View Full Version : natural remedies for ed

peter fitsright
Mar 10, 2016, 5:00 PM
i am on blood pressure meds and i was wondering if anyone knew of a way to help keep an erection during sex. it still works but i could use any advice. thank you

Mar 10, 2016, 5:11 PM
What's your age?

peter fitsright
Mar 10, 2016, 10:45 PM
45 it worked fine before the meds. ive been on them a year and fortunately my partners have been understanding and helpful. sometimes when i masturbate ill lose it too. viagra isnt a safe option being on meds and cialis isnt an option since it works for low testosterone and my levels are fine as of january 2016

Mar 11, 2016, 9:50 AM
The best thing you can do for yourself----and I can attest from personal experience since I am going through it right now----I have been on BP meds for well over ten years now--but it was mostly under control, but over the last year or so--I had gotten really heavy, but since just before Christmas, I started a medically supervised weight loss program and am down over 30 pounds--with that weight loss I have improved my health on many fronts which include my BP is down to the normal range all the time now--and am going to start the process with my doctor to wean myself off the BP meds----but for this discussion----I have found that my cock now works like it should again.

It was to the point that my cock had basically quit working on me--or very nearly so--but now--it is working just fine----and for the first time in about five or so years---I have "morning wood" and I can wake up with a nice hard cock that is oozing pre-cum---so I guess I must have been having an erotic dream.

When it comes to what really did this for me--is that I have changed the way that I eat---with me now eating lots of veggies, fruit, salads and lean meat protein like boneless, skinless chicken breasts, lots of fish like Tilapia and such.

I am off soda pop, beer, booze, wine and such and no more sweet things.

I would suggest finding and watching a copy of a great documentary film called "Forks Over Knives"---which has some really great health information in it and among many key point in the film, they discuss Erectile Dysfunction--with the word on that being that if you have ED---that for men is our "Canary in the Coal Mine" that we have some very serious health issues beyond just the fact our dick fails us----that we have ED that means we have restricted blood flow not only in our dick---but that is the case throughout the body in other critical parts like our brains, heart, liver, kidney and other vital organs.

I am not trying to tell you what to do, how to eat and such----but merely providing this information and urge you to consider and take it to heart and to consider taking a look at what you eat----I have a friend who just finished up taking chemo at the Mayo Clinic and his doctor told him that while they got the cancer out of his body for now---they really didn't heal him and his doctor there urged he get that film and follow their dietary advice because food really is our best medicine and it can also be what kills us with all the shitty food we now have.

We basically need to go back to "Eating Clean" once again like we once did.

Good luck with your health issues.

peter fitsright
Mar 11, 2016, 10:42 PM
thank you very much

Apr 14, 2016, 7:51 AM
google a mens health clinic in your area ,I went to one in Toronto. and used the needle in your prick method .not as bad as it sounds worked great for a long time .but alas if your on the meds for bp and what not it aint getting any better

Apr 15, 2016, 6:36 AM
Have to mirror 12volt's advice. The first doctor of modern Western
medicine, Hippocrates stated that food should be our medicine. I have
been gradually working toward veganism for myself, often to no avail. It
is difficult escaping cultural oversight. But yes, we all need to eat
far better than we do.

Apr 17, 2016, 7:38 AM
I been on meds for bp for 20 years. I am now 58. About 10 years ago, I started having trouble. I would get a hard-on but before I could ejaculate I would go soft. I finely went to see a urologist. He ran a bunch of tests. I had very extreme low testosterone levels. He put me on shots then a gel. Worked great for 5 years. Then my prostate gland enlarged had to come off it. Then the side affect hit. I gained weight and my breasts got big (male tits). Back to square 1. He ran more tests my estrogen levels went up. I now couldn't get hard but could have a orgasm and ejaculate but not much cum. I went on a diet and lost a ton of weight. Now with the help of cialis it works great.

Apr 17, 2016, 2:37 PM
I been on meds for bp for 20 years. I am now 58. About 10 years ago, I started having trouble. I would get a hard-on but before I could ejaculate I would go soft. I finely went to see a urologist. He ran a bunch of tests. I had very extreme low testosterone levels. He put me on shots then a gel. Worked great for 5 years. Then my prostate gland enlarged had to come off it. Then the side affect hit. I gained weight and my breasts got big (male tits). Back to square 1. He ran more tests my estrogen levels went up. I now couldn't get hard but could have a orgasm and ejaculate but not much cum. I went on a diet and lost a ton of weight. Now with the help of cialis it works great.

Testosterone causes weight gain for me as well. My body never has or will produce testosterone on its own. I use the gel daily so as to at least attempt being half normal. Did ask last time I saw the endocrinologist if I could be taken off of it. "Oh no, you're a special case that'll need it all your life. If not you lose bone density, become like an infant ..." I do not like the extra incurred risks being on it brings along for the ride. Life is what it is though, ...

Apr 19, 2016, 6:12 AM
One of the best things to do is to lower high blood pressure using herbs
such as Garlic Gel Capsules. Even better try Food Grade Diatomaceous
Earth (DE) as people have reported lowering BP as much as 60 points. Certain
herbs will lower BP and can be taken without damaging the body like BP
meds. do. BP meds will kill you over time as the chemicals saturate the
body. When that happens the organs begin to shut down...usually the liver
and the kidneys and death follows shortly after. DE helps the arteries become
flexible and supple again like they were when you were young. Hence the flow
of blood is no longer restricted which helps you know what. DE helps reduce
the chance of heart attack and strokes. DE has many other beneficial health
properties too. It is best to monitor your blood pressure if you try to ween
yourself off of BP meds. Also, for optimum health it is good to take a tablespoon
of Apple Cider Vinegar 3 times a day. It helps cure allergies in many people and
has a host of benefits for most people that have a disease of some kind.

Remember: Always check with your Dr. before beginning any protocol
Especially if you are taking Pharmaceutical Drugs. Also, do the research
first on natural remedies that cure disease so you have knowledge of what you
are doing. A good place to check first when you have a disease is: earthclinic.com

I have been taking DE for almost 3 months now and will continue to take it the
rest of my life for preventative benefits as I do not get sick. Google the benefits
and read what people say about it on different web sites. I have researched
medicine for many years now and have diagnosed peoples disease that even
the best specialists in the country could not diagnose. Not bragging but stating
a fact so you know I am knowledgeable.

It is important for you to know that sugar is a poison to the body. Most artificial
sugars such as aspartame and fructose is deadly to the body and causes much harm.
Cancer cells feed off of sugar. Hence people changing to a diet of vegetables and
a little protein of chicken to cure some types of cancer. Fructose is in many store
bought products and manufactures have even changed the name to hide the fact.
Research what the different names are and stop buying any product that it is in.

What also helps ED is taking supplements of Zinc and Selenium daily as the prostate
contains a lot of Zinc mostly but also Selenium. Not all vitamins and minerals are
made equal. Some companies rip you off by not providing what they say is in the
bottle Mg wise. Do diligent research to find what brand work the best. If results are
not seen after 3 months or so try another company. Do not believe the hype on TV
about vitamins that are advertised. Research for the truth. It can be difficult at times
but it is there. Sometimes you get lucky and find the truth right away so do not
be discouraged. Just because a Vitamin or Mineral is expensive does not mean that
it is of higher quality than those that are cheaper. Also remember to assimilate
Vitamins or minerals some of each need to be taken at the same time. Your Dr.
is not educated in this issue unless they are also a nutritionalist. Most think you
can take a multivitamin with minerals and you will be good. This is far from the
truth. In fact many diseases are caused by a lack of a vitamin or minerals in the
body. (not enough as food is mostly filler these days with very little nutrition.
For example: Magnesium and Vitamin B12 are each responsible for over
300 different chemical reactions in the body. If just one of those chemical
reactions do not take place the body will manifest a disease of some kind.

It is also important to note that most people in the U.S. are lacking enough
magnesium and vitamin B12. Once your B12 stays low enough long enough
your body will lose the intrinsic factor permanently. The intrinsic factor is a
protein your body will no longer make for B12 to be assimilated. This leads to
monthly Vitamin B12 shots to stay healthy.

Remember, as we age our bodies can reduce the amount of amino acids it
makes. Proper nutrition helps but the body needs supplements to keep the
levels normal. Amino acids are very important in making testosterone and
keeping the body balanced. It is important to research amino acids and add
them to any supplements you take. L-Arginine is important for men to get
enough of as well as others. I think L carnitine is better but my memory fails
me just now. Just do the research to find out for yourselves. I would type in
the search box: What helps ED issues naturally. OR what amino acids,
minerals and vitamins help with ED issues. Think of other ways to write your
query and then read what comes up. Hope this helps.