View Full Version : Does your wife/girlfriend know? Do you feel guilty?

Oct 21, 2015, 6:35 AM
Like many of us on this site I discovered my bisexuality later in life. I still love sex with women but I can't help but enjoy sucking off guys and bottoming (equally happy to get sucked off and to top). I am completely torn because I never want to give up on either side of being bi (I want to have the best of both worlds - sex with my girlfriend at times, and sex with men at other times).

The problem is that my girlfriend doesn't know about my bi side, and I'm afraid that if I told her our relationship would be over. I feel guilty about having sex with men while in an exclusive relationship with my girlfriend but I don't want to give up on either.

Does your wife or girlfriend know about you having sex with men? Is she okay with it? I so wish I could tell my girlfriend that I love her and want to be with her, but need the feeling of a cock in my mouth or in my ass too (and a dildo or a strap on just isn't the same). I keep thinking that maybe I could tell her and she would say I could have my cake and eat it too (be with her and also have sex with guys). I just don't want to lose her.

Funny enough somehow I justify it that I'm not cheating since I'm not having sex with other women (and that I need to have sex with guys or I'll explode).

Am I the only one who faces this dilemma?


Oct 21, 2015, 9:34 AM
In my case, it's the only thing that keeps me from hooking up with a guy. My wife knows I fantasize about sex with men and she's cool with that. She's not ok with me making it a reality. So my choices are, have sex with men and cheat on my wife, or live with my unsatisfied urges and stay faithful to her. So far, I've stayed faithful.

Oct 21, 2015, 10:04 AM
Nooooo.... I was bi before I met her and have been so, but in secret. Don't feel guilty at all about it, tried to tell her once, came out of the bedroom wearing a pair of her panties and wanted to get kinky but she said in no uncertain terms to take them off or she'd leave (damn, missed my chance, lol!). Been a cocksucker since I can remember, love getting on my knees for anybody, relatives included. Just pull out your cock and tap me on the head and down I go, lol! It's that simple!

Oct 21, 2015, 11:32 AM
Yeah, I'm with cslutt here. I have to keep my bi predlictions well hidden from wifey as she's not into any sort of kinks whatsoever.

After finding a porn video clip once entitled 'Cum all over my pussy' (with hot action shots of jizz being shot onto cunnie openings - and the gals seemingly loving it), I suggested to my wife that we might give it a try. You'd have thought I'd suggested K9. So ever since, I've kept my on-line kinks and my conventional (and rather boring) missionary fucking well apart!

Oct 21, 2015, 11:39 AM
My wife does not know. I make great effort to keep it secret. I do not feel guilty about sucking and fucking with men.
As a teen I convinced myself that sucking cock was just a substitute for sex with girls and that as soon as I had access to pussy I would give it up. I managed from age 22-30 to stay hetero, but then along came an attractive willing guy at work and I was sucking cock again.
Except for when she wanted to get pregnant my wife showed no enthusiasm for sex. She was taught by her mother that sex was something women had to endure to satisfy men's animal urges. Our marital sex life died long ago. There were several affairs with women between ages 30-58, but the desire for a hard cock in my mouth and ass was always in the back of my mind. At 58 I met a guy who liked to make love...kissing, caressing and fondling before sucking and fucking and he introduced me to others, all married, divorced or widowed, who enjoyed that kind of sex.
My wife and I have a loving, but sexless relationship. She thinks I satisfy myself through masturbation and is fine with that, but would not tolerate me having sex with anyone else. So, I make careful arrangements to get away when I can and enjoy hard cock without her being any the wiser.

Oct 21, 2015, 1:38 PM
My wife does know. I got to the point where I was thinking about cheating and realized the danger in going down that road. I soul-searched, researched, got my courage up and came out to her. She accepted me and loved me more for being honest with her and trusting her. A year later she suggested that we open our marriage. We have been polyamorous for four years now and life is good.

Coming out was not easy, and I know that I am blessed with having a special woman in my life (which is why I married her in the first place), but I am so much happier that I chose the path of honesty and communication over cheating and hiding my sexuality from her.

Christopher South
Oct 21, 2015, 4:41 PM
Good for you HH.

My wife knows I'm bi but only because she found out I was having sex with a guy. I was in the closet until my 50's but once sex in our marriage died, my interest in guys bloomed.

Once she found out we went through a resurgence of sex but after a while it has died again. I told her what happens when our sex life dies (my bi urge gets stronger) but she just has no interest in sex.

I think we're in a "don't ask, don't tell" situation now. I'm not chasing her for sex and assume she put 1+1 together (my high sex drive + not asking her for sex) and probably assumes I'm getting it elsewhere. Which I am.

Oct 22, 2015, 10:14 AM
She does know and is OK with it, being bi herself. No, I never feel guilty. How can it be cheating if she is there taking pictures of everything? LOL

Oct 22, 2015, 10:52 AM
Wifey does not know, has no clue and also doesn't participate in anything sex related any more. I have told a couple of my girlfriends and they all think it is hot and want to see me with another guy, also to join in with both of us for a threesome.

Oct 22, 2015, 10:56 AM
My wife knows and she likes to watch us play and straps up any time I ask her too.

Oct 22, 2015, 11:03 AM
My wife knows, but I haven't been active for a long time.

Oct 22, 2015, 12:58 PM
My wife knows, but I haven't been active for a long time.
LMAO that's a lie, but it's coming from you and you are a liar. "She" doesn't know that you cheated on her with a guy you met in a cybersex chat room on an amateur porn and hook up site :rolleyes: But you're this site's troll that loves to pretend to be a lawyer and 9/11 survivor. :rolleyes:

Oct 22, 2015, 9:22 PM
My wife was part of the MMF when I sucked a cock so I'm guessing she knows. :)

Oct 22, 2015, 9:52 PM
I told my wife that I was bi when we were dating, so she knows.

Oct 23, 2015, 2:57 AM
It's honorable that you think you'll remain faithful. I don't see a difference in having desires to be with men and having desires to be with other women.

Oct 23, 2015, 7:25 AM
My wife knows, told her about my early sex life which incliuded some boys my own age. At about 35 met a by guy, good looking, nice clock. I started talking about having him join us for a threesome during sex, and since she liked him, thought he was sexy, she finally agreed. So we kept it very much about her the first three times we got together. Then one night, I went down on him, and then he bottomed for me, and she just waited her turn, and never said anything about it. This continued for a few years. Now we are both looking for a bi man to join us in bed, to make our sex life whole again. Normal is she likes guys, preferably two at a time, and I like a little bi action with our boyfriend.

Oct 23, 2015, 8:02 AM
Like Peter, I was seeing guys behind the wife's back but didn't see it as cheating. When she found out, she didn't really see it as cheating either, and has been an energetic addition to my m-m sex.

Oct 23, 2015, 3:12 PM
As a young teen I used to love giving blowjobs to my best friend Larry because his cock was SO MUCH bigger than mine was! I did this usually at least once a day day and sometimes two and even three times the same day! I was his cocksucker for more than three years until we both graduated from high school and he moved away. About five years ago, I admitted this to my wife of thirty years adding that I had really enjoyed sucking his huge cock and "being" his personal cocksucker. When she asked me if I still wanted to suck cock, I lied and said no. The truth is that I've always been a cocksucker! I've never given up sucking cock and I frequently meet with men I meet online and suck their cocks. I never accept a blowjob in return from any of these men because that would alter the exciting dynamic of being a slutty Cocksucker and I would also consider it cheating because my wife can and does like sucking my cock. She has no idea that I'm still a compulsive and insatiable cocksucker. Strangely, I don't feel guilty for being a Cocksucker but I do feel guilty for the dishonesty and duplicity required to permit me to indulge in my oral obsession without her becoming aware.

Oct 23, 2015, 11:12 PM
My wife knows. She is excited at the fantasy of an MMF, but the reality of that is that she would rather not do it. She has given me permission to take care of things if I need to and I will if the right situation presents itself. Hopefully I can find the right situation that makes her comfortable with an MMF, only time will tell.

Oct 24, 2015, 11:11 AM
My wife knows, and is fine with it, shes also Bi, and after heavy consideration has given me the go to find a guy to have fun with, she came from a bad marriage so she had trust issues and at first thought i was trying to find something she couldnt offer, it took lots of talking but I finally convinced her it was just an appetite. our plan is to find a guy open enough that would be willing to let her watch us play, and hopefully eventually she could build the nerve to join in.

Oct 24, 2015, 3:32 PM
I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone wrestling with this issue. The more I read postings on this site the more "normal" I feel. I'm sure a lot of bisexual men would be offended at my using that term "normal" but I used to think that there was something wrong with me. After all, I considered myself 100% straight until I turned 50. I have two grown kids. I was married for 31 years. How can I now love women but also love sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass. Well being bisexual is perfectly normal and I feel better about my proclivities. I'm inclined to tell my girlfriend about being bi. I think she will find it difficult at first but then be okay with it. She will want me to be careful. She will want me home with her after I've played any time. If the relationship ends because of it, so be it. I can't give up either men or women and I have to find a way to have both. Sneaking around is really difficult. I want to embrace my bi side (on the down low) and find that either my girlfriend will accept me or that I find someone who will. Thanks.

Oct 26, 2015, 5:57 AM
In exactly the same situation: married 35 years to a wonderful woman but got the urge a few years ago to explore with men. Can't turn back now. I once tried to share my feelings with my wife after we watch a movie that had a bi subplot--thought that was lucky now I can raise it hypothetically and see. Good idea? Not so much. Wife was so not open to it. So I episodically play, always still feel guilty, lay off for a while and repeat. LOL! Can't ever put the genie back in the bottle.

Oct 26, 2015, 1:42 PM
Ooohhhh I knoooowww. I am the instigator.... :0

Oct 27, 2015, 10:19 AM
I think this question has been around before, but I might be wrong. My wife has always known that I am a Cocksucker. She is very open minded and knows that once someone becomes one, there is no stopping or at least very little chance that he or she can. That being said, all she asks is that I be careful. We have been together since 1975, so I guess it's not an issue.

Oct 28, 2015, 4:45 PM
My wife knows and is fine with it. She even organized a reunion with a guy I used to see a long time ago. I think being bisexual is just a part of me as are my arms and legs! Cannot be avoided or denied.

Oct 29, 2015, 2:21 PM
I think this question has been around before, but I might be wrong. My wife has always known that I am a Cocksucker. She is very open minded and knows that once someone becomes one, there is no stopping or at least very little chance that he or she can. That being said, all she asks is that I be careful. We have been together since 1975, so I guess it's not an issue.

Much similar here although not quite as many years, yet in time that will be. She knew before we married I enjoy beef once in a while. Fish alone does not make for the spice of life. All we agree on is we're careful, we're honest with one another, we look out for each other. There's no jealousy, no guilt. Married 15 years in April, together 17.

Oct 30, 2015, 4:10 PM
To tell or not to tell is always a hotly debated question on sites such as this. I know for a fact that telling can land you in a divorce court (happened to me twice and the scone one knew I was bi early on in our relationship). I told my current wife on the second date and told her that if she couldn't deal with this fundamental aspect of who I must be, it was time to walk away. This gave her pause, but she didn't walk.

as we became more involved, we discussed my sexuality more openly. She was naturally curious and wondered why I hadn't sought a man. I told her that l had plenty of opportunity to slip off to a park, rest stop, adult video store, etc., but that I was finished with the DL scene. I no longer cared for anonymous groping with strangers. If I felt the need again (and I knew I would) I'd look for a like-minded friend. All she asked is that we discuss this before I acted.

Two years ago, I made up my mind: I needed male sex and, more importantly, real male intimacy. We discussed this for several weeks and she was understandably nervous. Then one day she told me that it would be unfair of her not to allow me to have this need met and that she certainly couldn't do it. She actually thought it would be good for me. So I started looking and, as I'm sure so many others here know, my efforts were met almost entirely by bi DL men wanting a quick hook up. Nope! Then I met a guy on a site similar to this one. We took our time and met a few times in hotels. We got on great and quickly found that we had so much more in common than just wanting to play with the boys. We have become good friends and, I have to tell you, the se. With him is better than any grope in the dark or one-night hook up. We can learn each other's bodies, desires, and needs and we can be totally honest with one another. This has worked out so well, and because he is an older, single man in a rural area (very little opportunity for sex of any kind, much less with a woman), I asked my wife if I could invite him to join us sometime. To my astonishment, she agreed. So we all play together a few times per year and it's always fantastic. My wife says that it is a learning experience for her, since she never imagined that men can be intimate with one another and it is refreshing to see. We can be passionate and tender to one another in bed and sometimes she is our sole focus. As you imagine, she really likes this! ;). She is also amazed that outside of bed, we are just two good friends doing what friends do. No one would ever expect we are also lovers.

so telling can work out.

Oct 31, 2015, 5:42 PM
LMAO that's a lie, but it's coming from you and you are a liar. "She" doesn't know that you cheated on her with a guy you met in a cybersex chat room on an amateur porn and hook up site :rolleyes: But you're this site's troll that loves to pretend to be a lawyer and 9/11 survivor. :rolleyes:
what is wrong with you? have you no sense of decency ? do you want others to judge you the way you judge them? stop being a troll for once..

Nov 1, 2015, 7:29 PM
Been married twenty years, about 4 year ago told her about being molested by 2 different men in my youth. Told her about having sex with men after my first marriage divorce. I was 28 at the time of my divorce. Told her I long for the MM sex. This summer I brought it up again and was jokingly calling myself a faggot. She told me not to say that. In short basically don't ask don't tell. A few days ago told her I'd really like a MMF 3 some and she could just watch she said she couldn't watch me cheat.

Nov 1, 2015, 8:31 PM
Been married twenty years, about 4 year ago told her about being molested by 2 different men in my youth. Told her about having sex with men after my first marriage divorce. I was 28 at the time of my divorce. Told her I long for the MM sex. This summer I brought it up again and was jokingly calling myself a faggot. She told me not to say that. In short basically don't ask don't tell. A few days ago told her I'd really like a MMF 3 some and she could just watch she said she couldn't watch me cheat.
Instead of cheating on your wife or thinking about cheating on your wife get help for being sexually abused.

Nov 1, 2015, 8:41 PM
I told my wife before we met in person it was something she accepted about me right off. Although she has no interest in being involved it is something she still accepts about me. I feel fortunate in finding some on who accepts that part of me and loves me for the person that I am. I don't get much opportunity to meet people with other commitments for my time and it is getting harder to meet quality people today.

Nov 2, 2015, 7:07 AM
She knows and had a part in starting me admitting I was BI. IT Started when we meet a friend (male who lives 500 miles away) and had a great weekend of Bi sex a couple times. Then I went canoe camping with another friend and we had some MM fun. I told her about how much fun we had and that I wanted more. We have had more very fun MMF times that she likes very much.

After the last one I let her know that I was having fun but the frequency was not enought. We both agreed that we were going to do it much more often. We always play together and will in the future.

I'm very lucky to have such a great wife.

Nov 2, 2015, 12:00 PM
My wife has known about me wanting to try a man she even helped me find one once but it didn't work out. Now we are at the point where she doesn't ask and I don't tell. I would really love to suck a cock and be sucked and have my ass pounded.

The Galion
Nov 3, 2015, 11:39 PM
Mine knows and absofuckinglutely hates me for it and thinks me less of a man because of it.
I let her know ahead of time that I wanted some cock but when it finally happened, I caved within a week of her bitching, barking and questioning. Not good.
She even made sure two of our three kids now know that I'm bi. Nice lady. One already knew.
Kind of a don't ask, don't tell thing since then for the both of us. :-( I am watched very closely. :-(
The poor thing is too engrossed in the crap that was drilled into her head that she cannot let go and think for herself. I think for myself.

Guilty? Fuck no! I put it off for 30 years and am grateful for any fun I get and cannot wait for a different cock to suck as my original guy needs to be REALLY drunk to be comfy allowing me to suck him, tho he LOVES the attention. Hehe, I rubbed and patted his non hard cock thru his jeans over the weekend! My wife wasn't twenty feet away tho on the other side of a wall. Do I feel bad? No, I'm afraid not.

Life isn't meant to be constantly repressing ourselves.

Nov 4, 2015, 1:55 AM
Mine knows and absofuckinglutely hates me for it and thinks me less of a man because of it.
I let her know ahead of time that I wanted some cock but when it finally happened, I caved within a week of her bitching, barking and questioning. Not good.
She even made sure two of our three kids now know that I'm bi. Nice lady. One already knew.
Kind of a don't ask, don't tell thing since then for the both of us. :-( I am watched very closely. :-(
The poor thing is too engrossed in the crap that was drilled into her head that she cannot let go and think for herself. I think for myself.

Guilty? Fuck no! I put it off for 30 years and am grateful for any fun I get and cannot wait for a different cock to suck as my original guy needs to be REALLY drunk to be comfy allowing me to suck him, tho he LOVES the attention. Hehe, I rubbed and patted his non hard cock thru his jeans over the weekend! My wife wasn't twenty feet away tho on the other side of a wall. Do I feel bad? No, I'm afraid not.

Life isn't meant to be constantly repressing ourselves.
Why not just leave your wife and get a divorce and have you both move on? That's probably what will happen since you are cheating on her...:rolleyes:

The Galion
Nov 4, 2015, 10:28 PM
Hi pole smoker!

Nov 5, 2015, 11:43 AM
Seeing a guy behind wife's back my concern would be what if I gave her a STD. That would be hard to live with. The sad thing is I promised my wife I wouldn't see anyone and even tho I've kept my promise she doesn't believe me.

Like Peter, I was seeing guys behind the wife's back but didn't see it as cheating. When she found out, she didn't really see it as cheating either, and has been an energetic addition to my m-m sex.

Nov 6, 2015, 7:49 AM
Mine knows and absofuckinglutely hates me for it and thinks me less of a man because of it.
I let her know ahead of time that I wanted some cock but when it finally happened, I caved within a week of her bitching, barking and questioning. Not good.
She even made sure two of our three kids now know that I'm bi. Nice lady. One already knew.
Kind of a don't ask, don't tell thing since then for the both of us. :-( I am watched very closely. :-(
The poor thing is too engrossed in the crap that was drilled into her head that she cannot let go and think for herself. I think for myself.

Guilty? Fuck no! I put it off for 30 years and am grateful for any fun I get and cannot wait for a different cock to suck as my original guy needs to be REALLY drunk to be comfy allowing me to suck him, tho he LOVES the attention. Hehe, I rubbed and patted his non hard cock thru his jeans over the weekend! My wife wasn't twenty feet away tho on the other side of a wall. Do I feel bad? No, I'm afraid not.

Life isn't meant to be constantly repressing ourselves.

I agree with pole_smoker that it may be time to part ways. She's not your wife; she's your ruler. She sounds mean-spirited and vindictive. Sounds like your children are old enough that they don't need mom and dad to be husband and wife anymore. You'd be just fine, but she'd be out there beating the bushes in vain, finding out the hard way that "real men" want nothing to do with a sagging, middle-aged, narrowminded harpie.

Nov 6, 2015, 4:07 PM
I agree with pole_smoker that it may be time to part ways. She's not your wife; she's your ruler. She sounds mean-spirited and vindictive. Sounds like your children are old enough that they don't need mom and dad to be husband and wife anymore. You'd be just fine, but she'd be out there beating the bushes in vain, finding out the hard way that "real men" want nothing to do with a sagging, middle-aged, narrowminded harpie.
LMAO!!! Yeah his wife certainly does sound abusive, and their 'marriage' was probably long over before this.

Nov 6, 2015, 4:30 PM
I don't want to tell my loved one about my bi-sexul problem. This is because that i don't wanna hert them.

Dec 20, 2015, 7:31 PM
My wife dosen't know,But a first I did felt guilty, She really doesnt show any interest in sex, where for me its very important to me,Maybe someday I will tell her my feeling to close to another man.Women seem to do it and people accept it more than men doing,Why cant men show thie affection or a bromance also.Meanwhile love pleasing another human being.

Dec 21, 2015, 6:39 AM
You are not alone.

i have been with my wife for 9 years now married for 4. When we met, I was out as bisexual to friends, some that we shared but had zero experience. My family are still today unaware. She knew I was bi but not that I'd never acted on my urges.
When we started dating she knew I watched porn and she put two and two together. I tried to get her to watch some with me one day, she didn't enjoy even straight porn so I never got to see her reaction to MMF porn. Needless to say, it wouldn't have been great.

Life went on and sex was good for a while, we were so busy and with each other all of the time that I rarely thought about sex with guys because sex with her was great. And we did it all of the time. Even porn took a back seat.

after I proposed things changed. We were still in love, me with her, her with planning a wedding. I got lost. I met this guy who I fell in love with. Not just sexually, but completely. Same interests, same ideas, same interests, same work ethic, he was perfect and wow the sex was good. I had a secret relationship with him for the whole two years it took to plan my wedding. The affair continued for 6 months into my marriage. It ended abruptly.

For 3 years I stayed faithful but our marriage became sexless unlike our relationship before marriage. I miss the guy and cock too. So in the last 6 months to now i have been pursuing back alley hook ups, meet ups in hotels, glory holes in night clubs. Even sucked off my straight best friend which I'm not so proud of.

I do not see a future with my wife and that eats at me every single day that passes where I am too cowardly to end it. What was a sexual fantasy that is now a sexless marriage causes nothing but resentment. And I am finding it more and more difficult to tolerate her lack of open mindedness. Selfishly, I'd rather stay with her then be alone. Because being alone scares me.

the guy I met during my engagement is the guy I ought to be with. It's funny how life goes right.

Dec 21, 2015, 10:21 PM
My wife knows that I let a guy suck me off once before we got married. And she's okay with that. What she doesn't know is that I've let more then one guy suck me off. I was hooked after the first guy did it. I LOVE a man's hot mouth on my cock. She's bi but never been with a woman but she wants it badly. She's always told me that if I want another woman bring her home & we will both fuck her. I want to find someone on a regular bases to suck me off. I don't know how she would feel about though. We had our first 3some together with another guy & I told her of she wanted to fuck someone to take some pictures of her blowing him. But she's shy at times so I know that's not going to happen. Not sure what to do. Hard to find anyone in this part of Ga anyhow..

Dec 21, 2015, 11:06 PM
My wife knows, but I've never actually acted on it. Although the urge is as strong as ever.

Dec 22, 2015, 8:26 AM
I told my wife when we got engaged that I was bi (the scariest moment of my life) and even introduced her to my ex LT BF (he was a childhood friend and showed up at my parents when we visited). She was OK with it and asked that we have a straight, monogamous and vanilla marriage. I didn't know better and figured that it was time to give up those things, so I agreed. That worked for the first 28 years, then I turned 50 and my old nature just came back like a tidal wave.

Once again I went back to her (second scariest moment) and asked her to reconsider the straight, vanilla and monogamous parts. She reluctantly agreed and we began 'the experiment.' For about 9 years we tried various kinks and even swinging a little bit. We went to swinger's clubs, fetish clubs, made friends with poly folks and generally explored the other sides of sexuality and relationships.

After that time, she decided it was not for her, and I relented. I said OK, we'll keep what she liked (not much, mostly the Hitachi :-) and the occasional visit to the fetish club and go back to being 'normal.'

We were sitting in the fetish club, after having greeted the couple from the poly family that are still good friends and she looked at me and said, "I can see it all over your face, you need this, you need to get fucked by people like yourself, it's OK, go ahead, I will learn to be OK with it."

Well 4 months later (I took it very slowly since out relationship is the most important thing in my life), I have been starting a few relationships with men and bi couples. I still haven't actually gotten fucked (my first planned fuck date got postponed due to his family holiday plans), but it's all OK and is working out well. I had a health scare and it shook us both up, she lost any remaining jealousy and now even is helping me plan for my date.

I'm one lucky SOB!

Oh yeah, and the other part of the question, I have never felt guilty or wrong for being bi, it's who I am. I tried to give it up for my relationship (not because I felt guilty, but because back then I didn't realize how much a part of me it is) but really couldn't so I am getting to live it now. I am out to anyone safe to be out to and happier than ever.

Dec 22, 2015, 11:38 AM
My wife does not know and I prefer to keep it that way. Personally, I don't feel guilty because I don't feel like it's cheating. I'm not emotionally invested in the guys I play with and my wife can't give me what a man can. For me, it's just about sex.

Dec 22, 2015, 8:39 PM
I told my wife a few months ago. We have since experimented with a strap-on. She is not ready to tell some of our gay friends yet. Nor is she ready for a MMF yet. She does not want me to have sex with another man yet but she said to give her a bit more time.

Dec 23, 2015, 4:20 AM
My wife knows and loves it, she wants to watch me and a shemale play and I'm decently up for that

Dec 23, 2015, 10:54 AM
My wife does not know and I prefer to keep it that way. Personally, I don't feel guilty because I don't feel like it's cheating. I'm not emotionally invested in the guys I play with and my wife can't give me what a man can. For me, it's just about sex.

Good luck, it took my wife a very long time to be OK with me being with another man, but she finally relented and now is really OK with it and doesn't care if it is man or a woman (since I like kink and she doesn't I can get a lot of what I am looking for, like the strap on with a woman as well as a man..)

Dec 23, 2015, 5:56 PM
My wife has no idea. I have a high sex drive. I try to talk to her and seduce her. She just doesn't seem interested. I need sex all the time. I can go to the ABS and get a nice BJ. Of course I feel terribly guilty but I have needs she no longer wants to fill.

Jan 5, 2016, 6:40 PM
I feel doubly guilty.

I've been with my wife since 1994 and we are soul mates. Alas the sex petered out a few years ago. I met an ex girlfriend quite by chance on the street and next thing we were at it again! Meanwhile I have stopped seeing my ex, but seek and get MM sex when and where I can.

I think my wife knows, but I don't want to upset a complicated apple cart....

Jan 7, 2016, 1:48 AM
My wife, NO! Girlfriend YES! I've always noticed when I watched porn that I focused on the cock, cum shot, and the woman's tits. Maybe a shemale is in order. :) I've yet to play with another cock, but I look forward to making one cum.

Jan 7, 2016, 8:06 AM
Yes, my wife knows...the first time we met, I was getting screwed, so that was a never-bagged-cat.

She's bi as well, but is less comfortable with it. I've endeavored to help her be less hung up on it, but I know pushing won't help anything, and I know that she enjoys what she enjoys, so we just leave it at that.

She has a couple of friends she hangs out with, and "hangs out" with, as do I...things work out, and if anything were to change, we'd cross that bridge when necessary.

Jan 7, 2016, 7:34 PM
Yes My GF knows.I was very up front with her and telling her about it. She admitted at the same time that she was Bi and had several Incidents in the past with both Bi and Lez partners. No we are looking for another couple to have Bi and Swap relationships with. She wants to see me with another man and I want to see her with another woman. Then we swap with each other.

Jan 8, 2016, 11:22 AM
My wife knows, and approves. She is fine with it so long as it is a steady guy. She prefers he be married - which he is. She has actually seen us having sex now, so it is completely out in the open with her.

Jan 8, 2016, 11:41 AM
Speaking of! My steady guy just texted to ask if I would be interested in a 3-way. He is married too, and has only been with my guy and once with me. His last m/m experiences were in the eighties. They are heading over now, so shower time! The guy I see regularly cums very heavily and frequently, and the other guy tends to squirt, so it will hopefully be a messy couple of hours or so. Is it fucking? Kind of... I love the sex, but am so into the guy I see!

Jan 8, 2016, 2:36 PM
Speaking of! My steady guy just texted to ask if I would be interested in a 3-way. He is married too, and has only been with my guy and once with me. His last m/m experiences were in the eighties. They are heading over now, so shower time! The guy I see regularly cums very heavily and frequently, and the other guy tends to squirt, so it will hopefully be a messy couple of hours or so. Is it fucking? Kind of... I love the sex, but am so into the guy I see! Are you going to take both of their cum loads up your ass? Or one cum load in your ass, and the other in your mouth?

Jan 8, 2016, 4:55 PM
Well I wrestle with the same issues. My wife is not interested. She knew I had been with men and women before we got married. She doesn’t know I still fantasize about it. I have attempted to go down on here after I have cum, but having trouble actually doing it. I told her I was trying to do it. She did say anything about it. But I have tried to bring stuff up in the past and she gets very judgmental very quickly. So I remain frustratedly faithful. Interestingly I have come out to her as a nudist and she has been supportive. So who the heck knows? Women! Am I right! I am planning on opening up a bit more with her on the topic. Unfortunately I think she thinks people are straight or gay and nothing in between.

Jan 8, 2016, 5:02 PM
My wife knows that I let a guy suck me off once before we got married. And she's okay with that. What she doesn't know is that I've let more then one guy suck me off. I was hooked after the first guy did it. I LOVE a man's hot mouth on my cock. She's bi but never been with a woman but she wants it badly. She's always told me that if I want another woman bring her home & we will both fuck her. I want to find someone on a regular bases to suck me off. I don't know how she would feel about though. We had our first 3some together with another guy & I told her of she wanted to fuck someone to take some pictures of her blowing him. But she's shy at times so I know that's not going to happen. Not sure what to do. Hard to find anyone in this part of Ga anyhow..

Oh man I will be in Atlanta in September! LOL

Jan 9, 2016, 1:29 PM
Yes. We tried swinging after about 8 years of marriage, and while I loved it, she never really did. I realized after a few couples encounters that I had an interest in male bodies. Like another poster, I found myself watching the cock and cum in the porn I saw, along with tits and pussy... I love all the parts! It took a long time to try and actually do something with another man, and while I took it very slowly, my wife actually was having a much harder time, found a 'friend' that mislead her to believe I was already cheating on her, and convinced her to have an ongoing affair. Since my discovery of that, I have been more open about my desires, and with some solid ground rules, working towards a FWB/CLR with another married guy that falls more on towards a 5 on the Kinsey scale.

While some stress is there, I feel better about things than if I were hiding these details from my wife. I've seen first hand the damage and stress of secrets from your primary partner. If the marriage ends, so be it, but at least it wont be due to dishonesty on my part.

There are a few online support groups for those in a marriages like ours. Typically it has to do with discovery and crisis, I wish more mixed orientation couples that are in a good place would participate in the groups, to help normalize the idea of bisexuals in committed relationships, helping to avoid the feeling that no one would understand, and that it has to be a secret.

Jan 10, 2016, 9:58 PM
my first wife was fucking this guy in nyc, she used to tell me about her encounters. one night she tells me this guy told her he was bi and wanted to join us in bed. im fine with that, then she said she if he joined us would it be ok with me if he gave me head, im like, sure no problem, her next thing was she wanted to watch me blow him, she had no idea i secretly wanted to to it anyway, i had already eaten her out after he came in her, so sucking his cock right out of her pussy was on my mind. well, long story short, she ended her relationship with him before we could get together, but from that point on, she knew i had a fantasy of sucking cock. unfortunately, due to other things in out life, we split and i never got to do a threesome with her.

Jan 11, 2016, 11:13 AM
I just recently cam out to my wife. She was not shocked, a bit confused but supportive of me. Now that its in the open with her, I have stopped living my lie to her, its a huge weight of me.

Jan 11, 2016, 2:00 PM
me too but man i crave cockplay

Jan 12, 2016, 5:04 PM
me too but man i crave cockplay

You too, what exactly? I ask because your post here seems a little

If you're out to your significant other then, your craving of cocks
ought not be troubling. You just go out and enjoy cocks. Your
other knows and is accepting of that. What trouble warrants,
"but man i crave cockplay"? Where lies the conflict?

That is if you're saying, "me too", that your other is aware of
your sexuality. It seems that is what you're saying. You then
present a back handed hook, "but ...", which conveys drama,
conflict. Stuck in circular logic? Must you present vicious

Could it be you're trolling? I do not know. So, I ask to clarify,
for myself and others. I'm not accusing in this query, not
judging either. I'm only reflecting back what I read, presented.
That is kind of confusing at best. So, can you steer us to
where you're heading without circumnavigating the globe of
drama-o-rama, please even? Thanks. :)

Nota Bene / Note Well: To help you and others comprehend
how I'm seeing your post, I'll offer a link (http://is.gd/C0G9Wl) to a review & guidelines
of a book. It is a text file, no scary viruses, javascript, fancy css,
auto-playing music/videos. Even this humble review conveys a lot
from the book it reviews. There is good conversational insight in the
review and I would presume the book itself is much fuller of such

Nauti Rogue
Jan 18, 2016, 6:01 PM
Here is a thread at Swing-Bi.com you might want to check out: http://www.swing-bi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=180.

Jan 18, 2016, 6:34 PM
Here is a thread at Swing-Bi.com you might want to check out: http://www.swing-bi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=180.

I turned down another married guy today but I got him to join your site, Nauti; member #225. He wanted my mouth on his cock really bad and I really wanted to suck him also 'cause I liked his stats, but like I emphasized on Saucy's thread, it's all about honesty. :shades: Hope I won't have any sour grapes to deal with somewhere later down the road.

Jan 18, 2016, 10:41 PM
I"m not sure if posting your site on this site to draw member is ethical. When I tried to go to your link in post 65, it demanded that I join before it would let me read the thread? That's a bit creepy scuzzy and is not what I would like to think about you. I've been scanning your front page and reading what it lets me read.

Post 65 comes across to me as being a vulture visiting this site and picking at its bones to get members...lol

Jan 19, 2016, 12:49 AM
We play with guys together and I suck cock on my own. We have sucked cocks together. She has jacked cocks off in my mouth and sucked the cocks of guys I'm ass fucking. A family that plays together stays together. We both love cocksucking and cum.