View Full Version : Ever take a basketball or nuclear missile up your ass or pussy?

Jun 19, 2015, 11:07 PM
I know a ballistic missile up the ass/pussy is a difficult thing to imagine, but a friend of mine who jumped an Airforce fence at area 51, made a running sprint towards a missle silo and slid his ass down a missle ALL THE WAY!

That missle came so hard! Then he ran away. Never caught! The aliens were so confused.....

Basketballs and ballistic missiles are for pro's! Bowling balls (up the ass) are for fucking retarded window licking amateurs!

Amirite y'all?!

Annika L
Jun 20, 2015, 1:57 AM
What? No poll to click on?

Jun 20, 2015, 11:10 AM
While a basketball should be generally safe to insert (if you can manage the grippy texture); I want to WARN ALL BISEXUALS THAT SEX WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS IS NOT SAFE!

There is no "safer sex" involving nuclear weapons.

All sexual acts involving nuclear weapons are inherently dangerous, and it doesn't matter how many condoms you use!
(Unless you use condoms with very high neutron reflectivity, you have no chance at all. Of course, even if you have such a condom, you still risk being inadvertently launched into outer space upon the nuke's climax.)

Play it safe peeps!

Don't fuck with nuclear weapons!

Melody Dean
Jun 21, 2015, 12:21 AM
Don't fuck with nuclear weapons!


Jun 22, 2015, 12:27 AM
A well lubed nuclear missile may be better for beginners, given it's tapered shape. Now, are we talking about a Titan or Trident? Have to know your specs before you agree to put it up your ass.

As for the basketball, it won't work. A football is far better. Be aware that if it goes past the half-way point, it may get sucked in. Yet another trip to the ER where Tom Brady has to deflate it to get a better grip.

Jun 22, 2015, 1:36 AM
A well lubed nuclear missile may be better for beginners, given it's tapered shape. Now, are we talking about a Titan or Trident? Have to know your specs before you agree to put it up your ass.

As for the basketball, it won't work. A football is far better. Be aware that if it goes past the half-way point, it may get sucked in. Yet another trip to the ER where Tom Brady has to deflate it to get a better grip.

LOL!!!!! :bigrin:

Jun 23, 2015, 2:16 PM
Best laugh I've had in a while! LOL!