View Full Version : What defines one as Bisexual?

May 31, 2015, 5:18 PM
Good lord, has Pole Smoker taken over this board? On to my title. I like sucking cock and have bottomed a few times. I am not attracted to men like I am to women. I am really more interested in what is in their pants. I never kiss. More of a come over at let's do it and you leave kind of guy.

May 31, 2015, 5:30 PM
Good lord, has Pole Smoker taken over this board? On to my title. I like sucking cock and have bottomed a few times. I am not attracted to men like I am to women. I am really more interested in what is in their pants. I never kiss. More of a come over at let's do it and you leave kind of guy.

Same here.
(Dammit, ya fuckin' mind reader ;) I was going to say something to the tune of: Stand by for Church Lady (Pole) to pontificate in 3...2...1..)

May 31, 2015, 6:30 PM
The simpiest definition that I have read states that bisexuality is an attraction sexually and/or romantically to both men and women. It doesn't break it down as to how your attractions are though.

I frequently read men state that they are not attracted to men like they are with women. They are cockcentric.

There may be several cultural or pyschological reasons why. Men are socialized to see themselves partnering up with opposite gender. Decades of social conditioning not only from home by the cultural media. This is reported to have caused some men to suppress their attractions to other men. Romantic emotional attraction may be different for some men based on the gender of the other person?

I agree that attraction to women uses different criteria. It isn't a man's breasts that attracts either gender..lol

The entire role that kissing holds for men is interesting. It is seen as too intimate for many men to kiss another. In some respects, I see that ability happens when the person is "more" bisexual. They do not distinguish the gender of the person that they are kissing as relevant. That may make that bisexual a bit more pansexual? At any rate it is all interesting how diverse people are who id as bisexual.

May 31, 2015, 6:39 PM
The simpiest definition that I have read states that bisexuality is an attraction sexually and/or romantically to both men and women. It doesn't break it down as to how your attractions are though.

I frequently read men state that they are not attracted to men like they are with women. They are cockcentric.

There may be several cultural or pyschological reasons why. Men are socialized to see themselves partnering up with opposite gender. Decades of social conditioning not only from home by the cultural media. This is reported to have caused some men to suppress their attractions to other men. Romantic emotional attraction may be different for some men based on the gender of the other person?

I agree that attraction to women uses different criteria. It isn't a man's breasts that attracts either gender..lol

The entire role that kissing holds for men is interesting. It is seen as too intimate for many men to kiss another. In some respects, I see that ability happens when the person is "more" bisexual. They do not distinguish the gender of the person that they are kissing as relevant. That may make that bisexual a bit more pansexual? At any rate it is all interesting how diverse people are who id as bisexual.
"Pansexual" is just simply another term for being bisexual...only it's used by people who have internalized biphobia and who don't want to admit that they're bisexual.

The whole "Bi=2 genders" bullshit arguments people make are wrong and silly as bisexual people can be sexually attracted to trans people as well, and trans people wind up identifying as one gender/sex or the other.

May 31, 2015, 6:58 PM
"Pansexual" is just simply another term for being bisexual...only it's used by people who have internalized biphobia and who don't want to admit that they're bisexual.

The whole "Bi=2 genders" bullshit arguments people make are wrong and silly as bisexual people can be sexually attracted to trans people as well, and trans people wind up identifying as one gender/sex or the other. To paraphrase 'ol Coach Mora "once again you think you know,but you really don't know.....


Word Origin (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/source-word-origin)

1.a combining form meaning “all,” occurring originally in loanwords fromGreek ( panacea; panoply), but now used freely as a general formative( panleukopenia; panorama; pantelegraph; pantheism; pantonality),and especially in terms, formed at will, implying the union of allbranches of a group ( Pan-Christian; Panhellenic; Pan-Slavism). Thehyphen and the second capital tend with longer use to be lost, unlessthey are retained in order to set off clearly the component parts.

Quiz for Church Lady..How many wheels does a BIcycle have?

May 31, 2015, 7:10 PM
To paraphrase 'ol Coach Mora "once again you think you know,but you really don't know.....


Word Origin (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/source-word-origin)

1.a combining form meaning “all,” occurring originally in loanwords fromGreek ( panacea; panoply), but now used freely as a general formative( panleukopenia; panorama; pantelegraph; pantheism; pantonality),and especially in terms, formed at will, implying the union of allbranches of a group ( Pan-Christian; Panhellenic; Pan-Slavism). Thehyphen and the second capital tend with longer use to be lost, unlessthey are retained in order to set off clearly the component parts.

Quiz for Church Lady..How many wheels does a BIcycle have?

Wrong. But hey, let's consider the source...it's you LMAO! :rolleyes:

The allegations of bisexuality being binary are a load of bullshit.





May 31, 2015, 7:23 PM
You're probably a fan of Common Core Math too...

May 31, 2015, 7:25 PM
You're probably a fan of Common Core Math too...
Nope I'm not but keep assuming whatever you want about me, it's funny. LOL

May 31, 2015, 7:27 PM
Wrong. But hey, let's consider the source...it's you LMAO! :rolleyes:

The allegations of bisexuality being binary are a load of bullshit.




http://40.media.tumblr.com/0df8a6dc96eeb07358d4195eda4e5a69/tumblr_njxnfjGkiN1u92zkjo4_500.pngTo nuke your whole rebuttal,the very same computer you use to pontificate on works on...wait for it... BInary (ones ,and zeroes...there IS no in between)

May 31, 2015, 7:32 PM
To nuke your whole rebuttal,the very same computer you use to pontificate on works on...wait for it... BInary (ones ,and zeroes...there IS no in between)
:rolleyes: That's a completely moot point and has nothing to do with bisexuality or the truth that I psoted. But keep trolling and failing.

May 31, 2015, 7:56 PM
:rolleyes: That's a completely moot point and has nothing to do with bisexuality or the truth that I psoted. But keep trolling and failing.Just keep paddling up that river, Church Lady.....

May 31, 2015, 11:00 PM
Good lord, has Pole Smoker taken over this board? On to my title. I like sucking cock and have bottomed a few times. I am not attracted to men like I am to women. I am really more interested in what is in their pants. I never kiss. More of a come over at let's do it and you leave kind of guy.

…when all is said & done…being BI means that you like having sex with both boys & girls…& (my opinion only) its been my observation that what I would consider REAL bi-sexuals like boys for sex & girls for romance…guys that like to kiss & cuddle guys are general just plain gay…

Jun 1, 2015, 12:39 AM
Why in God's name do you all continue to engage with this guy??----it is pretty clear that he is a totally miserable, vile, and cranky as hell sourpuss individual and he NEVER has anything of much value to say.

Why are ya'all even wasting your time----responding to the man, only "Feeds the Beast" as it were…..

Jun 1, 2015, 12:59 AM
Her speaking here.
Bisexuality as it was originally defined to me is the attraction to both genders. Whether you are simply sexually attracted or romantically also is part of that sliding Kinsey scale. How you choose to act upon or express those attractions is totally an individual thing.
Hubby and I are both bi. We have been happily married and monogamous for nine years. We're still bi because the same sex attractions are still there.

Jun 1, 2015, 5:31 AM
Call me what ever you like. I love sex with both women and men. Who cares about what I am called!

Jun 1, 2015, 9:55 AM
Why in God's name do you all continue to engage with this guy??----it is pretty clear that he is a totally miserable, vile, and cranky as hell sourpuss individual and he NEVER has anything of much value to say.

Why are ya'all even wasting your time----responding to the man, only "Feeds the Beast" as it were…..
…if you’re not interested in the subject would you do the ones of us who are the courtasy of not bothering us with crap posts like this…Yes we know you don’t like pole & his posts... we got that 100 crappy posts like this ago…do the rest of us a favor & put him on ignore & leave the rest of us out of your petty little squables…nothing you say is going to affect pole…its just going to annoy the rest of us…these crappy little posts are no better than his that you don’t like…it’s the pot calling the kettle black…you & your crappy posts have BECOME pole…grow the f--- up & leave the rest of us alone…

Jun 1, 2015, 1:07 PM
a“when all is said & done…being BI means that you like having sex with both boys & girls…& (my opinion only) its been my observation that what I would consider REAL bi-sexuals like boys for sex & girls for romance…guys that like to kiss & cuddle guys are general just plain gay…”

I agree with this up to the point about kiss and cuddle guys being an example of romantic/emotional love. Guys who enjoy kissing and cuddling other men may just enjoy the physicality of those sex acts but unless you include kissing and cuddling women as well..yes I would agree that they are probably gays.

What the above example of romantic /emotional aspects of bisexuality is missing is the emotional aspects of being attracted to both men and women. Being capable of love for both men and women is an example of a balanced bisexuality imo if the person is also sexually turned on. Apparently, you can only be emotionally attracted to both men and women but not sexually aroused by both men and women…and still be a bisexual…lol

Charles are you not too old to be involving yourself with boys & girls ? ;) :)
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Charles seems to love Pole and is very protective/defensive of him? Who is this "we" that is referring to in post 16 Charles? You and Pole are the only ones. No one would comment if pole stayed on topic, stopped attacking other posters and stopped spamming the site with moronic polls. He won't. He won't take a happy pill either. Follow your own bitching advice Charles. Stay on topic.

Jun 1, 2015, 2:38 PM
…when all is said & done…being BI means that you like having sex with both boys & girls…& (my opinion only) its been my observation that what I would consider REAL bi-sexuals like boys for sex & girls for romance…guys that like to kiss & cuddle guys are general just plain gay…

At least you said how this is your opinion.

Bisexuality is different for everyone. There are a lot of bisexuals like myself and my husband who can and do fall in love with both genders and have actual partnerships/relationships with both genders; but we're not gay. I know bisexual men who just want and have casual sex with women and want a man for a relationship/partnership and they're not gay. On the flip side there are bisexual women who want only casual sex with men and want a woman for a partner or for an actual relationship and they're not lesbian.

Jun 1, 2015, 2:43 PM
a“when all is said & done…being BI means that you like having sex with both boys & girls…& (my opinion only) its been my observation that what I would consider REAL bi-sexuals like boys for sex & girls for romance…guys that like to kiss & cuddle guys are general just plain gay…”

I agree with this up to the point about kiss and cuddle guys being an example of romantic/emotional love. Guys who enjoy kissing and cuddling other men may just enjoy the physicality of those sex acts but unless you include kissing and cuddling women as well..yes I would agree that they are probably gays.

What the above example of romantic /emotional aspects of bisexuality is missing is the emotional aspects of being attracted to both men and women. Being capable of love for both men and women is an example of a balanced bisexuality imo if the person is also sexually turned on. Apparently, you can only be emotionally attracted to both men and women but not sexually aroused by both men and women…and still be a bisexual…lol

Charles are you not too old to be involving yourself with boys & girls ? ;) :)
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................................

Charles seems to love Pole and is very protective/defensive of him? Who is this "we" that is referring to in post 16 Charles? You and Pole are the only ones. No one would comment if pole stayed on topic, stopped attacking other posters and stopped spamming the site with moronic polls. He won't. He won't take a happy pill either. Follow your own bitching advice Charles. Stay on topic.
*yawn* Now troll tenni chimes in with BS as usual.

A lot of people on here do like me and my posts; but they're just not that open about it since then they'll get attacked, stalked, and harassed by trolls like you, volty, darkeyes, etc.

I know bisexual men who aren't that into kissing women but enjoy kissing men and yet are still sexually attracted to both sexes/genders.

Jun 1, 2015, 3:27 PM
Call me what ever you like. I love sex with both women and men. Who cares about what I am called! …you’re right…as long as I get to fuck hot women & suck dicks I don’t care what you call it…

Jun 1, 2015, 6:18 PM
Call me what ever you like. I love sex with both women and men. Who cares about what I am called!

Some hold your view. Others seem to need to identify with a sexuality as part of who they are.

Jun 4, 2015, 2:55 PM
Some hold your view. Others seem to need to identify with a sexuality as part of who they are.

Is it really what you are or simply what you do?

Jun 4, 2015, 2:59 PM
…if you’re not interested in the subject would you do the ones of us who are the courtasy of not bothering us with crap posts like this…Yes we know you don’t like pole & his posts... we got that 100 crappy posts like this ago…do the rest of us a favor & put him on ignore & leave the rest of us out of your petty little squables…nothing you say is going to affect pole…its just going to annoy the rest of us…these crappy little posts are no better than his that you don’t like…it’s the pot calling the kettle black…you & your crappy posts have BECOME pole…grow the f--- up & leave the rest of us alone…

I agree with 12voltyV2.0 (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?152817-12voltyV2-0). PS has ruined this forum. He is on my ignore list. I started this thread, so I have the right to state that I don't appreciate him hijacking it.

Jun 4, 2015, 3:00 PM
Is it really what you are or simply what you do?

That would probably vary from person to person. Many men define what they are by what they do while others do not.
Based on what I have heard and read gays see their sexuality as who they are and an integral part of their identity.
For some bisexuals they define themselves in part as bi just for their own self identity. I guess that it is 50/50 for bisexuals.

"I agree with 12voltyV2.0 (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?152817-12voltyV2-0). PS has ruined this forum. He is on my ignore list. I started this thread, so I have the right to state that I don't appreciate him hijacking it."

It looks like Frick and Frack are now spamming all threads with nude images regardless of the topic.

Jun 4, 2015, 4:11 PM
I agree with 12voltyV2.0 (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?152817-12voltyV2-0). PS has ruined this forum. He is on my ignore list. I started this thread, so I have the right to state that I don't appreciate him hijacking it. …pole didn’t hijack your thread…he either responded to other post or DEFENDED himself from attack by other posters…the attackers are the hijackers…not pole…

Jun 4, 2015, 4:15 PM
*yawn* Now troll tenni chimes in with BS as usual.

A lot of people on here do like me and my posts; but they're just not that open about it since then they'll get attacked, stalked, and harassed by trolls like you, volty, darkeyes, etc.

I know bisexual men who aren't that into kissing women but enjoy kissing men and yet are still sexually attracted to both sexes/genders. …this is very true…that’s how I got drawn into all this…I was attacked because I made the mistake of agreeing with something pole posted…all of a sudden I was his alter ego, a troll & who knows what…under attack by tenni & his clique…

Jun 4, 2015, 5:10 PM
…pole didn’t hijack your thread…he either responded to other post or DEFENDED himself from attack by other posters…the attackers are the hijackers…not pole…

OK. Let me put it this way. I don't care. You can leave too. Bye, bye.

Jun 4, 2015, 5:50 PM
OK. Let me put it this way. I don't care. You can leave too. Bye, bye. …you made a false alagation about pole…when I pointed your error you couldn’t stand the truth…

Jun 4, 2015, 9:04 PM
I also know bisexual people who aren't that into kissing either sex or gender but they're still bisexual.

Jun 5, 2015, 6:00 AM
I've got pole and charlie on my ignore list so I don't see the shit they spew anymore. But I'm not surprised they would try to take over your thread. As far as the topic I don't care what you call me. I guess if pinned down I'd say I'm Pansexual.

Jun 5, 2015, 12:53 PM
I've got pole and charlie on my ignore list so I don't see the shit they spew anymore. But I'm not surprised they would try to take over your thread. As far as the topic I don't care what you call me. I guess if pinned down I'd say I'm Pansexual. …we may be on your ignore list…but I bet you’ll find someway to still read our posts…

Jun 5, 2015, 1:42 PM
I have considered myself bisexual for many years. Something just occurred to me as I was reading this tread. I AM HUMAN SEXUAL the gender has absolutely nothing to to do with my being attracted to a person. That is to say, I very much enjoy all sexual activity with a person, be it a man,woman or anything in between. I love kissing,cuddling oral, rimming etc,etc.. If I am making love to a man then I am comply gay, loving ever inch of the man's body from his mind to his lips and every crevice and turn his skin cares to take, that defines him as a man. When I am making love to a woman I am completely heterosexual I completely enjoy everything that that makes her a woman, mind, lips, and body.

Jun 5, 2015, 2:00 PM
I have considered myself bisexual for many years. Something just occurred to me as I was reading this tread. I AM HUMAN SEXUAL the gender has absolutely nothing to to do with my being attracted to a person. That is to say, I very much enjoy all sexual activity with a person, be it a man,woman or anything in between. I love kissing,cuddling oral, rimming etc,etc.. If I am making love to a man then I am comply gay, loving ever inch of the man's body from his mind to his lips and every crevice and turn his skin cares to take, that defines him as a man. When I am making love to a woman I am completely heterosexual I completely enjoy everything that that makes her a woman, mind, lips, and body.

i like that term...human sexual. I'm pretty much the same way as it does not matter what a person outer gender is, but what the inner self is. That's what will attract me.


Jun 5, 2015, 2:18 PM
What defines one as Bisexual? A better question would be: WHO defines one as Bisexual? One defines oneself as bisexual. If you think of yourself as bisexual, then you are bisexual. If you think of yourself as not bisexual, then you're not bisexual. It's nobody else's call and certainly not anyone else's business unless you want it to be their business. Others may perceive you to be bisexual or not bisexual, but they can never define you either way because they are not you.

Melody Dean
Jun 5, 2015, 2:34 PM
I have considered myself bisexual for many years. Something just occurred to me as I was reading this tread. I AM HUMAN SEXUAL the gender has absolutely nothing to to do with my being attracted to a person. That is to say, I very much enjoy all sexual activity with a person, be it a man,woman or anything in between. I love kissing,cuddling oral, rimming etc,etc.. If I am making love to a man then I am comply gay, loving ever inch of the man's body from his mind to his lips and every crevice and turn his skin cares to take, that defines him as a man. When I am making love to a woman I am completely heterosexual I completely enjoy everything that that makes her a woman, mind, lips, and body.

i like that term...human sexual. I'm pretty much the same way as it does not matter what a person outer gender is, but what the inner self is. That's what will attract me.


I like using the term hypersexual myself. The gender of a partner is not at the top of my list of priorities. But I'm not equally split 50/50, I do tend to prefer men. I'm also a bit fan of gender fluid partners.

Jun 5, 2015, 4:08 PM
I have considered myself bisexual for many years. Something just occurred to me as I was reading this tread. I AM HUMAN SEXUAL the gender has absolutely nothing to to do with my being attracted to a person. That is to say, I very much enjoy all sexual activity with a person, be it a man,woman or anything in between. I love kissing,cuddling oral, rimming etc,etc.. If I am making love to a man then I am comply gay, loving ever inch of the man's body from his mind to his lips and every crevice and turn his skin cares to take, that defines him as a man. When I am making love to a woman I am completely heterosexual I completely enjoy everything that that makes her a woman, mind, lips, and body. …cool…wish I’d have thought of that…

Jun 5, 2015, 4:10 PM
What defines one as Bisexual? A better question would be: WHO defines one as Bisexual? One defines oneself as bisexual. If you think of yourself as bisexual, then you are bisexual. If you think of yourself as not bisexual, then you're not bisexual. It's nobody else's call and certainly not anyone else's business unless you want it to be their business. Others may perceive you to be bisexual or not bisexual, but they can never define you either way because they are not you.

…I would have trouble arguing with this…

Jun 5, 2015, 8:18 PM
I have no fear of labels or words, so claiming the label of bisexual doesn't intimidate me in the slightest. Argument invalidated. I claim the label "pansexual" because I desire both binary genders of sexual partners AND those who claim their own gender is more ambiguous. I'm attracted to trans women, some cross dressers that I would call "traps" for lack of a better label. I could really care less about how others view how I claim my own sexuality. Frankly, they don't have to live it and they are free to feel however they want in my eyes.
Defining bisexuality has been a source of contention on this site for years. Some want to claim if they simply like to suck cock then they are not truly bisexual. Some say unless they take it in the ass, that they are still straight. Some like it all, some just like kink, some can't get it up unless they are bombarded with pregnant, skydiving, teenage, lesbians landing in a pool of tapioca pudding, stirred by midgets. Call it whatever you want, bisexuality is as gray an area as you can get. The problem is that people within this community don't want to support and validate each other, instead they spend too much time trying to determine how gay they are and fearing that label altogether. It borders on the ridiculous and is only splitting hairs in a whole head full of split ends. In the end, if it was a true binary equation and the criteria was either you suck dick (black) or you don't suck dick (white) most would be still trying to hem and haw about whether just putting it in their mouth still counts. The truth hurts, but until you can own your own sexuality and live like a self-actualized adult who determines their own fate then you need to find a way to do so. Put up or live in misery.
Most folks on here are not out of the closet, I have been for 20 years. I don't have to compromise myself or my sexuality. I don't criticize others for their feelings about their own life, as a general rule, but this question is a big part of the reason this site has failed. It's been asked, ad infinitum, without a reasonable answer. All too often it digresses into trolling, or flame wars, or worse.
I accept my own sexuality, I actualize it and live it. I am a live and let live sort of person. I have no reason to criticize others idea of their own sexual identity or label. If you don't have the courage to live the way that makes you happy, I'm not the one who will end up living with regrets. I can own up and qualify my own identity, I own it. What others live is up to them, quit worrying about how others label you and satisfy your own view of yourself. Then how others label you, won't matter.

Jun 5, 2015, 8:29 PM
I have no fear of labels or words, so claiming the label of bisexual doesn't intimidate me in the slightest. Argument invalidated. I claim the label "pansexual" because I desire both binary genders of sexual partners AND those who claim their own gender is more ambiguous. I'm attracted to trans women, some cross dressers that I would call "traps" for lack of a better label. I could really care less about how others view how I claim my own sexuality. Frankly, they don't have to live it and they are free to feel however they want in my eyes.
Defining bisexuality has been a source of contention on this site for years. Some want to claim if they simply like to suck cock then they are not truly bisexual. Some say unless they take it in the ass, that they are still straight. Some like it all, some just like kink, some can't get it up unless they are bombarded with pregnant, skydiving, teenage, lesbians landing in a pool of tapioca pudding, stirred by midgets. Call it whatever you want, bisexuality is as gray an area as you can get. The problem is that people within this community don't want to support and validate each other, instead they spend too much time trying to determine how gay they are and fearing that label altogether. It borders on the ridiculous and is only splitting hairs in a whole head full of split ends. In the end, if it was a true binary equation and the criteria was either you suck dick (black) or you don't suck dick (white) most would be still trying to hem and haw about whether just putting it in their mouth still counts. The truth hurts, but until you can own your own sexuality and live like a self-actualized adult who determines their own fate then you need to find a way to do so. Put up or live in misery.
Most folks on here are not out of the closet, I have been for 20 years. I don't have to compromise myself or my sexuality. I don't criticize others for their feelings about their own life, as a general rule, but this question is a big part of the reason this site has failed. It's been asked, ad infinitum, without a reasonable answer. All too often it digresses into trolling, or flame wars, or worse.
I accept my own sexuality, I actualize it and live it. I am a live and let live sort of person. I have no reason to criticize others idea of their own sexual identity or label. If you don't have the courage to live the way that makes you happy, I'm not the one who will end up living with regrets. I can own up and qualify my own identity, I own it. What others live is up to them, quit worrying about how others label you and satisfy your own view of yourself. Then how others label you, won't matter.
…I hope you stick around & keep posting…