View Full Version : Have you ever inhaled poppers constantly during sex or while dancing?

Jun 9, 2015, 10:45 PM
Guys and ladies: Have you ever inhaled poppers/Amyl constantly during sex or while dancing?






Jun 10, 2015, 11:15 AM

Jun 10, 2015, 11:35 AM
For a long time now, I have been convinced that pole_fucko's insanity is the result of a brain trauma. I think his childhood was traumatic, and this certainly impacted his brain negatively; but I have also wondered if his inability to relate in human terms, was the result of a prefrontal cortex injury (like when you go through the windshield in a car crash -- the front of your brain takes the brunt of that impact). People who have suffered this type of injury become very much more self-centered and unable to understand others around them.

HOWEVER, I have also long suspected that pole_fucko is a chronic user of "poppers". This too will cause brain damage. In fact, every inhalation of "solvents" such as "poppers" or ether (from spray cans) or gasoline or other "organic solvents" (meaning they dissolve chemicals with carbon bonds, including the fatty tissues of the brain), any whiff will enter your bloodstream and those chemicals will attack fatty tissues (especially lining nerves, especially in the brain, which is the biggest ball of nerves in your body).

Don't be like pole_fucko and sniff your brain away. You could turn out like him!

Jun 10, 2015, 11:37 AM
For a long time now, I have been convinced that pole_fucko's insanity is the result of a brain trauma. I think his childhood was traumatic, and this certainly impacted his brain negatively; but I have also wondered if his inability to relate in human terms, was the result of a prefrontal cortex injury (like when you go through the windshield in a car crash -- the front of your brain takes the brunt of that impact). People who have suffered this type of injury become very much more self-centered and unable to understand others around them.

HOWEVER, I have also long suspected that pole_fucko is a chronic user of "poppers". This too will cause brain damage. In fact, every inhalation of "solvents" such as "poppers" or ether (from spray cans) or gasoline or other "organic solvents" (meaning they dissolve chemicals with carbon bonds, including the fatty tissues of the brain), any whiff will enter your bloodstream and those chemicals will attack fatty tissues (especially lining nerves, especially in the brain, which is the biggest ball of nerves in your body).

Don't be like pole_fucko and sniff your brain away. You could turn out like him!
:rolleyes: Yet another troll/stalker who can't use the ignore feature, and who simply must read my posts. LOL

I've never used poppers/Amyl and I do not want to; but I do realize that they are popular and a lot of people have or do use them.

As for the rest of the BS you posted about me that's false you're simply just projecting your own issues onto total strangers who you know nothing about. ;)

Jun 10, 2015, 12:17 PM
As for the rest of the BS you posted about me that's false you're simply just projecting your own issues onto total strangers who you know nothing about. ;)

You mean exactly like you do ? Accusing people you don't know anything about of having diseases or promiscuous sex, things like that ? Once again you start a thread about something you claim you're not interested in nor do you practice. So why even start another useless thread ?!? Please go away. I'm asking nicely.

Jun 10, 2015, 4:24 PM
"I've never used poppers/Amyl and I do not want to; but I do realize that they are popular and a lot of people have or do use them."

Can you prove that lots of bisexuals on this site use poppers?
The poll indicates a small number of voters ONE (14%) use poppers.

You're being biphobic (again) by trying to create such a bisexual stereotype.

If you are referring to gay men perhaps you should post on a gay site.

Denial to follow something like.........."I'm not biphobic "etc.

Jun 10, 2015, 5:30 PM
"I've never used poppers/Amyl and I do not want to; but I do realize that they are popular and a lot of people have or do use them."

Can you prove that lots of bisexuals on this site use poppers?
The poll indicates a small number of voters ONE (14%) use poppers.

You're being biphobic (again) by trying to create such a bisexual stereotype.

If you are referring to gay men perhaps you should post on a gay site.

Denial to follow something like.........."I'm not biphobic "etc.
Asking questions about amyl/poppers is not biphobic or biphobia.

Get out of your deep, dark locked closet, get out and meet people and you will find that people of all sexual orientations and genders/sexes, not only or mostly just gay men use poppers/Amyl or have in the past.

Someone else also recently asked a question about poppers/Amyl during sex yet you ignored them and that thread. If you want to find it utfse.

This includes bisexual people, and heterosexual people.

I am glad you understand that I am not biphobic, however I doubt you will ever be a man for once, and own up to the fact that you are a biphobic, heterophobic, misogynistic, and Homophobic troll. People who have been on this site longer than you or I have can and have attested to you being a bigoted troll that stalks and harassed people who you do not like, just like you are doing now to me. :rolleyes:

Jun 12, 2015, 4:52 PM
A gay man I know once hooked up with a man who did consensual role-playing with amyloid or poppers.

The man 'forced' my friend to sniff the poppers or amyl, during sex, fucked him up the ass while he was continually sniffing the amyl and shot his cum load up my friend's ass.
