View Full Version : I had sex with a gay escort for the first time and I am freaking out about it

Nov 2, 2015, 8:34 PM
I had protected oral with condom receiving and giving. I also had protected anal sex with a condom receiving and giving, I saw him have a condom on before he inserted his penis in me, I felt the condom in my ass during and I saw him wearing it afterwards and he only had it in for 30 seconds or a minute but I am in panic and worried that I might have a HIV or some other STD.

Nov 2, 2015, 9:30 PM
It is unlikely you have any disease from him. Also, sometime in your life you will have to decide if you are going to have REAL unprotected sex with someone. You just have to learn to be comfortable with less than 100 percent safe decisions you make.
I made the decision to drive to work today even though car accidents happen and people get killed.

Nov 3, 2015, 5:45 AM
I made the decision to drive to work today even though car accidents happen and people get killed.

Decided to dig a trench yesterday for water and electric line despite risk of throwing my back out of whack.
Did not throw the back out as I went at it slow & steady.

Chose eating a steak sandwich prepared by complete strangers, it was excellent and am having the other
half of it as breakfast this morn. The employees of the place do make up some yummy food.

Chose to use vaping juice prepared by strangers. Have to trust no toxins are in the stuff beyond the 1.8mg
per ml of nicotine. Not had an issue in nearly a year of vaping juice bought from these strangers.

Chose to wake knowing it means yet another day of drawing nearer death. Seems this happens every morning
no matter how much sleep helps resist it.

* reaches down * Hm, why yes, yes I have balls. * chuckles *

Agree with jem. Life is flux & chance. It is all well & good to be cautious. Ultimately though you
need to choose to risk in order to live.

If you have anxiety, well, they have medications for that. Yep, I do know from experience. You
might even benefit from cognitive behavioral treatment, do such things as meditation, take a
relaxing shower, go for a jog, help void dig a few post holes and finish up his ditch today, watch
that mind numbing idiot box, read a book, jack off, go bowling, go fishing, go hunting, fix a
truck/car, write a journal ...

Grub Worm
Nov 3, 2015, 6:24 AM
note to self, don't read anymore of lennyc"s post.

Nov 3, 2015, 7:30 AM
I have a friend who is female escort, and who has clients who are str8 and bisexual men and women and also gay women.. from my knowledge of escorts I doubt there is much to worry about for most practice safer sex as seems to have been the OPs experience. My friend serpently does for it is her livelihood and she is a very intellient woman who has no intention of being careless with her health and dying young. She gets tested regularly as most escorts do. Indeed, she will retire before too long (she keeps telling me) having made her pile, and intends to enjoy it... but no one is immune from STDs.. even the most careful of us can be caught out and it is best to test regularly if we have sex with other than a monogamous partner or spouse we trust and have absolute faith in. And sex with an escort serpently does not fall into that category.

Nov 3, 2015, 11:48 AM
What is the big deal here? Buy an HIV home test at the drug store. Take one now and another in 6 months. They cost about $40. Easy.

Nov 3, 2015, 1:16 PM
You did not get infected with HIV if the condom did not break. You can get other STDs even if the man is wearing a condom like HPV or herpes; but you did pay for a whore so you should assume that they are HIV+ and have other STDs. :rolleyes:

Nov 3, 2015, 1:25 PM
I have a friend who is female escort, and who has clients who are str8 and bisexual men and women and also gay women.. from my knowledge of escorts I doubt there is much to worry about for most practice safer sex as seems to have been the OPs experience. My friend serpently does for it is her livelihood and she is a very intellient woman who has no intention of being careless with her health and dying young. She gets tested regularly as most escorts do. Indeed, she will retire before too long (she keeps telling me) having made her pile, and intends to enjoy it... but no one is immune from STDs.. even the most careful of us can be caught out and it is best to test regularly if we have sex with other than a monogamous partner or spouse we trust and have absolute faith in. And sex with an escort serpently does not fall into that category.
So how was your so called "friend" forced into being a prostitute? You really are stupid if you believe that having sex with a whore or hooker means you're having "safer sex" and that they "all get tested". :rolleyes: She's not intelligent, and is not making nearly as much cash as she claims she is.

Pretty much all whores claim that "oh I'm going to LMAO 'retire' one day..." but very few actually do, and many do get forced back into being a whore since they know nothing else than how to lie on their back or get on their knees and take strangers' cocks and be a sex object or slab of meat.

Nov 3, 2015, 2:47 PM
So how was your so called "friend" forced into being a prostitute? You really are stupid if you believe that having sex with a whore or hooker means you're having "safer sex" and that they "all get tested". :rolleyes: She's not intelligent, and is not making nearly as much cash as she claims she is.

Pretty much all whores claim that "oh I'm going to LMAO 'retire' one day..." but very few actually do, and many do get forced back into being a whore since they know nothing else than how to lie on their back or get on their knees and take strangers' cocks and be a sex object or slab of meat.
O dear... the dimwit's misogyny and oft stated loathing and contempt of sex workers rears its ugly head again and shows just how little he really knows about human beings and how little he understands or cares for them:). People cannot be tarred with the same brush no matter who they are and whatever their profession or lifestyle, gender, sexuality, religion, politics, education, class or place/group of origin..

Nov 3, 2015, 3:10 PM
O dear... the dimwit's misogyny and oft stated loathing and contempt of sex workers rears its ugly head again and shows just how little he really knows about human beings and how little he understands or cares for them:). People cannot be tarred with the same brush no matter who they are and whatever their profession or lifestyle, gender, sexuality, religion, politics, education, class or place/group of origin..

It's not misogyny or misogynistic to simply tell the truth that women who are whores or prostitutes take cock for cash from strangers, and that they are forced into this and do not make a lot of money or whatever other bullshit you and they claim. :rolleyes:

If you want to read actual misogyny read your own posts. They show how you do not live in the real world, and that you really do need to get out more, and stop hanging out with hookers and whores. ;) :) :rolleyes:

Nov 3, 2015, 4:26 PM
I was referring to one escort I know.. one. Tho I do know more but am unable to say that they are friends, but like most if them and do not have contempt for them or for what they do.

There are, among those u refer to as whores, some who do make a better than good living, and some who can afford to and do stop working at a relatively young age. If you had taken in anything I have said in the past in these forums you would have seen that I do not disagree that most sex workers work very long hours, for relatively little reward and that those who r pimped, for even less, and in often dangerous conditions. Some... too many... are careless about their health, and so negligent about the health of their clients.. but not all.. serpently not all of those who have worked the streets that I know, and I have known a few over the years. Some are forced, of course they are, either through trafficking, by partner intimidation, or economic circumstance. Folk have to eat. They have children to feed, clothe and house and our societies are negligent, cruel places to many. Men and women.

I have never looked at sex work through rose coloured specs... I know it can be a nasty, cruel and shitty business... but not for all... a few... more than a few maybe...can make a better than good living at it, and are able to move away from it and do other things. The contempt people like u have for sex workers is reflected by a society which in large part thinks as u.. but some who sell their bodies can in time rise above it. My friend I am positive is one, and in time, am quite sure she shall move on in to other and arguably, better things... as some do, whatever u say or think.

I live in the real world ok... fyi hanging out with sex workers is not something I generally do, save for my friend... but I do meet them now and again and speak to them, and listen to them. They are human beings struggling through life just like the rest of us, but many face far greater trepidation, tribulations and trials than either of us, often for reasons which have been outwith their control... I just dont have the h8red for them or the contempt that u do...

Nov 3, 2015, 5:59 PM
May be time for a wisdom bomb.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." -- Plato

"Never discourage anyone... who continually makes progress, no matter
how slow." -- Plato

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real
tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." -- Plato

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they
have to say something." -- Plato

"Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes." -- Confucius

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves." --

"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses." -- Confucius

"Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it." -- Confucius

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." --

"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." --

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every
time we do." -- Confucius

"Respect yourself and others will respect you." -- Confucius

"To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes
perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul,
sincerity, earnestness and kindness." -- Confucius

"To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage." -- Confucius

"What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks i s
in others." -- Confuciu s

"Have no friends not equal to yourself." -- Confucius

"What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." --

"With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and my bended arm for
a pillow - I have still joy in the midst of these things. Riches and
honors acquired by unrighteousness are to me as a floating cloud." --

Nov 3, 2015, 6:32 PM
OP, if you are worried about strangers and STI's, start thinking first, finding a trustworthy partner, then stick with that and stay away from hookups, casual sex, and escorts - It's obviously not for you.

If you were exposed, it will likely take several weeks before a test can verify infection or not. Don't worry so much now, it is wasted energy. Make an appointment to get tested in a couple months, and then look at the results. Only then, with results in hand, can you do anything about it.

Nov 3, 2015, 9:32 PM
You did not get infected with HIV if the condom did not break. You can get other STDs even if the man is wearing a condom like HPV or herpes; but you did pay for a whore so you should assume that they are HIV+ and have other STDs. :rolleyes:

Here is my version of your post.

You did not get infected with HIV if the condom did not break. You can get other STDs even if the man is wearing a condom like HPV or herpes; which you more likely than not already have without knowing it. While you did pay for a whore, you should assume that those you meet that provide free sex have a similar risk of being HIV+ and having other STDs

I have been infected with all kinds of diseases (measles, chicken pox, flu, etc). I never paid anyone for sex or the privilege of having their illness transmitted to me. If you want to live a full life you have to take risks.

Nov 4, 2015, 2:21 AM
So that the use of condoms is more effective to avoid the infection of sexually transmitted diseases. I'm enjoying anal sex with men.

Nov 8, 2015, 11:44 PM
Even if you use a condom, you can't avoid the infection of herpes. Many guys are infected of herpes through gay sex. See other guys what to say! (http://gayherpesdating.net/)

Nov 9, 2015, 12:21 PM
Well when it comes to risks posed by things in this world---you can either chose to go out and live to experience life and the world, or just remain in bed with you head under the covers but even that is has its bad effects upon your health and well being.

It is simply not possible for all risks to be eliminated, and when it comes to sex--the ONLY WAY to make sure that you suffer no harm either in your physical or mental health is to NEVER EVER have sex with another person, doing so "safely" or not---and also never risking having any negative emotional outcomes either---but as the old saying goes "Better to have loved and lost than rather than never to have loved at all" and of course you can extend that saying to not only mean the stings and arrows that happen to the "heart" but to the body with diseases we can contract thanks to having sex that are deadly beyond AIDS/HIV like all the strains of Hepatitis and other STD's along with other things we can get just from sharing bodily fluids and close contact with other human beings.

As Void noted---there are all kinds of things in this life that we do on a regular basis that are proven to be deadly---one of the most deadly things we can do in life is to get in our car and drive to the doctor, the bank, the grocery, to church etc---because of nearly every human activity--to get into a car is pretty much the most dangerous and deadly thing that any of us will ever do.

If you took and maintained safe sex practices with this escort, even if he has HIV/AIDS--you are probably pretty safe. These days, even if someone has HIV/AIDS, if they are on the drug regimens available to us these days---then the risk of transmission even if you have unprotected sex with them is lessened because the drugs basically render the virus undetectable and they live a normal life unaffected by the disease.

I am looking forward to viewing an upcoming special edition of HBO's "Vice" that will feature the latest break throughs in HIV/AIDs research that we are apparently close to ending the threat that HIV/AIDS poses: http://www.vice.com/read/watch-the-trailer-for-the-vice-on-hbo-special-report-on-the-fight-to-end-aids-009

Let us hope that what they are talking about--does come to pass, at least until the virus that causes the disease, figures out its own get-around of what we come up with to fight it.

Nov 9, 2015, 1:49 PM
did you enjoy getting fucked?

Nov 9, 2015, 4:35 PM
May be time for a wisdom bomb.

Void...nice wisdom bomb...unfortunately some are immune and live in hardened bunkers.....

Nov 9, 2015, 4:36 PM
I was referring to one escort I know.. one. Tho I do know more but am unable to say that they are friends, but like most if them and do not have contempt for them or for what they do.

There are, among those u refer to as whores, some who do make a better than good living, and some who can afford to and do stop working at a relatively young age. If you had taken in anything I have said in the past in these forums you would have seen that I do not disagree that most sex workers work very long hours, for relatively little reward and that those who r pimped, for even less, and in often dangerous conditions. Some... too many... are careless about their health, and so negligent about the health of their clients.. but not all.. serpently not all of those who have worked the streets that I know, and I have known a few over the years. Some are forced, of course they are, either through trafficking, by partner intimidation, or economic circumstance. Folk have to eat. They have children to feed, clothe and house and our societies are negligent, cruel places to many. Men and women.

I have never looked at sex work through rose coloured specs... I know it can be a nasty, cruel and shitty business... but not for all... a few... more than a few maybe...can make a better than good living at it, and are able to move away from it and do other things. The contempt people like u have for sex workers is reflected by a society which in large part thinks as u.. but some who sell their bodies can in time rise above it. My friend I am positive is one, and in time, am quite sure she shall move on in to other and arguably, better things... as some do, whatever u say or think.

I live in the real world ok... fyi hanging out with sex workers is not something I generally do, save for my friend... but I do meet them now and again and speak to them, and listen to them. They are human beings struggling through life just like the rest of us, but many face far greater trepidation, tribulations and trials than either of us, often for reasons which have been outwith their control... I just dont have the h8red for them or the contempt that u do...

darkeyes....your feeding the trolls my friend...careful...they are not tame and certainly not friendly....

Nov 9, 2015, 6:50 PM
Void...nice wisdom bomb...unfortunately some are immune and live in hardened bunkers.....

* nodding * What you say has truth. Another truth I know as well, gentle trickling streams topple stronger mountains. Where life, so too, hope. :)

Blowjob Boy
Nov 11, 2015, 12:18 AM
I had protected anal sex with another guy and he slid in and out of me until he came no problems he was quite small. No condom trouble. I've had no problems since and I want to do it again. where are all the tops out there? I have topped a guy before, but I like it done to me too..................

Nov 18, 2015, 8:40 PM
Yes I did enjoy it physically but emotionally I fell guilty and ashamed.

Nov 18, 2015, 9:46 PM
i use to feel that way just getting turned on by the thought of it......it takes work but u get over it. just keep reminding urself, absolutely nothing wrong with it. anymore wrong than sex with a women.

Jun 15, 2020, 4:29 AM

I also had a strange experience with an escort, I advise you to go get tested as soon as possible...

Good luck :)

Jun 15, 2020, 6:01 AM
LOL. OP was almost 5 years ago...


I also had a strange experience with an escort, I advise you to go get tested as soon as possible...

Good luck :)

Jun 16, 2020, 7:54 PM
And he has not been back to the site here since May 28 of 2016 so you are not likely to ask how things worked out.

Jun 17, 2020, 1:12 AM
Yeah, I see this happen on other websites. Usually a newbie comes in and starts awakening long dormant threads where the OP hasn't been around in years. I'm like LOL!!!

Jun 17, 2020, 1:03 PM
I've never used a condom. Can't stand the fucking things. Sensory deprivation devices. Had sex with numerous guys, anal and oral. Never used one. Never will. It's a risk I've taken all my life. I'm 58 now, never had a STD. Not even the crabs.

Jun 17, 2020, 3:58 PM
Please stop responding to this ancient thread.

Jun 23, 2020, 2:24 AM
Please stop responding to this ancient thread.

Yes it needs to go into the good nite quietly.

Jul 18, 2020, 1:29 PM
is this the twilight zone?

Mar 18, 2021, 7:53 AM
Me and my friend want to have a threesome and I need a site with EscortMen, who can help me with such a site?

Mar 18, 2021, 5:34 PM
Jack there a few but none are cheap. rentmen.com, friendboy.net, mintmen, and jock2go.eu are the ones that come to mind. some of the massage sites also are escorts in disguise but you any you are interested in need to ask discretely if they are escorts as well. these are rentmasseur.com and masseurfinder.com. While I have thought about it just never put money out for any as quite expensive. Since you and a friend can split cost and make it easier. Be aware that any former and current pornstars are quite expensive.

Mar 18, 2021, 6:49 PM
note to self, don't read anymore of lennyc"s post.

its been said before...this site needs alike button!

Mar 29, 2021, 8:56 AM
My friend and I want to have a threesome and I need a site with gay male escorts, who can help me with such a site? My friend dreams of having sex in three and says that he loves me, and if this happens, he will love me even more . On his birthday, I decided to turn to the services of an escort who can have sex in three men. I'm tempted by the whole idea, but I don't show it to my friend because I told him I was against it:)) I found the site https://www.vipescortamsterdam.nl / (https://www.vipescortamsterdam.nl/) and I found a few options, but I would like to see other sites. Thank you for your help, friends !

Aug 13, 2021, 12:45 PM
Hello, that is really interesting, how was it and? My brother had a similar experience. Even at the beginning, he was skeptical about it. He started to like it soon after his first time. I tried with a girl from the escort one year ago, and to be honest, it was one of the best experiences I ever had in my entire life. I took a girl on https://aurumgirls.co.uk, and everything was ok. Check it out by yourself. I am sure you won't be disappointed.