View Full Version : Isn't it interesting...?

Jul 4, 2016, 3:00 PM
Isn't it interesting: The "troll brothers" Charles-Smythe and Pole_joker sudden both start posting boring stolen internet sex stories here ? For those who've speculated they are one in the same person, well here's a touch more proof. That, or they are both so boring, they simply have nothing else to post. Amazing, you leave for a few months and little (if anything) changes.....sigh. This site continues it's downward spiral and is clearly doomed. :(

Jul 4, 2016, 5:06 PM
yeah who wants to read boring sex fiction stories

Jul 4, 2016, 6:20 PM
yeah who wants to read boring sex fiction stories

The operative word here being, " fiction; " c-s would have you believe these are his memoirs. :rolleyes:

Jul 4, 2016, 6:20 PM
Just ignore them! I agree they are boring!

Jul 4, 2016, 7:14 PM
Just ignore them! I agree they are boring!

I've never read enough of one to even come to the conclusion that they're boring. :rolleyes: I do agree with the OP however that they're plagiarized.

Jul 4, 2016, 10:20 PM
No, not interesting in the slightest. Some were tuned in enough to understand and not too concerned, or bothered. Still not. Have a life beyond these sites to live, I do live it too. Apologies, am growing more keen to understanding & comprehension in recent times. This leaves me with a slight dislike of social media, inclusive of forums.

Excuse me need to germinate an idea for a murder mystery short story of 6,000 words to begin tomorrow. I write 1,500 words a day. Today, I was off due to holiday. Need the rest of the week to get the story completed and out to market Saturday, or next Monday. Then, I restart the process, wash, rinse, repeat. Presently not writing erotica, or porn. These are too narrowed of a market consider for generating income.

Well, ... be safe.

Jul 5, 2016, 12:41 PM
Isn't it interesting: The "troll brothers" Charles-Smythe and Pole_joker sudden both start posting boring stolen internet sex stories here ? For those who've speculated they are one in the same person, well here's a touch more proof. That, or they are both so boring, they simply have nothing else to post. Amazing, you leave for a few months and little (if anything) changes.....sigh. This site continues it's downward spiral and is clearly doomed. :(
…sorry some of you don’t like my stories…but from the PMs I receive & the comments there are more people that do like them… so my advice would be don’t open & read them…

Jul 5, 2016, 8:30 PM
…sorry some of you don’t like my stories…but from the PMs I receive & the comments there are more people that do like them… so my advice would be don’t open & read them…

Another audacious lie considering I see mostly 0's in the 'replies' column on both this site & Swing-Bi.com. :rolleyes:

Jul 5, 2016, 9:19 PM

I read and like many of your stories even though I don't leave comments most of the time. Also, threads that do not interest me, I ignore. So, I don't understand why all the hostility about your stories.

Jul 5, 2016, 11:27 PM

I read and like many of your stories even though I don't leave comments most of the time. Also, threads that do not interest me, I ignore. So, I don't understand why all the hostility about your stories.

When I visit forums, that is my view. I do not need to read everything. I will discern choices in what is read. Did not intend to seem hostile. It is read some and discerned I could pass. Been getting busy and busier any more. Figure it is a continuing trend. Excuse me. :)

Jul 6, 2016, 1:35 AM
" I don't understand why all the hostility about your stories."

That is an interesting question jem.

I have to wonder if some people are irritated when they see the threads by Charles as boring or of no significant purpose. They may be a bit pissed off at even seeing the thread as a waste of their time lost by even glancing at the thread. It may be different than see a thread on some sex act. You look at the subject and go...na not for me. With Charles it may be "fer fuck sakes stop it".

Sorry, Charles I don't read your stories anymore. They are not worth checking out based on the ones that I did check out. People may wonder why he keeps posting threads when no one even opens it. For some reason Charles enjoys posting a story even though no one looks according to the fact that no one has opened the thread.

Oh...I see that two people opened one. Generally, people do not open them.

Why do you post when no one opens your post Charles?

Jul 6, 2016, 3:01 PM
I generally don't read the posts that appear to be fictitious, and have assumed that Charles' stories are just that, given the way they're presented.

It's not intended to be a slight. Fact of the matter is, I prefer true stories to the fabricated product of fertile minds. Same thing holds true for straight erotic tales. If I think they're made-up, they don't turn me on.

Yeah, it's a little weird, but I never claimed to be anything but... :oh: