View Full Version : British Survey of Sexuality

Aug 19, 2015, 3:24 AM
On me hols but decided to have wee look at how life is going on back home wile munching me brekkie... and this smacked me in face hard...http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/yougov-poll-homosexuality-half-young-people-10458032.html

Interesting, hey? Even allowing for healthy scepticism of the poll it kinda goes along wiv wot I have observed at work wiv schoolkids and me oldest daughter and her m8s.. and me m8s neighbour's and me cousin's kids.. put simply they r mostly easy about sexuality and haff of them dont think they r str8.. let peeps be. And I think that is fucking brill... :)

Aug 19, 2015, 7:38 AM
They only surveyed 1,632 people which is an extremely small number of people living in the UK.

Aug 19, 2015, 8:19 AM
They only surveyed 1,632 people which is an extremely small number of people living in the UK.
They predict things pretty accurately on smaller samples than that.. within a few percentage points either way..

Aug 19, 2015, 9:24 AM
On me hols but decided to have wee look at how life is going on back home wile munching me brekkie... and this smacked me in face hard...http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/yougov-poll-homosexuality-half-young-people-10458032.html

Interesting, hey? Even allowing for healthy scepticism of the poll it kinda goes along wiv wot I have observed at work wiv schoolkids and me oldest daughter and her m8s.. and me m8s neighbour's and me cousin's kids.. put simply they r mostly easy about sexuality and haff of them dont think they r str8.. let peeps be. And I think that is fucking brill... :)

theguardian run a piece on that too:


Aug 19, 2015, 11:15 AM
Thanks for posting. Interesting.

One concern is the Bi Invisibilty/Bi Erasure factor in the study. "A little bit gay" is really a lot of bisexuality in young people in Britain...lol It could be the media report using this term and not the researchers. It would be nice if they used a scale mono sexual(gay or straight) compared to Bisexuality.

The sample size should work.

Aug 19, 2015, 1:04 PM
theguardian run a piece on that too:

Am actually a huge Guardian fan as ne who have been around for a few years will know, but for some reason I haven't been able to access their web site 2 day until haff hour ago... but there are several pieces in the Guardian if u care to look... haven't read ne yet.. but shall, but prob tomoz over me brekkie..:)

Aug 19, 2015, 1:09 PM
Thanks for posting. Interesting.

One concern is the Bi Invisibilty/Bi Erasure factor in the study. "A little bit gay" is really a lot of bisexuality in young people in Britain...lol It could be the media report using this term and not the researchers. It would be nice if they used a scale mono sexual(gay or straight) compared to Bisexuality.

The sample size should work.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3409926/O tenni. U an' ur monosexuals ! :eek2:;)

This monosexual agrees.. the sample size shud work tho even if they polled every human being on the planet such is the human desire 2 screw with things it wud also be wrong.. possibly even more wrong..:yikes2:

Aug 19, 2015, 1:28 PM
* reaches for the half and half, gets kicked by some Jack, and a Jill ... sighs, walks out without paying the bill *

Aug 19, 2015, 3:42 PM
Thanks for posting. Interesting.

One concern is the Bi Invisibilty/Bi Erasure factor in the study. "A little bit gay" is really a lot of bisexuality in young people in Britain...lol It could be the media report using this term and not the researchers. It would be nice if they used a scale mono sexual(gay or straight) compared to Bisexuality.

The sample size should work.

O tenni. U an' ur monosexuals ! :eek2:;)

Bigots like Tenni are going to post bigoted and homophobic things. ;)

Aug 19, 2015, 6:10 PM
Am actually a huge Guardian fan as ne who have been around for a few years will know, but for some reason I haven't been able to access their web site 2 day until haff hour ago... but there are several pieces in the Guardian if u care to look... haven't read ne yet.. but shall, but prob tomoz over me brekkie..:)

that's the beauty of theguardian, at the bottom of any article you find; "related" contents, besides you can leave comments and/or have a blast reading them

Aug 19, 2015, 7:25 PM
Inclined to agree with paragraph 4. Mine was the "free love" promiscuous generation yet I never encountered this kind of honesty among my peers. :2cents: :shades:

Aug 20, 2015, 3:17 AM
Different days, Pep... and far more heterosexual.... :). I went 2 high school in the 90s and in those days same gender having it away was legal but hardly approved of by the governments of Thatcher and Major in the 1st half of the decade.. when I came out in 94 I was 1 of just 3 girls in school who were out.. and no guys at all...they daren't.

Even I was wary but by the time I left school a few years later, for girls at least things were far easier... lads seemed as anti gay as ever but by then (in my peer group and at school) there was 1 or 2 about, and there was the beginnings of some tolerance.. not understanding which far more school kids have 2day and is a very different thing but we have to crawl b4 we walk and walk b4 we run, hey? The easier more compassionate social attitudes as espoused by the government of Blair helped.. don't often gave a gud word 2 say about the man, but these were the days b4 he dragged the country to war in Iraq and Afghanistan against the popular will...

Me mum and dad met during the "free love" generation.. at a festival on the Isle of Wight.. Pop wos a committed hippie... mum dressed for the part and loved the atmosphere.. they wer ver ver bad.... mum ended up in dad's tent:yikes2: and me dad's m8 ended up in some1 elses:eek2:.... what I would gave given to have been around then. Me dad never forgave his generation (including himself) for a missed opportunity and turning out as what he called "the bunch of wankers" that it did... nothing got him quite so het up and animated as what he believed was the treachery of the children of the 60s..

.... but my... the ole bugger was a ver pretty boy in his buckskins, flowery shirts, sandals, moccassins and hipsters.. not 2 mention the beads and head bands... ver slim.. ver.. ver.. well.. girlie...:impleased. Me mum had a rite fite on her hands keeping up wiv him in the fash stakes I can tellya and she wos and is no slouch;)..

Aug 20, 2015, 8:54 AM
Yup, Dark, you would have blended right in, a natural in the movement. ;) A former co-worker about my age recently took an early retirement; said she was burnt out on the world and went to live here: http://www.dancingrabbit.org/ Reminiscent of the hippie communes. :)

Aug 21, 2015, 8:49 PM
This survey claiming half of UK youth are non-heterosexual was based on a really bad screening question that prompted for a Kinsey number (which is meaningless to most people and leads to guessing, or claiming to be much higher than they actually are). Even then, the only shift was in the 0-1 kinsey range, which is just as likely a statistical blip than any useful shift in self-identified orientation, desire or behavior.
The gold standard in population surveys in the UK is the British Social Attitudes Survey and like the GSS in the US, the percentages for sexual orientation, same sex behavior and same sex desire have all remained fairly stable over the 30 or so years – 2-4%/6-8%/8-12% for each category, with some slight variations.

Aug 21, 2015, 9:33 PM
-- [ Redacted ] --
The gold standard in population surveys in the UK is the British Social Attitudes Survey and like the GSS in the US, the percentages for sexual orientation, same sex behavior and same sex desire have all remained fairly stable over the 30 or so years – 2-4%/6-8%/8-12% for each category, with some slight variations.

Statistics are interesting. It is suggested that 99.9% of them are made up fictionally, in order to support whatever some so called authority wants to claim. Interesting is how roughly 80-90% of humans readily accept such numbers as fact. Never have cared much for being part of the in crowd. Rather think for myself.

Aug 22, 2015, 1:51 PM
Statistics are interesting. It is suggested that 99.9% of them are made up fictionally, in order to support whatever some so called authority wants to claim. Interesting is how roughly 80-90% of humans readily accept such numbers as fact. Never have cared much for being part of the in crowd. Rather think for myself.
If I remember correctly, the gold standard was found to be bollox in the end, Voidie...me bruvva is huge in2 stats... he tells me it is no great problem to prove or disprove just about owt with the same set of figures...

I think wot we r seeing is that the stable social attitudes of the last 30 years that Poley yabbers on about have become unstable because they r at least very questionable.

As the British young grows up and matures it is quite possible that at last, for the 1st time ever, we shall c a UK which is a lickle more at ease with its sexuality and more honest with itself... the signs r good... it may be already that their more relaxed sexual attitudes are showing themselves in British stats and surveys...

Dimwit may b right and these figures are a blip.. but while they are unlikely to be precise, knowing what I do of the British young, I think they are likely to be more precise than previously simply because so many no longer suppress their sexuality in the manner of previous generations.. the young are no longer intimidated and straightjacketed to be what their parents, the religions, government and society as a whole insisted that they be... they have a freedom to be given to no previous generation and r not taught that what they r is an abomination and what they do a perversion..

Aug 23, 2015, 9:48 AM
... he tells me it is no great problem to prove or disprove just about owt with the same set of figures...

... they have a freedom to be given to no previous generation and r not taught that what they r is an abomination and what they do a perversion..

Agree with your brudder on dat. De numbers if'n ye kin dem be used wot ye need to make fools of ne naught to agree wit ye.

Also agree wiv youse on dem youngins, dey now c dat de reality she be fluid an it nay matter one jot who ye roll in de sack.

Sorry, you get rather infectious at times with the pidgin Scott/Skosh/English. Find myself hearing my dad's mum, who held Scott in her line and was thick in it to talk. Oddly, only knew her briefly as an infant to toddler. Funny what the wee folk pick up.

My using your lingo as such in posting, is not out of disrespect or mocking. I actually understand what you write quite well. For me using your lingo is easy enough too, yet can understand if it seems disrespectful. That is not my intention at all. I'm just comfortable in reading and writing like that, hopefully with you and never against you.