View Full Version : Fantasies Evolving to Conform with Realities

Jun 16, 2015, 4:33 PM
It occurs to me that over the course of my life time my fantasies have evolved to conform to my life's realities.

When I was young and single, my fantasies were made up of penthouse centerfolds with perfect bodies. I was bi curious, but it wasn't a driving need, just a curiosity.

After I married, I fantasized about group sex... swinging and swapping wives. Fantasies of being with a perky 20 something gave way to being with the full-figured girl next door. Curvy hips and full size breasts. A mother, a wife, a real woman instead of an airbrushed version of a woman.

As I came to realize that my wife would always be too insecure and jealous to accept my being with another woman, my fantasies evolved again. Group sex fantasies moved more to MFM threesome fantasies... sharing her with another man with both of us pleasuring her. I knew she couldn't accept another woman, but enjoyed imaging her being open for another man and the two of us playing together. The fact that it gave me a chance to tickle that bi curiosity of mine was just a nice to have bonus.

As this too became less and less likely, my fantasies became more bisexual in nature, slowly moving from two men pleasing her to three people pleasing each other.

Today, after almost three years without marital relations, I'm sorry to say my wife has slipped from my fantasies entirely.

As much as I love all things woman and dream of beautiful breasts and wet pussy, I don't have the bandwidth or the disposition to have an ongoing emotional affair or seek out a woman to fulfill my needs. Instead I find my bi side yearning to play with another man. As a married man, finding a male friend with benefits is a whole hell of a lot easier than it is to find a female friend. And my interests have evolved accordingly. Where once I only watched hetero porn, now bi, shemale and even gay porn have become welcome visitors to my screen and my imagination.

In the nurture vs nature debate, I have to say I am a product of my environment. My sexuality has evolved with the circumstances of my life. Woman is and always be my first love, but a nice hard cock is cumming on strong as an increasingly enjoyable second.

I don't know if there is a question in all of this except, perhaps, to ask if others here are in the same mode as I am? Bisexuality driven as much by the nature of my circumstances as it is by the nature of my genes.

Jun 16, 2015, 4:40 PM
It occurs to me that over the course of my life time my fantasies have evolved to conform to my life's realities.

When I was young and single, my fantasies were made up of penthouse centerfolds with perfect bodies. I was bi curious, but it wasn't a driving need, just a curiosity.

After I married, I fantasized about group sex... swinging and swapping wives. Fantasies of being with a perky 20 something gave way to being with the full-figured girl next door. Curvy hips and full size breasts. A mother, a wife, a real woman instead of an airbrushed version of a woman.

As I came to realize that my wife would always be too insecure and jealous to accept my being with another woman, my fantasies evolved again. Group sex fantasies moved more to MFM threesome fantasies... sharing her with another man with both of us pleasuring her. I knew she couldn't accept another woman, but enjoyed imaging her being open for another man and the two of us playing together. The fact that it gave me a chance to tickle that bi curiosity of mine was just a nice to have bonus.

As this too became less and less likely, my fantasies became more bisexual in nature, slowly moving from two men pleasing her to three people pleasing each other.

Today, after almost three years without marital relations, I'm sorry to say my wife has slipped from my fantasies entirely.

As much as I love all things woman and dream of beautiful breasts and wet pussy, I don't have the bandwidth or the disposition to have an ongoing emotional affair or seek out a woman to fulfill my needs. Instead I find my bi side yearning to play with another man. As a married man, finding a male friend with benefits is a whole hell of a lot easier than it is to find a female friend. And my interests have evolved accordingly. Where once I only watched hetero porn, now bi, shemale and even gay porn have become welcome visitors to my screen and my imagination.

In the nurture vs nature debate, I have to say I am a product of my environment. My sexuality has evolved with the circumstances of my life. Woman is and always be my first love, but a nice hard cock is cumming on strong as an increasingly enjoyable second.

I don't know if there is a question in all of this except, perhaps, to ask if others here are in the same mode as I am? Bisexuality driven as much by the nature of my circumstances as it is by the nature of my genes.
Since you lie to your wife who you supposedly love, and cheat on her, why not just get a divorce?

Since you're no longer sexually attracted to your wife, do not want sex with women, and are just into closeted married men now it seems as though you are gay.

Nope. Both my husband and myself are still sexually attracted to both genders/sexes despite being monogamous; but we are bisexual.

Jun 16, 2015, 5:55 PM
I'm not sure. I've been into men, women, or both my whole life. Different desires and combinations through the years. I'm not sure I ever had fantasies about the cover girl type women. That just seemed a fantasy and out of reach, so why bother.

I did start becoming more guy centered probably in my 40s. Not sure why, but I know now I'm pretty much only into guys now for a couple of reasons. The main one being a viagra guy. Not being able to get a reliable hard on makes me nervous about women to say the least. Secondly, that would be cheating on the wife, wouldn't it (not that it's stopped me before)?

I am still sexually attracted to most women, if that makes sense, since I would avoid fooling around with them if given the chance. But my tastes have changed a bit. Back in my 20s, I'd screw anything you could call female. Now, at 59, there's a larger percentage of women I just don't find attractive. Back in my 20s nearly all of them would have been fair game.

As far as bisexuality depending on life's circumstances, I'm not sure about me, but I've heard from many guys over the years who became more and more into bi when their sex life with the wife declined or ended. Not all guys, though. With me, I'd already started shifting to guys and was kinda glad when the wife said she wasn't into sex anymore.

Jun 16, 2015, 6:56 PM
Thanks DeMercator for sharing your life's journey. I think that every man has some changes happen in his life over time. I don't recall reading a man tell how his fantasies have changed over time. Well, articulated!!!

When we begin to read about some men who identified as gay and then as they mature they begin to fantasize about women, it makes me wonder. It just may be all people change. Few people remain in a fantasy world that involves their spouses over 20 years plus. I don't think that those whose fantasy life involves their spouse 20 plus years are something. I don't think that they are better than a person who has had to adapt to life changes though.

Jun 16, 2015, 8:12 PM
Since you lie to your wife who you supposedly love, and cheat on her, why not just get a divorce?

Since you're no longer sexually attracted to your wife, do not want sex with women, and are just into closeted married men now it seems as though you are gay.

Nope. Both my husband and myself are still sexually attracted to both genders/sexes despite being monogamous; but we are bisexual.

Really need to brush up on your reading skills Pole_Smoker. I know you love to troll, but if you're not going to at least do it intelligently, why bother?

I never specified the arrangement I had with my wife. I didn't say I was no longer attracted to women (in fact just the opposite). And, I did not say I was into closeted married men. I don't "supposedly" love my wife. I love her very much whether she's lost interest in sex or not.

If you missed all that, it's OK. That's not what the post was about. Likewise, it wasn't intended to be a test of your reading skills, a solicitation of marital advice or a plea for help in determining my sexual orientation.

While I have great respect for your skills as a troll, your lack of knowledge in regards to my personal life render your opinion on those particular topics less than worthless.

My post posed the question as to whether or not others felt their sexual orientation was influenced by their circumstances. If you can grasp the topic and have something relavent to contribute, your comments would be more than welcome. Otherwise you can kiss my ass :-)

Jun 16, 2015, 9:55 PM
Really need to brush up on your reading skills Pole_Smoker. I know you love to troll, but if you're not going to at least do it intelligently, why bother?

I never specified the arrangement I had with my wife. I didn't say I was no longer attracted to women (in fact just the opposite). And, I did not say I was into closeted married men. I don't "supposedly" love my wife. I love her very much whether she's lost interest in sex or not.

If you missed all that, it's OK. That's not what the post was about. Likewise, it wasn't intended to be a test of your reading skills, a solicitation of marital advice or a plea for help in determining my sexual orientation.

While I have great respect for your skills as a troll, your lack of knowledge in regards to my personal life render your opinion on those particular topics less than worthless.

My post posed the question as to whether or not others felt their sexual orientation was influenced by their circumstances. If you can grasp the topic and have something relavent to contribute, your comments would be more than welcome. Otherwise you can kiss my ass :-)
I'm not trolling you.

I'm writing the truth. You and your "wife" would be better off divorced since you're no longer attracted to her, and yeah you do cheat on her with closeted married men.

Melody Dean
Jun 16, 2015, 10:53 PM
My desires have changed in the opposite direction I think. I was pretty insecure in my twenties, and thought no one but my husband would want me anyway. And then I started reflecting on my past missed opportunities, and regretted the beautiful women that I had turned down in the past. So my fantasies started to develop around women.

And when I discovered people that actually found me desirable, my fantasies exploded. And I became much pickier, because I felt like I could be. I can still get people as gorgeous as my husband. My fantasies now include real people, not just celebrities that I would never meet anyway. And now it's less about who I am fantasizing about, and more about the things that I would like to do.

Jun 16, 2015, 11:29 PM
trolling make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

Clinical Symptoms for an Antisocial Personality Disorder Diagnosis

1. Failure to conform to social norms;
2. Deceitfulness, manipulativeness;
3. Impulsivity, failure to plan ahead;
4. Irritability, aggressiveness;
5. Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others;
6. Consistent irresponsibility;
7. Lack of remorse after having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another person

Sense of entitlement;
Apathetic to others;
Unconscionable behavior;
Blameful of others;
Manipulative and conning;
Affectively cold;
Disparate understanding;
Socially irresponsible;
Disregardful of obligations;
Nonconforming to norms;

Jun 16, 2015, 11:33 PM
:rolleyes: Tenni, you don't even know me, but to be honest I doubt you even have any actual friends. Everything on that list applies to you since you are a troll here on this site that trolls, flames, and harasses other people who you don't like, or who post things you personally do not like. You have been banned for this in the past and people who have been on this site longer than you have.

No, Jim Riley, it isn't. Not editing that out either... hide some more?



Jun 17, 2015, 12:10 PM
I'm not trolling you.

I'm writing the truth. You and your "wife" would be better off divorced since you're no longer attracted to her, and yeah you do cheat on her with closeted married men.

So let me see if I have this right. You say you're not trolling, yet anyone looking at your posts on this site knows you're the textbook definition of a troll. You don't know me or my wife, but you declare the "truth" is that we'd be better off divorced because you're too narrow minded to imagine a loving marriage that outlives physical attraction. (I pity your old age). And you pull "closeted married men" out of your ass and state it as fact based on nothing more than your imagination.

Unlike you, who pretends to know me and what's best for my marriage better than God himself, I don't don't know you well enough to know if you're stupid, immature or you're so full of yourself that you actually believe your own B.S.. But, in any case, I think it's safe to say that dealing in "truth" is not your strong point. Stick with trolling.

Jun 17, 2015, 12:19 PM
And when I discovered people that actually found me desirable, my fantasies exploded. And I became much pickier, because I felt like I could be. I can still get people as gorgeous as my husband. My fantasies now include real people, not just celebrities that I would never meet anyway. And now it's less about who I am fantasizing about, and more about the things that I would like to do.

They really do need a "like" button on this site :)

Jun 17, 2015, 12:34 PM
The main one being a viagra guy. Not being able to get a reliable hard on makes me nervous about women to say the least.

Thanks for sharing Fred. I left this off my list of things that nudge me more towards playing with other guys, but if I'm honest this is a factor for me as well. While it's more a fear than a reality, it's an inhibitor none the less. I wouldn't worry about it with a friend and a lover where you're spending hours together and intercourse is just one act in an enjoyable play. Between toys and tongues and time, I'm fairly confident anxiety would give way to pleasure and a good time would be had by all. But with a "hook-up" with a woman, I think of a hard-on as being everything. If it's not there on command then I'd feel more than a little embarrassed. Like a self-fulfilling prophesy, fear itself becomes a kill-joy. I'd be a liar if I didn't admit to the fact that this fear drove me to pass up more than a few opportunities over the years.

Oddly enough I don't have this fear with men. It just isn't a big concern and, as such, has never been an issue. And, if the guy I'm with isn't hard, that's OK too. Even a soft cock is fun to play with.

Melody Dean
Jun 17, 2015, 1:24 PM
Thanks for sharing Fred. I left this off my list of things that nudge me more towards playing with other guys, but if I'm honest this is a factor for me as well. While it's more a fear than a reality, it's an inhibitor none the less. I wouldn't worry about it with a friend and a lover where you're spending hours together and intercourse is just one act in an enjoyable play. Between toys and tongues and time, I'm fairly confident anxiety would give way to pleasure and a good time would be had by all. But with a "hook-up" with a woman, I think of a hard-on as being everything. If it's not there on command then I'd feel more than a little embarrassed. Like a self-fulfilling prophesy, fear itself becomes a kill-joy. I'd be a liar if I didn't admit to the fact that this fear drove me to pass up more than a few opportunities over the years.

Oddly enough I don't have this fear with men. It just isn't a big concern and, as such, has never been an issue. And, if the guy I'm with isn't hard, that's OK too. Even a soft cock is fun to play with.

For me personally, it's not a big deal when a guy can't get hard. I've been with two men who had issues, and I still had a ton of fun.

One was just a one time thing. He had already gone down on me and got me off. But when it came to the deed, he was going to proceed without a condom, and I stopped him. He admitted to having condom anxiety, but I held my ground. He tried going in, but never got hard enough. So I had him switch me places, and I went down on him for a very long time, and even though he obviously enjoyed it, just couldn't stay hard. But he made me cum 5 times. Who cares if none of those were penile penetrations?

I've also had a diabetic lover, and when he has blood sugar issues, he also has issues staying hard. He also gives the best oral ever. I've never cum as many times as I do with him. Why would I complain, I'm still having fun, if anything I'm just concerned that he's having fun too.

So for this particular woman, it's less about the act, and more about the foreplay. Get me off one way or another, and I'm happy. There's plenty of ways to do that without a hard cock.

Jun 17, 2015, 6:26 PM
I think this is a very interesting question...I have found that my fantasies have changed a great deal, mostly based on what my husband finds attractive! For example, I never felt sexually attracted to women necessarily, but I started watching porn with him at some point (maybe ten years into our relationship) and I watched him watch women he felt were attractive. And gradually I began to find those women attractive too! I find this to be strange, and somewhat embarrassing, as if my own desires get influenced so easily by someone else. But nevertheless, it happened, and I have no reason to try to "undo" it. For example, I always preferred slender women. I was a ballet dancer, and the standard of beauty I grew up with was long limbs, slender, and small breasts. My husband prefers women with "generous" figures, especially with large, natural breasts. Now I can't even find a skinny woman sexually attractive. I can still appreciate the beauty of an Audrey Hepburn type woman, but it is not sexy to me. And likewise with penises. I never really had an opinion regarding the specific characteristics of penises, but he has influenced me as to what is appealing. So I think people can definitely change over time, under different influences. I know I am not really giving the same kind of examples as the people above, but nevertheless, my fantasies did change due to external/environmental circumstances. I think it is nice in a way that DMercator's tastes have changed (although I am sorry about his situation with his wife). It is appropriate from a certain way of looking at it. Likewise with age- I find it nice if people get attracted to people of an older age as they age. It frustrates me that my husband has continued to be attracted to younger women as he has grown older...but he is not the only one, lol. I understand there are biological explanations for that, but it still bugs me, mostly because it leaves me feeling less attractive. But I can't make him change what he likes, although interestingly enough I have changed to what HE likes...not very reciprocal, but that's the way it is.

Jun 17, 2015, 6:46 PM



I love tits and a wet pussy to, but getting another guys cock is much easier than getting hooked up with another woman.

Annika L
Jun 17, 2015, 8:46 PM
So let me see if I have this right. You say you're not trolling, yet anyone looking at your posts on this site knows you're the textbook definition of a troll. You don't know me or my wife, but you declare the "truth" is that we'd be better off divorced because you're too narrow minded to imagine a loving marriage that outlives physical attraction. (I pity your old age). And you pull "closeted married men" out of your ass and state it as fact based on nothing more than your imagination.

Unlike you, who pretends to know me and what's best for my marriage better than God himself, I don't don't know you well enough to know if you're stupid, immature or you're so full of yourself that you actually believe your own B.S.. But, in any case, I think it's safe to say that dealing in "truth" is not your strong point. Stick with trolling.

Now let me think..it's been a long time (at least 2-3 weeks) since I've heard the term "armchair psychologist" slung around on here. Seems there used to be a guy on these boards who every time anyone said anything about him, based on evidence that he himself had provided, would tell the poster that they knew nothing about him, and did they enjoy playing armchair psychologist. Wow, who was that guy? Must not have been very memorable. :rolleyes:;)

Jun 17, 2015, 8:55 PM
So let me see if I have this right. You say you're not trolling, yet anyone looking at your posts on this site knows you're the textbook definition of a troll. You don't know me or my wife, but you declare the "truth" is that we'd be better off divorced because you're too narrow minded to imagine a loving marriage that outlives physical attraction. (I pity your old age). And you pull "closeted married men" out of your ass and state it as fact based on nothing more than your imagination.

Unlike you, who pretends to know me and what's best for my marriage better than God himself, I don't don't know you well enough to know if you're stupid, immature or you're so full of yourself that you actually believe your own B.S.. But, in any case, I think it's safe to say that dealing in "truth" is not your strong point. Stick with trolling.
:rolleyes: Don't get mad just because I tell the truth about you and your "wife". There's no reason for you to both stay married since you're not attracted to her anymore, and you are cheating on her with men.

Jun 17, 2015, 9:34 PM
Excellent way of putting it all. I too have grown into a fascination and a lost for cock later in life. It's blossomed in the past couple of years

Jun 17, 2015, 10:27 PM
:rolleyes: Don't get mad just because I tell the truth about you and your "wife". There's no reason for you to both stay married since you're not attracted to her anymore, and you are cheating on her with men.
Not mad pole_smoker. Just calling you on your bull shit. :tongue:

Jun 17, 2015, 10:55 PM
It doesn't take an armchair psychologist to call someone on their bullshit. Pole_smoker gave an opinion about what I should do with my marriage and called it "truth." Then said I was "just into closeted married men." If there is evidence that I myself provided to that effect, then it shouldn't be hard to provide the quote, but you won't find one, because I didn't say it. And then went on to say now I appear to be gay, even though my post clearly said I wasn't.

Of course, none of these things had anything to do with what the original post was about - hence the comment about pole-smoker being a toll.

Now, I'm not sure which of these very complex points you felt required armchair psychology to explain, but they seemed pretty straight forward to me.

Jun 17, 2015, 10:58 PM
I think this is a very interesting question...I have found that my fantasies have changed a great deal, mostly based on what my husband finds attractive!

Good post Kiki. I never even considered the impact other people's fantasies have on the things I'm drawn to. Like you, I find that the things that turn me on tend to align to the things that turn my partner on.

Jun 17, 2015, 10:59 PM
My fantasies have been very consistent for the last 60 years. Sucking cock of multiple men, occasionally some piss play. They kidnap me or I attend an orgy party or I go home with a guy and he invites friends to join in the fun, etc. However, I only enjoy these as fantasies. Never, ever, have I wanted them as real events. However, with the passing of time my real life desires changed from women centered to male centered. When, I was 56 years old a much darker dream began to replace my fantasies at least once a week. In this nightmare I was minutes away from the end of my life and totally horrified that I never had sex with another man and never would for all eternity. It would wake me up, totally terrified. This very much motivated me to bring my life in closer harmony with my fantasies. By actively searching, I was able to find one man that fulfils my real life oral needs and I care about very much. So, rather than my real life altering my fantasies, I have modified my real life to somewhat match my relatively consistent fantasies. Now, same fantasies, no nightmares.

Jun 17, 2015, 11:10 PM
It doesn't take an armchair psychologist to call someone on their bullshit. Pole_smoker gave an opinion about what I should do with my marriage and called it "truth." Then said I was "just into closeted married men." If there is evidence that I myself provided to that effect, then it shouldn't be hard to provide the quote, but you won't find one, because I didn't say it. And then went on to say now I appear to be gay, even though my post clearly said I wasn't.

Of course, none of these things had anything to do with what the original post was about - hence the comment about pole-smoker being a toll.

Now, I'm not sure which of these very complex points you felt required armchair psychology to explain, but they seemed pretty straight forward to me.

I do not have to post 'proof' about you as it is all there for everyone to read, and it's not always what people post that shows this.

Jun 17, 2015, 11:12 PM
My fantasies have been very consistent for the last 60 years. Sucking cock of multiple men, occasionally some piss play. They kidnap me or I attend an orgy party or I go home with a guy and he invites friends to join in the fun, etc. However, I only enjoy these as fantasies. Never, ever, have I wanted them as real events. However, with the passing of time my real life desires changed from women centered to male centered. When, I was 56 years old a much darker dream began to replace my fantasies at least once a week. In this nightmare I was minutes away from the end of my life and totally horrified that I never had sex with another man and never would for all eternity. It would wake me up, totally terrified. This very much motivated me to bring my life in closer harmony with my fantasies. By actively searching, I was able to find one man that fulfils my real life oral needs and I care about very much. So, rather than my real life altering my fantasies, I have modified my real life to somewhat match my relatively consistent fantasies. Now, same fantasies, no nightmares.

There is a lot more to life than sex.

Why not set up something with a small group of men on Craigslist to consensually 'kidnap' you and fuck you since that is what you want?

Jun 17, 2015, 11:32 PM
Why not set up something with a small group of men to consensually 'kidnap' you and fuck you since that is what you want?

In my fantasies, everything I want to happen does, I have infinite energy to do it all. What I don’t like does not happen. I don’t want the real life version of that which would be very different from my fantasy version. I like one on one long term relationships for my real life.

Jun 18, 2015, 5:54 AM
Good post Kiki. I never even considered the impact other people's fantasies have on the things I'm drawn to. Like you, I find that the things that turn me on tend to align to the things that turn my partner on.

When you say it that way, it makes sense- thank you. I was wondering why I was so "wishy washy"...but what is sexy is contagious!

I also know my husband, who is bi, tends to "go through phases". I think, for one, he simply gets bored with one type of fantasy, and wants to switch to something new. Sometimes more into women, sometimes more into men. But what is actually available is pretty consistent- me (a woman) or men (because I think they are easier to meet). But even though he could easily meet with a man he doesn't, because for a long time I was not ok with that. Now, we considered it and talked about it, and I finally decided that (for now) I am comfortable if he wants to be with a man, but not comfortable if he wants to be with a woman. Interestingly enough, he has not followed through and felt the impulse to act on that "permission" yet. There is quite a difference between fantasy and reality, I hear. I haven't really stepped into that area where fantasy becomes reality. It seems very hard to find the right people. To some people maybe that doesn't matter too much, but to me (and my husband) it means a lot. The encounter with the other human being is really what it is all about. And even if it is sexual, as someone on this forum said, the brain is the most important attribute. But then you have to find someone who's interests fit with yours, who you have good chemistry with, and who's age and physical attributes are at least somewhat in the right ball park. If you add multiple people into the mix (for example if my husband and I wanted to be with a man, or woman, or couple) it seems almost impossible to find a good match! So I guess if you can change your fantasies to match reality, that is a good skill!

Jun 18, 2015, 8:29 AM
Another good post. You captured a lot of real world complexities that are near and dear to my experiences as well. Fantasies are free. It's life that is messy. They're horniness and lust in their simplest forms. No messy consequences or hurt feelings. No morning after regrets or second thoughts or STDs to worry about. Just throbbing cocks, wet pussies, with some pretty nice real orgasms as we play them out in our imaginations. If reality was that simple, we'd probably kill ourselves with pleasure. Maybe that's why it isn't. :-)

In my experience the problem comes in when you get so caught up in the one that you lose sight of the other. And the lucky ones are the people who can find a way to have their cake and eat it too.

Jun 18, 2015, 10:57 AM
I do not have to post 'proof' about you as it is all there for everyone to read, and it's not always what people post that shows this.

So which is it? It's there for everyone to read (even though you can't seem to find it) or it's not there, except in your imagination?

Jun 18, 2015, 12:41 PM
…when I was younger my fantisies envolved young girls…as I got older 40s men crept into the picture…FYI:…its always been my practice that if I had a fantasy…I did my damnst to make it a reality…I’ve been about 98% sucessful…there were 2 girls that I fantisised about that I didn’t fuck…I didn’t get to go 3 rounds with Mohamid Ali & I was never able to do a sun dance…

Jun 18, 2015, 1:46 PM
So which is it? It's there for everyone to read (even though you can't seem to find it) or it's not there, except in your imagination?
You clearly do not understand reading comprehension, or how things are implied by the various ways people communicate. :rolleyes:

But keep cheating on your 'wife' who you supposedly love with random guys LOL.

Annika L
Jun 18, 2015, 3:52 PM
& I was never able to do a sun dance…

Awww, hon, as a friend used to tell me, ya ain't dead yet! There's still plenty of time for that sun dance.

Jun 18, 2015, 10:47 PM
You clearly do not understand reading comprehension, or how things are implied by the various ways people communicate. :rolleyes:
But keep cheating on your 'wife' who you supposedly love with random guys LOL.

I know it must be hard keeping up when you're trolling all day, but I'm the one who posted this thread. In other words, I'm the Writer, not the reader. It's your interpretation that has been called into dispute.

But, we're making progress. You went words like "truth" and "evidence" to "implied"... as in it was never really stated but this is what you've concluded. Try not to confuse facts with the voices in your head.

As for my cheating, here too we're making progress. A few posts ago you said I was cheating with married closeted men. Now you're saying random men. When you get to well hung men with horny wives and girlfriends they'd to share, give me a call. lol

Jun 18, 2015, 10:56 PM
I know it must be hard keeping up when you're trolling all day, but I'm the one who posted this thread. In other words, I'm the Writer, not the reader. It's your interpretation that has been called into dispute.

But, we're making progress. You went words like "truth" and "evidence" to "implied"... as in it was never really stated but this is what you've concluded. Try not to confuse facts with the voices in your head.

As for my cheating, here too we're making progress. A few posts ago you said I was cheating with married closeted men. Now you're saying random men. When you get to well hung men with horny wives and girlfriends they'd to share, give me a call. lol
I'm not mentally ill, and no guy that's hung would want to share a whore with you. But keep cheating on your "wife" who you claim to love with closeted married men.

Nope I'm not trolling. I'm just writing what you're too cowardly to admit to that you like to cheat on your wife, and that you would both be better off divorced.

Jun 19, 2015, 2:08 AM
I'm not mentally ill, and no guy that's hung would want to share a whore with you. But keep cheating on your "wife" who you claim to love with closeted married men. Nope I'm not trolling. I'm just writing what you're too cowardly to admit to that you like to cheat on your wife, and that you would both be better off divorced.

OK. Now you're just getting repetitive and boring. Sad. You're not even a good troll. But you do get points for being persistent.

Jun 19, 2015, 4:23 AM
Very interesting thread! I think it’s one of the few that I read every single post. And, Pole, take a look at the thread above this one and see just how liked you are here.

OK, my fantasies have evolved exactly the way Dmercator’s has. It evolved based on my sexual availability.

When my wife and I were swinging, and afterward, my fantasies were about wife swapping.

When I came out to her about being bi, it went to threesomes and watching her with other men.

Now that I know there will never be anything involving her again, my fantasies are about men, shemales, and CD’s.

And, yes Pole, I cheat on my wife. You say you don’t cheat on your partner but I have to wonder.

Jun 19, 2015, 8:27 AM
Awww, hon, as a friend used to tell me, ya ain't dead yet! There's still plenty of time for that sun dance.
Could do wiv a sun-dance 'ere right now:oh:.. not the gr8est spring:(.. summer no better so far:eek2:. I day sun for every 4 rain 3 grey skies... grim hey?

Poor Kit hardly knows wot out out is, Annika... poor babba. Still, me m8 and I r taking kids up Fairy Hill lata (http://s0.geograph.org.uk/geophotos/01/48/99/1489992_c68ec676.jpg ) and mayb do wee sun dance up there.... forecast for next 10 days is grey skies we r told (after 6 just past) so maybe a wee jig up there will bring smile 2 fairy king n queen's faces and some fairy magic will change wot Auntie and the Met office r telling us.. mayb do nekky sun dance cos at least isn't cold out.. just grey. Ya think the 2 of us doing erotic dance up the hill will do the trick, Annika.. or will Mrs Fairy King take umbrage:yikes2:? Talking of erotic, is luffly place for lickle canoodle 2 as the pic shows... not 2day tho.... bit soggy n wet for that sorta stuff. :tongue: Tho last summer and for a brief wee while at Easter....;):impleased..

... had me footplate bacon n eggs this mornin' btw, Annika... orgasmic... u really shud some day...:tongue:.

..and all u rain dancers... willya pack it in....:eek2: May not b dead yet, but am feeling decidedly pigged off wiv wet and the colour grey.. so soon maybe hey?