View Full Version : Attention everyone, new site, free chat

tg Shannon
Dec 5, 2015, 2:22 PM
Thanks to Annika I got hooked up on this site, I've noticed some of us are there, lets all head over and get the gang back together, I really miss chatting with everyone, look foreword to seeing y'all. Kisses/Hugs Shannon:bipride::bipride: http://social.mysecretchoice.com/

Dec 5, 2015, 3:06 PM
joined but the chat doesnt load there either

Annika L
Dec 5, 2015, 3:23 PM
joined but the chat doesnt load there either

Interesting...I was just there last night and it was fine. Did you break it? *gives Jitterbug such a look*

Anyway, MSC at least is run by human beings, rather than by the ghost of Drew. When chat goes down there, it does come back. There's also a small chat room (icon in the lower left of the screen, at least for me) that works even when the main chat is down. It's not great, but it's something.

But MSC is by no means new...it's been around at least since last January. And people here have jumped ship and gone there, and then swam back here, over to there and back a couple times. I think it would be sensible to invest in some real place and help it to flourish. This site had its day and is sinking. Now and then it bobs back up to the surface (and I have absolutely no clue *how* chat has come back to life once, let alone 2-3 times, seemingly without human involvement)...but it feels entirely like a lost cause kept limpingly alive by nostalgia.

Dec 5, 2015, 3:51 PM
just tried the chat there. ur right it doesn't work. but that small chatroom seems to be working.

tg Shannon
Dec 5, 2015, 4:05 PM
it works for me so far, hope y'all can get in there

Dec 5, 2015, 5:55 PM
Anyone else using the newer portion?

tg Shannon
Dec 5, 2015, 6:11 PM
I think I just signed up for it but now chat aint working, damn

Dec 5, 2015, 6:29 PM
I think I just signed up for it but now chat aint working, damn

Ah well, at least you're not alone there. I also see the Admin
person mentioning the provider was only a 30 day trial. I asked if a
substitution had been located in the appropriate forum thread.

If naught else, and you want to yell at me until you're blue,
could give you my email address. I use a multi-purpose
instant messaging software. You could even use AIM
and holler at me. Of course, not saying you'd particularly
desire hollering at me only. It would get you started though.

Am sure others use instant messaging. Some of the messaging
services allow creating rooms. If they use an IRC interface you
can make rooms for sure. One way or another people can yammer
away. :)

Dec 5, 2015, 6:45 PM
Literotica.com has a free Live Chat area...broken down by preferences. i love it.

tg Shannon
Dec 5, 2015, 9:32 PM
I'll give that a try tomarrow naked, thanks for the tip, and I seen that to void, hopefully they'll get it running if not I'm gonna move on, but when I find something I will let y'all know, cause I miss talkin with my friends

Nauti Rogue
Dec 9, 2015, 9:21 AM
Just an FYI, folks... I've set up a basic forum at http://Swing-Bi.com for Bisexual Lifestylers. It's brand new and still under construction. After seeing that Drew has apparently died and left Bisexual.com adrift without administration, I thought it would be cool to set up an alternative.

I don't have a chat function installed yet, but I'd like for anyone who is interested to check it out, kick the tires, and give me some feedback. Let me know what works, what doesn't work, and what you'd like to see.

Dec 10, 2015, 10:34 AM
Interesting...I was just there last night and it was fine. Did you break it? *gives Jitterbug such a look*

Anyway, MSC at least is run by human beings, rather than by the ghost of Drew. When chat goes down there, it does come back. There's also a small chat room (icon in the lower left of the screen, at least for me) that works even when the main chat is down. It's not great, but it's something.

But MSC is by no means new...it's been around at least since last January. And people here have jumped ship and gone there, and then swam back here, over to there and back a couple times. I think it would be sensible to invest in some real place and help it to flourish. This site had its day and is sinking. Now and then it bobs back up to the surface (and I have absolutely no clue *how* chat has come back to life once, let alone 2-3 times, seemingly without human involvement)...but it feels entirely like a lost cause kept limpingly alive by nostalgia.

I have tried it there as well with no luck even on the small chat room.

Dec 11, 2015, 10:28 AM
I tried joining, but it wouldn't let me w/o down lading a picture. I don't have any pictures.

Dec 11, 2015, 11:57 AM
Literotica.com's design and code seems ancient, although there are more users in chat. I like lushstories.com. Takes a little getting used to, but always has 1 or 2 fun rooms where lots of people are posting hot pics. And great stories, too. I'm also bimikex on there.

Dec 11, 2015, 2:49 PM
Just an FYI, folks... I've set up a basic forum at http://Swing-Bi.com for Bisexual Lifestylers. It's brand new and still under construction. After seeing that Drew has apparently died and left Bisexual.com adrift without administration, I thought it would be cool to set up an alternative.

I don't have a chat function installed yet, but I'd like for anyone who is interested to check it out, kick the tires, and give me some feedback. Let me know what works, what doesn't work, and what you'd like to see.

Sweet! I had set up a BBS for a work group I am in using a similar site tool (MyBB, also a php BBS system), I had been thinking about doi9ng this, but you beat me...

You can add a free one room chat with Add on Chat (https://www.addonchat.com/)

Thanks! I'll register!

Dec 11, 2015, 2:52 PM
Literotica.com has a free Live Chat area...broken down by preferences. i love it.

I publish on Literotica but never tried the chat there.

If anyone wants to check out my bi smut there, I'm lizard_lix (the don't do hyphens :tongue:

Nauti Rogue
Dec 16, 2015, 10:08 AM
I've just implemented free chat at http://Swing-Bi.com. Check it out!