View Full Version : This could be such a cool site....

Jun 20, 2015, 1:20 AM
... If we lost the ridiculous content.

Bowling balls, turpentine, sandpaper, etc...


C'mon sig-pole-smythe (and please don't insult our collective intelligence by denying you're one in the same).

What are you actually trying to accomplish?

I'm new to the scene and a site like this COULD be really helpful to me in my discovery process, however, it's very difficult to glean the helpful content from the forest of useless, inane bullshit.

Really. Give it (us) a break. Please.

Jun 20, 2015, 1:33 AM
Kinda used to be; let's reclaim it!

Annika L
Jun 20, 2015, 1:54 AM
Hey TG...welcome to the site! *hugs*

Pepsi is right...it used to be a cool site, and still can be, if we let it.

But let me fill you in, if I may (I'll let the relevant people contradict me as is their nature). The site owner (Drew) kinda went AWOL about a year ago...ish. It's been strange...he used to be around fairly regularly, and would ban people who broke the Rules of Conduct (but did generally not ban lightly, in my opinion), fix the Chat room when it went down, etc. Around the time he vanished, pole_smoker joined the site...many old-timers believe him to be an incarnation of an age-old troll who has haunted the site for years. He'll spend a night posting enough polls to dominate the site (or reposting to his own earlier polls, especially if nobody has replied to them), and generally being an offensive dickhead...impressively often. This has been going on for a while. Just recently, some people have started posting spoof-polls in the spirit of mocking Mr. Smoker. Some are hilarious (I personally love the one about "Have you ever fucked a white feather duster while yelling AFLAC!!?"...but we all have our issues, lol). I believe that Sig's polls are totally in that same spoofing spirit. Personally, I have no clue (nor care) whether Mr. Smythe and Mr. Smoker are the same person, or just have similar tastes and sensibilities (they seem to disagree on some points, but that could easily be for show).

Appeals for sensibility, self-restraint, or consideration are as useless as resistance. While Drew remains away, I don't see that there's anything we can do (again, appealing to reason is to no avail), other than to use the Ignore feature, and try to post and make the site into what you want it to be. There are some of us here with half a brain, who may be able to help you. And/or you can/should look through the archives...there once were quite a few thoughtful people here.

Regardless, welcome again, and I hope we can become (again?) what you're looking for!

Jun 20, 2015, 1:55 AM
I agree. Get rid of a few troll and this site could be so much more.

Jun 20, 2015, 4:46 AM
... If we lost the ridiculous content.

Bowling balls, turpentine, sandpaper, etc...


C'mon sig-pole-smythe (and please don't insult our collective intelligence by denying you're one in the same).

What are you actually trying to accomplish?

I'm new to the scene and a site like this COULD be really helpful to me in my discovery process, however, it's very difficult to glean the helpful content from the forest of useless, inane bullshit.

Really. Give it (us) a break. Please.

No we are not all the same person, and we are not the real trolls on this site despite what prude think.

Stop being such a Butt hurt prude if you do not like a topic do not click on it. :rolleyes:

Jun 20, 2015, 5:48 AM
This always was a good site until Drew disappeared. He is also MIA from the other site by the way, so I'm not sure what happened. I hope he makes it back here soon to reset this site on the path it always was. There were and still are some good people here so don't condemn the site or give up and leave over a couple of useless, inconsiderate people. The ignore feature works quite well and the rest of us are always happy to help.

Jun 20, 2015, 10:22 AM
No we are not all the same person, and we are not the real trolls on this site despite what prude think.

Stop being such a Butt hurt prude if you do not like a topic do not click on it. :rolleyes:

Why not leave a place your not welcome asswipe ?


Jun 20, 2015, 10:23 AM
FWIW: I have tried in vain to reach Drew through the domain hosting company, and the listed phone numbers for him. Very odd he's MIA, and I do hope he's alive and hopefully well.
The site needs some maintenance, chat fixed, and to take out the garbage....

Jun 20, 2015, 10:54 AM
I also agree the site was awesome when Drew was here. PS has essentially ruined it. I' m considering looking for another similar site.

Jun 20, 2015, 11:38 AM
I also agree the site was awesome when Drew was here. PS has essentially ruined it. I' m considering looking for another similar site.
…no more than you post you want be missed…put the sandpaper guy on ignore & stop bitching…instead you could be posting what in your opinion is worthwile posts…to me a more usefull use of your time…

Jun 20, 2015, 7:25 PM
Thanks all (most) for the positive feedback.

I've found some really great stuff here.

Jun 20, 2015, 7:38 PM
Thanks all (most) for the positive feedback.

I've found some really great stuff here.
So have lots of us. ;)
