View Full Version : Rainbow Revenant

Jun 15, 2016, 2:37 AM
Rainbow Revenant…author unknown
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Honor the fallen, the actively-serving
The retired, POW, and MIA
And those yet to enlist--for they all are deserving
Of our respect--unless they are gay!

Make peace and be loving; please treat others as
You your own self would hold dear
Except for the trans (he-woman, she-man)
The odd-bodied, and the queer!

Respect all persons--unless the taint
Of sin wafts from their lifestyle
Then you've the green light to rant and flame--
To spit missiles of ire and bile!

If you're not a homo, you'll be just fine
Heaven waits for your glorious approach
God's on your side; it's His perfect design
He hates this kind of sinner the most!

Nothing you do is of consequence
When you're LGBT or you're strange