View Full Version : Am I bisexual?

Jul 24, 2016, 10:09 AM
Hello guys I am new here and Ive been wondering a lot lately whether I am bisexual or not. Let me teel you my story.
First off, I am a 17 year old boy and I know for sure I like girls, when I see a hot girl around I automatically feel horny and of course I keep looking at her, the same does not goes for boys, of course i can easily realize whether a boy is hot or not but I dont stare at him, its just like mehh
Second, I have never had a crush on a boy, just girls what makes me think that I dont like boys romantically, even though I have a lot of crushes on girls. The most awkward thing about this story is about porn. All porns make me hoeny(including gay and lesbian porn) I feel really hard when I see them. The question I make based on this. Am I bi?

Jul 24, 2016, 10:52 AM
I'm 53 and have been happily bi since I was 16 so I will weight in here. From what you have stated I would say it is too early in your personal development to say yes or no. Once you have had an actualt relationship including physical intimacy with one or both sexes then your question will be answered. At your age I would quit worrying about it and just let your life unfold. Life will take you where you need to be.

Jul 24, 2016, 11:06 AM
I agree with Neo. Don't worry and instead just enjoy your hard on while watching porn. There is a possibility that you may want to physically explore some form of male contact sexually beyond porn. At your age try not to over obsess on porn though. Real life sex is a bit different than watch it on porn.

Lots of bi guys do recognize their attraction to women and lots do not see it the same with a man. It can be different things attract you to a man than what attracts you to a womnan. You may be suppressing your sexuality just enjoy the wanking for now. ;)

Jul 24, 2016, 11:58 AM
I thank you guys for taking a bit of your time by answering me. You guys kinda stayed on the fence, coudnt you try to say if I am closer to bisexuality or heterosexuality? I dont know if this is real attraction or just a curiosity

Jul 24, 2016, 12:45 PM
hmmmmmm i'm kinda in the same boat as u. as many people here know. i can allready feel the eyes rolling lol. 1st thing i'll say in case it's not obvious, it's possible to have different interests & desires in each sex to different degrees with each sex. if u wanna call that bisexuality that's ok. i think u ask an important question 1 that unfortunately, not everyone asks themselves. but be patient, sometimes the answers aren't so clear & u just gotta think about it & have experiance to understand. it might turn out u like to look at a picture of a nice cock, it might even excite u but u don't really wanna go any further with a cock. or u might meet a guy or even run into a guy u know, 1 thing leads to another & before u know it without knowing what happened ur enjoying each other's bodies. it's important to keep an open mind like ur obviously doing also keep an open eye for opportunities. not just to try gay sex but to talk to other guys who have been there & discovered somethings or just to talk to someone who understands. every little bit helps. recently i responded to a guy's add online, it turns out it was an actual guy. he also said more than yeah let's hookup. he was also exploring this for the 1st time & pretty intelligent. real nice guy. but when i saw his pix i lost interest. he wasn't ugly just too old for me. he was actually pretty good looking. but i discovered i have no interest in being with a guy who's much older than me. for a few days i was even questioning whether i wanted to be with a guy at all. but i've come to my senses & realized yes please lol. this looked like a very possible situation which made me think about it. kinda scared me actually. but i learned something about my sexuality & so will u. i think u will find there are no clearcut answers when it comes to sexuality. but that's what makes it interesting, & fun :) don't be in such a rush to put a label on ur feelings. also good advise too about porn. some might say it's a good way to explore urself but be carefull it could lead to dead ends. it's nice to enjoy porn but if u get into it too much u burnout & less chances to hookup with an actual person or people & have a meaningfull time. i think ur on the right track but take 1 step at a time & study it carefully before moving to the next step. feel free to pm me if u want.

Jul 24, 2016, 2:46 PM
Rafael, many of us have gone through the same feelings you are having. You are at a difficult age, where you haven't had an experience with another boy, yet.

Some people know if they're gay, or bi, even though they have never had sex with a person of the same gender. Although, you are questioning yourself,so it's obvious that you don't know for sure.

I doubt if you will actually know if you're bi, or not, unless you have an intimate encounter with another guy. It's like tasting a new food...you won't know if you really like it, unless you try it!

You may find out, after an actual sexual experience, that you aren't bi.

However, you may discover you enjoy being bi!

I think the only way you will know, is to find a bisexual person you like and trust, first. Get to know him and see if he shares some interests with you. Then, if he is willing to experiment with you, try it and see for yourself.

It's very hard for someone, who does't know you and lives so far away, to tell if you're bisexual, or not!

I can tell you are an intelligent person, so I think you can figure it out for yourself.

Keep in touch and let us know what you discover about yourself, when you know.

Good luck!

Also, your English is very good, for someone who probably grew up speaking Portuguese!

Jul 24, 2016, 3:24 PM
As everyone is saying. You still have some figuring out to do. The same as I and some others here. Sure I get turned on by looking at a cock on the screen but how would it be in person, would it be different? I may never find out.

Jul 24, 2016, 3:30 PM
sorry i gotta disagree on 1 thing, kinda........some people just know from a young age like 5, other people it takes years or even decades. which sounds more like u. which is totally fine. i'm in my 40's & i'm still trying to figure it out lol. but maybe i'm not so typical. i think most people it takes awhile & a good deal of experiance. it can take awhile especially if u gotta peel back years of homophobia forced on u by family, friends, society. by homophobia i mean anything that's not 100% str8 but there's also biphobia too. which comes from str8 people & gay/lesbians. which is why i said it's important to know urself. but it's also important to accept urself & love urself. what has worked for me is to give myself permission to be bisexual. whether i am or not. so i can have the space to explore the question of my sexuality comfortably. which is something everyone should probably do.

Jul 24, 2016, 3:41 PM
I fooled around with a neighbor boy when I was young. We were both around 5 at the time but when he moved that was it for with boys and girls came in with interest and it has been that way ever since. Never thought about him in remembering those moments until recently.

Jul 24, 2016, 3:45 PM
maybe it's time to look him up lol

Jul 24, 2016, 3:48 PM
That would require a lot of searching. LOL!

Jul 25, 2016, 2:14 AM
meet some bisexual encounters (http://www.bisexualencounters.org/) for love

Jul 25, 2016, 10:23 AM
I thank you guys for taking a bit of your time by answering me. You guys kinda stayed on the fence, coudnt you try to say if I am closer to bisexuality or heterosexuality? I dont know if this is real attraction or just a curiosity

there is a bit of a test u can take that rates u.


maybe that will be objective and help ?

Jul 25, 2016, 3:31 PM
I never cared what the gender of my sexual partner was. I am a bit more romantic towards women, and a bit more just good buddies with guys, but I had sex with guys first and loved it, then added girls when they started being interested in sex (I started at 11).

Take your time and let life happen, I say try everything twice, once to learn how, once to see if you like it.

Jul 30, 2016, 3:11 PM
Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual.

That was my result

Jul 31, 2016, 9:27 AM
I never cared what the gender of my sexual partner was. I am a bit more romantic towards women, and a bit more just good buddies with guys, but I had sex with guys first and loved it, then added girls when they started being interested in sex (I started at 11).

Take your time and let life happen, I say try everything twice, once to learn how, once to see if you like it.

I too first had sex with a guy. It is kind of interesting in thinking
about it, how I went on to enjoy sex with both genders. Then, I suppose
if you're born wired all fubar it ought to be expected. *chuckles*


Jul 31, 2016, 9:36 AM
Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual.

That was my result

Is it what you choose to accept to define yourself?

If so, there you go, then. If not, well you need to understand that
ultimately it can be a choice for each individual to make on their own.
You also need to oblige understanding that some like myself, did not
need to choose as it is simply how we are when we are created.

Yes, of course we can make daily choices in our sexuality. That however
is not our core choice though. The choice we make ultimately is that
gender does not enter the field in enjoying sex with another human

We simply enjoy sex and love for the sake of sex and love. Some can
enjoy sex for the sake of sex. My preference is love has a healthy dose
of sex, sex has a healthy dose of love. Everyone can have their

This ultimately resolves to being your choice alone. Sorry if that is
not helpful at all. Sometimes spade are spades and there's no way around