View Full Version : Have you ever seen or experienced a ghost, spirit, or demon?

Jun 14, 2015, 2:53 AM
Have you ever seen or experienced a ghost, spirit, or demon?

Jun 18, 2015, 2:46 AM
For the people who voted yes, what happened?

Jun 19, 2015, 1:21 PM
My wife once owned a very old home, 1870s construction. It had been in her family since it's original build date. Lots of people were born and died in the home. We have since moved and bought a new home, but it is still owned by a family member.

The house was located right next door to her grandmother's house. Her grandmother was born in the house that she owned, and later, when she married, built the house next door. She was alive and living in the house next door when this event took place.

As my wife and I were dating, we had a date night that ended back at her place. We were snuggling on the couch together watching some TV, kissing, etc. All the lights were off in the house except for a light in the kitchen, and the glow from the TV. As we were talking I saw an older lady walk right past the doorway into the kitchen. It startled me a little, then I saw her walk back the other direction. It was an older woman, in a light colored housecoat, grey hair, maybe 5' tall. My wife (then gf at that time) saw that I had seen something, and asked me, "you ok?" I told her, "nothing, i thought I saw something". She then asked me what I thought I saw, with a half grin on her face. I told her what I saw, that I saw her twice walk back and forth in front of the doorway. My wife then proceeded to tell me that it was her grandmother. Knowing that her grandmother lived next door, I just assumed that the grandmother had come over and came in the back door. I asked my wife, "your grandmother just comes over, and comes in unannounced?" My wife then tells me with an even bigger smile, "No, my other grandma is who you saw." Now I am totally confused, so I asked my wife, "Your other grandmother lives here with you?" She started to laugh and told me, "oh no, she is my great grandmother, and she died quite some time ago."

I just stared at my wife for quite a few seconds, and said, "WHAT? Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?!" and my wife tells me, very matter of factly, "oh yes, she is still around, she doesnt bother anyone, she just putters around the house from time to time".

As you can imagine, that was a hard pill to swallow.

We later married, I sold my house, and moved in with her to that house, and had seen grandma once again. We would hear sounds of floor boards creaking every once in a while also, in a very specific location. My wife's living grandmother told me that the spot was where she had a rocking chair for over 50 years.

I forgot to mention that the next day, my wife and I went over to her live grandmother's house, and I picked out her great grandmother from a photo, having never seen it before, based just off my sighting I had in the kitchen.

It was a little creepy.....ok....it was ALOT SCARY!

Jun 19, 2015, 2:22 PM
My wife once owned a very old home, 1870s construction. It had been in her family since it's original build date. Lots of people were born and died in the home. We have since moved and bought a new home, but it is still owned by a family member.

The house was located right next door to her grandmother's house. Her grandmother was born in the house that she owned, and later, when she married, built the house next door. She was alive and living in the house next door when this event took place.

As my wife and I were dating, we had a date night that ended back at her place. We were snuggling on the couch together watching some TV, kissing, etc. All the lights were off in the house except for a light in the kitchen, and the glow from the TV. As we were talking I saw an older lady walk right past the doorway into the kitchen. It startled me a little, then I saw her walk back the other direction. It was an older woman, in a light colored housecoat, grey hair, maybe 5' tall. My wife (then gf at that time) saw that I had seen something, and asked me, "you ok?" I told her, "nothing, i thought I saw something". She then asked me what I thought I saw, with a half grin on her face. I told her what I saw, that I saw her twice walk back and forth in front of the doorway. My wife then proceeded to tell me that it was her grandmother. Knowing that her grandmother lived next door, I just assumed that the grandmother had come over and came in the back door. I asked my wife, "your grandmother just comes over, and comes in unannounced?" My wife then tells me with an even bigger smile, "No, my other grandma is who you saw." Now I am totally confused, so I asked my wife, "Your other grandmother lives here with you?" She started to laugh and told me, "oh no, she is my great grandmother, and she died quite some time ago."

I just stared at my wife for quite a few seconds, and said, "WHAT? Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?!" and my wife tells me, very matter of factly, "oh yes, she is still around, she doesnt bother anyone, she just putters around the house from time to time".

As you can imagine, that was a hard pill to swallow.

We later married, I sold my house, and moved in with her to that house, and had seen grandma once again. We would hear sounds of floor boards creaking every once in a while also, in a very specific location. My wife's living grandmother told me that the spot was where she had a rocking chair for over 50 years.

I forgot to mention that the next day, my wife and I went over to her live grandmother's house, and I picked out her great grandmother from a photo, having never seen it before, based just off my sighting I had in the kitchen.

It was a little creepy.....ok....it was ALOT SCARY!

Why were you scared? I have friends who have seen ghosts or spirits and said how they felt like a cold fog or mist, and that some ghosts would move things around or get annoyed that they were in the room. Another friend of mine was visited by a friend who had recently died, said it was not scary and that it was his friend's way of telling him he was fine and not to worry.

Jun 19, 2015, 2:39 PM
…the house I was born in was built by my family in 1940s…it was hauntedv by my ancesters…lived in a haunted house in Glen Rose, Texas…it was haunted by a lady that hung herself…

Jun 19, 2015, 2:40 PM
…the house I was born in was built by my family in 1940s…it was hauntedv by my ancesters…lived in a haunted house in Glen Rose, Texas…it was haunted by a lady that hung herself…

Could you talk to your ancestors at all? Or did they communicate with you?

Jun 19, 2015, 3:52 PM
Could you talk to your ancestors at all? Or did they communicate with you?

…I probably could have if I’d thought about…so they just mostly just roamed around the house…when I lived in Glen Rose I couldn’t see her but could feel her presence…I was older & wiser so I would talk to her…I told her that I always want to know if she was in the room…so she started knocking before she entered a room I was in…my girlfriend (topless dancer-hot) like to sleep in the nude…she would stand at the foot of the bed & watch her sleep…