View Full Version : so the olympics...

Aug 14, 2016, 11:43 PM
Women's and men's events, what an awesome time to be bi :bigrin:.

Aug 15, 2016, 1:12 AM
Reminds me of Robin William's bit on ice fucking. lol

Aug 15, 2016, 2:54 AM
Jake Dalton, women's volleyball and field hockey. I'd love to be in the Olympic village.

Aug 15, 2016, 8:46 AM
Jake Dalton, women's volleyball and field hockey. I'd love to be in the Olympic village.Ahhhh hockey.. not olympics but watching a certain wee blonde bimbo .com member called Sam fly down the wing.. a joy. Last time watching her get cracked in fizzog wiv hockey stick.. not so much...cut lip, bloody nose, nasty bruising, swelling:mad:..nowt broken.. a few months later she is back 2 being just gorge and a joy 2 look at:impleased... poor cow tho.. nookie activity curtailed for a wile....

..but haven't really watched the Olympics...did however make a point of watching the women's rowing wen I could.. Katherine Grainger.. sighhhhh.. among others.. so yum.. so gorge.. so amazing.. so fit.. and omg.. so tall....... and I do luff tall:tongue:.....

Aug 16, 2016, 5:40 PM
Not paid much mind of them. Did watch one or two female rowing events, as a simple matter of that was what happened being on at her mom's. We had supper there and I was waiting for me and wife to have our shift at supper. Not too keen of a sports fan anyway. Then, not much I am keen on. Excuse me.

Aug 20, 2016, 6:06 AM
Spotted bit on the news last night b4 I went out the l8est about quartet of dickhead swimmers in Rio... it is a grand thing to be white and privileged even if one is a lying shitebag..... they will all do well for themselves in life..

Aug 20, 2016, 2:44 PM
Yes...darkeyes. You have to wonder about these four swimmers' backgrounds regardless of their race. I don't think the Ryan guy will do as well as if he had told the truth. Still he would have lost his endorsements for vandalizing I suspect.

Very little has been written about swimmers, saliors getting ill from the water after the initial coverage and fears of them getting ill. Time will tell.

It was new to me that the medal winners get cash and that here in Canada they pay tax on the cash prize (reported as $24, 000)

Aug 20, 2016, 9:31 PM
Spotted bit on the news last night b4 I went out the l8est about quartet of dickhead swimmers in Rio... it is a grand thing to be white and privileged even if one is a lying shitebag..... they will all do well for themselves in life..

Really, Dark ? I'm somewhat surprised at your intolerance, given your checkered past, much touted disdain for the police and penchant for being a party animal yourself.

This incident couldn't have been dismissed as a " foible of youth " in your book ? :rolleyes:

Aug 21, 2016, 12:55 AM
My wife's been watching this shit every afternoon. Handsome young gym rats with handsome 5 o'clock shadow beards, six pack abs, cute little round butts, & bulges in their speedos. Painting her nails & reading on her kindle. Every friggin' afternoon I'm right next to her. and every afternoon she bitches about touching her like that. Then she slips & says our middle son's name doing that last night. I was shocked & questioned her. Oh, never mind is all I get. Or, " did he come in the room? Did IO miss anything?" Then get all mad at me for assuming the obvious. Young strapping men in my house & on my TV. You know you're a loser when even the men don't want you. I need some lovin' too. 39th is next sat & I got nothin from her...I just want some intimate attention...is that so wrong? She can't pull herself away from her little gym rats?

Aug 21, 2016, 1:00 PM
Really, Dark ? I'm somewhat surprised at your intolerance, given your checkered past, much touted disdain for the police and penchant for being a party animal yourself.

This incident couldn't have been dismissed as a " foible of youth " in your book ? :rolleyes:Chequered past serpently.. party animal sure.. but not a destructive one which involved me lying me arse off 2 get out of me hooliganism by shoving the blame on some other poor buggers.. many foibles of youth sure... but not as in this case when representing country, company, institution or club abroad who are paying for board and lodging, and the case of British sportspeeps at least at these games, would have paid for me training and equipment and other expenses over so I could compete. I can and do let me hair down.. but within strict limits when away on work biz and serpently never destructive to property, private or public, and serpently never covering me tracks, or trying 2, by making up cock and bull story to cover said tracks and casting aspersions on the people of a place such as Rio which has more than its share of problems as it is. I visit as a representative of whichever body it happened to be.. I am not and ever shall b an innocent but neither would my self respect allow me to act as these 4 dummies sure have.

My disdain, as u put it, for the polis, Pep, is because I have never believed they are the guardians of law and order or our protectors.. not for the likes of u and I anyway.. I have seen how they act and behave and it is not always with even-handedness or even honesty.. the police services exist to preserve the status quo and are generally not too fussy as institutions about how they go about it. Contrary to what some believe I do not go out of my way to antagonise them but neither do I stand by silently and allow them to act in ways which I believe are either illegal or unjust. I believe that the police services of every country are institutionally corrupt, but that within their ranks are many decent policemen and women who defy that corruption and are as honest as the day is long and who take great risks in trying to make their service what it should be.. I am as disdainful as ever about the institution even as my developing relationship with a very decent police officer abroad is making me take stock and think more deeply of just how I feel about a service which should be our protectors, but in fact is far too often our persecutors and oppressors at the behest of those who should be our political servants but all too often believe themselves to be our political masters.

Aug 21, 2016, 1:08 PM
Yes...darkeyes. You have to wonder about these four swimmers' backgrounds regardless of their race. I don't think the Ryan guy will do as well as if he had told the truth. Still he would have lost his endorsements for vandalizing I suspect.

Very little has been written about swimmers, saliors getting ill from the water after the initial coverage and fears of them getting ill. Time will tell.

It was new to me that the medal winners get cash and that here in Canada they pay tax on the cash prize (reported as $24, 000)
Medal winners in the UK still don't get cash but I do know it happens in many countries.. what does happen generally is the more successful a sport is at various games, especially the Olympics, the more it gets allocated to help its (in particular elite) sportsmen and women be successful.

Aug 21, 2016, 4:00 PM
Really, Dark ? I'm somewhat surprised at your intolerance, given your checkered past, much touted disdain for the police and penchant for being a party animal yourself.

This incident couldn't have been dismissed as a " foible of youth " in your book ? :rolleyes:

OK, lets just be clear here, Lochte is 32, there is nothing he is doing at that age, foible or not that can be attributed to his youth. The whole idea of 'boys will be boys' is ridiculous. That said from a father of two young adult men that have never felt the need to go on drunken benders and vandalize someone else's property.

Another thought for those of use in the USA - if these were teenage POC doing such things in the US, they probably would have been arrested and charged as adults (if not worse).

Aug 21, 2016, 4:30 PM
Medal winners in the UK still don't get cash but I do know it happens in many countries.. what does happen generally is the more successful a sport is at various games, especially the Olympics, the more it gets allocated to help its (in particular elite) sportsmen and women be successful.

hmm I wondered about the cash. I guess then that it is not coming from the Olympic body but the Canadian federal government. They have had a newish programme since 2009. I think that it is called Win the Podium where certain atheletes are given more support if they show promise. There is a 16 year old female swimmer who won 1 gold, 1 silver and two bronze this time and she is getting something around $55, 000. Last year she did not qualify for the Pan Am games and this year she wins. So young but she seems to have her head on straight. I do wonder if her parents are pushing or confirming her idea? of giving a chunk to a Sick Kids Hospital. She is the first crop of young atheletes to go through the programme completely after 2009 we are told.

Aug 21, 2016, 6:38 PM
hmm I wondered about the cash. I guess then that it is not coming from the Olympic body but the Canadian federal government. They have had a newish programme since 2009. I think that it is called Win the Podium where certain atheletes are given more support if they show promise. There is a 16 year old female swimmer who won 1 gold, 1 silver and two bronze this time and she is getting something around $55, 000. Last year she did not qualify for the Pan Am games and this year she wins. So young but she seems to have her head on straight. I do wonder if her parents are pushing or confirming her idea? of giving a chunk to a Sick Kids Hospital. She is the first crop of young atheletes to go through the programme completely after 2009 we are told.I have no idea how Canada funds its Olympic sportspeeps, tenni, but the national lottery and sponsorship does most of it here and has done since the Lottery fired up in the mid 90s. Sport is but one good cause that the Lottery funds... taxpayer input is pretty negligible other than by lottery ticket purchase... it seems to have worked for the GB team this time round which won gold medals in more different sports than any other country compared to a single gold in, well.. a single sport obviously (rowing)... in 1992 before the lottery started funding sport.. I haven't watched much of it.. the footie this morning which I had recorded last nite, some rowing (do luff our tall ladies wiv the oars) and the women's hockey final which I also watched a recording of yesterday morning. And that was about it.. about all I was interested in tho. Am all for sport tho.. fitness is important and we do have a massive obesity and lack of fitness problem but fact of life is in the UK more is spent on a few hundred elite sportsmen and women than is spent on grass roots sport and sports facilities for millions where the money and resources are needed far more. Sad ole world.

Aug 21, 2016, 6:42 PM
OK, lets just be clear here, Lochte is 32, there is nothing he is doing at that age, foible or not that can be attributed to his youth. The whole idea of 'boys will be boys' is ridiculous. That said from a father of two young adult men that have never felt the need to go on drunken benders and vandalize someone else's property.

Another thought for those of use in the USA - if these were teenage POC doing such things in the US, they probably would have been arrested and charged as adults (if not worse).Ehhhh.. 'scuse me.. am 37 in mid Sept.. u trying 2 tell me Fran is not youthful? :eek2:;)

Aug 21, 2016, 10:32 PM
OK, lets just be clear here, Lochte is 32, there is nothing he is doing at that age, foible or not that can be attributed to his youth. The whole idea of 'boys will be boys' is ridiculous. That said from a father of two young adult men that have never felt the need to go on drunken benders and vandalize someone else's property.

Another thought for those of use in the USA - if these were teenage POC doing such things in the US, they probably would have been arrested and charged as adults (if not worse).

Yeah, jump on that sanctimonious band wagon from your ivory tower ! :rolleyes: Like you never did something at that age you don't regret.

We're talking about simple, drunken vandalism of a public restroom and lying to the police. How many 30+ adults are routinely guilty of similar behavior each week-end while winding down from the work week? These athletes were seriously psyched, trying to do so. So Lochte doesn't get his picture on the cover of Wheaties cereal; so what in the grand scheme of things ?

And why is this temporary scandal overshadowing the fact that the U.S. is dominating in gold medals ?

Aug 22, 2016, 12:15 AM
Ehhhh.. 'scuse me.. am 37 in mid Sept.. u trying 2 tell me Fran is not youthful? :eek2:;)

Sorry my lovely.....you may be youthful in spirit, attitude and more but alas at 37 now technically middle aged...:yikes2: :(

Ducks as darkeyes throws a baby bottle at me. ;)

Aug 22, 2016, 12:19 AM
"And why is this temporary scandal overshadowing the fact that the U.S. is dominating in gold medals ?"

This will not be a temporary scandal. One reason may be that the bleached blond middle aged Gold metal winning man lied and made a big deal out of this. I wonder if he will be suspended from future competition or just fined?

What about the Irish guy who was a member of the Olympic governing body who may have scalped the tickets allotted to him.? That's a bigger scandal !! :yikes2:

Aug 22, 2016, 12:52 AM
Yeah, jump on that sanctimonious band wagon from your ivory tower ! :rolleyes: Like you never did something at that age you don't regret.

We're talking about simple, drunken vandalism of a public restroom and lying to the police. How many 30+ adults are routinely guilty of similar behavior each week-end while winding down from the work week? These athletes were seriously psyched, trying to do so. So Lochte doesn't get his picture on the cover of Wheaties cereal; so what in the grand scheme of things ?

And why is this temporary scandal overshadowing the fact that the U.S. is dominating in gold medals ?
Dominated? 46 golds out of 306 up for grabs is hardly domination.. most successful by a goodly distance from the pack, Pep.. but not domination of medals of any colour. Am not belittling the US effort in the least, quite the contrary, it was a frantastic effort especially as China with 4 times the population won around 60% of the number of golds that the US did. O yea.. and a lickle cold and damp group of islands off the coast of France with 5% the population of China won even more.. good hey;)? Think about it, babes.. All this nationalism and my "dad is biggern and/or bettern ur dad" is hardly the Olympic ideal of the ole Baron de Coubertin but was perhaps inevitable given the state of human development. But sad all the same.. that in my opinion is the real story of these and every games.. but we shouldn't try and sweep lesser evils under the carpet and dismiss them as nothing...

Aug 22, 2016, 12:58 AM
Sorry my lovely.....you may be youthful in spirit, attitude and more but alas at 37 now technically middle aged...:yikes2: :(

Ducks as darkeyes throws a baby bottle at me. ;)Shurrup.. am not 37 yet! *chucks babba's full iffy potty @ strange and cheeky Canadian chap*...;)

Aug 22, 2016, 7:56 PM
"And why is this temporary scandal overshadowing the fact that the U.S. is dominating in gold medals ?"

This will not be a temporary scandal. One reason may be that the bleached blond middle aged Gold metal winning man lied and made a big deal out of this. I wonder if he will be suspended from future competition or just fined?

What about the Irish guy who was a member of the Olympic governing body who may have scalped the tickets allotted to him.? That's a bigger scandal !! :yikes2:

Complete bs, Tenni ! In a world where where the latest terror attack or other human atrocity or depravity quickly becomes back page news, of course it will ! :rolleyes: Btw, your reference to " bleached blond " hints at personal bias, resentment which is what fuels these type of scandals.

Aug 22, 2016, 8:40 PM
Dominated? 46 golds out of 306 up for grabs is hardly domination.. most successful by a goodly distance from the pack, Pep.. but not domination of medals of any colour. Am not belittling the US effort in the least, quite the contrary, it was a frantastic effort especially as China with 4 times the population won around 60% of the number of golds that the US did. O yea.. and a lickle cold and damp group of islands off the coast of France with 5% the population of China won even more.. good hey;)? Think about it, babes.. All this nationalism and my "dad is biggern and/or bettern ur dad" is hardly the Olympic ideal of the ole Baron de Coubertin but was perhaps inevitable given the state of human development. But sad all the same.. that in my opinion is the real story of these and every games.. but we shouldn't try and sweep lesser evils under the carpet and dismiss them as nothing...

You appear to have a very skewed perspective on the numbers, Dark, which doesn't surprise me since I'm aware both you and Tenni are not fond of the 'good ole U.S. of A.'

We finished with 121 gold , almost twice that of our closest competitor, China, which you accurately noted has a much larger population.

Nationalism and competition have always been the essence of the Olympics , so I don't understand your problem with that. What in your opinion is " the Olympic ideal ? " In mine, I think the U.S. just displayed it.

Aug 23, 2016, 3:25 AM
You appear to have a very skewed perspective on the numbers, Dark, which doesn't surprise me since I'm aware both you and Tenni are not fond of the 'good ole U.S. of A.'

We finished with 121 gold , almost twice that of our closest competitor, China, which you accurately noted has a much larger population.

Nationalism and competition have always been the essence of the Olympics , so I don't understand your problem with that. What in your opinion is " the Olympic ideal ? " In mine, I think the U.S. just displayed it.
I may not be fond of the US political system and some (k.. quite a few) things about ur country but don't mistake that as dislike of the country itself and serpently not the peeps.. because I liked what little I saw of it greatly on my one visit and liked the people immensely. Just as I have liked the Americans I have met over the years who come a visiting gud ole UK a few of whom I have been all 2 happy 2 dally wiv for a wile..... Edinburgh is hoaching wiv them at present cos of the festivals and r helping making my lickle city buzz wich is triff..... everywer I go ther they r and ver welcome they r an' all.. fancied 1 in pub on Sat nite and was crestfallen wen her bf walked in and that went a long way 2 ruinin' me evenin'.. not a bloody cheep about ne bf:mad:...had spent 40 mins trying 2 get 'er 2 come clubbin' wiv us.. o well.. nearest I got 2 a canoodle all nite:(! Think she was takin' the p***.. o well it happens...

Yep, and 'bout the 'lympics.... and the US wiv 6 times Britain's population couldn't even manage twice the medals:cutelaugh;)... is all relative babes... and have been having a bit of fun wiv ya.. but if u want a real laff have wee read at this daft cow.... and folk voted for her:eek2:? http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/22/conservative-mp-praises-british-empire-for-rio-2016-medal-tally... 46 gold for 46 events for the US.

121 gold is a figure I assume u work out by including multi competitor or team events such as football, Rugby, Hockey, team Gymnastics, swimming and athletic relays, basketball, volleyball, handball and the like (not all of wich the US won so I'm not going potty).. 306 events in the games.. hockey which the British won, Rugby won Fiji, football by Brazil but 3 .. well that is 3 gold medals taken care of not 23 or wotever the number of competitors per winning team was.. not me who has me numbers skewed luffly man... u should nip over here and have wee word wiv the Tories.. they like folk who skew numbers in the way u do:tongue:... u could make a mint;)!

..am not saying btw nationalism hasn't always been part of the Olympics.. I am saying it is unwholesome and unedifying, often distasteful and it was never part of de Coubertin's plans for the games.. but wot could 1 man do against the ambitions of "great" nations? Some day maybe it will become the celebration of sport for all humankind he wanted it to be and not for the glorification of nationhood:)..

Aug 23, 2016, 4:10 PM
" de Coubertin's plans for the games."

I'm not sure what de Coubertin's plan was but I do wonder how the Olympics would deal with the individuals as winner of gold etc. medals. There was only reporting dealing with winner but not their nation. What would the reporting be? Certainly, Usain Bolt's triple gold medal winner in Track three Olympics in a row would be up there. He is the fastest man in the world.

What athletic success surpasses nations in your opinion?

Aug 23, 2016, 7:05 PM
I may not be fond of the US political system and some (k.. quite a few) things about ur country but don't mistake that as dislike of the country itself and serpently not the peeps.. because I liked what little I saw of it greatly on my one visit and liked the people immensely. Just as I have liked the Americans I have met over the years who come a visiting gud ole UK a few of whom I have been all 2 happy 2 dally wiv for a wile..... Edinburgh is hoaching wiv them at present cos of the festivals and r helping making my lickle city buzz wich is triff..... everywer I go ther they r and ver welcome they r an' all.. fancied 1 in pub on Sat nite and was crestfallen wen her bf walked in and that went a long way 2 ruinin' me evenin'.. not a bloody cheep about ne bf:mad:...had spent 40 mins trying 2 get 'er 2 come clubbin' wiv us.. o well.. nearest I got 2 a canoodle all nite:(! Think she was takin' the p***.. o well it happens...

Yep, and 'bout the 'lympics.... and the US wiv 6 times Britain's population couldn't even manage twice the medals:cutelaugh;)... is all relative babes... and have been having a bit of fun wiv ya.. but if u want a real laff have wee read at this daft cow.... and folk voted for her:eek2:? http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/22/conservative-mp-praises-british-empire-for-rio-2016-medal-tally... 46 gold for 46 events for the US.

121 gold is a figure I assume u work out by including multi competitor or team events such as football, Rugby, Hockey, team Gymnastics, swimming and athletic relays, basketball, volleyball, handball and the like (not all of wich the US won so I'm not going potty).. 306 events in the games.. hockey which the British won, Rugby won Fiji, football by Brazil but 3 .. well that is 3 gold medals taken care of not 23 or wotever the number of competitors per winning team was.. not me who has me numbers skewed luffly man... u should nip over here and have wee word wiv the Tories.. they like folk who skew numbers in the way u do:tongue:... u could make a mint;)!

..am not saying btw nationalism hasn't always been part of the Olympics.. I am saying it is unwholesome and unedifying, often distasteful and it was never part of de Coubertin's plans for the games.. but wot could 1 man do against the ambitions of "great" nations? Some day maybe it will become the celebration of sport for all humankind he wanted it to be and not for the glorification of nationhood:)..

The 121 gold medals is not some obscure number I conjured , Dark. It's what was reported to me consistently by all my major media sources, the number that will go into the record books.

As far as U.S. politics, we're pretty much on the same page there; I find myself feeling disgusted , resigned and hopeless almost daily.

And don't forget, my roots are in Frankfurt, Germany. I also find myself deeply missing the majestic beauty of Europe lately. It's been decades since I've been there. I've seen many captivating references to your Edinburgh which reinforces that longing. :(

I think Olympic greats such as Jesse Owens and Jim Thorpe are as close to your idealistic vision of the games as we're ever going to see.

Aug 23, 2016, 11:10 PM
The US won 121 medals in total for 2016. 46 Olympic metals won by US peeps were Gold.


Aug 24, 2016, 10:10 AM
Ahhh that makes sense, Tenni.. a long way ahead of the pack indeed.. didn't think 2 check on the overall medals table.. silly ole me... but silly ole Pep 2.. 2 go back 2 me original point.. can 121 medals of all colours won out of well over 900 awarded be considered domination? Hmmmmm... questionable.. won the league by a mile maybe. Folk are going potty here cos GB came (arguably) second in the table wiv 27 Golds (3rd in number of medals won)... best done in a century and the the first time ever a country has won more medals overall in the games after they hosted them (fewer golds however.. so not so great.. folk keeping quiet about that..).. u have no idea how unpleasantly jingoistic many peeps r being cos of this... but then Brits can do jingoism bettern ne 1 else.. spesh the southern Brit variety..

Add on top of the Brexit thing and the racism and xenophobia it has generated, very, very unpleasantly so... even in my small part of the UK the move 2 a 2cd referendum on independence, while we north of the border do not endure anything like the same depth of racism or xenophobia there is enough to be going on with and there are disturbing signs that now the brexit referendum is out of the way, that English nationalism, a completely different beast from the Scottish or Welsh varieties, is turning its guns onto my wee country...... I have been called paranoid when making this claim and maybe I am, but the signs are there in my view.

My ideal of the Olympic games would be as the man who thought up them up for the modern era.. no nationalism.. the spirit of human sporting endeavour but we see how they and other similar games have developed throughout their history and how narrow nationalism (and the IOC for that matter) has increasingly corrupted de Coubertin's ideal of human against human not nation against nation although as long as we have nations it is I accept difficult not to bring in nationalism.. the media, governments and people would most likely see to that however hard we try.. but as with many things, I have ideals and believe in them and that some day they shall come to pass... I know, I know.. I am a dreamer.. but without our dreams what are we? How does humankind individually and collectively move forward?

Nothing wrong in longing for our roots, Pep... Germany isn't a country I know, but really have to get down to doing something about that. In its own way it has been the most generous nation in Europe for decades now.. still folk in this country (not all, but serpently many on the right) see what it does at every turn German calculation for the domination of Europe. As a result of British paranoia and fear of German domination it is likely the UK shall leave the EU and be much the poorer for it, as indeed shall the EU and maybe the world..... as a union the UK may not survive the experience and it is quite possible that the EU wont either in the long term... the far right of Britain and Europe are serpently working to that about and not without some success..... The "British" fear and rush for the door of the EU is why I am seriously considering my long standing opposition to Scottish independence for I have long been more committed to the EU than I have ever been to the much smaller and narrower and actually in my view less pleasant union into which I was born. Sure, I was also born an EU citizen but in common with my generation and the one after, and in common with most Scots I like being a European citizen and would prefer to remain one, so have never shared the anti-EU view of that much larger union and of Germany's place in it.

The point of all this latter diatribe of Fran drivel and dross? I like Germans:bigrin:... and have sat on the knee of more than one! I have found them in the main warm, kind, sensitive and fun to be with... but maybe best of all... tall...:impleased. Funnily enough, my experience of Canadians is very similar, tenni.. they have comfy knees an' all... but surprisingly, why is it Canadians seem to have more natural blondes? Oops.. have gone right off topic.. o well.. the things that come to mind wen a girl is at a bit of a loose end... will shurrup and go now...:love87:

Aug 24, 2016, 11:23 AM
Ok, I stand corrected with a " wee bit " of 'egg on face.' ;):smilies15

Aug 24, 2016, 3:24 PM
"With 306 sets of medals, the games featured 28 Olympic sports (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_sports),"

The above stats suggest to me that some one /country could win no more that 306 gold medals if they won all sets ....Not certain exactly how that involves 28 sports? I guess might include several categoires for the Olympic sport....ie. wrestling and different weight categories?

Come on Pepper why can your country not do better than 46 gold medals?...lol Why couldn't you win the other 260 Gold medals? (kid'n...just razn ya ;)

Of course it is always nice to share...lol

Aug 24, 2016, 5:16 PM
"With 306 sets of medals, the games featured 28 Olympic sports (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_sports),"

The above stats suggest to me that some one /country could win no more that 306 gold medals if they won all sets ....Not certain exactly how that involves 28 sports? I guess might include several categoires for the Olympic sport....ie. wrestling and different weight categories?

Come on Pepper why can your country not do better than 46 gold medals?...lol Why couldn't you win the other 260 Gold medals? (kid'n...just razn ya ;)

Of course it is always nice to share...lol

Well, we do have Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian in the history of the games ! :impleased ;)

Aug 25, 2016, 3:59 AM
Well, we do have Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian in the history of the games ! :impleased ;)Indeed so.. ver impressive.. hope they don't find out he has done a Lance wotsisame;).. am sure not Pep cos I really do believe most sports peeps are honest..... so am just pullin' ya leg... suspicions on 1 of Britain's biggest name athletes tho I believe cos of his coach..... and otha teams apparently don't like the GB cycling team... envy? Or is ther fire in that smoke somewer? I do sometimes wonder wetha the various sports bodies shud just drop opposition to naughty substances in sport. Cos the technology of dope in sport means the dopers are usually a step ahead of the testers.. think it would be sad but at least then sport might be a lickle more honest. Then I think wot damage peeps r doing 2 themselves and dismiss the though...

...found out last nite an ole school m8 was in Rio... came back rite miffed that no athlete took an interest in her charms.. wondered wy cos she is a luffly gel.. then she let slip.... not sure I'd push me luck wile 'er mum and auntie wer around.. fierce. 1ce, a long time ago wen a mere slip of a girl at still at high school, Fran was physically chased down Ravvy Dykes in Edinburgh cos they only thought... thought mind u... I was interfering wiv ther lickle gels morals... fastest me lickle legs eva carried me b4 or since and I recko wudda qualified me at least for the Brit Olympic sprint team for this years games nev mind that year or ne otha year.. 37 and still single... nowt wrong wiv that. Not so long it is a personal choice of the still single person and not their mummy:eek2:.. She was told not 2 play wiv me (or words 2 that effect):yikes2:. And u kno wot? Tho we did go dancin' togetha a lot, the silly cow nev did:eek2:...

Aug 25, 2016, 8:25 AM
First Franecdote I've chuckled over with my morning coffee in awhile ! :smilies15

Aug 25, 2016, 10:33 AM
First Franecdote I've chuckled over with my morning coffee in awhile ! :smilies15Shooting up 2 Edin Airport shortly 2 pick up luffly tall polis lady... franecdote tho,.... (do like that expression.. ta Pep... almost as gud as frantabulous!).. is now locked in the lickle pea brain for use at a lata date.! Weather is horrible.. still... pick up babba afta and we gels will go out and eat.. wil help tire short-cake out and get 'er in bed by 9 at latest.. then make up for lost time... Frantabulous! For me that is.. no franecdotes:cutelaugh for u 2 b gettin' off on u naughty naughty German chappie u....;):impleased

Aug 25, 2016, 12:15 PM
Fran...for someone who claims to never tell her secrets, I believe you just did.

Hope by the time your French police contact gest through you, you'll be exhausted!

Sorry, no matter how much you do, it won't last long...can't save that stuff up!

DAMN, you're 37?? I think you were 28 the first time we were on the forum posting! Time's aflyin'...............

Aug 25, 2016, 2:21 PM
Can anyone tell me any Olympic sport that wouldn't be better if performed nude?

Aug 25, 2016, 4:31 PM
Can anyone tell me any Olympic sport that wouldn't be better if performed nude?
Sand volleyball. Can you imagine where the sand would wind up?

Aug 26, 2016, 7:54 AM
Fran...for someone who claims to never tell her secrets, I believe you just did.

Hope by the time your French police contact gest through you, you'll be exhausted!

Sorry, no matter how much you do, it won't last long...can't save that stuff up!

DAMN, you're 37?? I think you were 28 the first time we were on the forum posting! Time's aflyin'...............Haven't sed I don't tell secrets.. don't tell otha peeps secrets and I kno quite a few.. ..... I don't normally tell gory details of me sex life but will tell 'bout it generally..and me luff life. Really, it depends on the secret... just which 1 am I meant 2 have spilled this time? Fact that I nev laid me m8? It happens...:yikes2::cutelaugh.

As for me luffly Guardien...sighhhhh..... didn't feel like getting outa bed for work this morning I can tellya but Shortcake as usual was bouncin' on me tummy by 'bout 6.. dropped Guardien Tall Gorge Person off at tram stop for town on me way 2 work so she can go and enjoy the atmosphere of the day's street carnival fun... and shop.. (most important that bit.. is me birfday in cuppla weeks and I expect summat triff and expensive... have dispatched me best m8 just 2 make sure of that! She can do the needful an' all..). Nice day for 1ce here and up town (wich is about 40 miles away) so she shud have luffly time.

Was a luffly drive 2 work this morning but it is harvest time and I musta got stuck behind just about every tractor and harvester in 'tween Edinburgh and work an' a few lorries just for gud measure! Made it on time wiv 3 mins 2 spare wen I usually have 40 or 50 mins!! Pretty sure I wos clocked by a camera for speeding and cud do wivout that and as I knew it wos there, how stupid wos that?.. Dosh is better in my pocket than the council's and I quite value me clean licence.. will only b 3 pts but 3 pts is rite pain in arse...!

Think I had been a member and chatter for about a year b4 I started posting.. so I was 26.. just a baby, hey? Things I, u an' and the world have been through since, Realist.. an' finally.. not last long? Me luffy tall person is a lady bobbie not a man bobby.. wot u mean not last long:impleased? Wonda wot she will get me for me birfday:confused: Best b brill, spesh as I am gonna b outa pocket and am takin' 3pts cos of 'er:eek2:... or she won't b long lastin':cutelaugh!:love87:

Wots this 2 do wiv 'lympics? Nowt.. 'cept if ther was a gold medal in the 'lympic Games for natterin' dross on line it wud b mine:impleased!

Aug 26, 2016, 8:52 AM
Nice segway at the end, to prevent ambushing the thread, Fran!

I recently got caught by a traffic camera, too. Cost me $185 for running a red light. Hurts me to think of the scotch. or fine meal with my GF, or whatever I could have bought with the money!

I know your policeman is a woman...you're not into us Lesser human beans any more! ! I guess police PERSON would be a better choice of words.

By saying, "...not last long" I meant; no matter how exciting the romp in the hay was, or how long you're at it, or how good it felt, and no matter how exhausted you are afterwards.......... the next day, you're usually really wanting some more! It's like the day before was a month before!


P.S. I think Armadildo should select all the teams for the next Olympics! It'd be better, because only nude men competed in ancient Greece!

Aug 26, 2016, 11:32 AM
I like u lesser beans ver much.. most ofya.. just not in me knickers:)!

Am not skint so paying the fine will b no prob.. but for all that ur right.. lotsa otha things it cud b betta spent on... like me birfday bash for a start... me birfday nite out wiv me m8s... have the shoes an' stuff.. just need nice new dress:)...

Me bruvva uses the expression Armadildo a lot.... me sister in law agrees wiv him.. he is a bloody dildo.... 1 wiv flat batteries so pretty duff:tongue:...

Nakey men in the 'lympics in ancient Greece huh? I knew that really... wudda stayed at home, foned big house at top of Mount Olympus and get some Goddess to nip down and make sure I had nice time away from all that testosterone...:impleased!

Aug 26, 2016, 9:31 PM
" Nakey men in the 'lympics in ancient Greece ? " :eek2:

No wonder someone eventually came up with jock straps and cups . ;)

Can you imagine the groin injuries with all those swinging dicks amidst all that strenuous physical exertion ? :yikes2:

Aug 27, 2016, 12:43 PM
" Nakey men in the 'lympics in ancient Greece ? " :eek2:

No wonder someone eventually came up with jock straps and cups . ;)

Can you imagine the groin injuries with all those swinging dicks amidst all that strenuous physical exertion ? :yikes2:Huh.. I mind a girl who had 'er nose blooded wen a guy's back went in mid shag:eek2:.. was quite a nice shag, not at all strenuous.. prob just as well or he mita broke me bloody nose as well as blooding it:yikes2:.... worra wuss. :cutelaugh I can laff now but at time I wos less than pleased:tongue:...