View Full Version : The Ashley Madison hack

Aug 21, 2015, 8:51 AM
A good piece on the Ashley Madison leaked accounts data and how: "Prudishness is one of America's founding principles"


Aug 21, 2015, 12:43 PM
*yawn* who cares about some America bashing op-ed article. :rolleyes: Apparently most profiles on that site are fake, which should not surprise anyone.

If someone is cowardly enough to cheat they should just get a divorce before actually having sex with other people, and no it's not "slut shaming" or "prudery" to say this. :rolleyes:

Then there's Spain where the Roman Catholic church still has lots of power and influence, and divorce has only been legal since 1981. :rolleyes:

Aug 21, 2015, 4:21 PM
I think that the article raises a couple of interesting points.

I heard on the news today that there is already a class action lawsuit against the owners of the site. I don't know the exact terms for the suit though. There will be several ramification if the hacking of personal data is proven as a reason to win a lawsuit. I don't see it as any different from any company having their data hacked and stolen. The companies are responsible to keep private information private...or so most of us would like to think. The internet is constantly having to improve to fight off the hackers.

I think that the point about prudishness is well known. I didn't know that people could still be charged. I understand that in many countries adultery moved from the most common legal reason to give a divorce to the almost never used due to the changes that made it difficult to prove.

Really, when I look at this and think of all the children born out of wedlock prior to say the 1980's and now it is so much better not to place the curse of "born out of wedlock" etc.

Aug 21, 2015, 5:05 PM
I think that the article raises a couple of interesting points.

I heard on the news today that there is already a class action lawsuit against the owners of the site. I don't know the exact terms for the suit though. There will be several ramification if the hacking of personal data is proven as a reason to win a lawsuit. I don't see it as any different from any company having their data hacked and stolen. The companies are responsible to keep private information private...or so most of us would like to think. The internet is constantly having to improve to fight off the hackers.

I think that the point about prudishness is well known. I didn't know that people could still be charged. I understand that in many countries adultery moved from the most common legal reason to give a divorce to the almost never used due to the changes that made it difficult to prove.

Really, when I look at this and think of all the children born out of wedlock prior to say the 1980's and now it is so much better not to place the curse of "born out of wedlock" etc.
LMAO even if a kid is born out of wedlock today, everyone knows the child or children are bastards, even though their birth certificate has no father listed or a man who is not married to a woman listed as the so called "father" which is not always necessarily the actual biological father. :rolleyes:

But that's a poverty/low class thing, and a lot of black men do get black, latina, asian, and white women pregnant and then refuse to be parents or fathers to their children, and then they move onto the next woman and do the same thing to her and she's stuck with a kid that's a bastard and a deadbeat father who doesn't give a shit about any of his kids at all.

However, you also have a lot of women who get pregnant by another man and tell a man who they are boyfriends with that it is his child when it's not, and they do this because they see the man as their meal ticket, are whores, and are gold digging liars that want to trap a man into marriage.

Aug 21, 2015, 5:40 PM
LMAO even if a kid is born out of wedlock
today, everyone knows the child or children are bastards, even though
their birth certificate has no father listed or a man who is not
married to a woman listed as the so called "father" which is not always
necessarily the actual biological father.

But that's a poverty/low class thing, and a lot of black men do get
black, latina, asian, and white women pregnant and then refuse to be
parents or fathers to their children, and then they move onto the next
woman and do the same thing to her and she's stuck with a kid that's a
bastard and a deadbeat father who doesn't give a shit about any of his
kids at all.

However, you also have a lot of women who get pregnant by another man
and tell a man who they are boyfriends with that it is his child when
it's not, and they do this because they see the man as their meal
ticket, are whores, and are gold digging liars that want to trap a man
into marriage.

Well, it would seem then you disparage bastards. Surprise, I am a
bastard. I was best man at my parents' wedding. So what of it?

While my mother once was offered to be put into business as a whore, she
never followed through on being a whore. At the time of my birth she
was with only my father and had no intentions of 'gold digging', she
knew he was just as broke as her. Mom and my biological father are both
Caucasian. So what of it?

I have a an adopted non-biological mother that is black, one that
is Latino, one Hispanic, one Asian. Have an adopted father that is
Caucasian, one that's black, one that's Hispanic and so on as with my
adopted mothers. So what of it?

Recently learned some very disturbing news regarding my biological
father. Suffice it to say he is not a very moral or ethical person. My
stepfather was not either as he beat me down to a point I believed I was
worth less than dung, raped my mother on many occasions. So what of it?

None of the above genuinely has any bearing upon who I am as a human
being. What has bearing is the now, and my choices in it. Sure, maybe
all that stuff above could make one think I'll be a statistic, some
worthless idiot following in the steps of bad male role models. So what
of it?

What I am not understanding is who you are. Who are you to be any kind
of authority on right, wrong, good, bad? Can help me understand that? I
do not know that you can. Granted I don't know much. Seems though you
do. So what of it?

Aug 21, 2015, 5:44 PM
I think that the article raises a couple of interesting points.

I heard on the news today that there is already a class action lawsuit against the owners of the site. I don't know the exact terms for the suit though. There will be several ramification if the hacking of personal data is proven as a reason to win a lawsuit. I don't see it as any different from any company having their data hacked and stolen. The companies are responsible to keep private information private...or so most of us would like to think. The internet is constantly having to improve to fight off the hackers.

I think that the point about prudishness is well known. I didn't know that people could still be charged. I understand that in many countries adultery moved from the most common legal reason to give a divorce to the almost never used due to the changes that made it difficult to prove.

Really, when I look at this and think of all the children born out of wedlock prior to say the 1980's and now it is so much better not to place the curse of "born out of wedlock" etc.

Yup, the ripple effect has begun.

Prognostications of lives being ruined.

In the military, adultery is a crime under the Uniform Code Of Military Justice & if pursued could lead to a court martial with the most extreme penalty being doing jail time. Apparently, some of the site's accounts belong to military personnel as well as politicians, including some top positions in the White House.

Gonna be a helluva fallout. :2cents:

Aug 21, 2015, 5:59 PM
Yup, the ripple effect has begun.

Prognostications of lives being ruined.

In the military, adultery is a crime under the Uniform Code Of Military Justice & if pursued could lead to a court martial with the most extreme penalty being doing jail time. Apparently, some of the site's accounts belong to military personnel as well as politicians, including some top positions in the White House.

Gonna be a helluva fallout. :2cents:
Oh well. :rolleyes: Those people should have thought about that before they paid money to that site and set up profiles.

Aug 21, 2015, 6:01 PM
Well, it would seem then you disparage bastards. Surprise, I am a
bastard. I was best man at my parents' wedding. So what of it?

While my mother once was offered to be put into business as a whore, she
never followed through on being a whore. At the time of my birth she
was with only my father and had no intentions of 'gold digging', she
knew he was just as broke as her. Mom and my biological father are both
Caucasian. So what of it?

I have a an adopted non-biological mother that is black, one that
is Latino, one Hispanic, one Asian. Have an adopted father that is
Caucasian, one that's black, one that's Hispanic and so on as with my
adopted mothers. So what of it?

Recently learned some very disturbing news regarding my biological
father. Suffice it to say he is not a very moral or ethical person. My
stepfather was not either as he beat me down to a point I believed I was
worth less than dung, raped my mother on many occasions. So what of it?

None of the above genuinely has any bearing upon who I am as a human
being. What has bearing is the now, and my choices in it. Sure, maybe
all that stuff above could make one think I'll be a statistic, some
worthless idiot following in the steps of bad male role models. So what
of it?

What I am not understanding is who you are. Who are you to be any kind
of authority on right, wrong, good, bad? Can help me understand that? I
do not know that you can. Granted I don't know much. Seems though you
do. So what of it?
I'm not surprised by any of this.

It's not surprising that you have many severe mental illnesses and are a psychopath/sociopath and do not get treatment for any of this.

Aug 21, 2015, 6:20 PM
I'm not surprised by any of this.

It's not surprising that you have many severe mental illnesses and are a psychopath/sociopath and do not get treatment for any of this.

I do get treatment. The therapist treating me says I am the sanest, insane person she sees, even saner than those who are considered sane. So what of it?

You still did not explain your authority. I know I have adversities, what is your excuse?

To be clear it is sociopathic tendencies I do suffer at times. Emotions and I do not get along well, especially after traumas in living. I shut down emotions in order to cope, survive. I stay calm. Thank my mom for that if you'd like. She does exactly the same thing.

Again, what is your authority and now your excuse for inability to answer direct questions?

Aug 21, 2015, 6:56 PM
I think that the point about prudishness is well known. I didn't know that people could still be charged. I understand that in many countries adultery moved from the most common legal reason to give a divorce to the almost never used due to the changes that made it difficult to prove.


Yeap, I was surprised about some of those facts, we think we live in the 21 century and then...

Aug 21, 2015, 8:27 PM
I do get treatment. The therapist treating me says I am the sanest, insane person she sees, even saner than those who are considered sane. So what of it?

You still did not explain your authority. I know I have adversities, what is your excuse?

To be clear it is sociopathic tendencies I do suffer at times. Emotions and I do not get along well, especially after traumas in living. I shut down emotions in order to cope, survive. I stay calm. Thank my mom for that if you'd like. She does exactly the same thing.

Again, what is your authority and now your excuse for inability to answer direct questions?
So you're a sociopath that's "sane" riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes:

Aug 21, 2015, 8:50 PM
So you're a sociopath that's "sane" riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes:

Obviously saner than you, who cannot answer direct questions. Again, who are you to have any authority to decide good, bad, right, wrong? Please do explain that as I have difficulty seeing either via my eyes or mind, how you brandish such authority. Stop deflecting the question and answer it.

I think it is a simple question. And no, I'm not a sociopath. I suffer having sociopathic tendencies as a coping, or defensive mechanism. Yes, there is a difference and it is a stark one. Having these tendencies is how my mind protects itself. I am aware of it and have a high level of control over it. Also, am using this method under advisement of a mental health professional.

That aside, you still need to answer the question, if you can. You deflecting tells me that you find answering it difficult. Why? If you have some form of authority, surely, you have proof of it readily available. You ought to bolt right to answering the question without any difficulty.

Aug 21, 2015, 8:54 PM
Oh well. :rolleyes: Those people should have thought about that before they paid money to that site and set up profiles.


Aug 21, 2015, 10:32 PM
LMAO even if a kid is born out of wedlock today, everyone knows the child or children are bastards, even though their birth certificate has no father listed or a man who is not married to a woman listed as the so called "father" which is not always necessarily the actual biological father. :rolleyes:

But that's a poverty/low class thing, and a lot of black men do get black, latina, asian, and white women pregnant and then refuse to be parents or fathers to their children, and then they move onto the next woman and do the same thing to her and she's stuck with a kid that's a bastard and a deadbeat father who doesn't give a shit about any of his kids at all.

However, you also have a lot of women who get pregnant by another man and tell a man who they are boyfriends with that it is his child when it's not, and they do this because they see the man as their meal ticket, are whores, and are gold digging liars that want to trap a man into marriage.

LMAO at your reply.

Aug 22, 2015, 5:59 AM
LMAO at your reply.

I do as well because of seeing how empty it is. Still would not mind an answer to my question supplied my him. Know that is unlikely I will have that.

Aug 22, 2015, 10:28 AM
Hacks like this will become more and more frequent. People need to learn they cannot trust that any website has empirical safety against this. I've been on and off a few sites over the years and seriously thought of deleting profiles on the active sites as I'm content with the people I'm playing with and not looking for more. I do enjoy the chat and discussions on forums like these (except when that mentally disturbed turd Pole_smoker insists on spewing his garbage about things he knows nothing about, answers no questions, and criticizes and judges people he doesn't know anything about). Give it a rest jerkoff. Stop accusing people of mental illness, disease, or judging people you know NOTHING about, and this will be a better place. I hope for your own sake you don't behave like this in real life, because someone will eventually punch your face in for comments like you make here. Of-course, you could simply be an internet asshole who gets a big erection in his mommys basement when you pop in your buttplug and sit at the computer keyboard dominating and demeaning people. I will no longer quote your posts, so people like myself (who blocked you) can enjoy their block without anyone sharing your drivel.

Pay Pole no attention and hopefully he will eventually go away or at least shut the fuck up.

Aug 22, 2015, 2:02 PM
I will no longer quote your posts, so people like myself (who blocked you) can enjoy their block without anyone sharing your drivel.


Aug 22, 2015, 2:37 PM
Hacks like this will become more and more frequent. People need to learn they cannot trust that any website has empirical safety against this. I've been on and off a few sites over the years and seriously thought of deleting profiles on the active sites as I'm content with the people I'm playing with and not looking for more. I do enjoy the chat and discussions on forums like these (except when that mentally disturbed turd Pole_smoker insists on spewing his garbage about things he knows nothing about, answers no questions, and criticizes and judges people he doesn't know anything about). Give it a rest jerkoff. Stop accusing people of mental illness, disease, or judging people you know NOTHING about, and this will be a better place. I hope for your own sake you don't behave like this in real life, because someone will eventually punch your face in for comments like you make here. Of-course, you could simply be an internet asshole who gets a big erection in his mommys basement when you pop in your buttplug and sit at the computer keyboard dominating and demeaning people. I will no longer quote your posts, so people like myself (who blocked you) can enjoy their block without anyone sharing your drivel.

Pay Pole no attention and hopefully he will eventually go away or at least shut the fuck up.
*yawn* You are simply describing yourself here since you're a troll that's obsessed with me much like my other haters here are. ;) :rolleyes:

Aug 22, 2015, 3:36 PM
I will no longer quote
your posts, so people like myself (who blocked you) can enjoy their
block without anyone sharing your drivel.

We are taught knowledge is power. A means to attaining knowledge lies in information. We are also taught there are a right and wrong.

It could be easy in our modern times for reversing what is right to being wrong, wrong being right. As with so much else a choice exists. Those doing things of such natures as this, such natures as being annoyances, are not what I choose to see as right.

Using ill gained information as means to attain power taints the intent. Whatever ends any think may be achieved will ultimately be in the wrong.

Aug 23, 2015, 12:20 AM
Every single thread here that PS responds to, gets 100% taken over by him from the original because you keep acknowledging him. Ignore him, stop responding to his useless shit, and get back to the topic of the thread. And yes, please stop quoting his ignorant ass, so those of us that have blocked him, can still avoid his meaningless drivel.

Aug 23, 2015, 12:32 AM
Every single thread here that PS responds to, gets 100% taken over by him from the original because you keep acknowledging him. Ignore him, stop responding to his useless shit, and get back to the topic of the thread. And yes, please stop quoting his ignorant ass, so those of us that have blocked him, can still avoid his meaningless drivel.

:rolleyes: I would not be surprised if your wife catches you cheating on her. ;) Why not just be a man for once and come out to her, and be honest instead of a coward. ;)

Aug 23, 2015, 7:35 AM
Apparently, there are some severe consequences for some people whose identity has been leaked in countries where same sex is illegal. The attached article also states that women will probably be more severely dealt with than men in these parts.

"I am from a country where homosexuality carries the death penalty. I studied in America the last several years and used Ashley Madison during that time. (For those of you who haven't been following the story, Ashley Madison has been hacked and its users' names and addresses are on the verge of being exposed.) I was single, but used it because I am gay; gay sex is punishable by death in my home country so I wanted to keep my hookups extremely discreet.I only used AM to hook up with single guys. Most of you are Westerners in countries that are relatively liberal on LGBT issues. For those of you who are older--try to think back to a time 10 or 20 years again when homosexuality was intensely stigmatized. Multiply that horrible feeling of stigma by a million, and add the threat of beheading/stoning. That's why I used AM to have discreet encounters...
The idiots who claim I'm lying are projecting from personal experience, and forgetting that, for many gay people around the world, being outed is a life-threatening experience. The risks for us are greater than the risks for married Westerners cheating on their spouses. That's why AM's promise of discretion appeals to us. (Seriously, you think that there are no gay Muslims on there out of 37 million users?)"

Saudi Arabia
The BBC reported that over 1,200 users have .sa email domains. Not only is adultery illegal in Saudi Arabia, it's punishable by death. Though death sentences for adultery are exceedingly rare, the exposure of this crime can lead to lesser charges and social shaming. Homosexuality and cross-dressing can also lead to imprisonment, fines, corporal punishment, capital punishment, and whipping/flogging.


Aug 23, 2015, 9:38 AM
Apparently, there are some severe consequences for some people whose identity has been leaked in countries where same sex is illegal. The attached article also states that women will probably be more severely dealt with than men in these parts.

While understanding users expecting privacy, I am also reminded of a
conversation with a few other security minded. The consensus was if you
needed something fully secure on the Internet and Web, do not put it on
the Internet and Web at all. The Internet and Web have all kinds of foul
people on them, doing foul-people things and foul acts.

If you knowingly place yourself in harm's way then you ( anyone ) have
done so by your own choice. Trusting others with secrets is not always
the best of ideas, even if the others are complete strangers. All
for freedom of information, a right to be oneself and proud of that.
Everyone should though at least practice a bit of caution. Yes it is bad
this kind of thing happens. I do not condone it.

This incident also reminds me of something which has recently crept into
my conversational lexicon.

"You seen the news, _____ ?"

"People still living, dying?"


"People still killing, stealing?"


"What news is there, then?"


That is not to belittle, or assail the victims of abuses, atrocities,
tragedies. It is just that so much of it happens, after a bit it becomes
one big mad blur. All I am able to do is affect the sphere in which I
live. Granted at times that may seem to be selfish from the outside.
Beware though, my sphere does cross many a vast other spheres and I do
hold some bit of influence. So, if I cannot mind this humble sphere
around me, I start feeling dire, I start feeling dire so too those I

Aug 23, 2015, 12:40 PM
Apparently, there are some severe consequences for some people whose identity has been leaked in countries where same sex is illegal. The attached article also states that women will probably be more severely dealt with than men in these parts.

"I am from a country where homosexuality carries the death penalty. I studied in America the last several years and used Ashley Madison during that time. (For those of you who haven't been following the story, Ashley Madison has been hacked and its users' names and addresses are on the verge of being exposed.) I was single, but used it because I am gay; gay sex is punishable by death in my home country so I wanted to keep my hookups extremely discreet.I only used AM to hook up with single guys. Most of you are Westerners in countries that are relatively liberal on LGBT issues. For those of you who are older--try to think back to a time 10 or 20 years again when homosexuality was intensely stigmatized. Multiply that horrible feeling of stigma by a million, and add the threat of beheading/stoning. That's why I used AM to have discreet encounters...
The idiots who claim I'm lying are projecting from personal experience, and forgetting that, for many gay people around the world, being outed is a life-threatening experience. The risks for us are greater than the risks for married Westerners cheating on their spouses. That's why AM's promise of discretion appeals to us. (Seriously, you think that there are no gay Muslims on there out of 37 million users?)"

Saudi Arabia
The BBC reported that over 1,200 users have .sa email domains. Not only is adultery illegal in Saudi Arabia, it's punishable by death. Though death sentences for adultery are exceedingly rare, the exposure of this crime can lead to lesser charges and social shaming. Homosexuality and cross-dressing can also lead to imprisonment, fines, corporal punishment, capital punishment, and whipping/flogging.


People who sign up for a website and think they are being "discreet" or keeping their sexuality a secret while in their everyday life they live in a closet are delusional. He should have kept his home country's draconian laws in mind, not have signed up for internet sites where there's a history/record, and not have gone back there.

If you lie and get caught lying who’s fault is that? As far as being outed in countries where homosexuality or bisexuality can get you into serious trouble, the same was true in the rest of the world 50+ years ago until people started to stand up for themselves. When you lie about who your are, there is always the chance that lie will be exposed. It's a dangerous game to play. I can have sympathy for them but for the other cheaters who choose to cheat and lie rather than be honest, you got outed, now deal with it. Cheating always has a price. People who sign themselves up on this type of site put themselves at risk, and know the consequences.

Aug 24, 2015, 2:49 PM
It was reported today that there have been several suicides due to the hacking of the site. The police are investigating this group who calls themselves "Team Impact". It has greater consequences than exposing the sexual behaviour of some people. If this was other confidential information stored on line such as health records, bank and credit card confidential information, This has caused blackmail in some cases. I wonder how others would react the police stated. Moral judgement by some needs to be weighed cautiously as to what the larger issue is. The Toronto police said that they were coming after the hacker group. There is now reward of $500, 000 for information that leads to an arrest.

Aug 24, 2015, 4:57 PM
It was reported today that there have been several suicides due to the hacking of the site. The police are investigating this group who calls themselves "Team Impact". It has greater consequences than exposing the sexual behaviour of some people. If this was other confidential information stored on line such as health records, bank and credit card confidential information, This has caused blackmail in some cases. I wonder how others would react the police stated. Moral judgement by some needs to be weighed cautiously as to what the larger issue is. The Toronto police said that they were coming after the hacker group. There is now reward of $500, 000 for information that leads to an arrest.
Why would someone make the completely pointless, selfish, and personal choice to off themselves just because a website has been hacked and they were a weak person that was cheating and having affairs, or lying about being bisexual or gay? :rolleyes:

Yeah...like those silly police in Toronto will actually really catch the actual people, since Canadian law enforcement and your military, and tech-defense are all total jokes will actually catch those people. :rolleyes:

Aug 24, 2015, 6:15 PM
It was reported today that there have been several suicides due to the hacking of the site. The police are investigating this group who calls themselves "Team Impact". It has greater consequences than exposing the sexual behaviour of some people. If this was other confidential information stored on line such as health records, bank and credit card confidential information, This has caused blackmail in some cases. I wonder how others would react the police stated. Moral judgement by some needs to be weighed cautiously as to what the larger issue is. The Toronto police said that they were coming after the hacker group. There is now reward of $500, 000 for information that leads to an arrest.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.


"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past."


In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.

The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.


It is only speculation, yet this incident when seen broader context seems too well scripted. Would be no surprise finding out some alphabet soup group for some State or other had hand in it. Stranger has happened, will happen.

Aug 24, 2015, 9:41 PM
It was reported today that there have been several suicides due to the hacking of the site. The police are investigating this group who calls themselves "Team Impact". It has greater consequences than exposing the sexual behaviour of some people. If this was other confidential information stored on line such as health records, bank and credit card confidential information, This has caused blackmail in some cases. I wonder how others would react the police stated. Moral judgement by some needs to be weighed cautiously as to what the larger issue is. The Toronto police said that they were coming after the hacker group. There is now reward of $500, 000 for information that leads to an arrest.

One of the biggest stories today was the unprecedented, historic stock market crash yet I didn't encounter a single blip where someone chose to jump out of a window because of it like the crash of the 30's which led to the Great Depression in this country.

Suicide is a personal choice.

One of the stories involved the police chief of San Antonio, Texas. I'm disturbed by this because it just doesn't add up which is what cases of suicide tend to do. He was a highly respected man, looked up to by his subordinates. In the profile I read, he came across as a man's man, a cop's cop. I once visited the city. At that time, it had one of the highest murder rates in the country. And it's a huge city ! It would take a strong man, in every sense of the words, to climb to the pinnacle of where he was with his career. So, how does such a strong man suddenly implode & give up in the wake of a sexual scandal, something so commonplace in our society ?

Aug 24, 2015, 11:05 PM
"So, how does such a strong man suddenly implode & give up in the wake of a sexual scandal, something so commonplace in our society ?"

I think that shaming plays a great role. There are reports that people have been contacted and threatened that if they do not pay that their family, neighbours and friends will be informed.

It is almost more shameful than committing murder. That seems ridiculous.

The RCMP, Toronto Police, FBI and a few other international police forces are coming together to fight this newer type of crime.

Aug 24, 2015, 11:27 PM
"So, how does such a strong man suddenly implode & give up in the wake of a sexual scandal, something so commonplace in our society ?"

I think that shaming plays a great role. There are reports that people have been contacted and threatened that if they do not pay that their family, neighbours and friends will be informed.

It is almost more shameful than committing murder. That seems ridiculous.

The RCMP, Toronto Police, FBI and a few other international police forces are coming together to fight this newer type of crime.
so how did rob ford get away with it :cutelaugh:cool:

Aug 24, 2015, 11:27 PM
The RCMP, Toronto Police, FBI and a few other international police forces are coming together to fight this newer type of crime.

They must be fearful of the competetion. ;) :)

Aug 24, 2015, 11:28 PM
so how did rob ford get away with it :cutelaugh:cool:

* high fives *

Aug 25, 2015, 1:29 AM
One of the biggest stories today was the unprecedented, historic stock market crash yet I didn't encounter a single blip where someone chose to jump out of a window because of it like the crash of the 30's which led to the Great Depression in this country.

Suicide is a personal choice.

One of the stories involved the police chief of San Antonio, Texas. I'm disturbed by this because it just doesn't add up which is what cases of suicide tend to do. He was a highly respected man, looked up to by his subordinates. In the profile I read, he came across as a man's man, a cop's cop. I once visited the city. At that time, it had one of the highest murder rates in the country. And it's a huge city ! It would take a strong man, in every sense of the words, to climb to the pinnacle of where he was with his career. So, how does such a strong man suddenly implode & give up in the wake of a sexual scandal, something so commonplace in our society ?

Most police officers in general are not that intelligent, or good people. These men do set unrealistically high standards for themselves & everyone else and when there is a breakdown they fall hard. Most men would have to face the consequences of their actions and move on from there but some, like this man probably faced a jury of 1 and sentenced himself to death.

The "man" betrayed and cheated on his wife and then further devastated his family by doing the selfish and pointless act of committing suicide. What's to admire about him?

They aren't victims. They are adults who made a conscious decision to do something and need to take responsibility for their actions.

You have to be a complete idiot to sign up to an Internet site that promotes cheating on your partner, giving them your credit card details, personal info, and publishing all your sexual fantasies - and not expect the information to be leaked.

If you're so in love with your partner and the life you have together that you are willing to kill yourself when there is a risk you are going to loose it all, what the hell are you doing having an affair?!?

It's sad that people have taken their own lives because of this, but they knew what they were signing up to and surely must have thought their spouses would possibly find out? To go to such extremes to get out of facing the music to something they willingly entered into is cowardly. And for those saying the hackers should be brought to justice....grow up, these people have no one to blame but themselves.

Aug 25, 2015, 2:58 AM

Agree with one aspect you present. Those who cheated ought to be adult enough to accept consequences.

That noted I disagree that crackers who acted immorally and unethically, fail a need to face consequences. Most web sites do provide users with legal contracts, in the form of terms of services, privacy policies. If these sites even implied user data was secure that sets them as liable as well. The only way a site is off the hook is in such case they were cracked after having taken reasonable measures. That said, this leaves the crackers to face liabilitites, consequences.

There are lots of irresponsible people involved in something like this incident. The cheaters are irresponsible in cheating and in trusting the consideration of privacy to the site/s. The site and its staff are irresponsible for having infered they could control all variables and provide security and privacy. The crackers are irresponsible in breaking into the site's/s' systems and taking the data, more so in releasing it if those extorted do not pay. More than enough blame and stupid to go around there. May even say it is a break down of the human condition.

But oh, you and your alleged authority, point fingers only at one group. Starting to understand yet?

For clarity and sanity, I am in no way a lawyer. Do have a very thick reference book here on systems administration though. It does go into a good breadth of some of the legal issues system adminstrators face. The work covers systems administration for Red Hat, Debian, BSD, Ubunt Linux flavors, some even delves into Unix. One tool does one job well, combine tools and tackle bigger problems. "So lot becomes a little.", "One bite at a time is how you eat elephants."; Are both found to be crucibles of knowledge throughout.

Or, as Margrette Atwood says, "One word after another, sentence after sentence is how you create power and write a story." And I paraphrase there.

Aug 25, 2015, 7:24 AM
so how did rob ford get away with it :cutelaugh:cool:

That is an interesting quagmire. I agree that Ford seemed to have no shame. Possibly Sociopaths feel no shame and rationalize that they didn't do "X". He didn't realize that people were laughing at him and not with him.

It was suspiciously convenient when Ford developed cancer and dropped out. It brought out some sympathy for Ford even with those who despised him.

Those who signed up with Ashley did not sign a clause stating that they may have their identity given out to blackmailers etc. I suspect in fact that there was a confidentiality clause. The lawsuit will be interesting.

Aug 25, 2015, 11:42 AM
... Ford seemed to have no shame. Possibly Sociopaths feel no shame and rationalize that they didn't do "X".

Those who signed up with Ashley did not sign a clause stating that they may have their identity given out to blackmailers etc. I suspect in fact that there was a confidentiality clause. The lawsuit will be interesting.

Sociopathy creates a numbness one cannot even name as feeling numb. You feel nothing at all as a sociopath. Currently, all which tethers me is love of my wife, critters, mom to a degree (although after she suggested I take a job where I was listed as dead, not too sure on mom), two half brothers I gre up with, grandma, elain. Also try to maintain a gallows dry humor. So yes, you're correct in speculation he felt no shame. Emotions are not existant for sociopaths and full on extreme for pyschopaths. One is what is called ice, the other called an inferno.

For whatever rationale I swim about mid point, can go to one for safe harbor from the other in order to cope, survive. Seems it is a family trait from my mom's side, my Pap was like this, mom is like this, I'm like this. If we aren't somber as judges, we can be real wise asses of the calibre that hit you with glaringly obvious snarks, snides, puns, jibs, jabs. None of us plan, planning is just hooey what defenstrates itself when the poop starts being flung. All of us though grab shovels, fling the poo back and in spades. All of us can be another human's most loyal and dear friend, cross us just once and that is over, period and full stop.

Agree that the lawsuit/s will be highly interesting. In some ways though I doubt there will be lawsuits. There will be a lot of desire to keep this all on the hush, off to the never never. The guns have already been fired. "Hey, I think we got the queers, bisexuals, trannies all on the run now! Yeeha! They'll think twice about binding together with straight folk to advance political reform. Hell yeah, we gots 'em but good! Fuck with us will they? Ha! Fuck them!" I can just imagine that diatribe off in some skiffed room, office of the elites.

But guess what? It will not matter. They can keep shooting, we'll still keep being victorious. Oil is flooding market and China has eaten up all the gold it can get. Russia is dealing with China, Brazil, Mexico. The peso went back to being backed by silver recently, not the U.S. dollar. The U.S. cannot produce oil effiecently or affordably enough to compete with the Suadis who are drowning the world in oil. To borrow from a Tool song, "I'm praying for rain, let it come and flush it all away. I'll learn to swim, learn to swim ...". And that is the bigger gun the elites are shooting off their little guns over. They're scared enough be constipated for the remainder of their lives. They figure, "aw Hell, we this scared, may as well spread the fear around." Sorry bub, we been afraid too long. For us it is time to be courageous, to go forward with no fear! Now, step asid, sit down, shut up and hold on. Might get bumpy. *chuckles*

Nauti Rogue
Aug 26, 2015, 1:44 PM
This hack wasn't much of a surprise to me. As an adult web forum administrator, I had become an affiliate of Ashley Madison's for click-through compensation. When it came to the point of providing my financial account information to them for them to be able to automatically transfer their payment to me, I noticed that the page requesting this sensitive information was not secure. Any information that I would have provided (bank account information) would have traversed the WWW unencrypted and open to anyone who might have been watching.

Nope. I refused and worked another more secure payment option out with them.

I figured that if they were so lax about security with affiliates, they were probably as lax in other areas of their business.

Aug 26, 2015, 6:01 PM
This is insightful and telling http://www.businessinsider.com/the-only-three-zip-codes-in-america-without-ashley-madison-accounts-2015-8

Aug 26, 2015, 11:35 PM
This is insightful and telling http://www.businessinsider.com/the-only-three-zip-codes-in-america-without-ashley-madison-accounts-2015-8

From the commentary, they sold shoes.

Okaaay then. Someone was doing a lot of stretching to track people buying shoes. I am sure blue pumps give away a sexual disposition to cheat on spouses. Quite a strecth even for this mind what correlates and can hold integrities of various narrative threads. Not saying it could not be. Still it presents larger questions if it is the case they sold shoes.

I want to see the algorith for that. TrackCheatShoe( if shoe=CheatArray; then FollowCheatShoe(); else return 0); How would anyone decide about the atoms of that array? What constitutes cheating shoes? Who says? Why? Oh yeah by the way, that is just fubared up but good. *sits with mind blown, greps OJ, drinks)

Sep 1, 2015, 5:10 PM
Maybe not. The military has never had any great interest in the private lives of its members. Prying too much, has never paid off. They are very practical this way. For them it all comes down to "the good order and discipline of the unit". Adultery as such, dose not mean much to them. Now, messing around within the chain of command, gets their attention. Anything which disrupts the unit, or embarrasses the Service will be treated harshly.
To my way of thinking, any idiot who having been taught the discipline of communications security, who knows its ins, and outs, and still uses a real name, or outs him self some other way, was too stupid to be trusted with dangerous toys, much less the defense of the nation. I feel bad for the soldiers who will take this in the neck, but small loss.
As to the politicians, it won't hurt them at all. Never has before, won't now. I really wish it would, but it won't. Sad all the way round.