View Full Version : What can a guy do?

Aug 29, 2006, 9:37 AM
Hi everyone,
I’ve noticed that in some of the posts here it’s been mentioned that having a woman who is open and willing to use a strap-on helps in satisfying some of the sexual desire that a guy might have for another man. What I’m wondering is there anything that a man can do to help satisfy some of the sexual desire that a woman might have for another woman? Or is that even possible? I know that everyone is unique but I was just wondering does anyone have any suggestions or experiences they would like to share?

Aug 29, 2006, 10:42 AM
I don't think that there really is an alternative for a man being able to simulate a woman for another woman. I do use a strap on for my hubby and play with him and make him feel good. But he can not, say, put on a strap on pussy and some strap on breasts for me. I do however use my minds eye and sometimes pretend that he is a woman, his skin is soft like a womans, he can be submissive to me. I can cup and squeeze his chest. Lick and suck his nipples, lay him on his back, put his legs up in the air and lick his ass. I guess what i am saying is that I pretend he is a girl with a strap on..lol.. He doesn't mind at all. ;)

Aug 29, 2006, 11:35 AM
But he can not, say, put on a strap on pussy and some strap on breasts for me.
You know if they make those kind of toys I'll probably be in the market form some. :tong:

My husband doesn't like his nipples being messed with, when he wraps his legs around me he says he feels weird and I've almost gotten my hand chopped off for going near his ass. So much for pretending. :(

Aug 29, 2006, 11:41 AM
well with us its the old, if you don't accomodate me I won't accomate you, and he likes receiving oral and anal to much to risk losing it.. LMAO

Aug 29, 2006, 12:15 PM
lil ray, i envy you and your husband. sounds like you have a healthy sexual relationship.

BTW, I once let my ex gf put make up and wig on me so she could pretend a fem was going down on her... she rather enjoyed it

Aug 29, 2006, 12:28 PM

I would love to dress hubby up more often. But since we don't get away from the kids much and pretty much at night any one of them could wake up at the wrong time. We don't do it. Fortunatley we are close in size, me being a little bigger, so my lingerie fits him and is a little loose and comfortable at the same time. Whats funny is I own a pair of stelletos that I cant walk in worth a damn.. I call them my laydown shoes. I lay down to show them off.. But hubby can walk in them like a pro.. I'm so jealous..lol

Aug 30, 2006, 2:13 PM
But he can not, say, put on a strap on pussy and some strap on breasts for me.

Actually, yes you can! Many transgender supply stores will actually sell breast silicon breast enhancers designed to be worn by men (they often need a bra to secure them) and a few stock latex pussies.

Breasts! (http://www.crossdresser.com/product_page_subcategories.asp?ProductCatID=1)

Pussy! (http://www.crossdresser.com/product_page_detail.asp?ProductID=252&ProductCatID=4&ProductSubCatID=&Search=)

the sacred night
Aug 30, 2006, 2:33 PM
Wow, I never expected to see that, but I guess it makes sense. Thanks for adding links to them.

I have the same problem, I'm engaged to a man who wants to help fulfill my desires for women, and we have found it hard as well. Eating his ass fulfilled some pussy eating fantasies for me, but obviously it wasn't the same... although if your guy doesn't want his ass played with, I guess that's not an option for you. In case you talk about it again, though, my fiancee likes it better than getting head ;) I have never heard him make so much noise. He is about to cum after like 30 seconds of it.

Way back when we first started dating, he did this thing where he tucked his penis between his legs and it created folds that, when I felt them through his pants, were kind of like a vagina, but it might not have the same effect if the guy is naked. You couldn't have sex like that really, but just the look of it might turn you on some.

I do like to play with his chest and pretend it is a small breasted woman, although he's got some muscle there that helps fill my hand, if that makes sense, and he really likes when I pay attention to his nipples. I'm not advocating pressuring your man, but in case the subject comes up, once again you can mention that if he opens up about it and lets go of the stereotypes of men and sexuality, these things can be really pleasurable for him.

My fiancee shaved his legs and ass recently, and I have to say, that was hot :love: and appealed to the side of me that likes girls as well.

Aug 30, 2006, 2:37 PM
i most certainly did not...oh wait i did!

Aug 30, 2006, 2:50 PM
Actually, yes you can! Many transgender supply stores will actually sell breast silicon breast enhancers designed to be worn by men (they often need a bra to secure them) and a few stock latex pussies.

Breasts! (http://www.crossdresser.com/product_page_subcategories.asp?ProductCatID=1)

Pussy! (http://www.crossdresser.com/product_page_detail.asp?ProductID=252&ProductCatID=4&ProductSubCatID=&Search=)

Thank you for opening my eyes, and showing me these links, I bookmarked them for hubby and I am getting horney just thinking about it. I know he would wear them for me.

Aug 30, 2006, 4:54 PM
But he can not, say, put on a strap on pussy and some strap on breasts for me.

I know I've posted this somewhere else. There is a spot underneath the testicles above the anus that, in older men, looks a little like the folds of a vagina. Up at the top is a little nodule that acts as a clit.

It's a really fun place to play and, with hubby holding his testicles out of the way, it's almost like what i imagine eating pussy would be like.

Plus, since that area sort of corresponds with the prostate, hubby gets to have fun, too :bigrin:

Aug 31, 2006, 10:05 AM
I had this ex that loved using a strap on me nearly every night, . I think she got off more than i did using it. it was very erotic for her and the act of thrusting that thing into me as well as the friction it gernerated on her clit was a big part of it. I loved getting ass fucked in when i didnt have a man to do me, she always kept me loose, i loved it, and i miss her. (miss her fucking me). She fucked me better than any guy i ever had.

Sep 1, 2006, 1:52 AM
Once in a while my wife enjoys me shaving off the mats of body hair, showering with fine smelling unguents, getting all glammed up in her sexiest clothes and make-up, then having afternoon tea. Yes of course we end up shagging like rabbits!

"It ain't the men in my life, it's the life in my men" (Mae)

Sep 12, 2006, 5:55 PM
I know a married couple where the wife is bisexual and she likes to involve her husband in her lesbian desires. Luckly he is very willing to accomdate her desires. She love having him dress up as her girl friend. When he is dressed up as a female he is very lovely and sexy He fool the hell out of me the first time I saw him dressed up.

When he is dressed up she takes him out to clubs as her lesbian date to straight clubs. Everyone there thinks they are both women and she enjoys kissing and dancing with him in public.

When they go to gay clubs she will wear a strapon. At times she has made him play with her strapon. Everyone watching thinks it is two lesbians.

So while it most defintely not the same as a real woman she has learn how to get some thrills out it and it really turns both of them on. I have gone out with them when they do this and on the way home in the car they are really going at it they are so excited.

shameless agitator
Sep 14, 2006, 2:31 AM
Actually, yes you can! Many transgender supply stores will actually sell breast silicon breast enhancers designed to be worn by men (they often need a bra to secure them) and a few stock latex pussies.

Breasts! (http://www.crossdresser.com/product_page_subcategories.asp?ProductCatID=1)

Pussy! (http://www.crossdresser.com/product_page_detail.asp?ProductID=252&ProductCatID=4&ProductSubCatID=&Search=)These look good, but holy shit they're expensive! Would I be able to get cheaper versions at a toy shop like castle?