View Full Version : New... not sure about anything

Aug 4, 2015, 10:43 PM
So i'm straight but I find when I get horney, I end up not minding things and would end up letting another guy fuck me or vice versa and it seems fun but I have no idea what to do with the urges. I also enjoy anal stimulation but am not sure where to start with that :f any help?

Aug 4, 2015, 10:54 PM
Be sure of this! Beware of pole_smoker when he responds to you.:cop:

Aug 4, 2015, 11:06 PM
You're bisexual.

Aug 4, 2015, 11:26 PM
You might want to invest in a small (at first) dildo and play and self stimulate your anus. You can buy a bigger one later on when you are comfortable. Use lots of lube (so they say). Would getting involved with a woman using a strap on work for you or are you involved in cock fantasies? Do you think about sucking a cock or having a guy suck your cock...or are you anus focused? Things to explore and go slow.

Or are you writing that you have already had a man fuck you and you fuck him(hard to tell the way you wrote)?

Yes, ignore anything the Pole Smoker posts if it is offensive to you. If you go to his profile there is button to put him on ignore. Then you won't have to read his words.

Aug 5, 2015, 12:31 AM
You might want to invest in a small (at first) dildo and play and self stimulate your anus. You can buy a bigger one later on when you are comfortable. Use lots of lube (so they say). Would getting involved with a woman using a strap on work for you or are you involved in cock fantasies? Do you think about sucking a cock or having a guy suck your cock...or are you anus focused? Things to explore and go slow.

Or are you writing that you have already had a man fuck you and you fuck him(hard to tell the way you wrote)?

Yes, ignore anything the Pole Smoker posts if it is offensive to you. If you go to his profile there is button to put him on ignore. Then you won't have to read his words.

I second the last part of this post. Further, I mirror tenni's advice to go slow. I'll add you may consider various sized butt plugs. You can wear them in graduated steps up. For example a small one may be 2/16 inch girth and 2 inches long, the next size up would be maybe 1/2 inch by 3 inch. Wearing these like this will help your anus, the muscles and nerves graudually lear to flex and relax themselves. Also, nice pleasant to you showers can help you relax into anal play. But yes, go slow and it can be wonderful. :)

Aug 5, 2015, 2:08 PM
You might want to invest in a small (at first) dildo and play and self stimulate your anus. You can buy a bigger one later on when you are comfortable. Use lots of lube (so they say). Would getting involved with a woman using a strap on work for you or are you involved in cock fantasies? Do you think about sucking a cock or having a guy suck your cock...or are you anus focused? Things to explore and go slow.

Or are you writing that you have already had a man fuck you and you fuck him(hard to tell the way you wrote)?

Yes, ignore anything the Pole Smoker posts if it is offensive to you. If you go to his profile there is button to put him on ignore. Then you won't have to read his words.

I would say that thinking about having a girl use a strap-on with me would be nice, and it would be nice to have a dude or a girl suck my dick honestly I just think of it as pleasure and I guess I wouldn't mind returning the favor, i also think it would be a fun experience to be able to fuck and be fucked by a guy once

Aug 5, 2015, 2:09 PM
I second the last part of this post. Further, I mirror tenni's advice to go slow. I'll add you may consider various sized butt plugs. You can wear them in graduated steps up. For example a small one may be 2/16 inch girth and 2 inches long, the next size up would be maybe 1/2 inch by 3 inch. Wearing these like this will help your anus, the muscles and nerves graudually lear to flex and relax themselves. Also, nice pleasant to you showers can help you relax into anal play. But yes, go slow and it can be wonderful. :)

if I were to order one online, is the packaging just normal like I would assume so if it comes up I won't have to explain myself to anyone?

EDIT: also any suggestions on what plugs to start with as well as lube?

Aug 5, 2015, 4:11 PM
if I were to order one online, is the packaging just normal like I would assume so if it comes up I won't have to explain myself to anyone?

EDIT: also any suggestions on what plugs to start with as well as lube?

Hustler (http://is.gd/evuvJA) makes a nice trainer set. I enjoy water (http://is.gd/obLQSD) based lubes. Your mileage may vary. The links I provide are for an online boutique what claims to ship products discretely. Your packages will be plain brown wrapped boxes or envelopes with no real embarrassing identifiers on their outsides.
Take your time here even, look around the site. Any decent (https://startpage.com/eng/?) search engine (https://duckduckgo.com/) can allow to search without tracking, or even saving your searches. You can find other retailers of adult products online, and most will offer services discretely. The people running these sites are people with lives outside of their work, understand a need of discretion. As for lubes, it is a subjective matter and everyone finds what they like. I dislike tackiness from petroleum based lubes.

The Galion
Aug 5, 2015, 11:59 PM
Perhaps I can relate. A small bit.
A friend of mine likes big toys in his rear (anal stimulation). He also likes my fist in his rear.
I get to suck his cock a bunch if I fist him when we have the chance. We both win!
How do you feel about things after you cum?

If you wish to NOT label yourself, then don't. :-)
I have labeled myself for simplicity but I sure understand the folks that don't like to.
Fuck it, it's just sex. Pussy, ass, cock, his ass or not. It is just sex. :-)
Explore yourself further as to what you physically/mentally like and go from there. :-)

Aug 6, 2015, 2:06 AM
Honestly after I cum, I just kind of blow it off and most of the feelings are like "hmm strange" but the moment I start getting horny it seems fun again

Aug 6, 2015, 6:33 AM
If you wish to NOT label yourself, then don't. :-)
I have labeled myself for simplicity but I sure understand the folks that don't like to.
Fuck it, it's just sex. Pussy, ass, cock, his ass or not. It is just sex. :-)
Explore yourself further as to what you physically/mentally like and go from there. :-)

Very nice indeed. May not be into fisting, myself but the rest of this is very nice.

You're right about it just being sex. It's as natural as oceans, winds.
People done it all this time and will continue doing it. Thank you for
helping a very selective person understand a different view of
"it's just sex". :-)

Aug 7, 2015, 2:28 AM
As strange as this sounds, how can I go about possibly finding my first experience like this? I really think it would be fun to try, but I also am nothing special down in the sac, nor do I have any idea how to "prep" myself for anal or anything, any help/suggestions/feedback would be great...I really want to get an anal kit to start trying sounds kinda fun

Aug 8, 2015, 1:44 AM
i think it would be fun to try too :) but don't worry about not being special down there the right guy or girl will consider ur personality more important, they really will. i guess u probably wanna give urself an enema if u plan on anal play, makes sense. i know some guys practice with various sextoys before they try the real thing, others jump right into it.......or on it lol.........& it works. hth.......

Aug 8, 2015, 3:59 AM
... don't worry about not being special down there the right guy or girl will consider ur personality more important, they really will.

Oh you're full of beans! *chuckles*

Actually, for most concerned I think you're right, even if it's just sex people usually like a bit of personality.

Aug 8, 2015, 2:45 PM
I see what you did there ;) If I could just jump on it, I probably would but the idea of an enema is strange and I have no idea how to do that properly, but I sure would like to find someone to help with this haha but then again I don't think I can just go around asking :P

Aug 8, 2015, 3:12 PM
I see what you did there ;) If I could just jump on it, I probably would but the idea of an enema is strange and I have no idea how to do that properly, but I sure would like to find someone to help with this haha but then again I don't think I can just go around asking :P
ur right, that might get some strange looks if ur walking down the street & asking strangers :yikes2::cutelaugh

Aug 9, 2015, 10:58 PM
Be easy and do it your way!

Aug 10, 2015, 3:20 AM
I just don't know what to do xD when i'm not horney or in the mood, the thought of it is like "hell no" but the second i'm ready to go, it sounds like an amazing idea, I have no idea how to approach anyone or the situation itself :P

Aug 10, 2015, 8:53 AM
I just don't know what to do xD when i'm not horney or in the mood, the thought of it is like "hell no" but the second i'm ready to go, it sounds like an amazing idea, I have no idea how to approach anyone or the situation itself :P
my 1 fear when i'm finally in bed with a guy is, i will loose all desire to be with him or any guy

Aug 10, 2015, 11:10 AM
my 1 fear when i'm finally in bed with a guy is, i will loose all desire to be with him or any guy

This is where having an understanding lover helps. They often will provide incentive, or be understanding enough to allow you to be you. There is no race, or competition to enjoying good sex. Those suggesting that desire merely the mechanics and motions without meaning. That can be great sometimes and it may be all you, or I need. It is not always great nor, always all anyone desires.

Aug 10, 2015, 2:57 PM
my 1 fear when i'm finally in bed with a guy is, i will loose all desire to be with him or any guy

One of my favorite mantras is, "Feel the fear and do it anyway." So what if that were the outcome? You wouldn't be able to move on from there? You have to trust yourself you'll handle it, no matter the outcome. :2cents:

Aug 10, 2015, 4:04 PM
One of my favorite mantras is, "Feel the fear and do it anyway." So what if that were the outcome? You wouldn't be able to move on from there? You have to trust yourself you'll handle it, no matter the outcome. :2cents:

"Ah, soooooo ... !"

Yes, this too is sage advice. It also smacks that damnable beast fear between the eyes. Think it clear how I feel about fear, it's a soul/mind fuck. Kill it, kill it hard, then kill it harder again to be sure.

Aug 10, 2015, 8:47 PM
This is where having an understanding lover helps. They often will provide incentive, or be understanding enough to allow you to be you. There is no race, or competition to enjoying good sex. Those suggesting that desire merely the mechanics and motions without meaning. That can be great sometimes and it may be all you, or I need. It is not always great nor, always all anyone desires.
absolutely agree. i think of this when the 1st thing guys do online is ask for a picture of my cock. pretty much instant turnoff. the thing is, i could have dozens of guys like that. so harder to find 1 who could understand my struggle & actually work with me, togather.

Aug 10, 2015, 8:51 PM
One of my favorite mantras is, "Feel the fear and do it anyway." So what if that were the outcome? You wouldn't be able to move on from there? You have to trust yourself you'll handle it, no matter the outcome. :2cents:
might not be able to move at all depending on how big his cock is lmaoooo........but seriously this is good advise too. it's an experiance & i can learn from it. might learn to appreciate it at least on some level during the act. but even if i don't at least i would have an answer. this curiosity has been bugging me for so long i think i would force myself if i had too. i think it's time :)

Aug 10, 2015, 9:12 PM
Hey, that curiosity is a powerful, gnawing urge that won't let go until you satisfy it. Had a hold of me for a long time also. Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, as the saying goes. Be sure to share when it finally happens. Burning with curiosity here. ;) :smilies15

Aug 10, 2015, 9:31 PM
u can pretty much depend on a deleriously written novell from me when, not if it happens......complete with pictures, diagrams, etc.......and u are burning with curiosity :cutelaugh:bounce:

Aug 11, 2015, 5:40 AM
absolutely agree. i think of this when the 1st thing guys do online is ask for a picture of my cock. pretty much instant turnoff. the thing is, i could have dozens of guys like that. so harder to find 1 who could understand my struggle & actually work with me, togather.

Call me a momma's boy if you like, I'm fine with that. She did at least make sure her three sons were able to get to the age of eighteen. In doing that she instilled some basic wisdom.

You've already read about live and let live. Another piece of wisdom from her was to first be a friend instead of first being a lover. As a result, nearly sixteen years married, I am still my wife's boyfriend. We enjoy one another as we continue to grow knowing one another. There is also room for us each to grow.

One cock to me looks like another, a cock. It is the same with pussy as well, pussy looks like pussy. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying though to mean I don't care in a negative manner. I like looking at good looking people, everyone does. Ultimately, wrappers are just that, wrappers. I enjoy whole people not pieces.

And yes, it is possible I may be some nut job cannibal. *chuckles* No. At worst I am a literal axe murder. I murder axes whilst splitting firewood, bust the handles inadvertently. I just go hard at things, passionate.

Aug 11, 2015, 5:43 AM
* imagines diagrams *

Tab A inserted into slot B, friction began to build.

Aug 20, 2015, 3:40 AM
Still unsure about this, still think I need to find time to myself and play with some different toys or something. I also wish I knew how to find someone that might feel the same way, because I can't just go asking friends or people I know "hey do you wanna let me suck your dick" or something like that :F

Aug 20, 2015, 5:42 AM
You could try looking on your local craigslist or Adultfriendfinder.

Aug 20, 2015, 8:49 AM
Still unsure about this, still think I need to find time to myself and play with some different toys or something. I also wish I knew how to find someone that might feel the same way, because I can't just go asking friends or people I know "hey do you wanna let me suck your dick" or something like that :F
i know what u mean.......i can't see myself doing anything at all with any of my male friends for some reason, barely see myself doing anything with any of my female friends.........barely.......

Aug 20, 2015, 9:10 AM
i know what u mean.......i can't see myself doing anything at all with any of my male friends for some reason, barely see myself doing anything with any of my female friends.........barely.......

He stood outside the door of the beedroom. Inside he saw sysper laying upon the bed. A nicely hung man was slowly grinding into sysper's ass. There were subtle moans of pleasure filling the air. Soft music only barely masked the softer whimpers.

"Please don't stop", sysper pleaded. The man continued until eventually he fell into a quiver. His hands cupped sysper's ass taughtly. His bulging and throbbing cock neared it's frutation while sysper panted nearly breathless.

It was then she emerged from the bathroom. She was a cute blonde with perky tits. In one ravishing gulp her mouth took sysper's now fully erect cock into itself. She began by carressing his cock lightly.

The man seemed now, furiously pounding into sysper. The lady sucked him in unison with pounding sysper was taking in his ass. The lovers all were moaning with ecstacy as the wave of orgasm fell over them.

It was then, he gently pulled the door fully shut and wandered along happy knowing sysper was now enjoying a pleasant nirvanic state and would soon sleep.

There you go. Sometimes, you need to borrow the eyes of another. You're welcome. :)

Aug 20, 2015, 10:02 AM
You could try looking on your local craigslist or Adultfriendfinder.

I want to echo this , reinforce it; have had success with both of these sites. Good place for someone in your position to start.

Aug 20, 2015, 6:26 PM
He stood outside the door of the beedroom. Inside he saw sysper laying upon the bed. A nicely hung man was slowly grinding into sysper's ass. There were subtle moans of pleasure filling the air. Soft music only barely masked the softer whimpers.

"Please don't stop", sysper pleaded. The man continued until eventually he fell into a quiver. His hands cupped sysper's ass taughtly. His bulging and throbbing cock neared it's frutation while sysper panted nearly breathless.

It was then she emerged from the bathroom. She was a cute blonde with perky tits. In one ravishing gulp her mouth took sysper's now fully erect cock into itself. She began by carressing his cock lightly.

The man seemed now, furiously pounding into sysper. The lady sucked him in unison with pounding sysper was taking in his ass. The lovers all were moaning with ecstacy as the wave of orgasm fell over them.

It was then, he gently pulled the door fully shut and wandered along happy knowing sysper was now enjoying a pleasant nirvanic state and would soon sleep.

There you go. Sometimes, you need to borrow the eyes of another. You're welcome. :)
wow thank u, i needed that :) but how did u know my name is lucky pierre?

Aug 21, 2015, 12:14 AM
When it comes to fisting-----I just don't know how in the heck that can at all feel good. It is one thing to get done by a cock, especially very thick ones but to have a fist up there---umm--just don't think so----but I guess it is a matter of "to each his or her own."

I just don't get it!! :yikes2::yikes2::yikes2::yikes2::yikes2::bounce::b ounce::tongue:

Aug 21, 2015, 12:29 AM
When it comes to fisting-----I just don't know how in the heck that can at all feel good. It is one thing to get done by a cock, especially very thick ones but to have a fist up there---umm--just don't think so----but I guess it is a matter of "to each his or her own."

I just don't get it!! :yikes2::yikes2::yikes2::yikes2::yikes2::bounce::b ounce::tongue:probably more of a fetish.....although if u do it enough times it becomes normal, but u will never be pleased with a cock again lollllll

Aug 21, 2015, 12:32 AM
wow thank u, i needed that :) but how did u know my name is lucky pierre?

* immitating Charlie Chan * "You will, come to know, ... The void knows ... everything."

In case anyone misconstrues ... that's me joking. By no means do I know everything, ... yet. And I'm happy not to know everything.

Nov 2, 2015, 12:54 AM
Anyone else have some tips for me to possibly get my first experience?

Jan 29, 2016, 3:43 AM

Jan 29, 2016, 5:14 AM
There are many places to look for help exploring. Try craigslist or squirt.org or manhunt or adam4adam or men4sexnow.

Jan 29, 2016, 1:38 PM
Userkik..everyone is different and the way I've ended up with someone may not be interesting, or advisable for you. There are various sites that cater to a particular interest, like BDSM, couples, older, younger, fat/skinny, etc, etc. I've only made contact on the Internet one time and that was when I'd just moved and didn't know anyone. It worked, though.

But here it is: I am not interested in sex for sex's sake. It's not about the gentiles, for me. I have to like, trust, and have mutual interests with anyone I'm with, especially with males. So, almost all of my m/m experiences have been with friends, with whom sensual attractions were developed, over a period of time.

Once I suspect someone might be interested, I will bring up a topic that would let them know have a knowledge of same-gender sexuality and maybe I'd be open to exploring. (That is, as long as the criteria above was mutual)

Actually, a few of those who became FWBs, or lovers, surprised me when I learned they were also interested. So, you might already know someone who would be delighted to join you, if you approached them with your thoughts.

You've gotten some pretty good suggestions, above, but ultimately, only you know exactly what and how you want to proceed.

I can tell you, from my own history, if you find someone with similar desires and mutual interests, the experience can be scintillating!

Jan 30, 2016, 10:05 AM
But here it is: I am not interested in sex for sex's sake. It's not about the gentiles, for me. I have to like, trust, and have mutual interests with anyone I'm with, especially with males. So, almost all of my m/m experiences have been with friends, with whom sensual attractions were developed, over a period of time.

Although, I doubt you would balk too much if I appeared and put you against a wall
for a good close f__k, just to f__k. * wearing a devilish grin * Of course, you of most
here know I would rather enjoy a relationship over just having a person.

Apologies. I'm only attempting to express, at times I feel an urge to just have sex
for the sake of having sex. Think most of us, if honest can claim that. Oh, the
thoughts what go through my mind.

Jan 30, 2016, 10:44 PM
A lot of guys, even straight guys like anal stimulation (although they may not like full on anal sex with another male). And in the heat of being aroused I'm not sure a good many of them care who is licking what - if what I wrote just aroused you then you might not be straight.. but either way - don't beat yourself up about it. Good news for you is that there are some women who also enjoy playing with guys that way as well. If you are only playing with yourself then I don't really see the need to douche, just go to the bathroom first - take a shower or bath - and wash your toys in HOT water when you are done.. If you don't use lube it will hurt..and even then at first it may feel like you have to go to the bathroom..that's why you go before you start. It's also common to feel remorse afterward sometimes but what you figure out eventually is if you pay your own bills in life then no other adult really cares..and I mean that in a good way. What you do in your own free time is your own business. I guess there are some people in life that can't mind their own @!# business but I find it best just to ignore those people. Just remember that ultimately you are worthy of love for more than what you can do with your body.

Jan 30, 2016, 11:08 PM
u break it all down in a good way, thanks for making me realize i'm not such a bad guy even though i am open to sex that has nothing to do with making babies lmao! btw i'd like to think i'm secure enough in my sexuality that even in 100% hetero mode i am open to anal stimulation & if a girl wants to do me with a strapon, if that pleases her i am at least willing to give it a try, though using lube is nonegotiable:yikes2:

Jan 31, 2016, 8:54 AM
* imagines diagrams * Tab A inserted into slot B, friction began to build. If only it were that simple, most relationships are a lot more complex.. The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > what is sex? And in response, thus spake the Oracle: Sex is what happens when a man and a woman...hmm, no, that's not quite it. Sex is what happens when two (or more) people get together and...do stuff. you know, nookie? No? Lovemaking? No? Ok, you must know about the birds and the bees? No? *sigh* I thought not. Ok, the bird comes along and sticks its beak into the..hmm, no that's not quite it. The bee comes along and sticks its...well, you see, it's like inserting tab A into slot B. Only you do it a lot of times and the result can be more boxes if you're not careful, or worse yet, tab A gets something from slot B and falls off. Or slot B gets something from tab A and then you have to smear goopy cream all over slot B, during which time inserting tab A into slot B is just not going to happen, what kind of slot do you think B is anyways? Meanwhile, tab A is busily being inserted into slot C or D, without even so much as a phone call the day after. And tab M just looks on just wishing it could be tab A, because nice tabs never get any slots. And then there's tab F who actually likes tab R, but isn't sure if tab R folds that way. Slot C eventually finds out about slot D and they all find out about slot B, who in turn finds out about slot C and D and in a vengeful plot, tears tab A from its box in a fit of passion. Slot C ends up meeting tab M, and it turns out tab M fits perfectly into slot C--no jostling or forceful cramming at all. Tab and slot C are joined forever by tab K, who has sworn not to insert itself into anything and a few months later, there are new tabs and slots and everyone, except for A, is happy. And that, my son, is how corrugated cardboard boxes are made.

Jan 31, 2016, 3:36 PM
Follow your desires. First with a dildo and butt plug. If you love it then find the right guy and let him fuck you. You'll never know otherwise.

Feb 2, 2016, 11:29 PM
If only it were that simple, most relationships are a lot more complex.. The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > what is sex? And in response, thus spake the Oracle: Sex is what happens when a man and a woman...hmm, no, that's not quite it. Sex is what happens when two (or more) people get together and...do stuff. you know, nookie? No? Lovemaking? No? Ok, you must know about the birds and the bees? No? *sigh* I thought not. Ok, the bird comes along and sticks its beak into the..hmm, no that's not quite it. The bee comes along and sticks its...well, you see, it's like inserting tab A into slot B. Only you do it a lot of times and the result can be more boxes if you're not careful, or worse yet, tab A gets something from slot B and falls off. Or slot B gets something from tab A and then you have to smear goopy cream all over slot B, during which time inserting tab A into slot B is just not going to happen, what kind of slot do you think B is anyways? Meanwhile, tab A is busily being inserted into slot C or D, without even so much as a phone call the day after. And tab M just looks on just wishing it could be tab A, because nice tabs never get any slots. And then there's tab F who actually likes tab R, but isn't sure if tab R folds that way. Slot C eventually finds out about slot D and they all find out about slot B, who in turn finds out about slot C and D and in a vengeful plot, tears tab A from its box in a fit of passion. Slot C ends up meeting tab M, and it turns out tab M fits perfectly into slot C--no jostling or forceful cramming at all. Tab and slot C are joined forever by tab K, who has sworn not to insert itself into anything and a few months later, there are new tabs and slots and everyone, except for A, is happy. And that, my son, is how corrugated cardboard boxes are made.

* sits nodding knowingly with a grin * See, told ya. But oh no, you had to ask the Oracle. Next you'll have me talking to Dr. Know because he ... . "Dr. Know, what vegetables were harmed in the filming of Wizard of Oz?" (muttering quietly "oh damn, wrong question ...")

Feb 2, 2016, 11:35 PM
Follow your desires. First with a dildo and butt plug. If you love it then find the right guy and let him fuck you. You'll never know otherwise.

Hey now! That's enough of that. We can't be having short pithy platitudes of Truth roll out the door here. Next thing ya know, you'll be giving away free micro-waving ovens and color television sets with only one Tesla-vision. :) * chuckling *

I'm just fucking with you, if it isn't patently obvious. My ass does it tricks, it's so s-m-r-t sometimes. ;) Not that I'm being s-m-r-t with you.

Feb 3, 2016, 5:04 AM
I could use a new microwave oven... lol

Feb 7, 2016, 11:00 AM
Welcome to bisexuality! Don't overthink ... engage, experiment, enjoy.