View Full Version : Do you let a woman cum in your mouth?

Dec 12, 2015, 10:34 AM
I see a thread asking if you let men cum in your mouth. Well, let's all be fair here. Do you let a woman cum in your mouth?

You can respond if you're straight, gay, in between, that's irrelevant to the question. While asking, how often do you let a woman cum in your mouth? Is it an enjoyable experience? For you, for her?

Dec 12, 2015, 10:48 AM
I have eaten many women to orgasm. I love the taste and feel of their thighs squeezing your head like a vice as they cum, plus nothing like waking up with your face feeling like a glazed doughnut the next morning.

Annika L
Dec 12, 2015, 11:05 AM


Dec 12, 2015, 11:46 AM
..and what do u think, Voidie, hmmmm? :tongue: O God... yum yum Yum :impleased.

Dec 12, 2015, 12:05 PM
it really is an honor & a pleasure for me to experiance this. i loooooove the taste of a women my goal is to make a women cum as much as she can & enjoy her taste while she lets go into me & her loins heart & soul fill with pleasure

Dec 12, 2015, 12:30 PM
It's awesome, especially if the woman is a squirter or gets really wet when she's aroused.

Dec 12, 2015, 12:49 PM
Every chance I get but I did almost drownd from my first squirting girl.

Dec 12, 2015, 1:07 PM
The first time i experienced a lady squirting, i am happy to say it was in my mouth! I was first shocked and then thrilled. I at first thought she had peed but quickly realized it wasn't urine. It was clear and oh so sweet! One time she squirted on the couch and i was afraid of staining but when it dried, there was no evidence it ever happened. So i'm led to believe it is as pure as distilled water. During my time with this woman, she squirted in every possible place and position but, of course, my favorite was when it went directly into my mouth. You have to swallow fast...lol.
And to the question, i'd be surprised to see any nays here since this is a place for bisexual individuals.

Dec 12, 2015, 2:48 PM
I Love it when a woman cums in my mouth! The best is when they squirt!

Dec 12, 2015, 5:30 PM
To this day I have bittersweet memories of regular " nooners" I used to have with the wife. I would forego my lunch in favor of going down on her. Upon returning to work, I would savor her intoxicating scent lingering in my mustache for the rest of the day.

I loved the way she tasted all over and while I've buried my face in quite a few female loins, I remember hers as tasting the best. And I became accustomed to every subtle spasm, tightening of the muscles of her ripe body, alerting me to the magic moment to come with all its wet, moaning intensity !

She was good at satisfying me orally also.

Ahhh.....the pleasures of youth.:impleased

Dec 12, 2015, 5:51 PM
It is one of the best pleasures for me. Tastes great, and feels amazing knowing she came because of you.

Dec 12, 2015, 7:00 PM
I like to drink a woman's cum. It is the nectar of the gods

Dec 12, 2015, 7:09 PM
I love it I bury my face deep in her vagina picking up all her juices. I love squirters. I love her body teasing up and holding her tight as she cums. One of God's pleasures to mankind. Mmmmmmmmm

Dec 12, 2015, 7:51 PM
love a woman cumming in my mouth when i am eating her out

Dec 12, 2015, 11:29 PM
Always, the wetter they got, the better I enjoyed it. I loved caring their scent around in my mustache, on my face and in my nostrils.

Nauti Rogue
Dec 13, 2015, 12:11 AM
O M G... Do I "LET" a woman cum in my mouth? Seriously???

Let me explain that if I bring a woman to the point of squirting, I have no greater responsibility than to capture every drop possible of that hot, wet, delicious, cum!

God, I love gulping down that warm stream of passion!

Waking up in the morning with the remnants in my mustache, goatee, and all over my face is only a sexy reminder of the fun and pleasure!

Dec 13, 2015, 1:24 AM
Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Dec 13, 2015, 1:26 AM
Good to see all these positive responses. :)

I have enjoyed it a few times myself. As has been mentioned, it is a great honor to feel.
Kind of expected a good few responses and half expected a good few being positive.
Glad to have helped bringing a bit of fairness. :)

Annika L
Dec 13, 2015, 1:35 AM
Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Hmmm...I'd be willing to bet money on "no" (and I don't bet money lightly).

Dec 13, 2015, 3:50 AM
Until she becomes too tender down there. The wetter the better.

Dec 13, 2015, 8:42 AM
Hmmm...I'd be willing to bet money on "no" (and I don't bet money lightly).

^ watches as a little white duck walks out onto the field carrying a yellow pennant with blue embroidered letters reading "Thread Troll", and hand you this pennant *

* whistle blows and static announces a P.A. system engaging an oom pa loompa walks to center field arms raised over head right hand clutching left wrist and he says ...* "Poul Fenalty, five yards or an order of fried ice cream."

* void opens the rule book, or would if Calvin Ball ever had rules ... *

Everything was positive. I agree with you though. I doubt the Pope does poop in the woods.
It is likely this act is avoided to thwart treasure hunters from ever finding holy shit.

Sorry for the above. I had to crack some wise, could not resist. Besides, we're over stocked
on oom pa loompas at the moment. *ahem* So, if one or a thousand go missing ... * turns, walks off whistling innocently * ;)

Dec 13, 2015, 2:14 PM
I love it! Ill even get it off my cock and lick it off my fingers

Dec 13, 2015, 2:48 PM
I would love to taste you

Dec 13, 2015, 4:07 PM
"Let?" "Let?" "Hell Yes" barely begins to describe how much i love it.

Annika L
Dec 13, 2015, 6:40 PM
^ watches as a little white duck walks out onto the field carrying a yellow pennant with blue embroidered letters reading "Thread Troll", and hand you this pennant *

* whistle blows and static announces a P.A. system engaging an oom pa loompa walks to center field arms raised over head right hand clutching left wrist and he says ...* "Poul Fenalty, five yards or an order of fried ice cream."

* void opens the rule book, or would if Calvin Ball ever had rules ... *

Everything was positive. I agree with you though. I doubt the Pope does poop in the woods.
It is likely this act is avoided to thwart treasure hunters from ever finding holy shit.

Sorry for the above. I had to crack some wise, could not resist. Besides, we're over stocked
on oom pa loompas at the moment. *ahem* So, if one or a thousand go missing ... * turns, walks off whistling innocently * ;)

I suppose I wouldn't be the first thread troll to say "I'm not a troll. I was just telling the truth."

But especially as you actually seem to *agree* with me, I'm thinking I can get half an order of fried ice-cream out if it if I just sacrifice 5 yards and take the Fenalty. Surely, you'll share.

Dec 13, 2015, 7:45 PM
If it was habanero flavored ice cream I could get interested. :tongue: Still trying to come to grips with that " holy shit " comment.! :smilies15

Dec 13, 2015, 10:06 PM
I suppose I wouldn't be the first thread troll to say "I'm not a troll. I was just telling the truth."

But especially as you actually seem to *agree* with me, I'm thinking I can get half an order of fried ice-cream out if it if I just sacrifice 5 yards and take the Fenalty. Surely, you'll share.

Shoot, I'll let it go with a warning, or even a simple nod to the oom pa loompa band stand.

I had no idea what happened. Some duck wandered by yelling something about what I thought was dolls. I was in the middle of confirming about the poop of Popes. Those Testy Wits can Testy.

Dec 13, 2015, 10:09 PM
If it was habanero flavored ice cream I could get interested. :tongue: Still trying to come to grips with that " holy shit " comment.! :smilies15

Well, ... what else do you His Holy See's dung droppings? Scat of the Lamb? Papal Feca?

Dec 13, 2015, 10:38 PM
Well, ... what else do you His Holy See's dung droppings? Scat of the Lamb? Papal Feca?

Uh....my religion is communing with Venus in the panoramic expanse of western sky across the street from me. :rolleyes:

Dec 14, 2015, 1:12 AM
I don't have much to add, except I love how the flavor changes during her cycle, and when she licks it off my face after she orgasms

Dec 14, 2015, 4:01 AM
Passionately licking her velvety soft vulva teasing her sensitive erect button savoring her moaning with continuous orgasmic ecstasy,her sweet juices flooding my mouth. Especially love unlimited passionate oral giving as much as receiving.

Dec 14, 2015, 8:40 AM
I love a woman cumming on my face as much and as often as she wants me to (I once happily spent about 4 hours non-stop at it)

Dec 14, 2015, 10:41 AM
It's a compliment when another girl orgasms in my face; it lets me know that she enjoyed it and that I'm doing something that made her feel good.

Dec 14, 2015, 11:05 AM
Oh HELL YES! I am crazy for oral sex on a woman!

Dec 15, 2015, 6:43 AM
Uh....my religion is communing with Venus in the panoramic expanse of western sky across the street from me. :rolleyes:

LOL But of course! :)

Still do not have any religion here. Probably will never. Yes, I
appreciate the Gnostics and that view of God. Yes, to some degree I
could be identified as Gnostic. I can be identified as Buddhist, Taoist,
Zen as well, or even Southern Baptist.

Which by the way I have taken to identifying Baptists as Buddhists
and vice versa. There was some gathering of the Baptists locally,
there was mention of a raffle to be held at the Baptist temple. My
creative hearing heard the announcer say the Baptist raffle would be
held at the Buddhist temple.

To me it kind of makes sense to place both together. Both share the
commonalities of brotherhood and affectionate embracing at worship, akin
to the Mithriac followers. I can also be identified as a heretic for
all the contrariness found within.

All in all, I am just another human being making their way through a
twisting journey seeming to go nowhere, everywhere. I pass through
and hopefully with a light step. :)

N:B: FWIW, I know that of as of at least 1996 Mithriasm is still
alive and well, and has even entrenched itself in the Baptist faith.
This knowledge came via confirmation by a Navy preacher, who
was Baptist and had done extensive research into Mithriasm. He
said he realized Baptism & Mithriaasm had inter-mingled for
eons it seemed and he decided to not worry about it. Just one of
things, is what it is. Considering some Janism influenced Buddhism,
kind of difficult to not see that Buddhism too shares in the Mitriac
history, Janism was an off shoot of Mithriasm, as was Zorasterism.

But then, I'm kind of nutty like that. My brain synapses do not align
like everyone else's. I find congruence, integrity and connect dots.
It's something I like doing, comes natural.

Bah, derailing my own thread. LOL.

On the topic. How can one square up a woman that may not enjoy being eaten out?
I know one who tells me it's "so, so", in her words. Know that other women have enjoyed
it when I did it, have expressed that I did it well enough, too. Starting to think this one may lean
toward asexuality. Not anything wrong in that aside from being a little different.

Dec 15, 2015, 8:20 AM
Aren't you supposed to.

Dec 15, 2015, 6:01 PM
I never tried it but after seeing your replies I will definitely try it.

Dec 15, 2015, 6:26 PM
Never have, probably (definitely) never will. Men only please.

Dec 15, 2015, 10:28 PM
Never have, probably (definitely) never will. Men only please.

Then why are you on a bisexual website ? And why even bother to respond to this thread ? Are you pole_shit in camo ?

Dec 15, 2015, 10:53 PM
Then why are you on a bisexual website ? And why even bother to respond to this thread ? Are you pole_shit in camo ?
LMAO!!! :rolleyes: You're paranoid. I never said I do not like giving women oral sex or that I've never had a woman "cum" in my mouth. I've done both and enjoyed it, and so has my husband but we are in a monogamous relationship with each other. But your homophobia and bigotry are showing, and being an illiterate closet queen from flyover country does not give you an excuse. ;) :rolleyes: :smilies15

Dec 15, 2015, 11:07 PM
Maybe that's exactly why you're so twisted & demented......because you've never experienced the pleasure of a woman. Can't say I feel sorry for you if that's the case. :rolleyes:

Dec 16, 2015, 2:39 AM
Maybe that's exactly why you're so twisted & demented......because you've never experienced the pleasure of a woman. Can't say I feel sorry for you if that's the case. :rolleyes:

LMAO!!! :rolleyes: I see your homophobia and bigotry is showing yet again...but you're from flyover country and a closet queen. :smilies15 ;) :rolleyes:

I'm not Mr.CumsALot, and so what if he's gay? My husband and I happen to be bisexual and have had sex with women in the past before we met each other. But we have gay men who are friends of ours who have not had sex with women because they have never wanted to, and it does not make them twisted and demented like bigots like you believe. :rolleyes: You're the real one that's twisted and demented. ;) :rolleyes: But everyone reads your posts and knows this about you. You've proven over and over again on here that you are nothing more than a troll. You have zero credibility with anyone on here. No one takes you seriously. ;) :smilies15 :rolleyes:

Dec 16, 2015, 5:02 AM

Broken record much? Need to bump the needle? Got a scratch on the vinyl?

You keep repeating the same stupid crap. I ought not expect more though, eh? It's all you got.

Dec 16, 2015, 2:06 PM

Dec 16, 2015, 2:42 PM
I see a thread asking if you let men cum in your mouth. Well, let's all be fair here. Do you let a woman cum in your mouth?

You can respond if you're straight, gay, in between, that's irrelevant to the question. While asking, how often do you let a woman cum in your mouth? Is it an enjoyable experience? For you, for her?

YES and very happily! Great taste.

Dec 19, 2015, 11:24 AM
I see a thread asking if you let men cum in your mouth. Well, let's all be fair here. Do you let a woman cum in your mouth?

You can respond if you're straight, gay, in between, that's irrelevant to the question. While asking, how often do you let a woman cum in your mouth? Is it an enjoyable experience? For you, for her?

Not just yes, but hell yes. All over my face. It will often make me cum myself when I make a lady squirt with my tongue and lips.

Dec 19, 2015, 6:12 PM
HELL YES! My wife, before menopause hit, used to squirt at times. Just catching it made me cum a couple of times. Unreal!

Dec 20, 2015, 1:47 AM
I absolutely love it when I help a woman to climax with my mouth and hands. After the tender licks, nibbles and kisses, lot's of wet tongue play, right before she begins to orgasm and her own wetness increases and she is at the point of no return, I know the best is coming at any moment. At that perfect time in her orgasm when her Vaginal walls pulsate around your fingers and continue to do so as you ever so gently massage her clit with your tongue, that is the best part of having a woman cum in your mouth.

Dec 20, 2015, 1:55 AM
Oh my god yes. I love to eat pussy and get a woman cumming over and over. Yummy.

Dec 20, 2015, 3:14 AM
Never have, probably (definitely) never will. Men only please.

I don't knock you or your feelings. I'm Bi and genuinely curious about this. Could you give some insight?

Dec 20, 2015, 4:19 AM
I love sucking the pussy juice from a wet pussy.I also love to eat the cum off of a hot cock.