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Jun 7, 2016, 11:20 AM
I'm curious if any one from this site has attended the bisexual events at Oasis Aqua Lounge in Toronto? I'm looking to attend the next one and would love to find others interested in going as well. Also, has anyone in here been to BiCon in the UK and can you share your thoughts on the event? Thanks!

Jun 7, 2016, 3:27 PM
I went as far as New london once on an...ahem..." inspection tour" for Ford some years before I retired. I must say, their cities are very clean & safe enough for women & kids to go for ice cream at night. And OMG, the ice cream parlors in New london! Leaded glass, stained wood...just wow. So toronto should be great, & the exchange rate is usually in our favor. But trade USD for canadian at a bank, or they'll rip you off on the exchange rate to profit by it. And gas is sold by the liter.

Jun 7, 2016, 6:49 PM
Thanks for the reply. I do spend a great deal of time in Toronto so I am familiar but I'm curious if anyone has specifically attended the Bi events at Oasis. I've been there with my wife during playground but on nights that welcomed bisexual or gay couples. Thanks again for responding