View Full Version : Guys ever form a pussy posse with other closeted bi or gay men?

Jun 12, 2015, 3:26 AM
Guys: Ever form a pussy posse with other closeted bi or gay men?

A pussy posse is a group of closeted bi or gay men who pretend to be heterosexual and even go as far as marrying women or living with women to appear to outsiders that they're hetero; but they're really bi or gay, and they get together with their pussy posse with other bi or gay married men and have orgies.

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Jun 12, 2015, 3:53 AM
During one weekend in January, this multiple Oscar nominee and this one-time Oscar nominee spent some time together. They watched some sports game together, had a few meals together, and participated in a few leisure-time activities together. All very innocent, right? Maybe not. Multiple has a jealous male friend. He is an actor who broke into the business more than 20 years ago as a minor. Now, we’re not saying that anyone here is gay… but Multiple has had a revolving door of girlfriends who were there only so he could pretend he's "straight", One-Time has been in few suspiciously hollywood relationships for appearances' sake only with women as well, and Male Friend spends an awful lot of time in gay bars in Weho! The Male Friend wasn’t at Multiple’s that weekend, but he quickly found out that Multiple was spending the weekend with another man. When he found out that it was One-Time, he went nuts! He sent One-Time a flurry of threatening texts and voice mails telling him that Multiple "is my man" and that he had better stay away from or that he would tell the press that One-Time is gay! Uh oh! But it was an idle threat, and One-Time knew it. He knew that Male Friend wasn’t about to sink three successful careers with one call. But – just to make sure – he and Multiple did a photo op together that portrays them as a couple of regular, macho guys who were doing nothing more than hanging out, watching sports, drinking beer, and talking about girls when these men are gay, and not into women at all.


Jun 12, 2015, 10:04 AM
…who is Multiple?...

Jun 12, 2015, 10:35 AM
No...never heard of it and doubt that it is generally done.

I googled this and it seems to be about some Calvin Klein model posting a message that he didn't believe that Leonardo Di Caprio is really gay and has this posse around him to deflect his homosexuality. Other reports referred to this group of men and women have known each other since their child acting era. Apparently, Di Caprio is in high demandto be seen with and this included Susan Seradin pushing her way through a crowd (posse?) to get authographs for her daughters from Di Caprio. She said that he was very nice to her.

Nothing to see here people...keep moving...lol

Jun 12, 2015, 3:12 PM
…who is Multiple?...

It could be any number of men.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_actors_with_two_or_more_Academy_Awards_in_ acting_categories

Jun 19, 2015, 12:26 AM

You just know they both had sex before that pic was taken. LOL ;)

Jun 24, 2015, 10:25 PM
Groups like this do exist for closeted bi and gay men.

Jun 25, 2015, 5:04 AM
Guys: Ever form a pussy posse with other closeted bi or gay men?

A pussy posse is a group of closeted bi or gay men who pretend to be heterosexual and even go as far as marrying women or living with women to appear to outsiders that they're hetero; but they're really bi or gay, and they get together with their pussy posse with other bi or gay married men and have orgies.

Like this...


Groups like this exist, and not just among closeted actors and celebrities.