View Full Version : Do you agree? Only lonely men know freedom

Jul 13, 2016, 11:42 AM
Cycle by Rod McKuen

Only lonely men
know freedom.
as lovely as it is,
still ensnares.

It is better then
to be on the outside
in the dark and free,
or caged contentedly
but still looking.
out beyond the bars?

Jul 13, 2016, 10:39 PM
or u can be a swinger have best of both worlds lmaoooo

Jul 14, 2016, 11:21 AM
The trick is having a significant other that wants to play too, or at least tolerate your playing. I've heard of these things, but outside of penthouse forums they seem more like fantasy then reality. At least in my world.

Jul 14, 2016, 9:33 PM
I agree and made an almost instantaneous mental connection to this movie which really impacted me as a teen: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056195/?ref_=nv_sr_1 Not long after that, my insightful foster mother presented me with a book titled, The True Solitude as a birthday present.

Jul 17, 2016, 10:00 AM
The trick is having a significant other that wants to play too, or at least tolerate your playing. I've heard of these things, but outside of penthouse forums they seem more like fantasy then reality. At least in my world.

It took 10 years, but I got the play pass. It's still not 100% smooth, but she feels that I deserve to get to enjoy my life which includes doing things that she doesn't like to do as much as I do. Getting up at 5 AM to go fishing, sailing in nasty weather or spending all day at the shooting range is totally OK and always has been, but meeting up with another guy or girl to get naked and kinky is a bit trickier but working (interestingly she doesn't differentiate between my hooking up with a guy or a girl, it's all about the intimacy).

Jul 18, 2016, 5:27 PM
Cycle by Rod McKuen

Only lonely men
know freedom.
as lovely as it is,
still ensnares.

It is better then
to be on the outside
in the dark and free,
or caged contentedly
but still looking.
out beyond the bars?

I have not seen this poem before, but I have to say I like it. I surely identify with it and basically do agree with what it says. I have not made up my mind which place to be--on the outside or the inside---even though I am on the outside. Love is nice--but it too has its good and bad points, just as to be where you don't have love--while that is mostly considered to be a really bad thing in our culture---it also does have many good points going for that too.

Thanks for sharing this piece of fine writing--but what else would one expect from Rod McKuen?

Jul 18, 2016, 6:33 PM
I've been, as pop used to say, " on the outside lookin' in" all my life. Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, I'm the Charlie Browniest! That's one reason I came here. At least here, I can be a bit more of myself. I really need some hard cock, cum &...3 Dog Night was right. One really is the loneliest number.

Jul 18, 2016, 10:20 PM
I have lived my whole adult life on the outside with the privilege and freedom to live my life totally as I want to live it. Most of my career was spent doing WHATEVER I FELT was beneficial to the good of mankind as well as interesting to me.
I have a special long time friend that I care for very much. However, I do not infringe on his independence and get the same respect from him.
I have never married. So, I have avoided the significant constrains on freedom that imposes.
My few experiences with unhappiness have only inspired me to make changes that ultimately resulted in even more satisfaction with my life.

I have never experienced depression.
I have never, ever, felt lonely.

I very much TREASURE my freedom.

SO, I disagree that loneliness is a prerequisite to know freedom.