View Full Version : Surely someone knows

tg Shannon
Dec 1, 2015, 4:01 PM
Surley someone knows how to get in contact with drew's bro, lets get the chat back up

Dec 1, 2015, 5:50 PM
His brother seems more interested in selling the website than doing anything for the site at this point.

tg Shannon
Dec 1, 2015, 7:30 PM
well someone can get it runnin again, they did it a few months ago

Dec 2, 2015, 3:35 AM
well someone can get it runnin again, they did it a few months ago

Honey, we've discussed this albeit privately. Another issue about the
site was also discussed. Administrative access to the server is needed.

With that access granted one could feasibly reestablish a chat for
the site, fix another issue remotely. Someone could do that yet feel
it would serve better at a keyboard directly linked physically to the
server to catch errors, instead of remotely relying upon logs to update
quickly enough, allowing them to fix errors.

Without that access little hope exists fixing the issues of the site. It
is not that someone does not want fixing the issues, or lack of ability
to do so. It is that the access issue is legally detrimental in actions
to fix the site. Doing so without access is also an ethical and moral
quagmire for some. As much as would, there is limitations to could in
this case. Helping would be in effect harming and such ends to noble
means deter actions.

The tl;dnr version:

Love you sugar, and would if could yet we're restricted to act.

Dec 2, 2015, 6:42 AM
You have to remember that Drews Web sites are assets, or liabilities in terms of his estate. In most states probate courts require that they must be addressed or distributed to the eirs before the estate is closed. Assuming his brother is the only eir he can liquidate the assets as he sees fit.

Will someone want the whole "package " of this Web site and domain or is all they want the domain name? As I have said before if the real perceived value, in the buyers view, is the name then this site will dissappear as soon as they pull the plug. At which point we'll go to this page and see the new bisexual.com. this will all be gone.

Dec 2, 2015, 7:35 AM
In all likelihood the name bisexual.com has more dollar value to the estate than the website does as it exists. Drew never pulled enough money from the site to do more than pay the bills it generated. It is very likely a buyer will pay for the domain name rights and delete the existing site in the name of potential income. RIP Drew.

tg Shannon
Dec 2, 2015, 2:34 PM
well the only reason I said something is because I use the chat as part of my therapy, its always there to let me know there are people like me in the world and so many wonderful people accept me for who and what I am, just scared if it goes away I may to, don't want that, wish I could find another free chat

Dec 2, 2015, 3:32 PM
Honestly not sure why the chat comes and goes seemingly at random. I don't think anyone is taking an active role running the site as it stands.

It's pretty clear Drew's brother has no interest in the site except to sell it off.

Dec 2, 2015, 3:46 PM
Yea sorry it is a problem I know many have enjoyed it over the years. Unfortunately the reality of the situation is horrible. I know this is a painful time for Drew's brother and suspect he just wants this site and the others out of his life and will unload it for what he can get and move on.

Dec 2, 2015, 6:05 PM
well the only reason I said something is because I use the chat as part of my therapy, its always there to let me know there are people like me in the world and so many wonderful people accept me for who and what I am, just scared if it goes away I may to, don't want that, wish I could find another free chat
Get help and see a counselor/therapist who specializes in gender issues. Good luck.

Dec 2, 2015, 8:08 PM
Get help and see a counselor/therapist who specializes in gender issues. Good luck.

LMAO ;):rolleyes: Now you're a caring, empathetic member ? LMAO it's a facade ! ;):rolleyes:

Dec 2, 2015, 8:13 PM
LMAO ;):rolleyes: Now you're a caring, empathetic member ? LMAO it's a facade ! ;):rolleyes:
LMAO!!! I do care about certain people here...you're not one of them, and neither are any of the other trolls here who obsess about me. ;) :rolleyes: :smilies15

Dec 2, 2015, 8:49 PM
LMAO!!! I do care about certain people here...you're not one of them, and neither are any of the other trolls here who obsess about me. ;) :rolleyes: :smilies15

LMAO I don't need a low life piece of shit like u to supposedly care about me. Unlike u, I'm secure within myself ! LMAO ;):rolleyes::smilies15

Dec 3, 2015, 12:30 AM
Get help and see a counselor/therapist who specializes in gender issues. Good luck.

Shannon at least has the courage to admit being human, the courage to
admit changing. Where as you lack any courage. I would rather share a
beer with Shannon any time, in any way she/he chose joining in sharing a
beer. You although I would not grant even the time of day.

Dec 3, 2015, 2:02 AM
Shannon at least has the courage to admit being human, the courage to
admit changing. Where as you lack any courage. I would rather share a
beer with Shannon any time, in any way she/he chose joining in sharing a
beer. You although I would not grant even the time of day.
*yawn* LMAO!!! :rolleyes: ;) I see you're off your meds and in a psychotic rage state again void.

Don't worry, nobody wants anything to do with YOU either. ;) :rolleyes: Your "wife" only stays with you since it's an abusive co-dependent relationship for both of you. ;) :rolleyes:

tg Shannon
Dec 3, 2015, 6:25 PM
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stir up an argument, was just worried where the future of this site was going, I guess I need to move on, if someone has an alternate site that I can chat on, I would apprecieate a forworde to my inbox, again I didn't wanna start any stuff here, sorry!btw void, ty for the compliment, I too am very fussy about who I drink with and eat with, but maybe one day I'll take ya up on that beer

Dec 3, 2015, 6:39 PM
What happened to Drew?

Dec 3, 2015, 6:43 PM
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stir up an argument, was just worried where the future of this site was going, I guess I need to move on, if someone has an alternate site that I can chat on, I would apprecieate a forworde to my inbox, again I didn't wanna start any stuff here, sorry!btw void, ty for the compliment, I too am very fussy about who I drink with and eat with, but maybe one day I'll take ya up on that beer

Absolutely no reason for you to assume an unnecessary guilt trip because of a despicable vermin that has infected the site !

Dec 3, 2015, 7:13 PM
Absolutely no reason for you to assume an unnecessary guilt trip because of a despicable vermin that has infected the site !
LMAO!!! :rolleyes ;) You're the despicable vermin that has invaded/infected the site; but so are void and the other trolls/haters. :suave::impleased:rolleyes: ;)

Dec 3, 2015, 7:25 PM
LMAO!!! :rolleyes ;) You're the despicable vermin that has invaded/infected the site; but so are void and the other trolls/haters. :suave::impleased:rolleyes: ;)

Now go slink back down into your sewer. :impleased

Dec 3, 2015, 7:31 PM
Now go slink back down into your sewer. :impleased
I don't live in a sewer and neither does my husband; but you do for sure, and it's your poverty house in flyover country; but you're illiterate, an ex prison bitch, and a closet queen. ;) :rolleyes: :impleased

Dec 4, 2015, 4:48 AM
Shannon, anytime you want honey. :) Always good to share a beer, meal with a friend. Never can tell what friends can get into. ;) This month is half shot. Stuff going on what leaves me sore physically. Improving though, in facing this stuff, and hoping to have a nice new smile from it. :) Not sure beer would be suggested. *chuckles* Oddly, found out a while back you can no longer be drunk and get ink. Oh well, need to focus on the morning and trying to write. Be safe.

tg Shannon
Dec 4, 2015, 8:52 PM
thank you void

Annika L
Dec 5, 2015, 11:27 AM
Hi Shannon...My Secret Choice (http://social.mysecretchoice.com) also has free chat...it's currently frequently uninhabited, because every time bisexual.com's chat comes back online, we abandon MSC for here. But there often is at least a person or two there...and if more of us go there more often, the chances that there will be more people there at any given time will go up!

tg Shannon
Dec 5, 2015, 1:53 PM
Thank you Annika, I'll check it out, hopefully more from here will join there, I seriously think this sites days are numbered since drew passed if everything ive read here are true.

tg Shannon
Dec 5, 2015, 2:18 PM
ok, I'm on there now, Thank you again