Jun 14, 2015, 7:34 AM
I was reading an article and it suggested that washrooms should be gender neutral. There should be no label on washroom doors for men or women. There should be no dispute as to whether a transwoman should be permitted to use the women's washroom. This was suggested due to transgendered people.

Would that remove urinals or add urinals to all washrooms?

Your thoughts?

Jun 14, 2015, 8:00 AM
I Think as we move into the 21st century we should be able to.

Jun 14, 2015, 8:22 AM
When I was in the service in the 80s, I was stationed in Japan for a while. There were establishments that had only one bathroom, no locks, coed as it were. The urinals were also coed. They were troughs, about 3 feet long and maybe 5" off the ground. Ladies would squat over the trough, guys would just pee in them. Some were all open with no dividers. Some more private. I think it had more to do with space. Plus they don't seem so hung up on that. I saw literally dozens of guys there, walk off the sidewalk and piss on a tree or off a bridge. I never got used to that.

Jun 14, 2015, 9:38 AM
i agree with lone-wolf. Also thank you for your service Hypersexual11.

Jun 14, 2015, 11:37 AM
I believe in most European countries this is the way it is.

Jun 14, 2015, 1:18 PM
I believe in most European countries this is the way it is.
You will find them in some European countries but in the majority of European countries, even the ones that have a bathroom for both sexes, they still have a men's bathroom and women's bathroom.

Jun 14, 2015, 1:52 PM
…when I was in Europe in several countries the restrooms were gender neutral…it may be because I was raised here in the states…but I found it uncomfortable…

Jun 14, 2015, 2:41 PM
When I was about 20, I was in Quebec City in the w/c. There was an entrance door to the outside wide open. While standing at the urinal two women came walking in from the outside open door and went in to the bar/restaurant. I was the only guy in there. I saw urinals but I did wonder if I had gone into the wrong place...lol I checked when I left to see what sign was on the door..l'homme..mens. It just didn't seem to matter what the sign was.

I think that I have experienced genderless and gender specific in Europe and Russia. It would even vary within the same country. Some small restaurants may have only one w/c and no gender sign but not in larger cities. It seemed to be more gender specific in northern Europe?

Jun 14, 2015, 4:01 PM
LOL I found this and thought of you Tenni. ;) I didn't have time for this silly shit when I was in college. I was studying and working. I pretty much find all public restrooms disgusting and uninviting, period.

A group of San Diego State University students hosted a "shit-in" in order to "raise awareness and advocacy for gender neutral/gender non-segregated bathrooms."
The Trans* Action and Advocacy Student Coalition, which organized the Oct. 21 event, challenged participants not use bathrooms marked with "men" or "women" signs for one week. In addition, five toilets were placed outside one of the university's buildings. Resources and information about gender-neutral bathrooms, as well as a pledge and petition for students to sign, were available.

I suppose tenni, and other fake feminists here who are prone to histrionics and drama would love for all urinals to say this as well. :rolleyes:

Jun 14, 2015, 5:03 PM
I don't think it's feasible to do this in this country at this time unless it's a one seater with a lock on the door. It would take a long time to change people's attitudes about unisex issues. Most women would be leery of male perverts or rapists who would undoubtedly take advantage of the situation. Most men, especially married ones (and their wives), would not want their all male privacy violated either. Some men, including the perverts and rapists, might accept it readily. Both my wives would occasionally use a restaurant or bar men's room when the line for the ladies room was too long, but I'd have to first make sure no men were in there and then I'd have to stand guard at the door and not let guys in until she came out LOL. I bet most married men have also had to do this at one time or the other.

Jun 14, 2015, 7:22 PM
I don't think it's feasible to do this in this country at this time unless it's a one seater with a lock on the door. It would take a long time to change people's attitudes about unisex issues. Most women would be leery of male perverts or rapists who would undoubtedly take advantage of the situation. Most men, especially married ones (and their wives), would not want their all male privacy violated either. Some men, including the perverts and rapists, might accept it readily. Both my wives would occasionally use a restaurant or bar men's room when the line for the ladies room was too long, but I'd have to first make sure no men were in there and then I'd have to stand guard at the door and not let guys in until she came out LOL. I bet most married men have also had to do this at one time or the other.

I agree. Why would we change the current bathroom standards because of the feelings of a tenth of a percent of the population believes? Look, we are here, as men, as men who enjoy sex with men, but also like sex and relationships with women. I have no desire to force my proclivities on others. The whole LGBT issue issue has reared it's head in politics and makes it a freak show. I don't desire uni-sex bathrooms. And I don't think schools need to accommodate t-girls, unless they put them in the T-Girl Ghetto. You don't like the dorm rules? Fine, live off campus.

Jun 14, 2015, 8:44 PM
I agree. Why would we change the current bathroom standards because of the feelings of a tenth of a percent of the population believes? Look, we are here, as men, as men who enjoy sex with men, but also like sex and relationships with women. I have no desire to force my proclivities on others. The whole LGBT issue issue has reared it's head in politics and makes it a freak show. I don't desire uni-sex bathrooms. And I don't think schools need to accommodate t-girls, unless they put them in the T-Girl Ghetto. You don't like the dorm rules? Fine, live off campus.
Keep in mind that a lot of bisexual men desire and do have actual relationship and partnerships with men, and it's not the whole "sex with men; but relationships/romance with women" for all bisexual men especially if you are a 3, 4, or 5 on the Kinsey scale or Klein grid.

There are now universities and colleges that have student dorms/housing for LGBT students; but the majority of LGBT students choose not to live in housing like this where they would be living with only other LGBT people.

Even Transgender/transsexual people do not specifically need gender neutral bathrooms, or locker rooms, as after they transition they just use the other bathroom from the one they once used before.

I have a friend that's a TS/TG woman and she just uses women's bathrooms and women's locker rooms, when before she transitioned she used men's bathrooms, and men's locker rooms.

Jun 15, 2015, 8:36 AM
If u lot want gender neutral public loos, best start by keeping the 1s u have a tadge less manky, a lot less iffy, improve the standard of grafitti and start shitting roses.. might cramp the style an' all guys, espesh since gender neutral loos could well mean a wife, gf, auntie, sister, mum or grannie walking in 2 loo and discovering just worra naughty, naughty boy u r sumtimes.... u wudnt like it tho, boys, trust me.. those long queues in pubs n clubs n malls and loos in other public places... lotsa more of ya will b getting done for peeing in street gutters, alleys and park bushes... may cut our lavvy queues down a bit but ur in shit street.. ;)

Melody Dean
Jun 15, 2015, 11:08 AM
In my perfect world, all stalls would have floor length walls and doors and would be gender neutral. That way, there's actual privacy while things are exposed, and who cares if you wash your hands in the same spot. And sure, put urinals against a wall for convenience. It just seems easier that way to me, and that's not even taking into account transgender considerations. I'd much rather have that in a shared restroom than the stalls in a women's restroom where the walls come up so high you can see the bottoms of my thighs.

Jun 15, 2015, 3:02 PM
I am transgendered and trasnsitioning - I see no reason to rush into changing the convention in the states, or elsewhere - When I am a female, I`ll use the ladies room

Jun 15, 2015, 6:47 PM
In my perfect world, all stalls would have floor length walls and doors and would be gender neutral. That way, there's actual privacy while things are exposed, and who cares if you wash your hands in the same spot. And sure, put urinals against a wall for convenience. It just seems easier that way to me, and that's not even taking into account transgender considerations. I'd much rather have that in a shared restroom than the stalls in a women's restroom where the walls come up so high you can see the bottoms of my thighs.
You would still have gay men making glory holes to look at other men and suck them off, and you would have bi and lesbian women, and hetero men who would use the glory holes to look at other women going to the bathroom.

Plus a lot of women do not want to be in the same bathroom at the same time as men are.

Melody Dean
Jun 16, 2015, 10:53 AM
You would still have gay men making glory holes to look at other men and suck them off, and you would have bi and lesbian women, and hetero men who would use the glory holes to look at other women going to the bathroom.

Plus a lot of women do not want to be in the same bathroom at the same time as men are.

Like I said, "in my perfect world..." Another part of my fantasy is that these restrooms are well maintained...

Jun 16, 2015, 8:07 PM
I agree with Melody. I could see a unisex bathroom with lockable stalls for privacy and safety. And yes, who cares about who is next to you washing their hands. That kind of design or a lockable, one toilet unisex room would work, too. I have seen those many times in the hospitals in the U.S. It would just make things easier. Oh, but clean bathrooms? Now that would be the real miracle!

Jun 16, 2015, 8:46 PM
…my reason for not wanting to share restroom is cleanlyness…I’ve done a lot of different jobs in my life…whatever it took to put beans on the table..on 2 different ocassions (10 years apart) I did janitorial work…I know I’ll catch a lot of flack for saying this but women are f—king pigs in the restroom…in the stalls there were wax bags to put tampons in & put in trash…if there were 8 stalls…in 4 of them the boxes mounted on the stall wall to hold the bags would have a bloody tampon stuck in it…women seem to have an eversion to sitting on a public tolit seat so they would stand on the comode & squat down…I worked @ the VA for over a year & not a day went by when at least one & usually 2 women shit all over the back of the comode where it conocted to the wall…FYI: I was talking to one of the VA janitors week before last & he still had the same problem…& don’t even mention all the paper towels & tolit paper they throw on the floor…

Melody Dean
Jun 16, 2015, 10:29 PM
…my reason for not wanting to share restroom is cleanlyness…I’ve done a lot of different jobs in my life…whatever it took to put beans on the table..on 2 different ocassions (10 years apart) I did janitorial work…I know I’ll catch a lot of flack for saying this but women are f—king pigs in the restroom…in the stalls there were wax bags to put tampons in & put in trash…if there were 8 stalls…in 4 of them the boxes mounted on the stall wall to hold the bags would have a bloody tampon stuck in it…women seem to have an eversion to sitting on a public tolit seat so they would stand on the comode & squat down…I worked @ the VA for over a year & not a day went by when at least one & usually 2 women shit all over the back of the comode where it conocted to the wall…FYI: I was talking to one of the VA janitors week before last & he still had the same problem…& don’t even mention all the paper towels & tolit paper they throw on the floor…

You are not the first person that I've heard say that. I wish I had an answer for this, but I don't. Why the hell would anyone do any of that? I'm also an anti-hoverer. I just wipe the seat off first or choose a cleaner stall.

Jun 17, 2015, 12:40 AM
I agree with Melody. I could see a unisex bathroom with lockable stalls for privacy and safety. And yes, who cares about who is next to you washing their hands. That kind of design or a lockable, one toilet unisex room would work, too. I have seen those many times in the hospitals in the U.S. It would just make things easier. Oh, but clean bathrooms? Now that would be the real miracle!
How would floor and ceiling length walls and doors for stalls that lock protect people? You would still have creepy people sexually assaulting women and men, and doing worse.

I've seen unisex bathrooms in the United States where there's a regular toilet, and urinal, a sink, and only one door that is locked. Or they just have a single toilet, sink, and no urinal.

Bathrooms like this are supposed to be for only one person at a time but a friend of mine banged his then GF in one in one time.

Jun 17, 2015, 5:24 AM
Bathrooms like this are supposed to be for only one person at a time but a friend of mine banged his then GF in one in one time.
Wot? Peeps have nookie in public loos:yikes2:? Wow! Must b ver 'merican thing.... not summat ne1 wud do ova 'ere cos we r well brought up an' not drug up! Well.. not often ne way:tongue:. My goodness... learn summat new every day I do.. *fans 'ersel':eek2:*