View Full Version : Alternative to US pharmacies

Christopher South
Jul 21, 2016, 1:52 PM
Took a quick look through the forums and didn't see anything, so...

Do any of you use a mail order pharmacy, such as getting drugs from Canada? I'm looking at filling a Cialis prescription either with the brand name or generic and wondering if any of you can recommend one you have used, can trust and had good results with the generic Cialis you received.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Jul 22, 2016, 8:39 AM
At least in the US, There is no such thing as an FDA approved generic Cialis. Eli Lilly has the patent and until it expires (the earliest was July 11, 2016) and someone else cranks up a production line. So, any generic Tadalafil you might get pretty much has to be bogus. Tadalafil is used in other drugs, but in combo with others that are not for ED.

There is generic Viagra, sildenafil citrate, my doc offers it for $7.50 / 100MG (actually 5 - 20s) dose which is a great price.

Be very careful about out of the US mail order, there are a lot of perfectly legit mail order pharmacies, but a lot of fake ones too. Check the equivalent of the BBB for any pharmacy you might want to deal with and look for online comments and reviews (just look at a bunch and try to pick out patterns, sometimes they have shills promoting the crooks, but if you look a bit it can be sorted out).

I have not tried to order from out of the country yet, but there are sites that seem to be legit and you can get Cialis 20 mg for about $2.50 a pill rather that the $42.00 a pill that is retail in the US. The legit sites require an Rx.

A lot of folks buy in Mexico, they do not require prescriptions for most drugs there (only narcotics), so all of the border towns do land office business in everything from ED meds to pet meds (cholesterol meds are VERY popular there as they are SO expensive here). My sister lives in Douglas, AZ and walks over for most of her shopping, meds included.

Jul 22, 2016, 10:13 AM
Good advice! A friend got some Viagra from a re-mailer in Canada. The stuff was useless...but very cheap! I think the country of origin was India.

Christopher South
Jul 26, 2016, 4:47 PM
Past fuckbuddy went through Canada. He had limited success. I got some of my mother's drugs from Canada and they were fine. I'm thinking of going through that one again.