View Full Version : Any Update on Chat Status .....

Jun 6, 2015, 10:43 AM
Got back from vacation and chat seems to be down again - Is it down for everybody ?

Jun 6, 2015, 10:59 AM
its down for me too

Jun 6, 2015, 12:45 PM
yes, it is down for everyone. been down little over 2 week

Jun 6, 2015, 5:07 PM
That kinda sucks, in a bad way. I was just getting used to it working again.

Jun 8, 2015, 10:19 AM
So does anyone have an idea of what is going on ........ is Drew closing down the site ?

Jun 8, 2015, 11:49 AM
Why is it so difficult to first keep the chat functionality operational, and for the admin to provide clear status when its not operational?

Annika L
Jun 8, 2015, 1:14 PM
So does anyone have an idea of what is going on ........ is Drew closing down the site ?

Drew *appears* to simply have abandoned the site. About a year ago. Except that the three major months-long chat breakdowns were fixed...I don't see that they could have fixed themselves.

LongDuckDong was the only person I've heard who claimed to have contact with Drew...his words were "Drew is on walkabout". Tells us very little about his intentions, really, or how long he'll be gone.

My recollection is that chat was quite stable for some time...then it was upgraded or changed in some way and it started breaking down regularly. But with Drew begin the only one who can make repairs, and him being away...we pretty much have to suck it up and/or go elsewhere until he reasserts his presence. A number of us miss him for various reasons.

Jun 8, 2015, 2:32 PM
It seems to me, when chat was "running" it was a third-party service called "123 Flash chat".

I remember studying the URL in that window and the sourcecode for the page and it clearly was running on a third-party server. My assessment (the way it goes down all the time) is because Drew has been using 'Freebie' or testing accounts with this third-party provider; and they seem to be chopping it off when the bandwidth breaches a certain limit. If Drew has been doing anyting WRT chat it is setting up a new freebie account with the same provider or a new provider; or else it is the third party provider who resets every month, or some such.

It is but one of the problems with this website. In truth, the whole project was doomed to suffer lots of problems when Drew picked 'vBulletin' software for his forum. It might have offered a good 'turn-key' solution with a shallow learning curve; but it has many problems built-in. (Just Google "vBulletin vulnerabilities" for more info.) The software is considered rather insecure; the website has no SSL certificate; and chat is provided by a third-party. Worse yet, the EULA for 'vBulletin' states that the software is not to be used for sexual content. This means legit/certified vBulletin developers/vendors may be shy to offer valid and effective support.

If you are reading this Drew: You should migrate the whole project over to phpBB. Everthing would improve. phpBB has much more potent moderator tools, as one plus.

Melody Dean
Jun 8, 2015, 5:12 PM
It seems to me, when chat was "running" it was a third-party service called "123 Flash chat".

I remember studying the URL in that window and the sourcecode for the page and it clearly was running on a third-party server. My assessment (the way it goes down all the time) is because Drew has been using 'Freebie' or testing accounts with this third-party provider; and they seem to be chopping it off when the bandwidth breaches a certain limit. If Drew has been doing anyting WRT chat it is setting up a new freebie account with the same provider or a new provider; or else it is the third party provider who resets every month, or some such.

I had a similar hypothesis. The one time it went down, I was actually in it at the time. And pics were being shared heavily. So I wonder if there's a limit to how much space can be used every quarter based on his plan. To get more space, he would have to upgrade, but when he doesn't, it shuts down. Then, when the new quarter starts, it resets. That's my guess.

Jun 8, 2015, 8:17 PM
Two other potential worries. When does the domain name registration expire? I'm assuming that this site is hosted. When does that bill come due?

Melody Dean
Jun 8, 2015, 11:12 PM
Two other potential worries. When does the domain name registration expire? I'm assuming that this site is hosted. When does that bill come due?

I've wondered that myself. Server space too.

Jun 9, 2015, 1:05 AM
Two other potential worries. When does the domain name registration expire? I'm assuming that this site is hosted. When does that bill come due?

I wouldn't worry about registration expiry until January 8, 2018. That's the renewal date, which was last updated July 2014.

As for hosting, yes it looks like it is hosted (which means space is likely not a concern either).

Jun 9, 2015, 8:01 PM
If you are actually concerned you can trace the site and get Drews real name and the phone number to call for the site. His Vegas site was revoked permanently. Three Pillows and this are left and both have been neglected. It doesn't take an Einstein to track his sites.

Jun 9, 2015, 8:51 PM
If you are actually concerned you can trace the site and get Drews real name and the phone number to call for the site. His Vegas site was revoked permanently. Three Pillows and this are left and both have been neglected. It doesn't take an Einstein to track his sites.
Heh, exactly. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on with the sites, for a long time now.

Jun 9, 2015, 9:37 PM
Hi Lynn here
Miss chat so much when hubby's away email me at
No strings just dirty chat

Jun 9, 2015, 10:37 PM
I think that we are pretty much on our own here---it has been about a week now---but I went to the ThreePillows site, found their "Contact Us" link and sent a message to whoever runs this site now----asking for some resolution to a few problems with this site---mostly dealing with the chat being down again and one other that was causing some concern among members of the site---I won't say what that was, but I am sure that for anyone paying attention, they can figure what else I asked whoever takes care of this site, if anyone takes care of this site, to look into those things.

So far-----my message has not been heeded or responded too. Since there is no sort of bulletin board over at that site, there is no way to determine if that site has a regular group who visit and if they have noticed that no one pays attention to that site as well.

There is also no way to determine how many people frequent that site since it is just basically has videos, photos and such that come from other websites.

I really do not understand how this site is still up and running----as best as can be determined---the last time that "Drew" made any posts here----is almost two years ago now. That does not show if he or someone using his log on has been on here or not----but it sure seems that no one has----it is really kind of weird that a website can just continue to run for this amount of time without any human hand at the controls.

Shoot, even if someone were to come forward with both the money and technical skills to buy this site----I doubt that they would get any response from "Drew" or whoever---I think that every one who had anything to do with this site----they ditched it ages and ages ago!!!

It seems the same thing might be true for the sister site, TwoPillows as well. I guess that Drew or whoever must have paid way up front for server time and such---and all those people do is just make sure the sites are up and running, but nothing beyond that.

It is just crazy that such is the case.

Jun 9, 2015, 10:41 PM
If you are actually concerned you can trace the site and get Drews real name and the phone number to call for the site. His Vegas site was revoked permanently. Three Pillows and this are left and both have been neglected. It doesn't take an Einstein to track his sites.

Well, how do you do such a thing??? That shows you how much I know about the workings of things relating to computers, the internet and such---please tell us how--I'd like to find out this information---thanks!!

Jun 10, 2015, 11:45 AM

I have this info in hand. It is available online, if you know where to look. It is no secret to anyone with "webby" skills, let alone a webmaster. Yet, I have to wonder if posting this info here would help or hurt. I am pretty sure that pestering Drew with phone calls, emails, or worse yet, staking-out his apartment from the Pizza Hut across the street (eyes trained on a fourth story balcony) -- this isn't going to bring sanity back to bisexualdotcom. Only a conscious decision by Drew to 'come clean' and 'own up' will do that.

I'd rather he took that on himself, without my prodding him.

Jun 11, 2015, 10:43 PM
Can someone give me a "ballpark figure" of the costs of operating a web site of this sort---with live chat, profiles, forum board, picture sharing and such????

For me though----since I don't know diddly about the way that the internet really works, what sort of programs you'd need to get, etc----the biggest expense for me would be to hire a person or a few to set up, maintain and oversee the technical aspects of such a site---so that would be cost prohibitive for me.

But I still am curious about the basic costs of running a site along the basic structure of this one.
