View Full Version : Meeting Yourself

Jun 2, 2015, 7:31 PM
What if you had the chance to meet yourself?

Would you get along with yourself?


Jun 2, 2015, 7:50 PM
What if you had the chance to meet yourself?

Would you get along with yourself?

------ …I’d like to think so…

Jun 2, 2015, 8:19 PM
What if you had the chance to meet yourself?

Would you get along with yourself?

Of course! I'm a wonderful person and human being...despite what you hear from the trolls and haters on this site. ;)

Jun 2, 2015, 9:45 PM
I would have the best sex ever!!!! A big part of the reason I have limited experience is any time I begin to feel the urge to try anything more is I begin the search and then start thinking man if he was built like me, if he looked like me, if he was cool like me, if he had a cock like me I would suck it all the time.

Jun 2, 2015, 10:05 PM
I would have the best sex ever!!!! A big part of the reason I have limited experience is any time I begin to feel the urge to try anything more is I begin the search and then start thinking man if he was built like me, if he looked like me, if he was cool like me, if he had a cock like me I would suck it all the time.
Would you fuck yourself up the ass?

Jun 2, 2015, 10:18 PM
No, too ambitious, too willing to follow my dreams at all cost. But, mellowed by age, I am finally mostly comfortable with what I made of myself and a better companion.

Jun 2, 2015, 11:24 PM
What an interesting supposition!

I would hope that I would get along and maybe a good advisor to myself..lol

Jun 3, 2015, 5:34 AM
Wooo... sparks wud fly... 1 thing I h8 is opionated peeps who think they r the bees knees. Have enuff argy bargies wiv meself now tyvm... least I can shut mesel down now.. bit more difficult if I have no control over me/'er brain... not sure it wud b a gr8 idea. Still... she wud b gud for wiping and cleaning dirty bums and changing nappies....:impleased

Jun 3, 2015, 8:33 AM
…I’d like to think so…

Yes, exactly!

This is a mental exercise in which you can play with the perceptions you have about yourself. The way I do it is with self honesty. Which means dealing with the negative parts about myself by not only confronting them, but by learning to embrace them. It's an affliction in our society today in which people tend to surpress the "negative" parts of themselves rather than dealing with them directly. And so what happens is the people who don't do this sort of "metal housekeeping", and wildly surpress the negative aspects of themselves, often end up projecting these negative parts of THEMSELVES onto other people who trigger such an emotional response. And so you'll see people internally judging other people that they have never really externally connected to. That's projecting.


Jun 3, 2015, 8:52 AM
[QUOTE=HardCell735;288262]What if you had the chance to meet yourself?

Would you get along with yourself?

I would not only get along, I would luv it, no training needed, each would know what the other thinks or wants. If I could suck my own dick than I wouldn't need anything or anybody, Dream on, right?

Jun 3, 2015, 9:30 AM
Of course! I'm a wonderful person and human being...despite what you hear from the trolls and haters on this site. ;)

I wonder if such an exercise is a central part of the life/death cycle of being a "human being". You often hear about the consistent aspect in near death experiences of "seeing my life flash before my eyes". Perhaps there is no judge at the end of our life other than ourselves, that dictates whether or not our life was spent in a fulfilling manner. And whether or not we can actually sit through such a display of ourselves.

I've been watching that series "Breaking Bad" recently and I find Skylar's sister, the wife of the DEA agent, to be such a fascinating character. She is the one who cannot stand to confront herself and her klepto ways. It's amazing the lengths she goes to so as to deny her behavior, so as to continue to live in the illusion she has built for herself by the act of lying to herself.


Jun 3, 2015, 9:35 AM
I would have the best sex ever!!!! A big part of the reason I have limited experience is any time I begin to feel the urge to try anything more is I begin the search and then start thinking man if he was built like me, if he looked like me, if he was cool like me, if he had a cock like me I would suck it all the time.

I would imagine sex with myself to be really good because sex with someone you can understand and relate to is the best kind of sex partner to have imho. And who else knows you better than yourself?


Jun 3, 2015, 9:46 AM
I wonder though if I wouldn't eventually get frustrated with me that I have not cleaned the dishes yet again.

*scratches head in wonder*


Melody Dean
Jun 3, 2015, 10:30 AM
Oh my, watch out world! I think I'd get along with myself two well. With my ambition times two, I'd want to do twice as many things. And get half as much sleep! And I'm not even talking about anything sexual...

Jun 3, 2015, 10:49 AM
If I had a clone, we would both take turns sucking each other off any time we wanted.

Jun 3, 2015, 10:58 AM
If he was my younger self, I'd have a lot of advise that would be difficult to get him to accept.

Jun 3, 2015, 12:58 PM
Me mum popped ova this afty an' copped me on .com... as I got 'er a cuppa she had wee neb and came ova me comment on this thread... 'er reaction? "Frankie girl, if u wer unfortunate enough to meet yourself, u would finally understand what a pain in the backside u can be.":yikes2:

Wot sauce :eek2:.

Jun 3, 2015, 1:07 PM
I would find me insecure, but I would fuck me rotten, I'd punish me for being so weak.

Melody Dean
Jun 3, 2015, 1:22 PM
Me mum popped ova this afty an' copped me on .com... as I got 'er a cuppa she had wee neb and came ova me comment on this thread... 'er reaction? "Frankie girl, if u wer unfortunate enough to meet yourself, u would finally understand what a pain in the backside u can be.":yikes2:

Wot sauce :eek2:.

Oh man, I bet that was awkward!

Jun 3, 2015, 11:49 PM
Would you fuck yourself up the ass?

I would do things with a guy like myself that I wouldn't normally consider!!!

Jun 4, 2015, 4:51 AM
Oh man, I bet that was awkward!
Me mum has long since known about .com, Melody.. she has never disapproved of my sexuality, but has never thought much of my involvement on this site... she has often disapproved of what she calls my shenanigans so she tends to avoid the site... but it was up on screen so her curiosity got the better of her.. awkward serpently, but not as awkward as had it been her first knowledge and view of .com...:tongue:. But more awkward than past viewings... she is no prude, but perhaps the recent increase in the number of "artistic" pics and the change in threads surprised her to say the least....

Jun 4, 2015, 9:41 AM
Me mum has long since known about .com, Melody.. she has never disapproved of my sexuality, but has never thought much of my involvement on this site... she has often disapproved of what she calls my shenanigans so she tends to avoid the site... but it was up on screen so her curiosity got the better of her.. awkward serpently, but not as awkward as had it been her first knowledge and view of .com...:tongue:. But more awkward than past viewings... she is no prude, but perhaps the recent increase in the number of "artistic" pics and the change in threads surprised her to say the least....

Well I think it's important to live a shame free life no matter what a person's sexual orientation is. I think your mum's reaction to the forum's overall "feel" is a legitamit reaction that MANY people would relate to. Because I think on any given day here, with all of the focus on what is essentially lust by the volumes of threads that are posted, it's gonna bring out shameful feelings I think wth many conscientious bisexuals, who are sensitive to how they want to relate to the world. So I think that's why you see all the frustration that you see from many of the members here, because they feel what's on the forum in misrepresenting who they are. I'm not condemning lust, as I think it is an important, maybe "darker aspect" of ourselves (humans) to recognized and accept it as a PART of what we are.


Jun 4, 2015, 11:26 AM
I think we'd be very compatible, sexually and socially. Like to think that I'm a nice guy, albeit a somewhat reserved one. I tend to not have a lot to say, except for a few areas where I have a lot of passion. Since we'd obviously share those interests, there would very likely be a lot of animated discussion!

Sexually? Oh, my... We'd be sucking & fucking in lingerie for most of our waking hours. :oh::smilies15:thumbu:

Jun 4, 2015, 11:34 AM
Well I think it's important to live a shame free life no matter what a person's sexual orientation is. I think your mum's reaction to the forum's overall "feel" is a legitamit reaction that MANY people would relate to. Because I think on any given day here, with all of the focus on what is essentially lust by the volumes of threads that are posted, it's gonna bring out shameful feelings I think wth many conscientious bisexuals, who are sensitive to how they want to relate to the world. So I think that's why you see all the frustration that you see from many of the members here, because they feel what's on the forum in misrepresenting who they are. I'm not condemning lust, as I think it is an important, maybe "darker aspect" of ourselves (humans) to recognized and accept it as a PART of what we are.

------ …keep on posting…I like way you put things…