View Full Version : Phone Number Horror Stories

Aug 27, 2006, 10:03 PM
How many of you have given out your home or cellphone numbers to others and get calls from people who arent even the ones you gave your number too? Or they call at 3AM? I setup a voicemail system from Netzero..Free and easy ...You can even check your voicemail msgs on the go from cellphone...

What will they think of next? hehehe

Aug 28, 2006, 1:03 AM
One day in July I was driving back to work from lunch and the phone rings. I answer it.

-Hey Marty?


-This is [inaudible]. Dude, you still have to give me back that [inaudible] I loaned you.

--...I have no clue who you are or what you just said.

Repeat those last two exchanges about a dozen or so times, him getting increasingly agitated. It sounded like he was talking with marbles in his mouth, yet I was always able to make out everything *except* his name and what I supposedely borrowed from him. Now I was worried this guy might actually be a professor I borrowed something from whose phone voice I jsut didn't know, or maybe my other boss in an area of exceptionally shitty cell reception so I couldn't just hang up. My cell listed the number as Restricted so I couldn't even Google the phone number to learn who the guy was. Eventually he screamed, "Fine, you know what? I'll see yo ass in court!" and hung up.

It was otherwise a lovely day.

Aug 28, 2006, 1:17 AM
I was in a Psych Hospital for 47 days. Must have given it to a billion people. Every now and then I get an update from "inside".

Aug 28, 2006, 3:21 AM
The only place my phone number is listed is on Facebook (a college networking site, originally meant to connect people within the same school). I don't recall ever giving it out to someone I'm not friends with, yet somehow 85% of the calls are from people I don't know. And probably 95% of those calls are in my school's area. If the number isn't in my cell's phone book, I don't pick up. They can leave a message. Most of the ones who do sound like other college kids, but definitely nobody I recognize (since they sound, without fail, like giggly, drunken frat boys and sorority girls). And they're all completely confident that I'm the person they intended to call, even if they're looking for someone with a different name than mine, or for a man.

So, no actual horror stories. Nevertheless, I find the whole thing very annoying. :mad:

Aug 28, 2006, 5:24 AM
Sometimes peoples numbers are all over the internet "phone books".... look up one and your name/addres/number is likely to be in it.
Which is pretty scary cause it allows dangerous people to get ahold of you. :-(
So much for teaching our kids to never give out personal info... all one has to do is find a phone book site online and look up the name.. ta da!


Aug 28, 2006, 6:27 AM
Well, if it's any kind of automated system or call centre, I tend to keep hitting the hash button over and over again.

It might confuse the automated system.
It REALLY cheeses off the caller....

(that's why I do it!)

Never had someone I don't know call my mobile. Strange calls are usually my closest friends *grins*

Sep 6, 2006, 7:04 PM
Not quite a phone number story, but we once posted a personals ad as a bi couple. Had one guy leave us a message, wherein he rambled about not sure if he was bi, but he was sexually abused by a guy once, did that count? Went on to describe the cabin he had in the mountains that he would love to take us to...needless to say, we excitedly called him back, and were taken into the woods, cut into little pieces and buried...

Sep 6, 2006, 7:09 PM
Wow, leizy, that's some story... Glad you were able to pull yourself together again...

Sep 6, 2006, 7:23 PM
Not quite a phone number story, but we once posted a personals ad as a bi couple. Had one guy leave us a message, wherein he rambled about not sure if he was bi, but he was sexually abused by a guy once, did that count? Went on to describe the cabin he had in the mountains that he would love to take us to...needless to say, we excitedly called him back, and were taken into the woods, cut into little pieces and buried...
Where all your little pieces buried together or scattered? I think scattering works best.

Sep 6, 2006, 8:14 PM
No *personal* horror stories but I do have a rather annoying situaion with our business. Motorola has misprinted one of their tech support numbers for the Razr, so as often as 3-4 times aday we'll get a call from someone looking for help with their phone.

Our business has had that same 800 # for 15 years and Motorola won't do anything about it.

On the upside, we've turned it into a marketing advantage. Every time we get a Motorola call we ask if they want one of our catalogs :bigrin:

Sep 6, 2006, 9:21 PM
No *personal* horror stories but I do have a rather annoying situaion with our business. Motorola has misprinted one of their tech support numbers for the Razr, so as often as 3-4 times aday we'll get a call from someone looking for help with their phone.

Our business has had that same 800 # for 15 years and Motorola won't do anything about it.

On the upside, we've turned it into a marketing advantage. Every time we get a Motorola call we ask if they want one of our catalogs :bigrin:

Contact Verizon, ask if they want a sales kiosk. :bigrin:

Sep 7, 2006, 5:26 AM
Not quite a phone number story, but we once posted a personals ad as a bi couple. Had one guy leave us a message, wherein he rambled about not sure if he was bi, but he was sexually abused by a guy once, did that count? Went on to describe the cabin he had in the mountains that he would love to take us to...needless to say, we excitedly called him back, and were taken into the woods, cut into little pieces and buried...

that is hysterical! roclmao.. thanks for that.

Sep 7, 2006, 1:05 PM
Not quite a phone number story, but we once posted a personals ad as a bi couple. Had one guy leave us a message, wherein he rambled about not sure if he was bi, but he was sexually abused by a guy once, did that count? Went on to describe the cabin he had in the mountains that he would love to take us to...needless to say, we excitedly called him back, and were taken into the woods, cut into little pieces and buried...

the exact same thing happened to me once, i never did find my morals after, i guess he kept them

Sep 7, 2006, 1:37 PM
Not really a "Horror" story, but it is a phone story.

One night, we were getting ready to watch a movie when the phone rang.
I picked it up -I don't know if you guys can-, but I could tell there was someone on the other end, and just didn't say a thing.
Thinking that it is someone I know I kept saying "Hello..hello, hiiih!!", hoping that that might make the person start talking, or just hang up.

Of course, as my voice picked up it caught my wife's attention and with increasing interest she slowly started to walk towards me and kept quietly asking who the caller was.

Just about the same time I waived at her indicating I had no idea and I'll probably just hang up, when this sexy, deeply aroused enticing female voice started to whisper "...can you fuck me? Pleaseeeee! " and just kept repeating these words, all the while my wife got closer and closer.

Knowing me as a mediocre poker player, she must have been suspicious of something going on..... good thing I've regained my footing and hang up, just before she actually stepped up, next to me.

I don't know how I managed to be "cool" on the outside. It took me at least 15 minutes to somehow set it aside.

Had I been home alone that night, I am certain I could've fucked her with my voice, or what is equally possible, she could have fucked me.

Regrettably, I've never found out who she was.

yoyo :(