View Full Version : Seeking a better term for female genitals....

Aug 11, 2016, 12:37 PM
I was wondering----does anyone else have any problems with the common term we use for female genitalia---specifically the term "Pussy?"

I have to say that I do---and really wished that we would have some other vernacular term for this lovely part of female anatomy.

To me--that far too many people--mostly men----tend to use "pussy" as not something at all positive for "that part" just makes it problematic for me and I really am trying to get away from using this word.

Surely all of the other terms we use all have very negative connotations too such as "cunt," "snatch," "beaver" or what have you---they all just are not "kind words" in my view.

Some years ago on the HBO series, Real Sex---they had an episode featuring an erotic, all African-American performance art group that came up with another term, as I recall was PUSNANI, using this word in very erotic, sensual and "hot" ways in their onstage performance.

I thought this was a pretty good shot at a replacement term for "pussy"--but never could get quite accepting of it.

I am wondering, if others feel as I do--I hope to hear from the ladies that still come to the site so that they put in their views on this subject along with those of the guys who are sure to post up....

What term could we come with to replace the word "Pussy," a word that I think one can make a serious argument---should no longer be used as we have all these years as the "common" term for a woman's most special and lovely aspect of not just her body--but her entire being.

Go fore it
Aug 11, 2016, 5:04 PM
My wife prefurs Cunt !, as too that childish word " Pussy ". When i met my wifes back when she was a teen there was only #1 word for her,s, Cunt... Nature broke the mold when it made her,s & its still as Magnificent today as it was back then. My hat,s off to the Very few Woman who were Blessed with a Beauitful Cunt & know how to take great care of it.42995

Aug 11, 2016, 5:22 PM
Yes cunt is a great word.

Argent 11
Aug 11, 2016, 6:29 PM
"Valley of Delight" ;-)

Go fore it
Aug 12, 2016, 9:51 AM
When i use that word it,s used with Great Respect & Admiration !!!. it,s funny all these years with my wife, if i say it & the wifes around She Anwsers to it. 43008

Aug 12, 2016, 10:27 AM
Sanskrit term is yoni. I've used that with my wife who is into Yoga. Seems nicer.

Aug 12, 2016, 10:46 AM
Interesting thread, Volty! I'll be interested in what you come up with.

Vagina, vulva, labia, clitoris, penis, testicles, anus, all sound clinical to me....but, like you said, other common words often seem almost impolite.

How about the French, do they have less harsh, more pleasing words, for those things?

And "Go Fore It" You're a lucky man and I think your wife's a peach! She has really strange eyes, tho! Just kidding.

Go fore it
Aug 12, 2016, 11:21 AM
Realist she,s the Creme of the Crop of #4 girls & nature blessed her with Allll the Southern Charms as well as a Great Personality to go with it. She,s seen her beauty i,ve captured with the camera & of All the #4 million pics i,ve taken of her its never gone to her head & made her a Southern Snob !!!. as for her " Strange eyes, LOL, I Hate Photoshoppe & i never photoshoppe any of her pics, Well that is except for her tatts & eyes for resons we all know why. Her eyes are Killers in person as well as the rest of her ;-). im Very bless to have this Magnificent Woman !!!. Shes even Great with Saltwater on her ;-)43009

Aug 12, 2016, 12:05 PM
What term could we come with to replace the word "Pussy," a word that I think one can make a serious argument---should no longer be used as we have all these years as the "common" term for a woman's most special and lovely aspect of not just her body--but her entire being.

First of all I respectfully disagree that any part of a woman's body (ie face, hair, breasts, legs, ass, genitalia ) is her "most special and lovely aspect" or that it's the loveliest aspect of her "entire being". It's what's in her mind, soul and heart (ie. inner beauty) that's most special and lovely....or in certain women (like both my ex-wives) what's inside can be very undesirable and ugly even if they have very physically attractive exteriors.

I believe that sex should be naughty...always. "Pussy" has always been a naughty term for a woman's genitalia. We're taught as kids that it's a cuss word that shouldn't ever be used, especially in polite company. This automatically makes it a naughty word which we use when being naughty. Almost every woman I've ever known has routinely used that term when referring to that part of her body when she's talking about sex or having sex. So please let's not let inane political correctness dictate that everyday terms we use for sexual organs are degrading or politically incorrect. Take the naughtiness out of sex or sexual lingo and you've taken a lot of the fun of it away too. Personally, I don't like or use the term "cunt" but it doesn't offend me when other people use it in a naughty, non-degrading way. I see nothing degrading about "pussy", "snatch", "twat", "taco", "camel toe" and most other such euphemisms. When I was a toddler in the 50's my Mom referred to my little penis as my "wee wee" and that's what I called it until I was probably 7 or 8 yrs old and heard older boys naughtily refer to wee wees as dicks or cocks. I was a laughingstock for referring to mine as my wee wee. Henceforth and to this day, I use the terms dick or cock. Monkey hear, monkey say, naughty monkey !

But if you want suggestions, how about "hoo-hah" or "tee-hiney"? These are pet names/euphemisms I've heard and used in a humorous manner. My Mom used the term "hoohah" to describe my 3 younger sisters' vaginas. All 3 of my sisters bore sons and no daughters so they didn't get to pass "hoo-hah" along. While toilet training our daughter, my ex-wife (and I) used the term "tee-hiney" to describe our daughter's little vagina in contrast to her "poo-hiney" which is what we called her little bottom. My daughter uses the same terms in a unisex manner to describe my granddaughter's AND grandson's privates. What if we adapted male genitalial euphemisms in a unisex way and referred to a woman's vagina as her "package" or her "unit" or her "junk" or her "johnsonette"? Ask yourself this...when you hear the Webster's official name "vagina", doesn't your mind translate it to "pussy"? Pussy's here to stay, at least for me LOL

Aug 12, 2016, 2:59 PM
We always thought cunt was derogatory. as in being called a f******* cunt. Pussy is what I here the most, especially from girls/women when referring to their junk. I think pussy sounds a lot better than cunt...the 2nd just sounds nasty & more like a put-down than pussy. Pussy, to me, is downright sexy all the way around. Like when an older lady neighbor, Irish, of course, called all her cats to breakfast in the morning would stand on the porch yelling, " here, pussy, pussy, pussy!" Hey, everybody loves a furry lil pussy! Camel toe is also derogatory, even though, at times, very descriptive. And, lol, "hoohah" is one I've only heard on Joe Cartoon.

Aug 12, 2016, 4:49 PM
We always thought cunt was derogatory. as in being called a f******* cunt. Pussy is what I here the most, especially from girls/women when referring to their junk. I think pussy sounds a lot better than cunt...the 2nd just sounds nasty & more like a put-down than pussy. Pussy, to me, is downright sexy all the way around. Like when an older lady neighbor, Irish, of course, called all her cats to breakfast in the morning would stand on the porch yelling, " here, pussy, pussy, pussy!" Hey, everybody loves a furry lil pussy! Camel toe is also derogatory, even though, at times, very descriptive. And, lol, "hoohah" is one I've only heard on Joe Cartoon.
Gash, sow's ear, and axe-wound are all hilarious names for a woman's cunt. :bibounce::bdaygrin:

Aug 13, 2016, 12:29 AM
Twat, bearded clam, slit, love tunnel, all sorta sound funny. But usable...like dick, cock, pole, joystick, fuck stick. A lady co-worker had a tee shirt with the trix rabbit saying, " Stupid faggot, dicks are for chicks!" lol

Aug 13, 2016, 4:39 AM
"Fanny" is the traditional British word to describe ladies vaginas. While much less used nowadays generally it is still often deployed by peeps like me, the over 30s, especially when chatting matters sex and also joking of it..... it is me preferred word tho, my use of the word vagina has increased in the last year or 2.... must be becoming mature in me old age...

"Fanny" I kno "west ponders" tend use 2 describe the bum... I use bum.. or arse.. or bootie.. I am an "east ponder"... and ver civilised...

Of course there is "2 fanny about" or mess about 2 no good purpose..1ce upon a time I knew quite a few guys who tended 2 fanny about 2 no good purpose... still do but at least it isn't Frannie's fanny they are fannying about wiv since I gave them up.. so fannying about mostly doesn't have much if anything to do wiv sex of ne kind...

..and of course worst of all is the increasing use of the name "Fanny" as a diminutive of the name Frances by my older daughter's m8s.... and by her bf's and now it has spilled over 2 me bruvva, sisters and some relations, m8's.. it is irksome.. I loathe it.. and wen addressed as such I cringe, look like thunder, try and iggie it but sometimes lose me rag.. but still it persists.. trust me.. the Fran pacifism is becoming sorely tested... I have just 1 ally.. ty mother:)..

Aug 13, 2016, 5:19 AM
I haven't met a woman who thought of the word pussy as a derogatory term, just another name for the vagina. However, if you would like to call it something else, how about "the cat"?

Aug 13, 2016, 6:24 AM
Beaver patrol!

Aug 13, 2016, 8:15 AM
I haven't met a woman who thought of the word pussy as a derogatory term, just another name for the vagina. However, if you would like to call it something else, how about "the cat"?
None? At all? U don't know me mum then.. and me dad's mum 1ce gave me bruvva gud dressing down for it.... "It is a vagina. If u can't use the proper word keep away from sex!" Much mirth! He wudn't have dared use it in front of me otha Gran.. not sure 'e wudda lived 2 tell the tale... referring 2 genitalia of ne kind in front of 'er resulted in serious assault.. afraid sex was not summat she ever wanted talked about in 'er presence.. even 'her parish priest copped a batterin' cos he used the word sex in front of 'er.. and I, bein' a girl of loose tongue and (in 'er opinion) loose morals copped more than 1 cloutin' round the room yard or street if she so much as heard I had said, did or thought owt about sex! I know tho, that she wud nev let me b called Fanny:impleased!

I don't like the word "pussy" much but don't think it derogatory in itself... derogatory as wiv so may words depends on how it is used. The context... I often shorten it 2 "puss" wich I quite like. Or wudn't do it wud I?

Otha week, wile out in club me m8s and I got asked by gang of lads chancin' ther arms wetha "we take it in all 3 holes?" Now that I detest... referring 2 me gob, me puss and me bum'ole as "holes".. short shrift lemme say... short shrift...:eek2::cutelaugh.

Aug 13, 2016, 11:40 AM
My wife prefers pussy. When we were younger she called it her "cock pocket" which always made me chuckle. In the heat of passion while fucking she will call it her fuckhole or her cum catcher, but later she is always embarrassed that she said that LOL

Like others have said, I find the term vagina to be too clinical. For some reason when I whisper in her ear "I want to fuck that vagina so bad" it just doesn't have the same air about it.

Aug 13, 2016, 12:21 PM
Darkeyes - I just got back to the states from London... We were out chatting at a pub after work one evening and talking about biking (the group at that office is doing a big fundraiser bike ride), and talking about carrying gear. I used the US term 'fanny pack', which required some English-to-English translation!

So my wife hates cunt, I love it (we,, I'm bi and she's straight so maybe it's more than language). She finds that derogatory because the way it has been used for years, where as pussy is her favorite term for it. I'll use pussy, but I really want to use cunt as it's a harder sound just like cock. That's the way I like it... so I live on my head with that term.

All those other terms just reek of euphemisms and the worst is "V-J-J" mad popular by Oprah. Could possibly be one of the worst one's out there... Just sounds like someone that's afraid to talk about body parts, or sex, out loud.

Aug 13, 2016, 1:32 PM
My thinking about the term "pussy" for the female sexual genitalia---is that it is also a term used to disparage anyone, male or female who is 'weak," like when a guy says to another guy: "You are such a fucking pussy that you didn't go kick the shit out of that guy for what he said to you" or something like that.

It is so often used as a taunt and put down by school yard bullies and the mob against those that are considered to be weak, which can often mean that the person who is the target of the epithet has actually displayed some human kindness and decency.

All of us I am sure can think of some such uses of that word---my example above might not be the best one I could come up with--but it shows what I mean that the term "pussy" just has way too many negative connotations to it for me to be used for one such a good "thing" as a woman's vagina. Not only is it a body part that gives those who have them such pleasure, but those of us who get pleasure from it too and that it is the place from which each one of us emerges into this world from--so it should be something "sacred" and not something that is far too often---actually very profoundly and virulently referred to and abused to the point of being hated by many.

The way that I did put it as a woman's most special part or whatever---reflects that when it comes to sex and most other things in life---I do respect, value and honor other people I am with no matter their gender.

I guess you can say--as idealist, naïve or whatever someone else cares to call me--I do look at being with someone in a more romantic, kind and gentle way---at least getting to that way once the first phase of some "fast and furious fucking" is over--moving to a more "chill" way.

For me--I think that I will use that term that I talked about, Pusnani----it sort of sounds familiar with "pussy" removed from it's negative aspects.

I will have to sign up to get HBO GO so I can find that episode of Real Sex, watch it, really pay attention to what they were trying to get across about using a substitute word for "pussy."

I am just asking that you do take what I say into consideration and even if a female likes the term--that still does not make it right for the term to be acceptable.

I really do think it is time that we start to think about the words we use----because words do have CONSQUENCES.....actually I totally reject that old saying that "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"

Actually----as long as my bones are not too badly hurt by sticks and stones---- if I am not dead and can be allowed to heal my body, it can get over the damage done by sticks and stones even if I am hobbled---but words----they can cut so deep---that getting over them can be much harder to get over----

I probably am like Don Quixote by posting this, "tilting at windmills" here--but what the hell--might as well try to change at least the heart and mind of one person here it at all possible--got to start someplace.......

Aug 13, 2016, 2:13 PM
"..... I, bein' a girl of loose tongue and (in 'er opinion) loose morals..."

Fran, If you need a person to witness to your Gran, regarding your virtue and verbal control, I will attest to your Lilly-white morals and ability to hold your tongue, even under severe provocation!

Of course, lying like that will cost you a bob, or a quid, or whatever you Scots use for money!!

So, as to not totally hijack this thread:

In this area, some black men seem to prefer the word "COOTER" for Pussy!

Aug 13, 2016, 3:57 PM
I vote for: Yoni, or Vagi, or Emma. The first two are obvious, the third ... I'd rather not discuss at this time.

Aug 13, 2016, 4:53 PM
Nothing wrong with the word pussy for a girl's hoohah. Those other derogatory definitions are separate & we all know which one we mean in each sense. To lump the positive in with the negative definitions is rather narrow & generalist. To me, cooter is that guy on dukes of hazard. lol

Aug 14, 2016, 5:43 AM
"..... I, bein' a girl of loose tongue and (in 'er opinion) loose morals..."

Fran, If you need a person to witness to your Gran, regarding your virtue and verbal control, I will attest to your Lilly-white morals and ability to hold your tongue, even under severe provocation!

Of course, lying like that will cost you a bob, or a quid, or whatever you Scots use for money!!

So, as to not totally hijack this thread:

In this area, some black men seem to prefer the word "COOTER" for Pussy!U will have 2 wait till the after life 2 speak up for me wiv me Gran's.. unless ther is some form of contact 'tween upstairs and downstairs u may have 2 do wiv just wee wordie in the ear'ole of 1! One will serpently (that is if I am wrong about there being no afterlife) b sitting in her rocking chair crocheting a blanket of some such thing and natterin' 2 St Michael or even Mary Magdalene.. me otha Gran wiil I expect b a tadge more warm wiv bloody great shovel in 'er hand - ready 2 crack Old Nick over the napper should he pop it out from his wee hidey hole......so in end it depends wetha u get through them pearly gates wiv wich gran u can defend me honour...... coff up dosh? A quid or a bob? We still have quids but nowadays we have 5p's since bob's were done away wiv almost a decade b4 I was born.. in theory they were the same in value but in 45 years afraid the ole 5p coin getsya almost naff all.. and besides.. u r a luffly man.. and I kno u will always do the honourable thing and stick up for me out of goodness of ur heart:impleased;)..

Aug 14, 2016, 6:37 AM
Fran, I feel honored that you spent so much of your valuable time to respond to my post! (Note the correct spelling of HONORED!) You never disappoint me!

I tried to privately respond, but your box is full...and since that you've totally moved over to the other side and don't get stuffed any more, that has to mean your private MAIL in-box is full!

Again, this was not a total hijacking of the thread, because BOX is a somewhat archaic term for that part of the feminine anatomy, which we all seem to love!


Aug 14, 2016, 8:16 AM
I kno 'zactly how 2 spell honoured, luffly man... tis such a pity that u lot lost the ability 2 spell, but no matta... long as we make ourselves undastood hey? Webster has a great deal 2 ansa for...:cutelaugh Really surprised me box is full.... but will sort it asap.. and who doesn't get stuffed? That's all u kno....;) Isn't just chaps that can do that for me, Realist ya daft ole bugger:impleased!

Not a total hijack... just a wee bittie deviation.. always was fond of a wee bittie deviation:tongue: .. and I kno the connotation the word "box" has re the female genitalia.. had enuff bfs in me time who had it on the brain 24/7 and used it(the word) more often than not, and a hubbie who tho well raised was no diff.... the word has oft been used in connection with my bits! Not always by guys eitha.. gels can b dirty buggas an' all.. spesh wen in each othas company... otha few forya just 2 get the thread back on track..."fudd".. rarely used in this day and age but it is still said all the same... "penny" more common 'tween parents and their children spesh in NW England.. "gina" (pronounced gyna).. or "ginny"... and me bruvvas fave "fantoosh"...