you ' saucy wench ! ' :impleasedU'r second person 2 call me saucy yesterday... 1st was a new guy at work (summer hols ova.. sighhhhhhh:().. cocky smooth slick God's gift bastard of 24 just outa teacher training who doesn't believe ther are such things as lessies... just cos I flirt wiv lesser mortals dusn't mean I'm gonna let them have ther wicked way.. and behind me back he has been referring 2 me as "prick teaser".... o well.. don't have that trouble wiv u tho, hey Pep;)? He will learn.... :cutelaugh

Ne ways.. 2 u, luffly man, all I can say is u shud b so lucky.... the Fran (no longa quite so tidgie) tidgies and ther lickle pink circly bits are not for the likes of u, me darlin', fond as I undoubtedly ofya:love87:...

Aug 17, 2016, 7:35 PM
U'r second person 2 call me saucy yesterday... 1st was a new guy at work (summer hols ova.. sighhhhhhh:().. cocky smooth slick God's gift bastard of 24 just outa teacher training who doesn't believe ther are such things as lessies... just cos I flirt wiv lesser mortals dusn't mean I'm gonna let them have ther wicked way.. and behind me back he has been referring 2 me as "prick teaser".... o well.. don't have that trouble wiv u tho, hey Pep;)? He will learn.... :cutelaugh

Ne ways.. 2 u, luffly man, all I can say is u shud b so lucky.... the Fran (no longa quite so tidgie) tidgies and ther lickle pink circly bits are not for the likes of u, me darlin', fond as I undoubtedly ofya:love87:...

Confirms to me that my intuition was on target once again as it often is ! ;)

I know; no prick-teasing, it was all me. Sudden , unbridled lust during a summer of back to back heat waves, a healthy amount of brewski in my system and not having seen you on here much less interacting for months, triggered something subconscious. :devil:

Glad you took it in the spirit of fun as it was meant to be. :smilies15

Send that " 24 yo cocky smooth slick bastard " my way ! Win Win situation ! ;) :shades::smilies15

Aug 18, 2016, 6:47 AM
Confirms to me that my intuition was on target once again as it often is ! ;)

I know; no prick-teasing, it was all me. Sudden , unbridled lust during a summer of back to back heat waves, a healthy amount of brewski in my system and not having seen you on here much less interacting for months, triggered something subconscious. :devil:

Glad you took it in the spirit of fun as it was meant to be. :smilies15

Send that " 24 yo cocky smooth slick bastard " my way ! Win Win situation ! ;) :shades::smilies15Women have intuition.. men, wishful thinkin';).

No back 2 back heat wave here.. been a bit of a washout the summer... even me time on the continent, while a great improvement wasn't up 2 its usual high standard weather wise! Tho wot happens? Day I go back 2 work its wall 2 wall sunshine.. 2cd and 3rd day same! 2day ok but a lickle less triff... tomoz time for placcie macs a' wellies! Mum is takin' baba up the cottage tonite for nice long weekend... if its peein' down 'ere the flash floods up ther!! Lucky me lickle but an' ben is on side of a hill!! Well more raised ground rather tha a hill if ya kno wot I mean! Tho cross field on otha side of the back garden fence ther is a propa hill.. bit dodgy crossing that field tho.. kinda squidgy after rain tho ther is a path of much more firm ground.

Almost wish I was goin' but, luffly man, the festivals r on... me luffly wee city has well over double its normal population for anotha week and a haff or so.. lots from ur part of the world 2... but from ur part of the world and Canada, the Antipodes, Europe, Africa, South and Central America, Asia 2 Auld Reekie cometh Lesbiana:impleased in all its beauty and variation and the ole town improves 100%! Gayorama an' Bisexualana an' all arrive in theirs... and if most folk r str8 that visit (no real hardship for bi peeps I would imagine).. then the fact that every week for 3 weeks my lickle home town has an additional 10 or 20000 gels 2 cheer we poor hard up, deprived and depraved Edinburgh lessies up, is no bad thing:impleased! So is clubbin' this Sat nite.. and for a change.. tomoz a' all... wich is triff, hey?

I take most things in spirit that they r meant, Pep... but am not sure u wud fancy "Slick".. haven't smelled Old Spice for years and have never liked the iff from it! And over used Old Spice is absolutely mingin'! Staff room reeks of it.. corridors pong... U wud need him in shower for a week scrubbin' wiv plenty carbolic.. lesse of course u don't mid reek of the stuff!! Will admit tho... apart from the ming of the "Spice" as guys go he is a decent lookin' guy, well turned out, who, in me younger (more teenly) days, I might well have made a play for:yikes2:... how sad is that:eek2:?? Scary!!!!