View Full Version : Do you think you will die early?

Aug 17, 2006, 7:32 PM
I can't help but wonder what the statistics below would be like for a sample of just bisexual men. I would also like to see a sample of both male and female bisexuals.

The rest of the paragraph was talking about AIDS so I am assuming the writer is trying to say we die earlier only because of our sexual "lifestyle". I doubt these figures include other possibilities, like suicide or murder by hate crime.

Letter: Studies show lifestyle not genetic
Source: The Concord Journal
Date: August 17th 2006
Link: http://www2.townonline.com/concord/opinion/view.bg?articleid=557408

Snippet from letter:
According to a Vancouver, British Columbia study summarized in "The International Journal of Epidemiology," June 1997, "...life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men. ...nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years will not reach their 65th birthday."

Aug 17, 2006, 7:41 PM
No, because I am not promiscuous.

Aug 17, 2006, 8:11 PM
Nope....I plan on living forever....hey so far so good :upside: :upside:

Aug 17, 2006, 8:15 PM
Sounds like someone had an ax to grind... :rolleyes:

Aug 17, 2006, 8:20 PM
look at the source.
it's a letter written by a conservative christian who thinks that any sexuality that's not heterosexual/monogamous and vanilla is "a lifestyle choice".

People like that brand HIV/AIDS as a "gay disease" when in reality HIV doesn't care about your race, economic class, sexuality, or religion.

I don't want to become poz but I am very careful what I do with certain people and I get to know them before doing certain sexual acts.

I played with this one guy's pierced dick in a club bathroom and he and his bi husband wanted a 3 way with me and I said no thanks since he told me later that evening while drunk how he used to inject heroin for 4 years and how he avoided condoms if he could.

I've also noticed that most of my het/het identified, friends don't even think about HIV status when they get with a new partner and decide not to use condoms. When I tell them how I get tested every 6 months to a year for HIV and other STDs they'll say "oh you just wish that you were that big of a slut". :rolleyes:

Aug 17, 2006, 8:42 PM
There's no "too early". When you die, you die. If we all knew a date, we'd do things differently. Since life span is random, we should live every day as if it was our last one. But, just in case it isn't..........

Aug 17, 2006, 10:04 PM
Not from being a statistic of my sexuality, no. I am however getting back into trade school in October to become an AC service technician. I'm extremely paranoid with my volt-meter, but given how careful I am sexually I'm more likely to get electrocuted. Happy Happy thoughts :cool:

Aug 18, 2006, 1:12 AM
I'm going to die early. But it'll be in a car accident that probably has nothing to do with my sexuality. :tong:

Don't ask me why I think so; it's just a gut feeling and they usually aren't wrong.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 18, 2006, 8:32 AM
I am 35...... the average life expectancy of me as a male, is around 73 years old

now, allowing for the maximum 20 years off my life for my sexual lifestyle..... and knocking off the estimated 20 years due to smoking and drinking..... and the risk factor based on being a male driver with a fast car..... plus the risk of heart disease, and cancer ( it runs in the familily ) plus the damage thru drug use ( now drugfree ) and eating habits and including the factors of stress level and suicides..... all up.... I died 18 years ago...obesely overweight, and brain damaged, by suicide

now, I turn 36 in sept...... I have no signs of cancer or heart disease in my body, no stds or hiv/aids... 18 car accidents in 20 years.. only 3 were my fault.... I have a high iq level..... my body weight is 8 kilos heavier than the recommended height/ weight factor for my size, my stress level floats around 3000- 3200 stress points ..yeah thats 3 and 3 0's ( 150 is classed as extreme, 200- 250 is the level average for suicide/ mental/ nervous breakdowns )

Aug 18, 2006, 5:53 PM
Don't know when, but I want to go peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather, and not screaming and yelling like his passengers. :eek:

Aug 18, 2006, 7:07 PM
Hi Glantern I think the biggest threat to people's life expectancy at the moment is obesity and lack of exercise. At least sexual activity produces an increased heart rate and is great exercise. If more people engaged in sex rather than filling their faces with food I think everyone would be a lot healthier.
Life expectancy is affected by lifestyle, genes, environment, marital status and even a person's attitude to life and seeing humour in themselves and being able to feel happy with their lot in life.
There are promiscuous heterosexuals, and gays, as well as promiscuous bisexuals and if you practice unsafe sex with multiple partners I can't see why there would be any difference in the life expectancy of any group.
:2cents: :)

Aug 18, 2006, 7:24 PM
Life expectancy is affected by lifestyle, genes, environment, marital status and even a person's attitude to life and seeing humour in themselves and being able to feel happy with their lot in life.
There are promiscuous heterosexuals, and gays, as well as promiscuous bisexuals and if you practice unsafe sex with multiple partners I can't see why there would be any difference in the life expectancy of any group.
:2cents: :)

Aug 18, 2006, 10:13 PM
If the actuarial tables are correct (and I hope they are not), I have about twenty-eight summers left. I want to die right on time, and not a minute earlier!

Aug 19, 2006, 2:47 AM
ya kno, i'd love to be late for my own funeral..just to piss off the ones who wished me an early demise...

and like others have said here, i too think the facts are skewed..according to them i should have either not reached my 41st b'day, or i'm living heavily on borrowed time..

either way, when my time comes, my time comes...

Aug 19, 2006, 4:47 AM
The only reason i maybe die earlier than expected is because i used to be a hard smoker since i was a child . I stopped some time ago , maybe half a year ago , and so maybe i still become 80 or smth ... who knows .

But i think that im too careful to get things like aids and other diseases , i think that wont ever happen to me . Sounds maybe not realistic but i dont change my sexpartners often , i use condoms with everyone and only not with one guy - my guy , whos not only my sexpartner but also my partner in life and i trust in him , so i wont get anything from him either . There arent many chances left then , luckily i say . . :cool: ;)

Anyways , i guess im gonna get old still ! :) :rolleyes:

Aug 19, 2006, 7:31 AM
I smoked for about 15 years. My wife hated it, she would regularly mention* that it takes years off of my life. I recall always saying that I didn't really want to live to be 100 years old and locked away in some nursing home someplace. I still don't think that I want that.

Part of me has this vibe that I am not going to live to be too old anyway. I don't think my sexuality has anything to do with it though. My father died young of colon cancer, my grandmother survived uteran cancer, my mother has a history of heart problems in her family.

Maybe I should be out enjoying my sexuality more, safely of course, while I am still alive. I did stop smoking almost 10 years ago, but it was because I got tired of being out of breath amd having that taste in my mouth.

*By "regularly mention" I mean nag.

Aug 19, 2006, 8:00 AM
Will I die early? Only God knows that answer.

Aug 19, 2006, 8:03 AM
I've never really had an issue with dying early...especially when younger I could seem to last forever...now with a small supplement of viagra even if I do die early I'm right back up again ready for round two...better living through chemistry :bigrin:

Ambi :)

Aug 19, 2006, 1:16 PM
I'd be stunned if I didn't. Floored.

Aug 19, 2006, 1:40 PM
I used to tell people I'll rather die early than old and helpless.
I still think that way, I LIKE to move about.... I don't want to be in a chair or bed all day and all night being helpless and not being able to care for myself.
