View Full Version : Is chat working???

Jan 8, 2016, 4:39 PM
Hi guys is chat down? or is it me, when i browse i see folks in chat but cannot enter?
thx all

Jan 8, 2016, 5:12 PM
Been down for a few weeks. keep checking it'll eventually come back up

Jan 8, 2016, 6:32 PM
Most of us are not as optimistic about chat coming back any time soon...Drew the owner of this and other sites passed away recently and through the grapevine we've heard his brother has put all the sites Drew owned up for sale...Just FYI...there are a couple sites with peeps from here on them...Swing-Bi.com and NySecretChoice.com have working chat but hardly anybody in them....Look for a post about yahoo messenger addys for the peeps from here that chat that way...C;ya

Jan 8, 2016, 11:25 PM
Drew died? I did not know that. That could be the end of this site, or if it is purchased it could change for the worse. I am hoping that the chat will come back, and maybe stay up, but with the owner gone not likely I think.

Nauti Rogue
Jan 9, 2016, 1:35 PM
Swing-Bi.com was brought online in December specifically to provide chat and a moderated forum in the place of Bisexual.com. It's new, so we're still trying to gain membership, but it's up and running for everyone to check out and get active! The chat function at Swing-Bi.com is powerful and fun.

Jan 9, 2016, 2:48 PM
Swing-Bi.com was brought online in December specifically to provide chat and a moderated forum in the place of Bisexual.com. It's new, so we're still trying to gain membership, but it's up and running for everyone to check out and get active! The chat function at Swing-Bi.com is powerful and fun.

Easy site to navigate and a lot of folks from here there already - Thumbs up to Nauti !!!!

Nauti Rogue
Feb 6, 2016, 8:42 AM
Hey, everyone! We're starting a weekly chat session on http://Swing-Bi.com. Swing-Bi every Sunday night at 9:00 PM Eastern time to get to know everyone!

And since tomorrow is the Super Bowl, feel free to log in during the game to discuss what's happening and the fun commercials.

Feb 7, 2016, 11:59 AM
This site has completely gone to shit. Thanks Drew the Faggot!

Feb 8, 2016, 8:09 AM
This site has completely gone to shit. Thanks Drew the Faggot!Uncalled for.. since we are led to believe Drew died and the site is for sale.

...and tell me please? Apart from a ball of chopped liver (a delicacy in England) or a bundle of sticks for burning, just what is faggot a pejorative word for?

Feb 8, 2016, 10:59 PM
Uncalled for.. since we are led to believe Drew died and the site is for sale.

...and tell me please? Apart from a ball of chopped liver (a delicacy in England) or a bundle of sticks for burning, just what is faggot a pejorative word for?

Hmmmm. :rolleyes: What was that I said about the power of a slur on another thread here recently?

Feb 9, 2016, 1:39 PM
Hmmmm. :rolleyes: What was that I said about the power of a slur on another thread here recently?

Something about demeaning and I'm kind of picking that part in a way ... de ... mean ... ing. So, the slur takes away the meaning of something. What if something doesn't mean anything? Think about the number 0 and see what 0 means. How can you take away the meaning of 0? You cannot divided by 0, or multiply either. You get 0 if you try. But 0 means what exactly? ... * goes on rambling in his noggin and chanting "more police to market square the crooks done cooked the goose rare!" ...*

Feb 9, 2016, 3:38 PM
Uncalled for.. since we are led to believe Drew died and the site is for sale. ...and tell me please? Apart from a ball of chopped liver (a delicacy in England) or a bundle of sticks for burning, just what is faggot a pejorative word for? LMAO yet again you're being way too PC and getting offended/butthurt over everything. ;) :rolleyes: It's fine for LGBT people to use terms like fag, faggot, tranny, shemale, chick with a dick, dyke, bull dagger, lipstick lesbo, switch hitter, etc. amongst each other. Yeah, and the person who claims that "Drew" died is NJBiguy01 this site's biggest troll, and a confirmed liar. :rolleyes: ;) :smilies15

Feb 9, 2016, 6:09 PM
Pole, why not go fuck yourself ? It's been confirmed by more people than just me here you flaming asshole and waste of oxygen. It was really nice here when you took a break from your bullshit. Why not just go away, as you contribute nothing, zero, nada. You and your fake "husband" should walk off into the sunset and leave the site and the planet while you are at it .

Nauti Rogue
Feb 9, 2016, 8:13 PM
The recent turn of this conversation is a perfect example of why I created http://Swing-Bi.com. The wild-west environment here won't happen on Swing-Bi. We're going to require civility and respect in our conversations. Outrageously negative and sweeping negative personal opinions masquerading as claims of truth as we commonly see from some are challenged and will not be tolerated without confirmation of accuracy and/or truthfulness.

Bisexual.com is no longer moderated, as is indicated bi the fact that I have been allowed to blatantly promote an alternative site here. http://Swing-bi.com is dedicated to providing a positive social community for bisexual lifestylers. Moderation will be fair and withheld only for extreme cases, but the above conversation would not be accepted without a minimum of a warning.

We're new and growing. Join our fun for free at http://Swing-Bi.com!

Feb 10, 2016, 12:50 AM
Pole, why not go fuck yourself ? It's been confirmed by more people than just me here you flaming asshole and waste of oxygen. It was really nice here when you took a break from your bullshit. Why not just go away, as you contribute nothing, zero, nada. You and your fake "husband" should walk off into the sunset and leave the site and the planet while you are at it . LMAO!!! Thanks for proving my point but you're actually the one that contributes nothing, is a troll/liar, and who cheats on his fake "wife" who he does not love and never has. ;) :rolleyes:

Feb 10, 2016, 5:15 AM
I have never been pc about people when they die.. I may regret their passing for I h8 no1, but I have never been one to change the habit of a lifetime and become nice about a person I think was a less than nice human being, but while they live I do not wish them dead no matter how appalling they are. I wasn't offended by goonie's post.. I just thought it in bad taste whether or not Drew is dead... fyi Dimwit, I often refer to mesel as a dyke, and as a lippie les, for it is who and what I am. How I refer to myself and how a gay man refers to himself is one thing, how a person who is neither lesbian or gay does is quite another.

Feb 10, 2016, 9:01 AM
Pole, why not go fuck yourself ? It's been confirmed by more
people than just me here you flaming asshole and waste of oxygen. It was really nice
here when you took a break from your bullshit. Why not just go away, as you contribute
nothing, zero, nada. You and your fake "husband" should walk off into the sunset and
leave the site and the planet while you are at it .

LMAO!!! Thanks for proving my point but you're actually the
one that contributes nothing, is a troll/liar, and who cheats on his fake "wife" who he
does not love and never has.

Well, if you each believe the other has fake spouses, why not settle things right away?
The two of you could get together and hook up with one another. This way you both would
be assured you each have a spouse, a real one even. NjBiGuy would be hitched to pole.
Pole would be hitched to NjBiGuy. You both would then have real spouses. I mean to me
it seems the obvious shortest distance between two points. So, now kiss and make up.
Everyone knows you two love birds want to get on with the honey moon. Might do you
both a world of good to finally be able to openly admit your love for each other,
openly. :)