View Full Version : What is the best way to prepare for anal sex?

Sep 15, 2015, 6:23 AM
What's the best way to prepare for anal sex? One guy was telling me "just stand in the shower and hold the shower head so it shoots up there" ya right.

Sep 15, 2015, 6:58 AM
enema until you run clear, wash yourself well, lube lube lube.

Sep 15, 2015, 8:09 AM
Practice with an anal plug, then dildo. Always use lube when 'training' your ass, and while you're getting fucked.

Sep 15, 2015, 12:32 PM
I made a device that connects to the bathroom faucet. Most hardware stored have the parts: This is for bathrooms where the sink is adjacant to the toilet.

A bathroom faucet to garden hose adapter(you unscrew the aerator and it screws in there, take your aerator to the hardware store to match thread)
A 90 degree fitting with one end that is garden connector size, and the other end is for tubing to slide over. I can't remember the size but compare what's available.
And a piece of flex tubing.

This way you can adjust the temperature to comfortable have a seat, and clean out, and clean off without a mess and very thoroughly.

Regarding loosening up, the g-spot vibrators that are bent at the tip are good, and egg vibes are fun as well.

But an assortment of sizes is best. Take your time and relax

Also research the materials some vibes have toxic chemicals, also make sure and match the vibe to the appropriate lube.

Sep 15, 2015, 12:39 PM
The easy and cheap solution is a good old Fleet enema. It's not just water, it contains an agent that induces a pretty thorough clean out. The tip is small, flexible and lubricated, and you fill up and wait about 2 minutes....you then pass most everything in the last foot or so of your colon and anal area. It's nice, they come in packages of two :).


Sep 15, 2015, 12:50 PM
Myself, I use one of those small squeeze bulbs that are typically used for ears. You don't have to flood yourself to be clean. The colon takes a hard 90 degree turn about five inches in. All you need clean is that small stretch of territory up to that turn. Shoot a few bulbs of water up there, go sit and dump it. Repeat until clear. Go play. Been doing this for years, never any unpleasant surprises.

I'm talking use of six inch or so dildos here. No huge live ones.

Sep 15, 2015, 2:25 PM
a fleet enema to get cleaned out have a couple drinks and relax make sure you are lubed and then take it like a man

Sep 16, 2015, 2:39 AM
I've used "fleet Emma's", vinegar and warm water, soap and warm water, they all work at cleaning my bowel out real good, but recently I've started using "summer eve" feminine douche it works real good and my lover enjoys the pleasant aroma that the scented ones leave.

Sep 16, 2015, 9:16 AM
This is really good advice. As a woman I have always wanted to try anal sex but have been reluctant because of the embarrassing smell that could result from it. The Fleet enema is something that I never thought of. It sure beats eating lite/fasting for a couple of day beforehand; excellent advice!!!!