View Full Version : Why do I have to be Bi?

Oct 15, 2015, 8:46 AM
I love women and am turned on by cock. Why can't I just be sexual. I love sex.

Oct 15, 2015, 10:16 AM
I love women and am turned on by cock. Why can't I just be sexual. I love sex.

That is me.... I love and lust for women... and cock

Oct 15, 2015, 10:19 AM
I completely agree. If I should have a label it'd sex addict.

Oct 15, 2015, 10:23 AM
You can add me to this list....luv women and like cock...or normal in my little world LOL

Oct 15, 2015, 10:39 AM
I love women and am turned on by cock. Why can't I just be sexual. I love sex.

That is me.... I love and lust for women... and cock

I completely agree. If I should have a label it'd sex addict.

You can add me to this list....luv women and like cock...or normal in my little world LOL

A better question would be, why do you and others posting here have so much internalized biphobia, shame about being bisexual and discomfort about my sexuality, and want to use the biphobic "I don't believe in sexual labels, I love cock, I'm just sexual/fluid, a sex addict, etc....anything but admitting and coming out to people or myself as bisexual". :rolleyes: :smilies15

Oct 15, 2015, 11:54 AM
Pole smoker-
I see nothing biphobic about those posts,
If anything it seems to me to be opinionated against people with 'biphobia' as you call it.
Begs the question who is so insecure that he has to take time out of his day to actively search for others to insult,
most who fit this description are anything but ok with themselves... Do you need a hug?

I agree entirely, many people have closed minds and have difficulty comprehending their own sexuality, let alone that of others.
Unfortunately most people don't spend much time or effort on introspection, and have a difficult time accepting themselves for who they are when they finally do;
That mode of thinking will become less common as society becomes more enlightened as a whole- but my inner pessimist has doubts about the course society is currently heading, lol.
Acceptance is reaching farther than it has in the past though, but many people will always likely make a distinction, even if/when they come to accept it;
People are uncomfortable with things they do not entirely understand, they categorize and label things in order to put themselves at ease;
Which is understandable to a degree as well- it's human nature, I suppose...
That's my two cents- take it with a grain of salt... or salty cum... or w/e floats your boat :).

Oct 15, 2015, 2:42 PM
Good points thethirdwheel

" Biphobia is aversion toward bisexuality and bisexual people as a social group or as individuals. People of any sexual orientation can experience or perpetuate such feelings of aversion. Biphobia is a source of discrimination against bisexuals, and may be based on negative bisexual stereotypes or irrational fear."

There is nothing biphobic about being confused about your sexuality and fearful of rejection from others that you realize are no longer like you. That seems to be normal bisexual awareness patterns. It may be part of learning to accept your sexuality and come to terms with it but it is not biphobic. That is not an aversion. Someone who attacks bisexuals and comes across as disliking and not understanding bisexuality may be averse to bisexuals.

To be attracted to both male and female sexually is part of the definition of bisexuality. To feel shame is also part of the self evolution as a bisexual for many. The shame comes from not being in the mainstream sexuality.(as most bisexuals learn) It is unfortunate but society does not accept bisexuality as much as heterosexuality. This is most evident towards male bisexuals.

If a bisexual is so strongly disliking their sexuality as to feel self hatred may be mingled in with some self biphobia and they may need some counselling. None of the above posters show any sign of hating their bisexuality but seem to embrace it.

To fail to comprehend this and call yourself a bisexual may be biphobic.

Someone who fails to empathize with the struggle of self acceptance for bisexuals may be more than crude.

Oct 15, 2015, 4:11 PM
Good points thethirdwheel

" Biphobia is aversion toward bisexuality and bisexual people as a social group or as individuals. People of any sexual orientation can experience or perpetuate such feelings of aversion. Biphobia is a source of discrimination against bisexuals, and may be based on negative bisexual stereotypes or irrational fear."

There is nothing biphobic about being confused about your sexuality and fearful of rejection from others that you realize are no longer like you. That seems to be normal bisexual awareness patterns. It may be part of learning to accept your sexuality and come to terms with it but it is not biphobic. That is not an aversion. Someone who attacks bisexuals and comes across as disliking and not understanding bisexuality may be averse to bisexuals.

To be attracted to both male and female sexually is part of the definition of bisexuality. To feel shame is also part of the self evolution as a bisexual for many. The shame comes from not being in the mainstream sexuality.(as most bisexuals learn) It is unfortunate but society does not accept bisexuality as much as heterosexuality. This is most evident towards male bisexuals.

If a bisexual is so strongly disliking their sexuality as to feel self hatred may be mingled in with some self biphobia and they may need some counselling. None of the above posters show any sign of hating their bisexuality but seem to embrace it.

To fail to comprehend this and call yourself a bisexual may be biphobic.

Someone who fails to empathize with the struggle of self acceptance for bisexuals may be more than crude.
*Yawn* What's your point? You are one of the biggest trolls here, and you are extremely biphobic, homophobic, and even a misogynistic heterophobe at times. :rolleyes:

People-even heterosexual people and gay/lesbian people have known about, accepted bisexual people and bisexual men, and understood bisexuality in men for at least 67 years, and even before then too.

@3dWheel-Did you even read my post? I said these people have internalized biphobia about being bisexual and are not out even to themselves or in general and use other silly terms to completely avoid admitting to themselves and others that they are actually bisexual.

Oct 15, 2015, 5:34 PM
I love women and am turned on by cock. Why can't I just be sexual. I love sex.

Some people NEED a label so they can feel they belong. You are healthy, they are not. Use the label only if you WANT TO. If someone insists that you to have a label, they just need for you to be "one of them". Run!

Oct 15, 2015, 5:49 PM
Some people NEED a label so they can feel they belong. You are healthy, they are not. Use the label only if you WANT TO. If someone insists that you to have a label, they just need for you to be "one of them". Run!
Let's consider the source: You a closet queen. LMAO :rolleyes:

Actually, people who are out as bisexual are healthy and people like you who are closet queens and not out, are unhealthy and have issues with being bisexual.

There are bisexual men who believe that “nobody can tell I'm bisexual!” – they’re wrong. savvy people can tell. the more you’re OUT, and the more you interact with bisexual people the more you realize it’s not about stereotypes at all. it’s much more nuanced.
family can spot family. it’s far easier to spot a deeply closeted bisexual man than a comfortable out-bisexual one; the giveaways are obvious to anyone who’s left the Closet far behind.

It takes no guts to be a cowardly closet queen who complains from the closet that nobody understands bisexuality or that it's fine to have lots of internalized biphobia and use pretty much any made up term you can so you do not have to call yourself or admit to society that you're bisexual. :rolleyes:

If there's someone who anyone should run away from it's cowardly closeted people such as yourself as people who are closeted about their sexuality have major issues, and are not actually comfortable with being bisexual. ;) :smilies15:shades:

Oct 15, 2015, 6:13 PM
Good to hear from you "pole". Did you get to the doctor and have those sores looked at? Your pics were kinda gross. Easy to understand why you lash out at decent people. Really surprised that therapy isn't helping you with that, but we all love you anyway!

Oct 15, 2015, 6:19 PM
Oh, wait, I forgot to come out for you.

Hello, My name is chtampa and I am a Ford Driver. I have tried to be with other cars but it just isn't the same. I can't help myself, I am just too weak. Pole, can you help me with that problem also? I don't want to be a closet Chevrolet guy either, I am so ashamed!

Oct 15, 2015, 9:30 PM
Good to hear from you "pole". Did you get to the doctor and have those sores looked at? Your pics were kinda gross. Easy to understand why you lash out at decent people. Really surprised that therapy isn't helping you with that, but we all love you anyway!
LMAO nice try troll I have never posted pics of myself or my husband here, and my husband and I do not have any STDs unlike you and your fat ugly "wife" both do. ;) :rolleyes: