View Full Version : This site has been completely destroyed

May 20, 2016, 8:46 PM
Thanks Drew.

May 20, 2016, 8:56 PM
Drew did not pass away to ruin the site

May 20, 2016, 9:52 PM
Nothing is great forever, nothing lasts forever.
Just enjoy what this site still has to offer.

May 21, 2016, 1:47 PM
I heard Drew passed on (hope he's at peace).
This site is what we make of it, honestly. Maybe whoever runs it now will reinstate the chat, but if not, it's still cool.

May 21, 2016, 1:53 PM
I heard Drew passed on (hope he's at peace).
This site is what we make of it, honestly. Maybe whoever runs it now will reinstate the chat, but if not, it's still cool.

I noticed. Didn't know that when I posted this. But this site is not even a former shade of itself. It was abandoned long before that. What a waste. Somebody is still paying the bills though.

May 21, 2016, 1:58 PM
Yes, but if Drew was sick it would explain why this site didn't have his full attention. It does suck, but nothing lasts forever!

May 21, 2016, 2:03 PM
"Somebody is still paying the bills though."

Yes someone is trying to keep it going. I wonder if "three pillows" is still functioning and bringing in money?

I think that sometime around 2012-14, drew realized that the site needed more moderating. He did begin to kick trolls off after years of thinking members would take care of things. Drew spent money and time upgrading the site with member consultation.

The old days had more clickiness in some opinions. That was a plus and a minus.

May 21, 2016, 2:09 PM
i wonder who......& why?
I noticed. Didn't know that when I posted this. But this site is not even a former shade of itself. It was abandoned long before that. What a waste. Somebody is still paying the bills though.

May 21, 2016, 6:24 PM
Thanks Drew. …if you’re unhappy with the site…start posting things to improve it…

May 23, 2016, 12:54 PM
According to information that someone posted--Drew died about a year or so ago now--no explanation as to how he passed.

I think that it has to be true--the last time that someone checked in with his profile is almost two years ago now---so I do not know how or why the site has remained going all this time--it did go offline earlier this summer for over a month and we all thought it totally gone then-but then came back--just like the chat goes in and out for some reason on its own accord.

No doubt that at some point--the true and final end of this site is somewhere down the line.

I sure as hell wished I had deep financial pockets--because if I did--I would see about buying the site and if I did--it would take big bucks to not only minimally "keep the lights on"---since I know diddly about the tech side of computers, computing, coding and the web----I would have to hire at least one good person to do the IT side and then I would also want to hire a creative staff to make things really cool, pay for people to provide creative content beyond what I would do myself and make this site really great--also promoting it to bring in new members and make it a site that people come to and want to be part of. With that growth, having to police it at least to some degree for obvious reasons---with the issues we have had with "trolls" in the past and with the way that things are at other sites like FaceBook and such with people acting in all sorts of inappropriate and even criminally threatening ways towards others.

I could probably afford to buy or start a website such as this-but with my modest financial resources---ones I need to live--I would not do justice to what I think this or a site like this based on "bisexuality" truly deserves---so I am not going to do it-plus--if nothing else--you know it has to be a great burner of time to keep up with something of this nature and I do like to live a life beyond the virtual world--I enjoy being out in the Florida sunshine too much.

I do hope that someone with such deep pockets and a good vision comes along to be this site's "Knight in Shining Armor" to take it over and make it a cool place to be and spend online time.

We can dream!!

May 23, 2016, 1:33 PM
An example of what I would do for this site--first-all those I would hire--I would make sure that even if they were not some letter of the GLBTQ acronym---they would at least be those who are "friendly" in that way---and a great deal of the content that would be here would be profiles of those who are in some fashion--consider or categorize themselves as being "Bisexual" with those people being both public figures such as actors, musicians, writers, artists or even political figures, but mostly of people who are "Bi" but not so high profile either with them having been interviewed or they write their own pieces--people from the site if they wanted could and would be wanted for such profiles.

There would be stories on health issues for those who engage regularly in any sexual activity of any flavor and some specific to anyone engaging in homosexual sex and on trans issues and health as well with those articles written by people qualified to provide such information or sourced directly from such people.

I would have stories done about things in culture that range from health to political and social issues relating to issues of sexuality in all its forms.

There would be just general things about current movies, books, TV, etc.

In a way--sort of along the lines of a Huffington Post but done purely from the perspective of those of us who call ourselves "Bisexual."

All of that content would be done according to journalistic qualities and standards, with any video done to broadcast news quality.

There would still be the chat and forum sections---and to be honest and make the business model side work out--for that more "premium content side"--there might have to be some sort of pay aspect to that--but for that money that people would lay out---they would get true value for their laying out their hard earned money---or if eyeball clicks was enough---then there would at least be plenty of "adverts" for running such premium content to pay for it.

Well--that is nothing more than a dream, bummer to say--but if by some chance really good fortune smiles upon me---I would really seriously take a hard look at doing at least something of this sort to some degree.

This is what I would like to see happen--I am sure some may not agree with me on this--but if I had the bucks or get them---this is what I would do.