View Full Version : another joke...

Jun 7, 2015, 6:29 PM
Joke of the day

Two guys driving through Texas get pulled over by a state trooper. The cop walks up and taps on the driver's window, the driver rolls it down, and the trooper smacks the driver in the head with his night stick.

"Ow!" says the driver. "Why'd you do that?"

The trooper says, "You're in Texas, son. When I pull you over, you'll have your license ready."

The driver says, "I'm sorry, officer; I'm not from around here."

The trooper writes the guy a ticket and gives his license back, then walks around to the car's passenger side and taps on the window. The passenger rolls the window down, and the trooper smacks him with his night stick.

"Ow!" says the passenger. "What'd you do that for?"

The trooper says, "Just making your wish come true."

"What the hell does that mean?" asks the guy.

"Two miles down the road, you were gonna say, "I wish that lousy asshole would've tried that shit with me!"

Jun 7, 2015, 8:09 PM
Penguin says fuck this shit and leaves the south pole.
His car breaks down in a little town and he limps it to a mechanic
The mechanic tells the penguin it's going to be awhile, so he decides to wander around the town.
A couple hours later the penguin is getting warm so he gets an ice cream cone.
He soon learns that beaks are not designed for ice cream.
He heads back to the shop to see if his car is ready
The mechanic pulls his head from the engine and tells the penguin 'looks like you blew a seal'
penguin says 'nah, it's just ice cream'

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